1929 11. THE DAILY NEWS f AGE SEYE1I . nr an in the moon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & F0UN1 !,;,s loot her youth ;s quite clear: THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. ,l him yesterday ,i, tleVere. ,,mi'timi hide low l., ul grocery aiere. a complafinlng ;'('s are fiery small lady cltfk: "Those I'm do ehletyn. :ll right trat worn slightly out of iNirden iiu' till night did turn out just right. -((ds ii sinter I rained :,uffv blister. Ten Years Ago In Prince Kupeii M..y )!. 1919 . r irutptioa will be it in the Exhibition Col. C. W. Peckj .turn home from! i m whole city will welcome him. K in-en arc arising i ma ii and Allied dele-A .n)f up a fhl pe i and Das MKiisJ, -, if, were drowned Anyox who tMr ni-d while thojr were .; v I ins or THE CITV Of 1'Ulvt. Kl'PtKtV'-f " i of m'borponHSan of RUIMf lnt tO .. tut of Orream , .:,d Avenue to Third -nprovement. and la i .itx-w the out ufao . (iiwctly on the wort .or. the cert m ta tB-t.lrrxecUaot ..j casvof work a .Ah ii4ae,oo is to be :. rtton. ao4 taw eaU- rate per foot! The apectal aneaa . in 30 annual InataJ- :rirf. to pHIUoo afaJnat v urk must do ao on or '!v of June. 1899. E. r. JOS 88. OMf Oerk. May of May. 1MB. ntr lmtion or Tim city or iiiiMi: in n.KT f THAT: ; ( the OarummoB of I Rupees tnteasda t -ft aldewatk twelve vuth aide of Tklrd ih Block 4. Beetlon 1. as a local unprove-'!. to -tier tally aseas lnd abutting dlrertlv 1 :t Ruoh port Ion of the ' ' trr4 intersections. '(I coat of the work la i' 1143 80 la to be paid i and the eatimated ' par foot fnantaee It 'il -fo.ua)t la to Ve ' nsuimenta. v n DMtltlon afajnat rk must do ao OB or n of Jane. lege. Oltr Olerk. ' "f May. 1898. Alexander PHONE 573 ttCSNTK BLOCK DENTIST LINDSAY'S fotage and Storage Phone 68 Clr! Warehousing, and "'huting. Team or M'tor Service Coal, Ran(1 and Qrave Socialize In Piano and JLu"lture Moving. BOARD AND ROOM ROOM And Board. Central location. Steam beat. Phone Blue IKS. tf. 308. TT J( r-rtr WANTED WANTED IUchn hn. Phone Black 700 or write P.O. Boxi WANTED TO suite. Apply Dox 190 Daily Nws office. 110 GRADING, Excavating, Concrete foundations. Nels Rokkjar, Room 9, 623 Third Avenue, Phone Red 625 or Black 700. ... tf ' HELP WANTED once. We are the only Canadian School preparing for Civil Service examinations by mail. You are at near to us as your letter j box. You need our specialised help, bo matter what otberl eoarsea you have taken. Feesi r LI ' 1 -1 l TJJR reaulta, because there are ''Html Wturts;,eteiH' forget. Send fr full, reformation at once. You will be under no ob-liration and rfe-'Aaat vHU "call on you. The M. C. C. Civil Service School Dept. A-tt401 Ken-iBgion Bldg.. Winnipeg, Manitoba. "s TCMir.KH IOK LAIACII Ttmlrn t mvtted fir the conatrueUon of one fifty-five loot i-wi ' be dallveied at Prlnoe Rupert 8 C for iko DMartntent of Indian AI tails aooora f SHnd mc.n. 