fAGE rpUB. The Daily News PKINCE ItUPERT - URITISH COLUMDIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Itupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN - - Managing-Editor -Mj lit SUBSCRIPTION KATES : City deliveryjiby maH'or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance ?5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per nionth .., 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, " paid in advance fp'r yearly period 3.00 Transient display advertising, per inch, per' insertion L40 Transient advertising on front page, per inch .80 Local readers,, per insertion, per line . . . ..." .25 Classified advertiing,.per insertion, per word I....... 02 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line 15 Or four months for 1-00 Bj mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- DAILY EDITION Saturday, May 11, 1929 - THE SKEENA HIGHWAY Keen interest was shown yesterday in the proposal made by C. P. Swanson to have the highway gd to Terrace by way of the south bank of the Skeena River instead of the north with a ferry at Tyee. Of course, it would be necessary to ckoss the river by ferry, which should be oper LESLIE J. MAKTIN . Head tt" the "!t':ii' stuff Home Oil Di.-tributors Ltd. ated by the (government, although it might be made a toll ferry if thought desirable. The ferry would have to be fljjMp Ijjj m Tfj Inrirp nnniirfh to carrv a number of cars at one time. and HUlllJj UIJj lu powerful enough to 'stein the turbulent waters pf the river i when swollon with, flood. '." "' . ' . I One advantage of going by the1 south bank .would be the passing? of the hot spririgs. These to'day are hardly used. If the highway was built they would undoubtedly! be utilized immediately. Three of the springs are close together, where now there are bath houses operated, one by Japanese and the other by white fishermen. Two are farther up the river. of OPEN UP SOON Leslie J. Martin Will Make In-spedion Trip. Arriving In Rupert About May 18 THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, May H, 1929 :lNOVELTYDANCE AT MOOSE HALL Premier Orchestra Responsible ' ' Vor Initiating and Popular Event It was a great surprise to the 1275 dancers at Moose Hail when the centre of the decoration opened at half past eleven last night and precipitated a large number of colored. balloons into the centre of the nail causing a rush to secure" them. The occasion Was the novelty lance arranged by the Premier Orchestra which provided the music. T. Barton was master of ceremonies and all had a very enjoyable time. Refreshments were served at midnight in charge of Mrs. Mus-salem, Mrs. Bartlett, Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. llarradine while Mr. Mussallem and Mr. Bartlett were at Die door. The decorations were decidedly j novel in . red, white, and blue. Amjd the. streamers' flashed colored light giving an effect not seen here before. Interesting events during the cventyq were the spot waltzes, the, , ftrst, price for which was won by Miss Audrey Cook tnd Max, Vaglnni and the second by Miss Myra Harvey and Mr. Bacon. Possibly the moat interesting . 11 ii .' fA J . . At 1 t. t. 1 1 Tho new oil atatinn of the Horn eveni 01 me evening")" me uai- nn Titiu..t. t loon dance in which the ladies i w 1 1 L'miiuuw. xjiiuiicu, -in .u j ..4 a t . wore the balloons on their ankles Mr. bwanson IS not in tavor OI a route by way OI the j:e j Martin of the head office winners being Miss Allen and Naas River, as it WOUlld be about as difficult to get to the staff of Home Oil Distributors. Mr. Johnson. mouth of the Naas River as it would be to build to'Ter-(td., wn be in Prince. Rupert - raceway of the Skeena. ISL HOSPITAL IS OPEN ine ciuei uuiicuuy m Duiming aiong ine norm swe 01 ; and the Skeena the cliffs at such Hole- is precipitous places as staUoni in portherTpart of. , m-ine-wauj mere ine cuii is aimosi perpenuicuiar. At the nroWnre. Mr. Martin is do- TO PUBLIC TODAY a number o? points there would e danger, he. thinks, of ng th work in view of te re- a?hm of National Ho interferingjvith the railway right-of-way, especially dur- enlargement of M duties to . MM at Ins s : iU: n.. .,i . inchid-kh munonnihil'tv frr th ..tution .This Afternoon - svSj Willi ft a'rnflfl hv t.Vp nnrfh rinnk nf ihc nvor wnnlrl Via -UWWHW of all outside sUttons of . ..1 1 Hospital tl- preferablerifll fcasible.