The Wise Man ti,o wIrp man rends fho rtn. Ified advertisements and uses , v them whenever he needs to sell UI or buy, or rent, ' to - find lq' ,Pj jtoods or to get a job. Vni. XX.. No. 109. Mi ATT AW A. Mnv 11. In the house vestordav Hon. J. supported Mr. Brady;,, Ntfrthtrni: British Colutjbfa wa neglected iv " wavwvwv by mj " the wv public YvorKs-tlepartment'and J ought n t " UULT Lilt; IlUrJJUro UllU ilVt'liJCUUUiu unvvu umv LARGE VOTE FOR DREDGING AT VANCOUVER Over Million Dollars Voted For All British Columbia in Commons OTTAWA. May 11. The house mimons buckled down to r - vpaterdav and passed ap- rrwriationB for the department rf public works which were under "nidoration. The majority of the vntps approved dealt with harbor and river construction In the uncus provinces of the Dominion. Kritish Columbia appropriates pf $1,037,300 passed with disrusslon. Included was '-4,000 for dreglng first nar-'''s at Vancouver and $10,000 Jr improvements to the Ogden '"int plnrs at Victoria, where the l!cWKr;iln elevator 1 built. Ini'luded In the remaining ts $10,000 for floats at runco UuiH-rt. MARRIED IN AN AIRPL ANE r0RD0VA, May 10. The only I 'ano Cordova has ever seen soar-td aloft on Friday for the first rial wedding in Alaskn and J11 Henrlette Brown of rhlla-dPhia and Hoard Stewart, local I'hotogrnpher, were married above this town. ELECTIONS IN . 11 1U1 MV ! ( Elliott, minister of public works, suggested that J. C, Brady, member for Skeena, was trying to make political capital in connection with the criticisms of the department made in committee of supply. Mr. Brady strongly resented the imputation. "I have never once in the house of commons or outside it, ever sought to make political capital out of it. I resent that from the minister of public works," declared Mr. Brady. The discussion arose when Mr. Brady complained to the minister of public works that northern British Columbia was being neglected in the way of expenditures of thLs nature. He urged that consideration be given to the build-in? of several wharves on Francois Lake, where none existed at present He charged that the government inspector in making his surveys in that region had been directed in his movements by the Libera) organizer.. Mr, jj tatty also a. ked that the port of Stewart be givenr aTtenttotf. J. a. r raser, umscrvauve memoor ior meanooo, - . . M i 1 . i . f ft 1 It K SASKATCHEWAN RKOINA. Msy II. The legislature dissolved today, nomina tions to be held on My 13. Indications ilni to a keen campaign with meetings starting Premier J. G. Gardiner lasx night announced ttoat the Saskatchewan provincial elections will be held on June G. REPUBLICANS BOLTED TICKET Voted Against Hoover on (lues- tlon of Settling Salary ol Head of Farm Relief WASHINGTON, May 11. it,u.vpr iot a setbacK yoaterday when the salary of the head of the department Istering It was definitely set at nnnA In. tool) ftf AH in thC OT- Iglnal bill being left to the presi dent to set. Sixteen nepuoi.-broko away from their party on the question and votyl with the Democrats to defeat the clause. iNj5PFr.TfiR OF INDIAN SCHOOLS PASShD UN VANCOUVER. May n;-ob-ert inspector of Indians Henry schools Cairns, for British Co m; He wa born bta, died yesUrday. In Hamilton, Ont. i PRINCE GEORGE LOOKS enrineer of the department should be located in northern FOR BIG LOGGING YEAR British Columbia and suggested Prince Rupert as a point. Of location. District Scale for First Four Months Substantially aneau of IJist Year MRS. Y. R. MOTHERWELL 1 SIR JOHN SIMON CLOSELY GUARDED BY SCOTLAND YARD MEN LONDON, May 11: It was disclosed today that special Sotland Yard men a'r'e closely guarding Sir John Simon during his election mmnHiirn. Fears for his safo- tv are the outgrowth of re- cent demonstrations against him as head of the present commission to India to study Conditions there. 