'hichcan KT.nin the ollios of C. C. Parry. , aH$ , wui not oe Arivprttse vour wants FOR RENT V. W. II ARTS Blw. CIVIL Service position. Bxamln- e Kast. . Office, Emad 124 FOU HUNT Pour flat with bath. Furbished. ' Phone 517. . tf, four room flat, Clajip Block, Apply WeaUnhavttr Bros.. tf FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos phonographs and sewing inach-iwi. Walker Music Store- FOR RENT rurnhihfcd houw keepinjr rooms by th day, wrek. . r mouthy .Pqne Rjfl pQ7. tfFQR . f OR RENT two modejfti hou,ses, j newly decorated ; one well fur-j nishd. Apply 216 Fourth Av-! . ations for Clerks, me and . v$mM. Gradea 1 M S, will LOST Vc hld In Ptoe JhtMtt on, WILL The lady who took by mis- Jaly 16 and 17. Ko korthandi take my umbrella from I.Q.D.E.' or typing required. Application j fall last kindly return i forma to reach Ottawa by May' mms to Mrs. Parkin, 855 Bor-1 27. Age limit 18 to 35. No pre-j 'dm Street. i vious experience or high school .s,, containing for Grade 1 Z,.. necessary positions. thimble and ., scis You can be ready for examin- j ation by starting to prepare at i vanity case, sors, between Eighth Avenue' and Boston Cafe. Finder please p return to Daily News Office. I Clements and i-.. .ii ...v,;. .r. tt- DR. W. a ASPINALL C and 7 Exchange Block Takinj: CHIRQPRACTIC 109 Queen Charlotte Grade U m6i' & K01 hife c.r and truck8 from ;4iW. (ffi.00 only on enrolment) We noli! no Attendance) daseea, as we"ooosWer you save time aKl onear by study-t BET- Quccn Charlotte Islands Vrisit..irs YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate. B.C. v ... .. . CHIROI'KACTIC L&ilROPRACTIttWS ftClROTHERXPX1 can mak no mlatalte In these scientific mtthods. pir use ia now world wide cases of disease. system of drugless therapy not Idjaire jour recovery to Prince Rupert B C : or W E atenpurn. ; lnwicot mic jnavo utnn m- Indian ami8wBF,. "- wierwice, naa proven me print 1 JgT Sed Etar ripl. of Chirofiractic to be of and taa'stsd. to "SST'vi.V benefit In the majority K: !of chpwfc ailments. the contract price mun w-r?' "TT -"-r wnder The DfP-rt",1. hind to ' acoast "Ji" Si the a first elaaa talis sees itaalf DrrCHRDRN. I for B.C. , Indian insuan Opauotsatoner ""gyy yictorU B.C. Dated st Vtetorta.B .C. lat May, isw. The wMP'. ADJUSTMENTS From This Office mamths extrine with K. El Ul.r SU.S CjjlROPRACTQR OH Third Avenue Office Telephone Blue 85 Hraidenre Telephone Red 89 In the lloufa Pally News claasified columns HEALTH SERVICE iuiiauiiuLiun i ire , BRINGING UP FATHER FOR SALE FOR SALE One row boat complete with oars, 11 rst class condition. Apply Storkto Ilarware. ' "iC ,tf FOH sAliP-J-r'6r& SeA&h, h godd FOIt RENT Purjilihed apart- condition. Exeellent bargain, meni a ad furnished ia?k. 7p-1 Knien Carafe, Chevrolet Deal- 109 i ply Muasallem Grocery. Jj i era. u RENT Four or I FOU RENT Furnished m!- FOR SALE We have several five roomed modern house or choice homes for sale, well sit uated. Apply G. P. Tinker Ltd. Phone S7. tf FOR SALE Snap. Six room modern house, one and one-half blocks from Post Office. Apply 1022 Second Ave. SALE Richmond Rooms, very cheap. For Information eall at office or phone Black 08, Write' P.O. Boat' 1603. Ill t run aniio-r aauiuB "i loner IS ft tinam. 0 h.n. en-1 gine. Going at a bargain. Owner leaving town. Phone Gresn 429.,, tf Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers, Faints, Glass and Art Supplies trfct Ls Lot la hereby given that, dbotroi Board for eonMBt to traoanc e-I Beer licence Kwnber 136S snd'luued in reaect of, ixfmtaaa belog partjt.A DUUOing cnovn aa imnn noiei nnnfi a Terrace, b p., apoo see nooa oe- at(Ued aa- lot l aad z, bvkx Take notice teat The Canadian Flen Ins; Comnaay, Limited, of Vsnoouvtr. B. C.. occupation, a Oorporatlon meorpor-tred under tfee laws of the Province of Greeni 241 Phones Black: 283,, tr, fonowtnc described land.: Open Evenings OMnmenclng st a post punted on aa 1 1 unnamed point on the south-west aide " !of Walea tfland. opcoalte Prootor a- Yo AreTaking No Chances In K?, 0lns: thence eoaterty 30 chains along th shore use 5tnpeent- Per W. W. TifJtet; Aseat. IndlanAswt Winch Bulldtoaancou- f Mw AnalytC. the ll(fht that.t AprU aSth. 1S8 in to the point f oaatslnlsc 18 1THK OANADIAV F16HINO CO.. LTTX Letter Box Collections Graham A'Atlln Ave. 1st Ave. A Sth Bt. .. ! Tk A mil vie. careful nrelimin- ath r fuimui nt A . TT! . aflaln. in frainlnir hv mtvllcjil men Ith Ave & Thorn BaoQ St SSlsaMafaetory to the "la".? and Wan of experlenclln the Hth Art. O She.rooke oent-osoeraj oi . . , .4J. riM ..... vi f I AT" Braa l ttn Ave. A Hays Jove Ave.. th Ave. St tjsys Omi Circle 8tb Ave. A Oottcti St 6th Ave. ai Oreen St. (tUpU Ith Ave. At MtBride St. . . . Ptbt. rKvt. Wutlfiicg . jprot. UkfJ vvnarl lOTi Whajf O.TJ .tauon i V 3nd Ave. & znd St KM. :8.00 74 ?J0 , 7.4ft 8.13 8io B.)6 ? soo 840 t 80 S-.M 10.03 nis 10.10 10 ta 12 noon; 2 lo o &. 3rd Ave. & Pulton 8t 10.15 7 to 8 p.m. i eth st ojo ' It.c. ' J.. 3 viui. wrioootc Umo ootvi-r'XZTl Uj tvc.Ni Trr Otovf-r ao(t: V 1 FOHatT- 1H THE. ME- I'M ' Mt cunK Vtsl' ME OL.o OV POR I foVN-r ARB. j P&'- m COMNA HAV&MEUJMCH 7.4 sot 8.10 kir 6.46 8.41 SAO BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern methods in all line of .beauty i culture aj)d h,alr dossing. ' . . Make appointment by phoning Rtm 139. Salvage anh towing 'If it's on nr. under the water we! do it" PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped foi Diving and llOjGeneral Salvage Work. Beats And Scows of all desernl- tions for Charter. Flow ..Boats and Canoes for hirp- I Bargains in Gas Eoirlnea. . , J AGENTS FOR j vu jJiercK. Easthope; hicks & jftaiWyne Engines. ' 1V; " N.prhern B. C. Ui5tribyt6rf ' I Coplidge Propellers "' ';( J .'hone, uay or Mgnt, 564 P. O. Box 15CI FURNITURE I EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME O. BOX 120 PHONE 22: pining Suites, Chesterfield , I Suites, Beds, Springs and Mat "GOVEBXMENT LIQl'OK ACT Notioe of Application lor Oomeot to Traaater of Beer Licence. Nnto on the . , r t seventh df f Juai neifc the under- untier- tbe Utuac tresses, Ranges, Linoleum, Blinds, I Curtain Rods. MACKENZIE FURNITURE, ' Phone 775- ' ' AUCTIONEER A. L. HENDERSON, Auctioneer and appraiser. 'Cash ,!'fer all poods '-and'" furniture; Emad Block. 124 - T 4 8 PRINCE RIirEHT TIES A a tja)a) 8848)44fl High Low High Low High Low High Low Saturday, May II 234 a.m. 2S.3 ft -16i8ep.mr 19-8 ft. ...Ai -88 aim, 0.6 ft. -i 'Si:lf pah; Sundayiay 12, tiOTia.nu .1G;2 jwn. H a 2201 p.m. ' ' -Monday, May 13 'M 17:14 ivm. ..... LP:-8 ai. 28d pjn. Tuesda,y, May 14 ..... 4'M nan-18:3) tm. lt:W a.rp. '06 ft aw.it. ..14,ft. U it 21.6 ft. 18.1 ft. 2.2 ft. is ft 20.1 ft' 17.8 ft 1 8.4 ft WWfST" THE MrVTTCR? rOVJ LOOK UKBAtDT STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS tr Vanenoirr ' Sundtyfl m. Prlnoa Bopert . . .10 p.m. Tuesday ai Catats 3:S0 p.m. Thuradays at. (Vlnoe Ocotue 10 c m. nMaya aa. Prtnceaa Royal 10 p.m. moaya m. Cardena . . . 13 midnight May S e. Prlnoeaa Alice p m. I Uay IS aa. Prlncree Loulae . . . :.f.m. May aeaa. Prtnoeaa Louiae p f From VanriMiter Sunday aa. CaUia 4 p.m. 1 Wednesday aa. Pr. Ceorce 10 30 axn. ; Fnity- Prtncese Boyai 4 p.m Friday as. Oardana a.m. Saturday at. Prince Rupert 10.90 p.m. ; May H aa. Prtnceaa Louiae a.m. I May 33 aa. Prtnceaa LouUe a.m. Tor Naa Kltrr Sunday aa Catala 8 p m Treai Nui River esdat-a. -Ottsla .... .. 110 a.a. Ttei for,' StewrtfWentier. Anjrx -and Aliee Snday-a. gatala v. WadBsadairi. Pr. Oeorge ...4 p.m. "1 ,vnT"17" " T"' 8aturdal-a, JTlnce Rupert. . . p.m. 1 PRINCE. .RUPERT., AUCfTION fTXTI3TT ' SSB. Map 979. Prince Kupert , JIARTl WeibUT. Sell, or ex- 3unalJUS'af WPSfi W P m WtmuSZ; ' Change, any kind .orurnltWr 3S6Vp.m. strumenis, tnacjunery, etc4 uen-i vnr"- fs? Mafr 19V at. Ttrxceeaa. Uiulae a.m. KlSy lfTioaia prist eaa AHee .. .p.m. May IS as Prtnceaa Louise p m. My a-) BylneaSSSViulaa p.m. (or Port ftimpkon and Wales lOand Pridaya as. Cardena a m From rxirl JUmpaoti and Hales Island Fridaya--as. Cardena pm, n . I inV "SpeakiwM t, ln.'lnn r. mr, &. ut, cr.l Brii.ui rtu rwrvxl MAIL SCHEDULE tur Jh Eat Mondays. Wadnesdaya, Saturdays, mall riwins 1030 trom the Rnt SunOata, Tuecdaya sad Tnaradaya. MaU due S09 p.m. To Vaacvatrr Via nam Wednesdays and Saturdays. uadaye P. Tuaadaya 2M p.m. Thuradaya .8 p.m. Fridays 11 p.m. CP B May i, IS and 26 p.m. I rm Vantouver Sundays p.m. Wednaadaya 10:30 a.m. Fridays .m. Saturdays 1830 a.m. C.P.R. May 11 and 3t .m. lor Mewert. HKiultr, Anyox and Alice Arm Bup4a J...... 1 P-m, Mar i M ana 18 Ia Vk Polata May 11 and Itora Ahikka Poln( . - U a iff ml SS ,...3 p. m. 3 p.m. wart. Premier. Anyox and Alice Arm . ' . baan4as ...7:30 p.m. l?SalFI , 1130 am Tsipsaajra .1130 p.m. To Naas-Rhrrr 1-olnts " muuya P-1 lieWait'Wvfr Trfnts -fi .?, .. , ,. . Z. ! " r11 -TepWra. eratlrig, packing-'' fJi1.fand.!r . Jfiijad if . . . : . . . . . . imd m Pnae OaarUa ...Bi IToul ijueen LMno n.t .t xra n r o,u h shipping Workmanship May 3-sa (" - . ' .i y aawa u iceu. ttsi puuim uiica laSwaiv nctirL mtxiliia ApbHeant and traaafeiee. ' U3S) ..JOHN AtXK McQytAIU nyp ACT Notice of Intention (oApply to Lmw Land cj&e. owing to the" eertdjnty ,n UrKJ Recm of 4sW met ROCS adopted. Jtupcn. .and altuate aoutb-waat aide of n..u Consult Wea Wand. . .. 120'and we Will eall. J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Bloek Ta Klmnmn and Hales Iilan i am .Tp.m. Man ' . .iax (rum Port Mmiwon and Wales ItUnd FrMaya A Dally New want-ad will bring reaulta, EMBARRASSING MOMENTS . . -zThLmA erson th& "town's By George MciManus weuu don't "LojE HER- "YOU'UX-NOX CIT ANOTHER OM . LIKE THAT"