-the sonthtakrom rr?t(L moat likely way of getting the connection with the outside ! M for tt-e work, as he has a 0 the within a reasonable period. If the government will set "p'u-h knowledge of tn -etro- wle ig j, ODgefve(i'at tne nut tn fret trip wnrk rlnnrv tViPro ia tin nVivciVnl mnenn rViv 1p,,ni products bu'nes. hi pmt t,j '. n-u'. r-0-t mv-n.J it cannot go tli b," ,h ROADS imm AROUND PRINCE GEORGE Prince Geore'E able to get roads and yet have highwaysantljiaVe had,f hem for yeas, ert is unable tcftirottahv roalls-and has itever I" ; InT 7 .TT t wrustitution open for naWicinspec- rtret'oj and (0 chRree'ef cept such as th people ofthe city paid forvithin, e cJUev(es instheect. limits. Whv i -there this discrimiitatiorV?.' ' If frfo'nliwir '-! of inaction is to continue all this season, the Prince Run- rriA&h ert neODle Will be OUt and out in fnvnr nf fnrmino- n now tPrrty awrnnon M Van-o province. ver on the stimer Pri-ceng Woy--i j-.i -if. 1 ... ! 'iiinni-i. jir. Hnn wirs. Mlva, between the assigned around. houi and 16'clock. Those visiting the in filtution are finding that this is Very busws.y there, the. hos- nil laln- lliillv full nf nal. TBomnany s , lmtm ., , jr. fng the past few day,,,! embers ithe nursios stall Jiave been m mmi r nn rn nnw ir.a inmnra vv diiv v V sera vi 0 liniTICJTf PI PPTinvc kitv nv ' howsell.IW. Edinger and A.; Daily News "Classified"' adver- a" fcLhL11UlNb AKh V , jMornan. . Uain. brings results m, The British . parliament has been dissolved and the, ' - elections are tctake place Way 30. The chief interest' . rtWf" TII centres in the question of whether the Baldwin govern-, h(WL mvs fly has imI'OKTaxt position now mem can secure suiiicient support irom the electorate to enable it to carryon. Should it-be defegtedthereseerasl to be a possibility of. thir . getting some Liberal Rapport as long as they do hot contravene Liberal principles. Should they resign Ramsay Macdonald will be the probable successor a. premier with a Labor government also Keut in poiver by thp Liberals. In that case any extreme policy would be checked by the party holding the. balance of power. , : , . - The whole situation is most interesting and will Tie watched from this side of the Atlantic with keen appreciation of the policies involved. I AMERICANS MORE INTERESTED It is noticeable that Americans in a number of centres' reem more interested in British news than do Canadians.' Thoy seldom fail to record any important move in the old land and go into detail to an extent which Canadian papers do not seem to appreciate. The Mother of parliaments still sets the pace in many things and because of that the whole world watches its actions. 1 WHAT WOULD BE THE BEST MEANS TO ADVANCE INTERESTS OF NORTHERN AND s CENTRAL B. C? PRIZES ARE OFFERED 1. Ti e Dally Niwlnvitas suggestions as to the best mean&f .idvnncing the I Mereats 'of "northern and central British ColTrm-l n. As ji iT-Mjrnitlon of our Interest in the subject, we offer tlr tirhf for the best suggestions put forward in a brief rewxtiaprr ari'cle not to exceed 600 words. First prire. $G; second priri a year's subscription to The Dally News; and, third, six raippths subscription to the paper. A schiof boy or school irirl is just as likely to win the prize for this as is a grownup. Write on one side of the paper only md m-W' addressed: Contest Editor, The Daiiy News, Prince Rupert, B.C. At Mount Wilson Observatory (above) meuMuring the heat of the stars was a pretty sad affair until, Mr. Fly was drafted into service. Now the heat is collected with a hundred-inch tele-'scope equipped with nn instrument made from tho wings -f a 'fly. The wings of one single house fly uit- sul't'u i-nt to make 12 j temperature instruments. Inset is Dr. Abbott, who makt-s the ln struments. 'I Kill THfc William Booth e$iteria$ JS.t-;. W" v. Campaign MAY 1 TO MAY Wm In Aid of Our Missionary and Home Work When called upon please give liberally The drue purposed ML : a Budget P BUY year you spend a large proportion o Ikimmy you Ket. 3u much for elotfyn. So much fsr So mM for thittas UfeaUfw boued furniahing Wokml.whl not. , : 4 1! ' I.- ' - i ..." llewajr tftieiibi mMifrryoiir rma . Keeji a Tnidgeti UecfiK what you tin Mford Uf each item, i hold yourself whbln this amount, jti Then to get th6 moU for ear badjet money read advertisements carefully. The advertjMfnentt you read tell you what is newest and beat. They give you the latest ideas and Improvements. They help you to get more from each dollar you have apportioned in your budget and so live better and dress better with the same Income. The true purpose of a budget is to enable you to spend wisely and only by careful reading of advertising ean you hope to accomplish this result. - "-n t - Iff;,-., in' Read advertising regularly. It points .the ' 'ft-: way lo better living. . ir. '-xl ix'O' ; r ff Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns