- THE DAILT NEWS Sat lir.;,v PAGE SIX is 7, Wlien Mother's Nerves J tauter the t. Via annrrr is pea aad art, aatay oat aide oi paper eat. Wrie year aaaM aad adV rarW b aaaa fa fa aVa taa laatoar aattoar tn laaaar. atauat abrther Mr.. Mnk, or bfiaa. Put aaythiag eh yoa aa to wtae sa a trparat abut. Do aot aead faacy, drawn or tyararfcam eo trial. 2. Coataauata aiait be IS Yaaa or over. Eatployaaa of niObavobertaoa Co.. friendi or lebittwi of eeMloyres or aay- taar Are Healthy TV7IIAT a joy are children to the healthy mother! V TIiat an irritation they ore when mother U weal, nerv ous and eieitablet So nunj thouand of women harp found health and happiaewt liy using Dr. Giase'a Nerte FouJ to restorer the run. lonn tienoun fjetem that there is no que t ion a to lbfli- eieney of thi treatment. Gradually and naturally the nutritive qualities of the blood are increased and the cihauited nerve fed hack to health and vigor. Soon you rent and aleep well, enjoy your meal and realize once more the joy of healthful livlnj. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food The Greatest of Nerve Restoratives KSROORKH-ILyVIGHLM TREVH GSV yRTTVHG EZOFVH C yea tare lai If yia art hilmli to tore tbr Vr-tmoos Maaaat yea ban epened lac way to heins dtdanal a fbat prtae winner TW Myeritaa i warm M a a mop Solve the Mysterious Message Win a Car! Front Leduc, the famous dare-devil Sin. left L Eenrart Fry-rot FieaJ. Para, Prune, lot Turiuto. Cannon, artrmpimt to break the lonf dataace Crime record. Ledac tu eatruned to deliver a aaaaat of araat importance to iht Canadian jSahlic bat. oeriof to rname trouble drvelopiaa, be w forced to iaad sear Halriar Lrdac raabad t the Dtareat Radio Broadcaatinf Statloa aad In Hud tbr lainoua anmr The awa it on at coot aad hi tut hutr he toratt to Uaanfate a. la tar ahavt pactare yea an baa RULES OF THE CONTEST t iu ua com- 1. CoateeUM ntay rubtalt aa maar aa tare warn to tb raaaM, but ojily one can be idea a nrfM. Dtfamat mem lea of a iaiatV meat aot com pete aa oaiy one peiaa wll ba avardrd is a famly or botnw buld. Why Wt Art Grvhig Away Thea Priie (15,000X0 Priu Awarda Tea ntonjera tentury re-Quiraa nodeni Briboda of adwrtbiof lad tbia la an buoeat-ts-ioodneat abtaw board mrtbod of advert iainf a awdera way to quickly atbinliM tatereat in the lMlka-Koberlaoa Service acraal Caaada. If you tend your anwrr ImmediaUly and art (uccaaaful In win. ain at lent ISO point for your entry you v. II racahn a Special i'roBiptacM nrard. A CtUE If yo can uAvr tnia mi Hire Too raa via a peiae. It wiU tAr a littie itiece and wil prov very anmiai oeanxi a preniaaie way of l inallni yoor liav. Start by wraiat tbe alphabet dowa fraan A to Z aad number each letter bcaainina at 7. first aa Wuaaaer 1: Y-l; X J. W-4; aad m oa Thra chanac the letlaa la the Mratrtanu Mtr-ie wta noner by aadiat wan nuneW rack Inter itartttata. Tbaa yna mast write ihxr another aTaeuaVt auaaVerint it Oaf right way. A aaanto 1: B-", C-J; D-4. E 5; aad a oa. Caeaet tbe iaam bark into Irttrrt by Sadie, tbe latter aorrood-iar ta tbr oumbtr. If yoo can decipher (be kmb, and war answer witb-ut (May, yoa can via a Meat. r&V twr the aimplr rate, be tana oi a petaa. ASSWIK AT ONCt tbaa wwd wae broadcaat at TKtVH iai uoaV) WIS SttCIAL UtOUfTNtSS ttIZM WYES. THE BIGGEST LIST OF PRIZES EVER OFFERED Send ho Monty aP llrlr aSSaX etvaxrva r Tar-r v I I : e- . w. . rr-cgN vjrtriSl l aMwuaiiia a y-aaiaaaa na&H.v ww.a. 7- 5"iau-TIaai rcieTrT-?e 1 3rrvjerai ' V' rteaa.fMl4f CaM O- Om Oa 0 IU I i ad rm (aaa - . W" m ta M Y'tf J 1MJ Pre. Laaai . 7 aaaa lit wm !) tWa. . (-tV. ta )N t P.lk fata.. Caafe . (a IH 7a M ah . . . , , m r n CaaV dM rt tt I jah TS 4) a t M raaaadj TaaaaMah m Caafc VtO MAKY aVfaOAl AtktWO Aw AKaf a ara 4. Tbe tnaj aaardj vSl be aiade by a cutnaatttee at tare Toranto arnllenea ah bave m connect iua with tea firm. Tbrif aan will be made kaoaa ta all conteataala. Conteetanta meat aarae to abide by the detuuva of thai cfjmmitirr Tar prUe oat be awarded accordHii ta th nuatbrr of poinla taineo by each entry J75 painu, or aeareat thereto, will take the tret print. JJS ioiau wM be awarded for tbr correct aolution of puula 100 fMMatt for telfCtiiMt Itora rHllXIPS-KOBEKTSON Cat. katae. of aa order fca- at kraal SI 00. and the balance of 40 pornta for yeneral appear act, ipeHing, punctuation and haad-vrttina of the entrv. la caae of th duplicatt priart will bt awarded, apecial aaarda will be pm lor prompt neu. THIS IS NOT A SALES CONTEST Note! SprtUl Surpritt Ar4$ jtr PromptntH. If ytm tn Sottt iht . PtmltAntwrr at One Without Any UtUy. Cupyriibt, P i.C. 1(2 Pbilliprj-Robertson Co, Limited, Dept. 16 Toronto 2, Ont Early Ad. Copy is appreciated Waterfront Whiffs Canadian Halibut Catch Up to 1928; .New Shrubsall Fish Plant Almost Completed; surveyor Given Annual Overhaul . ... nanatruetion ta the halibut pack ing houses whkh it adjoins and bus practically the same kind of IMInurs, being two storeys in height, Mr. Shrubsall en trage in filb smoking nt once, hut lias not yet decided definitely Tbt other .kinds of production he vi'l undertake in the spacious es- blishment. Surveyor Overhauled After having spent a week in 'he tlrydock undergoing spring ul cleaning and annual overhaul he power cruiser Surveyor, at-'tehed. ta the Prince Rupert fish eries experimental station, retur ned to her float Thursday after noon. The vessel is going out on 'ho station staff. Freighter Salvor arrived In port u Tuesday from the south with a urto consisting of shingles, tar-v1a and pipe for Albert & McCaf fsrv and coal for the drvdock .tant. The vessel wen out onl1"1' Wednesday afternoon ' to the4 OJL nmiim Diva, (vVmi-m aha wa 4r, f ' Joe Hanson's JrQllinjr.boat Fox has been in the. buga- shop this week having a new false keel put will be nut in to suit the re quirements of the person who I may buy the craft. Bob H&nna, well known pioneer Prince Rupert fisherman, left on Friday for Humpback Bay, Por- eher Island, where he will join the staff of the newly buflt Chat ham Straits Packing Co.'s cannery as watchman. He does' not xpect to be back in Prince Rup ert before October at the earliest. CspU Johnny Clausen's trolling boat Aina, which will now be commissioned in salmon packing. has been at the Suga boatbuilding establishment this week hav-itrg iastalled a 24 h.p. Union engine whlah came but of Jack IJudsay's pleasure- cruiser Irene L. f A. Bentaon purchased through tike Ward Electric & Marine Sup ply Ca 8-10 h.p. Acadia ga engine for installation in ' hi halibut. boat Gunda. The .new motor re maces an old two-cyclf biirVine which went out of com- im)mii recently. .i . -n . Another improvement 'which has been completed by the Canadian National Railways oil the waterfront is the replacing of the Lpld board.. V fllk between the C. N. and Government wharves with a wide dirt path, the work having been- W completed. With little more extension. It could easily be made into , a road between the two wharves such as has been clamored for for years. The Gra.nby Co.'s big sen'ice boat Granby arrived in port at noon on Thursday from Anyox, two-day trip on station work, ! 00 Char,M Cocking Iter whkh she will be painted '.nd trlrmned up above decks by Wetfdfint of the company, and other officials who proceeded south the same evening aboard the steamer Prince George. This trim vtsel was built in the local dry dock two or three years ago and looks just at good as ever although it wouldn't hurt to 'rip a bit of the moss off her Boh Thomas Fishing rwiifW some salmon cam before ;..B?b Ttoinap. .fprmrl of the I w - " r .-d now oniraurto! n salmon tro - The local waterfront will soon ?B& J ttJ 8 outf of 1 another of it. well known and ,d"' Tu ZlSZ tooular aitiiens in the person of JUlh LePlnc. for year, manager . - XLZ Z Z the retail yard of the Big Bay , - " ; " . r the , .n th. her boyn way Lumbor Co., who will leave in about 10 days' time. Ralph wtll,TWr . t, in,,.)., .craft which wa burned two or WWWITU tlVUI IV;C W eMVW HtVIV- I . ft a where he will attend an Imjrerial f ? "W nM Shrine convention, but his plans BbsUi.ently purchased and for the future are rather unsettled, it part from the decision to spend the summer in his native province of Nova Scotia. Wherever he Ke he will carry the beet withes of many friends he has made during his residence in Prince Rupert and he will be re membered as a good, useful and energetic citizen, which is about as high a tribute as any man can gt. The clinker built -'open boa, rebuilt by the Uout House. It to otjulppcd with a 16 kP- Avarice i diescl engine. The salmorf ru.0 on the west coast of Vancouver Island is agreed by all txolir? to be- remark-ably late tljis sesison. Only small catches we rfi'jairted up to the latter part of pr(l. a1 a8 a re" 'ault it is beljeve4. tl-t this will be a short soaapn. The. catt;! Jn British Columbia jters has been steadily V. for some which Joe Greer recently purr years pant. Troler advance the chaesd from Sydney Hunter has; opinion that the 't f.n "" been recently in the Suga yard due to the remarkably and pro-having sets installed and other- Wed cold weather and snow win, bevinir out In .harje for her which was experienced, at regular nw nwnpr'a vnrriflnff nurirOHM. interval in HrRUh Columbia The vessel is-now on the Ward this year until well on in April. Wv. wheria ahe is beinir fitted with a 4 h.p. Regal engine. Seattle halibut fishing vessel owners recently ly fKea wasning ton to refusefthe request of the Alaskan Dort 'oJ Ketehlkan which j sought to have American t , V . landed at Prince Rupert aubject to duty twerves the editor of the Canstr, PiBherman. The Alaskan ppr(h-.lonjr; been a rival of Prinfe Jip1 antl bar repeatedly trft to hstye th "in bond" landinw fron. U.S. Hnhinir ve8f scls at Buiiert iPfl He that it. ipoHing tne requcsi or rtcicinrvanj ' The week just past saw the heaviest landings of CantP-tta Jrtii. '' J-J, .ian halibut at the port of Prince Rupert since the opening &R . of the present season. Over the six market days la total of Davit, wtw dent f the I 51,600 pounds oi uanauian iisn vas lanueu, onngiitg tuc cajiajn iibut vtm total with tan annintrc, tniis iTaiL-iiintr uu iu uic tiuujc ... . . : ""'"o-. r-7., 1V. a,Z Un.X I" Utndin port meiin. m mn paving laggea Penmu ivriai )vccra. Wu.uu the Seattle fishermen." he during the weeK aggregaxea . , ay, "isn't it aout time for $23,000 pounds, bringing the total for the season up to 5,999,200 pounds as arainst last years 5,-723,500 pounds at a similar date. As a result of the week's bumper total landings of 974.GOO pounds, the grand total for the season up ta May 10 was 8,175,360 pounds ounted to 7,75,100 pounds. Durintr the week a number of fast and heavy trips were made uwinii to f ne weather, several boat having been out and back again wRhin a week's time. Prices remained steady throughout the week, though not at a very high leveL Canadian fcjds ranged from a hjgh of 13.6c and 7c paid the W. T. for C00O pounds down o it low of 10. 5e and 6e received by the Southend for 5000 pounds. The high bid of the week for American halibut was 15.2c and 8e paid the Wave for COO pounds and the low, 11. 7e and 7e. re ceived by the Northern for 30,000 pounds. The new fish smoking and curing house on the government wharf at Prince Rupert for Wil-Kpo. Shrubsall. with whom Capt Alfred Swanson 'n .dent-fled, will be completed and ready for o Dera tion well before the end of May. The building is exactly similar in on ana other repairs oi a general thm lo hnm thJr anpreeiution nature made. liuildinj: Trolling Boat Construction of another thirty-two foot stock model trolling boat h now in progress at the Suga shipbuilding plant in Cow Bay, ar well n to a half million rnnce Kupert. istyle or engine " aaumhi in ecea of 1928 landings has not yet been settled upon but ... . . . a a l n t fa. aa. ud ta a similar date which am by askiriK th4r yrnrrient to ' reduce the