.day, May 11, 1&2&. IliHfiimaMtWMil Well Service trr No Longer Need for Two' Pairs of Glasses A pair of our Kryptok K-.uhlc-Vislon Lenses contain i U-ns for reading with a lens for distance in one .n.l wRheut thV unsightly 'lirt-catching cemented seams that biake the ordinary JJ-local lenlcs o consplcuolnr. They give perfect vision "th for far and near. Lt us demonstrate their advantages. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS pa riist Local and Personal News In Brief Kodak Time is Here ! We have them in stock from the tiny Jlrownje. to the Cine Kodak for movies. Come In and see them. We develop and print picture. Daily service. (tames lid. yzc Pioneer Drutcists THIRD AVE. f, SIXTH ST TELEPHONFS 8? t?flf! Mannered to Motorists We want to make friends and hold them. By courteous service we can win thi Let us take care of your gas, oil and greasing needs. Guaranteed wow mi . . We make a specialty,. ! of numninc tires fori- muies. Lii"U5!",ni,ip you toddy. ' Itfl jllUY DOMINION TIUES They Are riodlT. Tires' ,r S. E. PARKER -Mother's Day" Court Whisl.t" Social and Dance to be held 'Saturday. May 11 i" the Scout Hall, Port Clements. Whist to begin at 9 o'clock. Admission, gentlemen 00c, ladies please provide. Birthday Tea, United Church Hall, May 30. ', ; Fast. Workers June 17 Anl lioiird. Moose Annual Picnle at DikW Juue 30. ' Gingham Dance to be Id at time In June. Port Clements some So be prepared-buy a bowl 4 'a Taxi Vhoht A, Bi'"'i Taxi, tf Dentist Dr. .1. R. Gostte. 686. ' : E. i'. Letch ford, for Vancouver: Jack Bulger, for Trail, and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Thompson, for Victoria, were, pasnnigers sailing from here for the .south oq the Princess lioyal laist niht . Rev. and Mrs. James Dcwar of Anyox will be passengers aboard the Prince Rupert tomorrow nfuht going through to Vancouver where thy will attend the United Church Conference. John Newick of Hazilton will arrive .In the city from the interior on tomorrow afternoon's train and sail in the evening on jthe Prince 'George for Vancouver ' to attend the United Church con-i feren'ce. Mrs. Andy Murray left on this ,niorYring's train for heV home in Scotland! She will sail on May 17 aboard the steamer Letitia from llbnjreal for (ilaSgow. Mr. city from the interior on tomor Could Not Sleep Heart Would Start Pumping and Pounding Mrs. Fred P. Averill, 130-12th Ave.. Calgary. Alt., writes: "I wm bothered so muen with my heart I could not sleep. I would wnken up in the night creaming, and my heart would start pumping and pounding, A neighbor lady told ma to try to I itsrted taking tlirm and I can truthfully My I am a different woman. Altogether 1 only took two boxes." Price 00 a box at all druggists and dealers, or mailed direct on rerript tint of oi , Ltd, eakandRun Down phone j Didn't Want to Eat I CoUld Not SleeD I port this morning. urn aicvp ' Mrs. D. Lone, Sault 8U. Maria, Ont., writes:- 1 wa weak and run uiwu; am no wan to tt, and could my terrible miaary m I felt I would never be strong again, vouia vj I thought J. and really I soon felt KVe eating and livtnc, and new lift seamed to come to Manafaoturad only by The T. fcera Co, Ltd, Taronto, Oni. May 17, Norwegian Indepen row afternoon's train and sail in . Miss Madge Murphy of Van-toe evening on the Prince Rnpert eouver, who has been visiting in for Van,eoii.yr where they will the city lor the past few weeks attend J,h United Church con- as the gueet of Mies Dorothy fwenca,, v, Gilfotfhain. left pn this morning's U ' Willillen. tjnited Church minister at Terrace, will. .. MnLC U- Sawle of New Haz- arriyein the city on tomorrow! atdill IrrKeinj the city from I 1 Tl TTW -TT Jt r-w animal H i I There were lJO passengers go-jing north aboard the steamer Princess Louise which was In j ft. A. Creech returned to the ;city on the Prince Rupert this I felt tired of Hvmg sod mqrning from a brief business often loured for death trip to Ocean Falls. ! H, J. Kenfulrj an officiahof the ! Union Oil Co., arrived fa the city on the Princess Louise this morning from the south. James H. Thompson left on ; this morning's train for a brief ! trip to Terrace. He will rejurn to the city tomorrow afternoon eww Mrs. F. Dalby will leave on Monday morning'., train for Edmonton where she wilt vJfit for two weeks with a jnarrlevliion. Angelo Astori returned to the city yesterday after a trip td Vancouver where he attended a convention of the Knights' df te&ce pay, Banquet and Social Columbus - rrinee uucert tnis morninir. 1 in Moose Hall at S p.m. Music .' 1 by Premier Orchestra. Admission' j0hn McHnrh of the hatehprv uweaj wwtit CM1W111T yiWCCU L XI.UL I. iL. 1 j t the Old Country. . Iment n the on the ..... ... .. . i w- Manuel- CNR- tfvel-, Prince Kupert this morning from p P. r C. Miller will sail tomorrow Via HU0r. who has been in the Vancouver night on the Prince Rupert for cfty f o (he past few days on of-' ' a two weeks' trip to Vancouver ficial diifies, left on this morn-in the course of which he will ir's tmtt' for Prince Geerge. attend the United Church con- ferenee M a delegate from First Miss Birdell Jack was the hol-United Chareh bre. der of the lucky admission ticket No. 132 which was drawn for the Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Wright $10 gold piece at the Fair Board's of Hazelton will arrive in the ha r seed dance on Thursday night. Mrs. John Mellor of Stewart, who has been on a trip south, is a passepger aboard the Prince Rupert today returning north from Vancouver. Passenger arriving here from the south aboard the steamer Princess Louise this morning included R. J. Kenmuir, W. J. Eaa-sc n and .F. Willan, . Passengers sailing last night n the Cardena from here 'lot' Vancouver included: Adam llao- kie, Mr. T. W. Oollins; J:. K. Hart and R. H. Pontifex. ' ! om tomorrow aiier- n.irt irl.tn. vv,n n,-ti.in4si iiyg I or noon a irain-uuu ran in me ee fSrence. -Jiing on the Pi r nee Rupert vk.a a II i aia s'a e fea v W in thp flnala nf tho'Tl f Hrnlnrt. tor ..I rnnioUf o V'nnn..A. rtUti. be trans-, Vancouver whre she will attend ,y returnea to the city On ' the " . . .... . tnm TTnltAtl PKiirtfh rAnfArRlVP. : ' t h- M-' W"tt8, the0Oc, Rtu- Ekum wn known ,oc1 A. J. Lowry of Seattle, wno h' qem irom awmmm uiam w.ne reaaw anu .inw.ioer mMng lnterests at Usk, arrived Utbdn. wHo arrived in tkec.ty of tt.e staff of II. Mochidas Seal , the e,t from he ' tfi.t'vfwek,"ifled this moroBg on Co grew store, returned to Prlnce R n th,8 nng and H-rCe9K Lottl,e t"' the on, the Ryfl proceeded to the interior by TMke fn The Arlin district Vfhere yeeterday afternoon from a trip traJn he will engage in miasioaary to the Old Country. He was ac- work this summer for the "Aagli- companied back to Prince Rupert' rjapt j Macdonald, roaster f can unurca. toy a cnarmmir younK unue. ,tlw, A.iin f.ta iMm(.r Tntahi tourists going north on the vessel today. ," ' recently resigned from the nur notices: Birth Notices 50c Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c name. per Marriage and Engagement announcements S2. was flmonii tha nAtuu3rfirar tvnlno Mrs. C. H. Sawle of New lias- Miss Georfina Hunter R N. aboard the PrInces8 Louise th elton will arrive in the etty from and Sydney J. Hunter will sail motnlag, 1Ie ha8 been 8ienujng the interior on tomorrow after- tomorrow night on the Prince the wjnter jn victoria, noon's train arid sail in the eve- Rupert for Yaa-teuver enroute tot . ning on the Prince Rupert for Ontario. Mm Hunter will con- Aux -vrapdnnal.! who has l.wn Vancouver. She will be aeeom- tinue her twralng profession in ottendIng a Knights of Columbus i pamed )u,;uiaW.fM',,er' e"K ""a nr nromer win go conventJon !n Vancouver, retur-who haalOartfgraduai! itrom to a positioJL r Oobourg. to the fltv frntn uth tnMng on the Prince Ilun&rt this morn- C.P.R. st4mr Princew Louise, i. HIH niVH- Capt. Arthur Skter, making heri , ; Paaaengera sailing froas here firat trip of the year on the AM Ernest 'McQuade of Victoria is! - -- " . . r,V . "rn ",e ,1.JT!T' . waa.mii. amiu in i. a passenger aboard Jthe Prince . Loufse thia morning incrttdejd: A. f'eleck thistjpiernlng from Van- RMpert today gonrhreUgh to TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN C N R. steamer Prince Rupert, frickson. A. Dnvis. C. J:' Qwen elsfver. and sailed a couple of Stewart. Mrs. MeQuade is already Capt. D. Donald, arrived in port and Mrs, T. Kay. for Whltehorse; hours later for Skagway whence (nere visiting with her "parents, i'l-iise take notice that Prince at jj o'clock this morning from Mf."aiid Mrs! F. Stevenson, T. A. she will call here southbound jjr a'n(j jirs George Fraser. 1 ' i " it Ixdge No. 4G R. P. 0. Vancouver, Powell -River and tPerry, George Racon. 4. Boyanza, next Wedneadaj afternoon. There ' I's will not be responsible for Ocean Falls and will 'Mil at "4" 'Fred Armiture, J. P.Murdoch, was quite r rswil of returning, j), i. rmnioil Wnnvun luriner purcnasea irum im o clock hi .nvrnoon ior nnju r ren uosence, mm .iericie nu . unh-ss accompanied by re- antj Stewart whence she will re; A. Sktihorne, for Wrangell; F. it 'mi signed by Exalted Ruler turn nerc at 7.80 tomorrow eve W. Dawson, J Ilnllingatad and Serr'tary. ning and sail south at 10 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Rny Southanl, for (i. C. Arsenenu, Secretary Ketchikan, and L. M. Watts, for I gkagway. aitOTnJSWBafiaWJGstSS? maafTiTimiiiiiiii'"' 11 . t ANNOUNCEMENTS northerners as' well as a few r.-ldat uf Hyder, who recently WiRt south an invalid for hospital treatment, is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today returning Miss Ann fstell R. N who north( much Jmproved in health. ! sing staff jif the Prince Rupert Taking of evidence was com-! General Hospital, will arrive In plcted before Judge Young in the city n tomorrow afternoon's County Court In the case of j train from fivalyn, where she has James McCrae vs Walter Hanson, hern isitlpg with her parents an actlop over logging work, and for the "atMn days, and sail in adjournment waa., taken until tb "ninggi the Prince Rupert Tuesday for argument of counsel, for Vnnco.pr enroute .o On- irln. I.Hterv she will go on to 0. D. Brpphy, district passen-Mnntrenl or Halifax. Iger agent for the Canadian Paci- i - 1 1 flc Railway at Calgary, and Mrs. . . . . . . . . . .Illrophy were among passengers SCALE OF CHARGES Louise which was In port this rr--, t morning, .f her are making the ii i IT ' WtaBlW ! the scale d ,r, ?kaBWay; " ; ! of ohargtSTiiade for rending .. , - f , J. S. Cray, well known Smithers jeweler apd early resident of Prince Rupert, who has been on a trip south recuperating from a recent severe Illness, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Uypert this morning and proceeded to the Interior by train. SundW price ly I lie 1. aiuburn tjo ! of C. picnic K. lorouio, unu Advertise in The News. 14, Dlgby Island. ,. PKESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher, Rev. T. Ivpn Jones, 31. A. ! Morning worship at o'clock. Sermon subject, "TUB BLESSED MOTHER OF JESUS." Special music ! by the Junior Choir. Evening service at 7:30. Sat)-' -ject, "A NEGLECTED AND MUCH NEGLECTED ."" SIDE OF EDUCATION." Duet, "I Waited For the.. Lord." uliUIII DAITISJ CHURCH Rev. W. F. Price, JHnisler MOTHER'S) DAY SERVICES Morning worship at 11 a.m. Subject, "A MOTHER'S PRAYER." Song by the J,unior ChIr , The Ordlnncft .of Raptism. Sunday School at 2:20. Evening service t ' a nt r . . i , i. - .1 mothers. Readings, Jack Harris, formerly of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff hare,' passed thru ugh the, city on the Princes lrfHilse- this morning enroute to Whitehorse to which point he. has been transferred in the bank service. He has been spending a holiday at Vancouver since he left here a few weeks ago. Typical HARROR BEACON ROUND TRIP . FARES UNU-t . . UCO HIXTKaL. .$11.10 rinr.Kio . . . WM IMISTON ... l.".J WIROXTO.. ll.Ba XEHYOKK.. ISI.W tllMtlMDX, t'AUUKV SM.IM) I A ( tit M.St Trlunfi Tour U Vn'eouer M.SS IHUrt IVllllt t-orin)oi(llltlr mil -rlkuir, liatnt Sole, LlmlU. Etc CITY TICKET OFFICE 5IS THIIIII AVK I'UONE !2fi0 iiiWiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiliiuiiiUii SES CANADA IN CANADA'S DIAMOND ftlBtlXE YEAR ttU W MX a e will be conducted entirely bvr. f from the ntethlr's viewpoint of mother. songs, addresses. Mother's Day Come to church in honor FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A . Wllgon, B.A. ; Deaconess, Miss E. Elliott " Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at" 12:15. Evening service at 7:30. Mother's Day will be suitably observed at the regular services and Sunday ,,. , School. Rev. Wra. Allan of Terrace will preach. Anthem by the choir, "Magnificat." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society, 215 Seco'nd Avenue This Society is a branch (bps thfe jMDjn jCliurth, the First Church of Chrfet, Scientist, Tn. Bosibn.' Mass. Monday monrfng service at'nWc'IsjnKWDAM. , f ALLEN MAN." TeatiinnJnleetiiaVlel 4lftesday evening at .8 o'clock TJhf public is cordially, invited. ., ,ti " iii t,i ST. ANPREN"S PRO-CATlVtjDRAL ....,, , . Rev. J. t. Gibson, Rector . it 10:15 a.m. Morning Prayer. 11 a'.m., OrdJnatlo S-Jrvi-r and Holy Comma nf oh. 7:30 p.m., EJvefling Prayer and Sermon. Preacner, F?eV. S. J. Steer. . ' IB A day beacon has been established oa Mcintosh Rock in Prince Rwpert harbor where 'formerly there was a black wooden spar buoy. There is a concrete base surmounted by a staff frying a white wooden slat work tfrum. Kr sv aa a. ;saaw aw 3ef nTmmnmimirnnTmmnnr, nnninn I nil nrnmnimmrfim Canadian National SIMONDS SAWS Cross-cut, Crescent Ground, will saw 10 more timber, time and labor being equal, than any other made. .This guarantee has never been challenged. SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO., LIMITED, T. DIM! STllf 0N AvtftUC, MONTREAL, Out. VANCOUVER, B. P. TORONTO. ONT. ST. JOHN. N. B. SJ1 'A4 mi U