newe Page THR DAILY NF Bh me ee rr mere a NOoTIC cE (7; ———) . *, or * ~ ry Sport | nl IME MATHER, 06 e eener tle See ALBERT @ McCAFFER) ‘ ane 4¢ Bieck 1, Section city pentotanniartatrinsstneiemetneanade ; 3. 8 . ee a Be before you Spe | a rick 18 HEARBY GIVEN that it ts Many pat ties were organized . pel hy ~~, mention to issue after the expiratiot - over the week end for trips t eS a . ! . a neat are lie to tae ; : ‘ freat cer rate 0 t¢ ‘ * en neighboring beauty spots but! “SBALED TENDERS addressed t the ve me ntioned inds in the name of DB e Wh iin in 1 uld hay I ni i indersigned, and endorsed Tender = for sid Ross and Robert MacKay, whieh none eouls mave een nore a iwhert ait Stewart, B. ( will be received ; ste is dated @ist day ¢ January i ; jat this office | 412 o'clock noon, Wed- . is bered 7115-1 ———————=== tractive than Shawatlans Lake.)# Mice until ; at num nesday, August 20, 1878, for the con H. F. MACLEOD There the salmon are trying to | struction i wharf at Stewart, District District ‘Negistrar of Titles We handle get up the falls in great numbers ' a4 a of contract can be seen} | aS eo, 2 ee TY Pe Prince Rupert S ruce Co ’s L b we and are seen jumping all out it lous specification and forms of tender ob-|) 1. so49 ° um er ; - ; » oft ; ¢ ft} | , tic] melding donkey engines, logging equ from 5.E rner Lot 3196, Casstar Dis Vancouver, B. C. P. 0. Box 1698 author o he leading article IN] i ay supplies and materials, cold storage| trict, and will be used for mining purpose Rod and Gun in Canada for Aug-|plant, we, gasoline launeh. smal! beafs,} Upon the mine described as the North Star 1919. Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert. ~ j sined at thie Department, at the office i _ ° , e the inlet. Trout fishing is par-jor the Dts t Engineer at Prince Rupert en TIC : iB ; } Post Office, Vancouve B W A'l I R N¢ rl i . « @ 1 s ir ticularly good around the lower), | © Post OMces, Vancouver, ! DIVERSION AND USI Li e C . . = rat ; ig ‘ B. ¢ t PI end of a lake among the b ) oe aot be comsidered unless AKE NOTICE that W.R. Tobin, whos im emen aster a? logs. uch success however! nade on | ted forms supplied by Me]. neces & Empire Building, Seattle . . , ; . Department and in accordance with n ipply for a licence to take ri uae es h t jWas experient ed by parties wh itiuns contained therets i I po R Lat s * ltoo their boats right int th Eacl i must be accompanied | a : lear Lake, als —-=o = n 1 fished tow is t - s epter cheque on a : hea —— bank wn as earwater Lake, which fows jlake ant ished up towards the | yaya: to the order of the Minis : snd drains into Kitaault Give } ' bey Works, equal t ' P f tin twenty-f . : 1 te ; head of the large body of wate 1K t wen mil ' t | i J han : f the tender War Loan Bonds te will be diverted from the streat 9 at \ 6 | ‘ " ee ee lof the Dominion will a be accepted a ‘pe t ab J00 feet from the moutl ; seas: to the Callies. |security, or War Bon ts and heques i water Lake and will be sed ™ * w i A word in season to the Callie [required to Make up an odd amount : ag Rg fe aie Games .*., —) ie | Unless ‘they get out and train, ard| Note—Biue prints can be obtained a ; hae ne : 7 ; 4 u epartment by depositing an «4 pied | orcas aa leimes ; speed up their forward line, par-|pank cheque for thé sum of $1 _ bayal ie motice was x sted on the ground —— ; ticularly in the inside right and}to the order of the Minist , 27th day of June, 1919 A ' _ POPOL ODD Hea je , lott it th likely to t Works wae wats be returt . ' et 1” s notice and an applicat pursnarnt , “ft positions ere is © De ending bidder submit regular » et : ' th G14 ‘ left posi is like} tend > aude : ee I. Sip i \dward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Ma ' | a championship missing for thr R. C. DESROCHERS ve Mies pang # a es ' , } T Secretar) ae © 7. Edward Cunningham, Vice-President } ! St. Andrew's Seciety shortly. The , Objections _t the application may be ; ./ ‘ Department of Pub Works led wit the@said Water Recorder wit ; . goods are there but the speed 1s Ottawa ily 191 i Compt ‘ of Water Rights, Pa ; t ( nf iv are stop —a Ce . n t Bull diaee Vietoria, B. ¢ within } 7 | . no I 90 easily are they " apple Ne 742 iviv i t days att the first appearance f ‘ r on the wavy down the field. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH] this notice in « local newspaper 0. ' ‘ . . . COLUMBIA w. ft TONKIN, Applicant ‘ , 1 Pederse Agent é Johnny Dundee has been box N THE MATTER OF T. A. KBRLEY LUG The date of the arst P Ibi at 0 ("th ’ LIMI D " + SELL ing professionally for ten years . -#. LUMBE! MPANY LIMITED.|} notice is July 12, 1919 TE ' His first bout was August 4, 1909,] PETER KANKINE DUNCAN ei wy . WATER NOTICI FISMING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT—MARINE HArDWsrr | > jainti i V when he entered the ring at 105 and DIVERSION AND USE : O E pound He won this first bout A EY LOGGING AND LUMBEI : Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accossorios pOUNGS 0 eS UES vu \NY LI ia E NOTICE that M. P. Olsen, whese MP ANY LIMITED and JOHN KEN Ak I During the ten vears which he NE rH MACKRAE, holder in trust of the}address is Alice Arm B. C., will apply Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage ; - debe ire steck Of the Defendant Com : ence to take and use 10 second — was boxing he has earned £150 pany. j fect of water out of Tumble Gree, sino PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©. ' ooo Defendants h wn as Goat Creek, which flows west } Gurneys commenced mak- . © BE SOLD by private Tender pu er and drains into the Kitsautt River, ‘ } ; ; - nei 2 , = = suant to the Order of the Honourable Mr.}4beut 17 miles from its mouth at head of Registered Office: Prince Rupe ing stoves in 1543 Still in Ronrpveastle Dale the well- Justi Morrisot made the 8th day ofj' Inlet of Alice Arm f - e i . , r July. 1919. im the above action, the prop he water will be diverted from the 68 Water Street, Telephon: N the same line of business known Canadian naturalist, is the]orty’ and effects of the above company,| stream at a point about 20 chains easterly ; ' : eu situated at Queen Charlotte Isiands,| Mineral Claim, |Lot 3634, Casstar Distritt ust. it is entitled “Salmon Fish B 7 his notice was posted on the ground tee. . ‘ ‘ ; ‘Y Th > rENDERS ar t be sent to W E ™m the 20th day of Jute 1919 ON SALE AT ing at Campbell River Ph He a : ‘ihe Receiver appointed in the said \ copy of this notice and an application " wondrous beauty of the Campbellfaction at his oMee 209 Bank of Ottawa] PUrsaant theret and to the “Water Act, 5 Buliding. Hastings St., West, Vaneouver, via will be fle in the offiee of the t r River Falls is to be seen in the], not later than noon on the 20th day} Water Reeorder at Prince Rupert, B.C zu: ‘hjections to the application may be page photo-engravure that av-]° §9FH 8K aug condone of ate) oh wih te Soa Wait heer owt he Smeeton Tea Rooms eompanies the article. and form of Tender may be obtained on} the Comptrotier of Water Hights, Parlia- * . . application to the said W. F. Hodges, or|/™@ent Buildings, Victoria, B.C. within Hardware - ated . ’ appea 7 ererers 309 SECOND AVENUE ~orerers SECOND AVENUE It i aid that Hadfield, the New 5 ‘Daa - etawe Bide. “estags 06. ne mands = 2 wen newspaper “oa i ’ 4 at Be ee Se ay M. P. OLSEN, Appitcent The Business Man’s Restaurant Phone Black 11 Zealand sculler, who won the S sain Tt of the first publication of this a REAL HOME COOKING. BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH Henley sculls and again won -at MINERAL ACT. wlice ts June 26, 1019. lathe ie to} Paris, is anxious to challenge a LAND AC Home Made Bread and Cakes Always on Sale. es eae Ernest Barry for the werld’« CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS 7 : NOTICE Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. ’ championship. Barry is quite] jie joker, Mmeral Hill, Midas, Look : prepared to defend his title this fout, mystery Midas hake Prac ; Poss Pree a GUSER CHARLOTTE Aanp morntcr, = Uuonel inera Liaims, situate in "Or : 5 ’ > : it year, but, if a match is arranged, |iand Canal Mining Division of Cassiar Dis-| situate tn the vicinity of Distrtet Lot 792 7 . a . ‘ trict. m Massett Inlet,Queen Charlotte Islands his opponent will more probably Where located:—On the East Salmon AKE NOTICE that the Wallace Fishe » Fe : « Australian. River Valley es, Limited, of Vancouver, British Colum | ae be elton, th istralian AKE NUTICE thee I, A. H. Greer act i occupation canning company, intends ; ° ° : ing as agent for L. Watkins, F. M No.