1 PRINCE GEORGE, May 11. Up to April 30 the total log sca' in Prince George district for the year -to dat stood at 35,721, 2S8 board fee, as against 28,914,482 feet for the first four months of last yar. There was an excep- tinnaltv biir scale in April, total ling 14,461.932 fet and starting the current year on the way to establish a new high record for the district. DRAWING ROOM AT BUCKINGHAM PALACE FOR OVERSEAS LADIES LONDON. Mav 11. Tho scene at Buckingham Palace last night fnr the second court held by Ouen Mary was almost a parallel nr Uuit nf thn nrevious nlgnt. A ui " ; large proiwrtion of the presenta tiuns, last night, were representij-tlT 6f the damfnlohii- niid coj- onlat. "MOTHER" Memories bring thoughts of childhood, Days that have; passed away, Days that re but yesteruay;. ..ut gone tWuse tappy days. Ponder you rercember the old home - i And tho one wljo loved you best, Mother, ncr deeds of kindness Still linger 'iieuth your breast. You will never Jiave another; .-.if. vour isor, slant lr.end . - , i With her many jleeds of kindness. .She loved you nil the ;nd. )h, v.-hat we oc tiiat Mother; Ucbts that wilj never be paid, All we can do Is remember .ht ;;ioinIiv?" wc made. Carry her picturp with you, Remember yoffKjureit tYirni xi.ui .woihcr, two never forgot you, if But was faithful to the end. (In memory pi ray Mother.) R. V. G. L. BALDWIN REPLIES TO LlOYD GEORGE Wife at Hon. Wl R. Mbtherwell.l LONDON. May 11. -tub gov- ernmcnt-replied in a white paper k'aK; .:.... f Ar,i..r. nnfl of tn'lu !...! .,Ur. Vfnr thai today to. the pamphlet of i' .-. .1 . I . . . . . t 1 1 1 il . - . . ... 1. til 1 rccr ive the attention wnicn sucn an important pan 01 me ununo women uw' country merited, Mr. Fraser said. He thoiil'ht that in --'"tion at London. view of the lone coast line Which- BHtfsh Columbia had, that province received a very small portion of the grant , H.L 1L. I- . MM n m 1 MitrAwa enif Inn Tin Vn1 1 f Q f i n David Lloyd George, Liberal leaden that the Liberals can conquer unem ployment. The paper characterized the Libral scheme as impracticable and based on a misunderstanding of the unemployment problem. FIRETODAY BOOBYALLA Thirty Men Aboard Vessel Being Towed Into Esquimau VICTORIA. May 11. With her enginss completely out of comrals- s!Vn as a result of a fire whlcn itarted early this morning, the acific Steamship Company's mo- rshp Boobyalla was being tow- d to Esquimau by the balvage Xkig today with the fire still rning. The fire' started when the freighter was four miles east of Discovery Island in the straits of Juan de Fuca. The boat carried a crew of 30. DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS 1RELANDWITH ROME DUBLIN. Mav 11. The Irish Free State has decided to estab- iah diplomatic relations with the Vatican. NO BAIL GIVEN' TO LOUIS AUGER OTTAWA. May 11. On the around that a new trial of Louis U Auirer. former M.P. for rinrt)tt. has been i' secured on echnicality. Mr. Justice Hodgins 'n the aunreme court of Ontario today refused application for bail. The judge declared the crime Auger had been convicted of was becoming too frequent and must be stopped. VANCOUVER,, May 11: Wheat was quoted on the local exchange today at $1.10. WTO NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITJSH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, H. & SATURDAY, MAY 11,. 1929 PR.A. VICTORIA, May 10. The provincial g&vernment has mjle a start on the big job of giving the Manson Creek mining section access to the Canadian National system 16 m by Oy the llie eAXCllOlUI extension Ul of the WlC wagon nuu 1 1 the trail which for several years afforded the only land route tnio Manson Creek from the south. Some improvement was made to this trial three years ago to admit of the moving of machinery into Minson Creek by way Of Van-derhoof and Fort St. Jura, but the cost of freighting ovejf it re malned prohibitive. It I eati-mated the distance from Vander- hoof to Manson Creek over thr road will be 85 miles, but if it If made nassible for auto trucks. mining operations in the Mj&son Creek district will be gmn a irreat stimulus. It i intended to complete the road to Manson Creek this season, and extend it later, riving connections with Finlay Forks and For Grahame. Engl neers started out this week to lay out the work FOSTER