duty m Caiwrdiun j halibut goffljf into th United State T.To wx wa yf tliirtkiug, Mr. Ititehra it ntvekltj a fair pro-1 posal. fleh J III PROJECT Plana of I nic J D. McArthuri fer Irterfor Town .May 1 Re Revived j PR1NCP CISOItr.B. May 11. Charles II. BlsMe of BdrirOtfi in cottnerMon with th possible evival of the jiroie'-t of the late '. D. Mr Arthur for the erection if a pulf an(i sawmill on the Hudso.it Bay aetaitioj) at that city. T'he project, i is stated, is to be aken up by the Nosdswoat 1h-er Co., to whom Mr Blakie and Mr. Erb will report following 'heir vinlt in Prince George. A jtwtttiH oi 1 'Ht 000 feet daily ca-acity is plunned. but there is ith'ng definitely yet as to when 'tuilding may commence. ON FARM IXIAN HOARD A. II Brown, formerly .t young ;uwyer of lit-gina. S:tsk.. who was ocen'.ly uppoifkted ,-iecretary of hp farm loan board of Canada, tie b a nephew of ChMf Jostice liofl A, T. Browu of EiXt lttaivo ot r tic- lurui ami opcrutivt; ttiie-rioritles ItnVe tlefiiiltely etal)lisiit tl Qtainpioii a the Letter spark plug. That is why Champion outsells ull nt Hers thrutiftltout the Hurld. Sl'AltK Pi.i,;s (1titlaur, Oututio k CANAUIAM-MADC PUODUCT 1 I THE ULSTER QUEEN READY FOR LAUNCHING nd Ge4vre W. Krb of Winnipeg: The motor iii rr II :,r Qu- haw beait n Prfwee Oewta lately' Wolffs Belfast shlpyttrd just he i ft; In r latost addition to the l lstt-r Imp trial Line. ft Ian- A FEW FACTS ABOUT PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert is: The terntinuK of the Canadian National Railway. The Central adminitrative point for the whole of rentrsl and northern British Columbia. The nearest point inlritish Columbia to the Orient The centre of (he halibut And salmon fishing burliness. The centre of an extenxive mining and lumbering dUtrlct Prince Kupert has: One of the finest harbors in the wtrrld. The largest fresh halibut buint in the world The largest fish cold storage plant in thy world. A large, strictly modern drydock and shipbuilding plant A grain elevator leased to the Alberta Wheat Pool with Ca pacity of 1,250,000 bushels. A large, modern ocean dock. A aew modern lumber mill, planing and shingle mill box factory witn capacity output oi ou.titw ooara rr Fish reduction plant A new mill at Porpoise Harbor and another building alnnf side it seven mile from the city. Railway shops employing about 75 men. Several ship shed for building and repairing small craft Provincial government district office and court house. Dominion government fisheries, customs, and other office Marine department central station. Dominion government Wlrelesn station. Canadian National district offices. Dominion finheries experimental station. II. (I Packers district offices. Consolidated Mining & Smelting district assay office. P. Burns Co., Ltd., modern abattoir. Several dock and wharves ued by coasting venseli Number of fish house doing an export business. About twenty salmon canneries In the neighborhood. Ciifarfll fliirtairtr unnnltr nvirl art tuhl ruj Several wholesale houses -Was a large business in the district. Fine modern retail stores. Good steamship services to Alaska and south to Vnnrouvn and Victoria und west to the Queen Charlotte Wands Three large oil and gasoline distribution stations , , r a L i - f - tiooa noteis unu rrtouranis. Prince Rupert has: Modern high school with flit year university classes Four public schools with over thirty teachers- Seven cliurchen representini? the most Important dsmnnWi tions. i , Paved streets and concrete sidewalks In the business ffftioi1 Well kept gardens and prctty-resldencem. Number of clubs and fraternal organisations. Prince Rupert has: l 7T ' No severe cold In winter. f No extreme heat In summer, No mosqutos or other insect pests. Great opportunities for boating, fishing and hunting Fewer climatic or other disadvantages than must pi"'"1 Canada. A harbor that never freezes. See Page 7. There are a lot of small advertise' there that make good reading. icnt