THE DAILY NEWS Saturdi, PAGE EIGIIT CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOC AND PYARD OPERATING G. T. P: 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 3S5 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing I rom Prince It u pert Jur V.tMOt VKK. VIClOKl.t, Kwanwn Ifciy. Ilutnlalr. Altrt lUy. etc.. furs-day. S:Jl n r.i. Kor V.tM'Ol'VKK. VICTOKIA. Ilulnlalr. Alrrt IU. rtc. Friday mlilnlght Kor AI If K M(M. ANYOX. NTEWAKT. NAAS KIVMl. Sunday. 8:O0 p.m. Kji POUT SIMPSON AM) WALES Isl.AMt. Thursday, u. in. lU tnd Avrmir li. M. SMITH Aemt ITInc Kwiert. II. C. Tt rough ilckrts uld to Victoria and Seattle .and baggage chfckrd through tn destination. . .y nun mj 3rd A , B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketrblkan. Wrangrll, Juneau and SWarrtytJfrT, 11, ?J To. Yanrntnrr, Victoria and Seattle Muj .tjlB. B..f7 IMUM'KriH ItOYAL Oieair Kail, etc.. VanooirxeV and Victoria nery Friday 10 p lit. Agent lor all Minsilp Lines. VI. C OIK'll 1!1. titNF.KAL A(il.T frliiee Kupert. II.C. Phone 31 Han ad ian National Q7ie Largcft Railway Syllem in Anibtica STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE .. hailing from PltlNCK KI'PEKT for VANCOUVER. VICTOKIA SKTTI-K, and Intermediate points, each Thursday and Sund), 10:00 p.m. I'or ANYOX and STEWART, each Wednesday and Saturday, 4:00 p.m. tor NOK1II AM MllTII t)li:KN ( IIAIll.Ol I K Isl.AMo. lortnigliU PASStNOKK TRAINS LEAVE ritlNtE Itl'I'KKT Each MOMl.lV, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at ll:S0 a.m. for I'll I ME OEOItUE, EDMONTON, WINMI'EO, all poInU Eastern Canada. United BUIrs. AGENCY AIX OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 52S Third Ave, Prince Rupert- -Phonc 2f(i LOGGING AT HALF THE COST OF HORSES liijjgcr Production Economical CATERPILLAR 1 RACTORS Make Bigger Profits Sole Distributors for 11. C. MORHISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER, II.C. Branches: Kelowna, K.C.; Nelson, H.C.; Prince George, II.C. SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET 3rd Avenue Phone 765 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. Looking for a house? There are some listed in The Daily News classified columns. TIMBER SCALE ! MUSEUM BOARD IS IMPROVING HOLDS MEETING Three Million Feet Ahead of Last Season So Far The timber scale In Prince Rupert district for the year 1920 to date stands at a total of 12,-447,573 board feet as compared Why Pay More ? MEN'S and BOYS' Caps . A trrpnt: nasnrf mpnt nf Men'n Prices to the West For Days For Months For Years! We have been trying to give you the best quality at the lowest Rev Canon Rushbrook Chosen as New Chairman in Place of H. F. Pullen Resigned A meeting of the Prince Rupert museum board was held yesterday afternoon in the Bank of Cora- with 9.152.982 feet in the corree-;,, chtiman p M m ponding period last year accor.... R(?v Canon Rush-ding to the report of R L. Allen, ;brooJ WMch(Ven chair,, his district forester, for the month of April. During April the scale amounted to 6,28(i,493 feet as against last year's 4.767,170 feet in the same month. There is a slight falling off in production'of poles, piles end ties. Following "are scaling figures for the month of April this year: Douglas Fir, bd, ft. 16,961 Red Cedar 692,397 Spruce, coast ........ 3,469.420 Spruce, interior 6,309 Hemlock 1,123,845 Balsam 1,000,880 Jack Prn . . ,.. . - 927 Totals ; PoIes,lPjlcg, Etc. 6,26.498 Poles, linf it. K: 178,975 Piles, spruce 596 PUes, hemlock; .......... 21,436 Shingle Bolts 9 Ties, hemlock No 621 Ties, Pine 58,306 Relief from Eczema DD.D. is It Perfect Antiseptic For qulek relief from enrraa, chafed skin, pimples, blotrhti, ud ntker skin trochlea apvlr tha pur cooUns liquid ODD. Clear, atanlena. It penerratae the akin awl Motkes a ad heala the tlaawa. ITrniXO RTOPS Ike MOMBXTTHB FIRST COOL DROPS TOUCH T1IH SKIN. A 33c bottle proven Ita merit or your drngrlat rteea your money hack. D.D.D. rtiH tfctn scobs. (L'k omr uxtji, boi. Ht.Mr, LI H W. J. MeCLTCIIEON. DUIT.dlST. place, with B. J. Melllsh as deputy xhalrman. A discussion took place as to the possibility of securing for the museum an ancient inscription on a loose rock in Observatory Inlet, , which ft was feared would be car-1 ried out of the country if allowed tr rema'n. It was decided to make , further irwt Rations and tn get price on the removal of the rock to the city. It was also decided to try to secure not on'y Indian relics, but inecimeita of bird and animal life of the district, including heads of 'hr big game animals. Arrangements were also made 'or the more frequent meetings of 'he; bo"r. Those nersent were H. F. Pullen. B. .1. Mellisk, Re. Hunon Rushbronk. Mrs. J. B. CHb-'on. Re". W K. Colison and R. L. Mackintosh. CHIEF YICKERS' FUNERAL RITES Old Friends From Northern II.C Took Prominent Part In Obsequies at Victoria There was a larKe attendance in Victoria at the funeral of the late William Henry Viikers, formerly chief of police of Prince Rupert, and a member at the time of hie death of the Provincial Police, in charge of the offices of the game department. The services were conducted by Rev. F. A. Ramsay, of Christ Church Cathedral. These were held in the B.C. Funeral Chapel at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, Intettnent; was, made at Ross Bay Cemetery. A detachment from the Provincial Police, under command of Staff Sergeant R. Owen, and one Hijrh-Grade Caps. Regular $2.75, ' ) "V P0"" iorce, under lo clear at $1.25 and $1.45 ALSO HOYS' CAPS Going at 49c. Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE lniei rry ana irauic inspector Roulton, attended, and lined May either side of the way from the.Sgl 7 Tl 14 . pariors to we nearse. mere was present al representing the R.C.M.P., Corporal Bryce, and also a delegation representing the Provincial Game Board, in whose service the late Mr. Vickers had been an efficient member. There wert included among the many frienil who attended the The Firm That Drought Eastern ' services a large number who had , known the deceased during his residence irf the north, where he had been held in the highest t teem. A profusion of floral offirinir? eovereri the eaflket and the hearse. At the chapel there were sung the following hymns: "Jerusnli-m I the GolH!n,M "Onward Christian Soldiers" and "Abide With Me. The pn 11 bearers included, with the exception of n brother-in-law, George Mellor, residents of this city who had been' personal friends of Mr. Vickers during his residence in the north. They were: Col. Cy. Peck, V.C., D.S.O., M.P.P., Col. J. H. McMullen, price possible. 'superintendent fo Provincial Po- uo r,,u .nin,e pl,vii.ior,e lice, O. II. Nelson, Dr. W. J. Smoked Meats and have a good supply of Bacon, Dologna, Ayrshire Rolls and Edinburough Rolls. Choice Hams, whole, per lb. .45c Choice Hams, half, per lb. . . .48c Choice Bacon, whole, per lb. 40c Choice Bacon, half, per lb. ...42c P. M. Back Bacon, whole, per lb 48c P. JI. Back Bacon, Imlf, per lb 45c Fresh Rhubarb, 4 lbs ,25c Asparagus Tips, 2 lbs 45c Spinach, fresh, 3 lbs. 30c New Potatoes, 3 lbs. 25c Gainer's Lard, 3s, per tin . . .G0c Gainer's Lard, Gs, per tin . . .$1.00 Bulk Butter, 3 lbs $1.35 Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 617-423 Cth Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. 0. Box 575. i Quinlon, Captain J. E. Gilmore and George Mellor. The manner of the late Chief Vicker's death was very sudden. He came home from work on Monday, evening and, as usual, watered his garden. He entered the house and, calling his wife to his side, died in her arms. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prfnce Rupert Joseph S. Rogers, city; Joseph T. Mandy. Anyox: W. V: Preston, Terrace; A. M. Morgan, Vancou ver. Koyal L. W. Edlhzer. Trail; S, Phil- Hps, city; OTP. George nnd Wah Soon, Inverness. Savoy Mrs. J., Hajrsport; W, O. Lapointe, elty. Central J. Falconer, Montreal. anmjuibejjl L I , ITS stymied by a donkey Vf engine., but it'i a grand 1 im i came, Illia nntiiui- n UonalJjo Deck Golf, lieflP in a brene, ai bracing as the wind that sweeps the Old Course at St. AnJrevs. Plenty of fun and hospitality when you travel Anchor Donaldson. If I FKOM FKOM MONTREAL MONTREAL 4 Sail Anthot'Donaldton I Both throutk Th Cunatd Sttan Ship Co., Limited, ten llattuni 8k W., Vtncemr Td. Seymour 3648-9), or any tloomskipignl. Weekly 4eiM4 rrom Moolreal (and yutbM) to Ireland. ScoUukI England In oon-Junctloa with Cujiard fcftnd ANCHOR- DONALDSON Nr-Ve LINE C.n. ToucW Third Cib'n !!" '! r TO tOIHI-CHI IUIOI IM,-I1 ntAMPT'lN AMIVKIir I May as letagamai JUM 0 Montclare , Hot calltnc at Ooba. , To lljaeetilh- t'herMurr - Mtttltamptan-' IlaoibUK -:::::::::::: 41 7.7.Y.:.7......Due oMWki DbabeeS of Bedfrwd M1lt, T MTOHMm.y.L.MOW j June a v Mlnnedosa FHtlM M I Hr To Chelmnr-eUkBttiti May 11 An press of Australia! Uay 28 Branreasi of SeoUand ' June 4 Hontroral AddIv to Aienta everywhere or, J. J. POMTDl. S. n rml Pass Aant C P R. E.ui on. Vancouver. Teloohone Pevnv.ur JB30 FROM MONTREAL TO ri.YMOl Til iiwitt; I.OMJON Aurnnla. May 17. Juur i. July 19. Ann um 16. i Ausonla. May 24, June 28. July 36. Auk- uiu J J Aacanla. May 31. July S. Aug. a. Alaunla. June 14. July 13. Aug. B. FROM NEW YORK TO I LVMIM TII IIWIIE-KlMlOV Tuseania. Mar IS; Oaroola. May M. TO (UKKNXIOWN AMI I.IVKHI-UOL Scythla. May 16; (Oalway) SaOMria, May as. TO CIIKitHOl HO AMI HOl'TII MITOS Berengarla. May 16, June ft. 96. Jul 16. Mauretama. May 22, June 13. July 34. Aqultarua. May 20, June 16. July 7. FRO.M BOSTON to iji'kunstown uvntrmu. ScyUila, May 19; Pranconla, June I. ANCHOR LINE FROM NEW YORK T I,OM)OM)KUKV AM) (ILUMIOW OalKorMa, May 33: Caledonia, June 1. ANCHOR DONALDSON FROM MONTREAL To IIKI.K.HT..IVi:itl'()()l(lUS(IOV LeUtla. May 17, June 14. Jul 13. Aue o Antonla. May 34, June 31, July 19. Aug. vmra auy ai. June as, July jw. Andanla, June 7, July ft, Aug. 3, Au 30 Moiey Oraer, Draru and Travellern' Cheques at lowest rates. Pull informs-tlon I rom local agtrta or Company's Offioes, S33 Hastings 1 1. W.. Vanoouver. DO. Our classified section may be of special interest to you today. . DEMAND 1 JeHieii in NEW 8EIUAI, TONIGHT "The Colleens" TTyyy BIG DOUBLE BILL "WATERFRONT" With Dorothy Matkail and Jack .Mulhall TheHauntedHcLSt With Chester f o-U j Spooky and. oh, .3 fUil, , VAUDEVILLE CHAHI.KSTON WKKJ1IT "The Black Cloud of J,. Two Shows, 7-9 p.m., 50c, 15c Sat. Mat., 2:30. m ;,n,: HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 HAS MOVED to 171 3rd Avenue Eati 0pp. Stan Parker's Gmage Heated Storage yc '. j. "Rupert Brand" ICioDers - "THE DAINTIEST HREAKFAST FOOD' Smolictl Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert. B.C. R0NCHITIS At bedtime rub th throst aad thsst thoroughly with V Va po Run SUITS! SUITS! MADi: TO ORDER ('utting. Workmanship and Style All Gunrnnlecd inn's STI3AM CLKANEI) AND PRESSI3I) We Dtllvir to' Any Part of the City. Ling, the Tailor Phone Gl'J Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER DULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Rupert Feed Co. PHONE 58 MILK MILIi Fresh Pasteurized M ii til Cream Dnllv EARLY I)EMVrlt Throughout the ur VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 6j1. S.D.Johnslor.Co.11'1- Representatives for MILLER COURT &CO., Limited Through our i 1 we can make prunij tlon of buyinj! ;j ' , Orders on tho Vani.ou- ' ' ' ' " gary and Toronto C&!S&U Closlnff pricei n ! exchanges posted stock 'board twice i! , Orders from ou' ; . clients, by wire or l ' receive our promi'1 tlon. S.D.JohnstonCo.Ui CIO 2nd Avenue-Vhon Prince Rupert, B-l 130