RE-ELECTED HED OF CANADIAN LEGION FOR PROVINCE CHILLIWACK. May 1: Col W. W. Foster of Vancouver was reelected president, in provincial command of the Canadian Leg Ion at its annual, convention. Nel son was chosen as next year's meeting place. SHOT IN BACK DENVER. May 11: Supposed to be the work of gangsters, Joe Clark was shot in the bwk here yesterday and three more bullets were fired nt him after he fell to the ground.. Mrs. T. W. Collins, wife nf a local fisherman, sailed last nigRt on the Cardena for a trip to : Boston Grill LARGE CABARET Special Dinner Thirradaya and Saturdays Dancing Every Saturday Night, 9 to 13 Dance Hal tor Hire Accommodations for Private Parties 1MIONE 457 PRICE FIVE CENTS CROPS NISTER ACCUSES BRADY PLAYING POLITICS Brady Accused by Minister of Public Works of Making Political Capital in Member for Skccna Resents Suggestion and Says lie Never Did This Either Inside the House or Out of It louse Our Neighbors Latest Addition to the Fleet Hore is the U.S.S. Pens nl. newest cruiser n the U.S. Fleet just after she had been launched at Brooklyn. I set i.s Mrs. J. K. Seligman with Secretary of the Navy. Chas. Ar'.-ms, who christened the .'ant battleship. When placed in commission the Pensacola will carry a compliment of : men and officers. TO HAVE ROAD D. i(n u J. Government Begins Work on Ex tension North of Fort. St. James out om vv eatner Delays the Crops WTWMTPF.f! Mav 11 Wbllo .Vmnr cnnrlrr t aAl liAa LnAn n A A T r a nm a " 1 1 ust ima uctjii ouucu . 111 some ureas lack of moisture and reports of drying out come from Sa- katchrwan. Welcome rains have omc to some. Snow was report-I from only one place, Red Deer, .Ita. Southern Manitoba is well ad-anced as regards seeding, both f wheat and oats and barley, but he cold weather has retarded Termination. Some of the grain :s showing above the ground, but f ha. Kmii nt 9 ntAndtlll. Fall y IS practically completed in all sections of the prairies, and ; nuitv miw uwm iiifj vuaux gtuiuo iu lit u uuul J f Ulivt road from a point several miles notwithstanding the fact that seeding is in some places as i north of Fort St. James. The roadirgh as a Week and two weeks earlier than last year, the ', will follow closely the "te or . j according to the second weeklv cron renort an..i-1 1a. . Vi n Pnnnflinn Mnf iamo! T)ni1...n..n fnlrl ...nnlnu ias retarded growth throughout the provinces. Cold and j BUSH PLANNING ACTIVE SEASON Pioneer Portland Canal Mining Man Returning North After Spending Winter In South C. B. Bur'- wall-known pioneer tra WD. hurt .llV tVlA flAt ifl nRA man tha Plt I U nil Panl jv ..u. ... ..ww, ... uniting iiinii ' ' . v , wi ection oi cenirai jianiwoa, ; tatrlct, is a paeainger aboard th& tent rains will be of help, but prince RUpert today, going norttf warmer weather is the chief ,.vn the winter Iff iBl. I Vancouver and California. He tr Saskatchewan reports warmer planning an active season this weather and every prospect for a year on several properties which good season. While some farmers he controls. The Bush Cobalt, ay they have enough moisture in north of the Premier, will be their land, the majority require , opened up for development and rain. Fall rye is up and doing operations will t resumed at the well and flax sowing will com- National Silver and Bueh Commence next week. The land 1-a in-, jolidated. They are all promilng rood condition on the whole and properties, carrying ore similar to increased acreage is seen here and that of the Premier, near which i . . nere. tney ue. The same conditions of cold nd lack of moisture apply to Al-.rta, where wheat is practically 1 in, but. the other grains are be-ng held back. , , OPERATION IN ITALY MRS. GENE TUNNEY BRINI, Italy. May 11. Mr. Gene Tunney, former Tolly Lauder, has undvrgoue an operation for the removal qf her appendicitis and is convalesing. 40 CHILDREN nrhtPiiriY Hi i iii FOREST FIRE MEXICO CITY, May 11. Forty children and 20 adults are reported to have perished in a forest fire which destroyed the village of Xnchilapa in the state of Guerrero on Wednesday. i I'. j I I I