1 MOIET TRUCK (omplclc with body, 1027 moiiei; Kood as new $500.00 : J ; i.-tughlin-Hukk 7 Pag-cp -xt $900.00 'ir, 1 ' :ii Sedan, good condi tion :r.7Tr r:; :r:: mm if r TUST when Wc think ourstocVW'Usfcd Cars away down . . in come a lot more, taken in on the Spring deliveries of Outstanding Cheyrolets. , And they are certairdyvthe finest, smartestbunch of used cajrs weve'en in many a long day. But . . good as they are . . they have to go. And when you look over the cars and see the prices you'll realize they will go fast. Come in tonight. Or as soon as you can. This chance to save dollars on a REALLY GOOD car is top unusual to miss. run UC..J-ilX ... . w To Ford Trucks, each 125.00 One Ford Hug 175.00 iMimerous uoai engines r.rvriim I i i I 1 1 ill l'KLNCE ItUTL'KT U. C. T il IS I I 1 -'" " " " IIBMl mw "Pray taste this sweetmeat, my Love!" Qen quickly accepts King Smckstck's CKHE 3tovitation. She ha. al.dy 'heard of tldeH- cious "King's Choice" Chocolate Fr. and knos that the first bite will transport her to the seventh heaven fi ofdeiifcht. ... V' i And you'll slmrc her ecstasy when you teste thh ew confecTion-miH'e of fre,h coanut and fresh pine- apple, dipjl in iKittertcoteh, and coaled I w. milk " chocolate Refreshing. ffyl' touches the nght spot! a tl aW "TW 4a cmx)co!ate lHar "III ones MOIRS LIMITED HALIFAX . there that Sake B..oii rc?,di 7. ThSiii Iol a.lvcr.!5cmc.tS s England on Decline District News NFW HAZE! TON Miss Swanson of the Hazelton Hospital staff has been paying a brief visit - with friends near Burns Lake. ;i . Harold! Wrinch, son of Dr. II. C. Wrinc MikAtJ is home for the sumsier vacation 1 from his .at the UniVfcWty of Brit- ibia. " Kevl'T. H. yrighl Ptor of the United Oiyunjx 4 Haselton, to at nWai, Mr, awl is also golnp. , S3IITHERS, ial freight rates have been for Shipment 6f DuHtiey turnip to the Vancouver this year and ob of the pro'hrtre dealer in th irn citr'na piacea an in-, order at f 28.50. the village commissioners hero have decided that all electric wiring in Smitheri in future nast conform with the provincial regulations. The Smithers anc?' District 1 Hoard of Trade ,ha inland the question of wriwneflt Um Annual imm All m tnr uarty vlffith will be fkn. appeal 4he famous bf4 case wis .Ward here "by JfiPfc M. Melt Vung tils week a M as disndafed. ;'A' f4Th Smithers and .ifistSct tKrtatter of Jeetinj site lit a ' plane landing fielf in the vicinity of the town. On Tuesday eveningihe Catho-lie Women's league onelude! a series of successful whlat and b'ridice parties whirh'wSs been Joili during the ps ntar. Mrs. 0. H. Wall and C. L. Dimock were winners for the season In bridge while Mr Bahler and J. 'blL T. Aire. engineiRifor. the, Ifrltannin, Co.. It a vispf jn thl djfjrfct. He ia lBspect(iigf Hudson lihf fountain mhdiirfoperUes a&l Kvlll later examine Frank Wylor's Owea Lake ynca Ruv. Father. U ValHcrMS Ho- uitflathollc Spriest herSmthe Hail lour and a half jmrsrhas been transferred to "Ofiihpr par ish. Kegret is generally expres Md at his departure. JIaJor JlcCallum and geodetic i survey party were here at the first of the week and bought jtwo new earn in whkh they proceeded to Kamloops where they HJT. twill rnd the summer. , 4lV ? the fabrication of certain lines they appear to be as smart as of heavy, machinery, etc., suffice the Canadian, or any other nat- r in aav thit in manv thincii nhp innm ii..t..fT. n. j - o- luuuiuj! uuk jiiviii i ua nic has "all her wool on. Thus one is confronted with so many contradictions mat at best a vague generalization is the only honest thing one can make. When one reflects on the wonderful accomplishment of the British scientific and medical men, one must, gravely challenge the aaaertion ' that Britain is decaying. In tie arta and letters, too, she is stijj an outstanding figure. Her sUtymn, moreover, appear to be equal to those of other countries! and a casual acquaintance wiUi the man in the street civet on the impression of av- whole, they fall beneath the mai. Unquestionably, individ- ualismjn England has run riot. In cultural matters they are a jump ahead of us. Then, too, they appear to take less heed for the morrow. "Sufficient unto the day" seems to be a rule of conduct with them. In so far as the immaterial things of life are concerned they seem, still, to, get more out of life than' we do f but they lack a great deal in ' f material comfort. , . ii... '..., i i rage intelligence, inaivtauaiiy, au These contradictions, thes uncertainties, this deference to c'lii- aence on he tradition, the depen-leaders rather than the concerted effort of the whole mass, is clerfrly reflected in Britain's industrial and political movements. Trade unionism in uriiain is not, at least today, a conscious movement. Men retain their membership because it is customary or out of loyalty, or because they are told to, not because they have faith in their organizations and view them as tools to be used in the industrial struggle. Likewise in the political field. It has become the proper thing" for workers to vote Labor, and this acceptance is daily be-1 coming more pervasive. At the J next election, the Labor party I will unquestionably make very definite gains. The probability of its obtaining majority control of the Commons, however, is not seriously entertained by keen Concluding part of an article written for the Canadian political observers. Trade union Unionist by T. E. Moore, giving the views of a working- ism and Labor politics have to a man wno nas yisiia me country recently. 1 Butth remarkable degree become ster eotyped in Britain a fact which 1 A I . - f t . L j .v ii .1 m not uniy reuecuve oi a large ere is the reverse side of the medal: many thintrs ' ,. ,j..0, ,., , are uontfm kngiana oetter trian anywhere else in the social institutions as well, world. jVhere, just to mention one example, is traffic; to counteract this there is the , handled imore efficiently and expeditiously than on Lon- gigantic cooperative movement don's underground railways the tubes? Take one sta- wfl:h. is ttriding along in seven-tion alone, the new Piccadilly station; there more than a leaue bo,ot1s and daily becoming train a minute is dispatched-and you never hear of an ?l"Pn8Cjous accidents Space Will not permit me, to dwell on England's effort o( Ia'bor,8 to aupport support lt8 achievements in Shipbuilding, in own needs. Is England declining? The reader can draw his own conclusions. I am of the opinion that the possibility of England, In the not far distant future, booming an international playground and museum must not be precluded. TOO MUCH "Can I borrow your pejit BobH ' " MCertain"ly.M ' "I'd like you to post this letter as you go down the street, will you!" "All right." "Want to lend me a stamp, old chap?" "Yes, if you want one." "Much obliged. By the way, what's your girl's address?" Humor. Try a Daily News want-ad., t will lirinjr results. Keep Up With Yourself MEN who forge ahead in business raise their standards of living. Their wants ; increase; things that were once luxuries be-' come necessities. But too often, the amount of life insurance remains the same. Should the inevitable happen, the widow and children must effect a drastic cut in their scale of living. Keep up with yourself don't let your life insurance fall below a sale ratio to your family's living expenses. THE Manufacturers Life Ixsuranck Company . HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, CANADA ' Brabeb. Hit 202 -fl Rogers B14g., Vanoouver. B. A. TwIM. Branch Manager NORMS W. I'HIMiLE. DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE Prtnca Rupert, B. O. CT" UNA MAWDSLEY 11 TkiMV run Mudrnt O dtrtttict II V! and toad wlun. iiimi of four jfl K fold mdh. (oanticu Attt prizn ii V imI diplomM for comprtiiivc J fit IK Kwnc. laclndinf Art lit IS l ttchr.til Hoe on lor (tiwral 'j 11 cooking - Livtrpool IngUnd. IQ fcl TkHbkjI School, fini pne II rl tc brtjd balciftj. P-r I vd JS Bl r.hibmoB. Liverpool hnj ,3 Bl Oldrsl exhibitor in ih- do- JB f 1 mntit ui'ntf s.-ciion nf ihf IB t ViiKOUVfr I:xhibiMn hv IS V ir) ehibi!rd in ill ill J V ( cooking annualU lor IjjQF VI cigbuvn vji liyX OifSTiON en m' l.cnai Vtiwdilty wi!! -vi ft ill qiMilioni h.v. mg to do wrth ant pfcaf of do-nwtiK Kitnct. Aid htr to tolvc your cooking prob-kma. U'titr to ht cart of Tht W II. Milkln Company. Limited. Btbl rpHE best way I know to test the quality of jimi is by cooking as in steamed puddings. The consistency of a jam after this operation is indicative of its quality. So many families use jam only as a spread for bread. They judge quality by taste only. v I made a cooking test of Malkin's Best Strawberry Jam. Plum Jam and Orange Marmalade. A batter pudding with a strawberry jam centre steamed in a mold --- an old fashioned plum jam ioly-poly steamed in a cloth, and a marmalade pudding steamed in a mold, the marmalade being placed at the bottom of the mold. The result in each test proved the outstanding quality of Malkin's Best Products because when served, each was unchanged by cooking. The individual flavors, however, seemed to be enhanced by long steaming. Try this recipe for a tasty, light pudding., Queen Pudding V, pt. milk f 2-eggi S 1 oz butiff 2 i top. bar ugir 2 tbip Hilkm'i But Vi bp, MalMn'l Snt itriwbtrry jam' vanilla txtract v, METHOD Botl (hr milk with thl butlrr; adj tvgarlo bnad 1 crumbi, Potir over tht milk. Add volki, wrll- I btitrn. and vaailla. Pour isto a battrrcd dih. Bali 20 mmulM Spraad th top with Malkin'i Brit '; tirawbrrry jam. Brat up the whitrt to a stiff froth. pilr on tht top of tht podding, put back' in tht ovta to it. ', icte is a difference in brands THE WH.MALK.IN COMPANY LIMITED VICTORIA. VANCOUVER. NANAIMO