} to apply for permission to lease the fol offi Poo ‘Room A good many people interested | 16549-C; C. D. Carter, F. M. C. No. 9,588-| lowing deseribed lands : ys . Kh. M. Martim, F. M. ¢ : an7T ti mmencing at 4 post planted at the Bn ] moved to in rowing have beer pPuzzied ti ; Fetter Fr. M4 Ne, 98,597-€ H. E.}eeuthwest corner of the nertivwest quar | account for the fact that the | Cartton, | M ( No. 9,508-( Martin | t of Lot 702, Queen Charlotte islands ; et o : Weltel is N 0,599 inte sixt Disurtet thence west 20 chains thence WOTICE oF ATION i ® 721 Third Ave Cambridge eight. which was de-|davs from te date hereof pi the }north 27 chaims; thence east 2.50 chains ' CANCELL , (| pr & ‘ e ato a . ‘i Miuing Rees réer for a Certificate of Im }more r less t the high wate? mark of . -. ; —— ; feated by the Australians at Hen-|pp.vements, for the purpose of obiaiume}Massett Inlet, thence southeasterly and OTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN that t Milk Opp Site ley after knocking out the Amer-]4 Crown Grant of the above claim, iowing the said tigh water mask 3 2 reb r islend ‘1 ang . a | et a : 7 And further take notice that act ehiims more less to the point of m. 7o@ Voreaer ssrem te : The Lr ipress Hote! ;icans in good style, should havelder section «5 must be commenced bef ce4mencement ont containing twenty : = a waten appesred in the Orit SH . ; es at . arj« | Me issuance f such Certifieat : a $ more «cr imDia a oe GO BME S50 BSFCs et Calis | reversed the result im the Paris | opvements THE WALLACE FISHERIES, LIMITE! is cancelled “ ¥ and it is w ' CIGARS SODA firace. But several factors told] Dated this 25th day of July, A. D. 194 Per Fred. Nash, B.C. L.S,, Agent 6. R NADEN, ‘ A. H. GREGN Deied 3rd day of June, 1919 Deputy Ministe ia ing the quar towards this result. In the first |—— - _—-— Lauds Department, he | ; : " \ feto the aw . Two per cent. Beer place, the Cambridge men, though{!% THE SUPREME coBRT OF BHITISH MINERAL ACI ere. B.S ss COLUMBIA 15th Jbly, 1019 ro half i very good, were not quite at the -—-- Cc ¥ ’ a m ane > oan aan SERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS add-one SMALI ! JOHN PELLICANO Htop oftheir form at Henley rhey IN 7 =v OF THE ADMINISTRA F —= 7 oT MLLK il \ icl jduad palpably lost a little of; thei and Beaver, Sundo . . . 5 ; * Fraction, Clark, Jimm Pers or en - yt IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 1 ; sulved @ sin I Bales site — nip’ when they met the vis GUDMUNDUR JOHANNSSOA. pi epeeen. nee Rae, and Kephin Puction —— — -— Tt orious Australian eight after de- CEASED, INTESTATE ee a Naas Mining soda. ecoeseoo | TAKE NOTICE that in order fr He ome aha ’ : Whip ‘t the fes ; ; : ; Where located On the west side o Ath : i eating the Yankees. After a] Henreu z -—, Young —_— the 24 Granby Bay, near Anyox i nt . ‘i ‘ . a a jay of July, » 1919 was appolited a be ; bore taael p a | he Gurvich | fortnight s extra training on the] agminisirator to the estate of Guaubad ~ ABE pig oY I mm. lague of it | Seine, the Light Blues came on ———— ae = ow = for the Gramby Consolidated Mining, Smett NOTICE OF CARGELLATION is ing claims ains sal estal i ‘ rine omneny ~ oa L makes | wonderfully, and \were an eX-|hereby required to furnish same, proper: ” oo Cortinest — botee-t "\etene ; t ) tthe . : ; , 2t98-( : butter—good | ceedingly ake ’ ’ oy wert \) me, on or before the ts ded}siniy days from the date hereof. to 4 TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th pulle K r . lings trong combination.| cr september, A. D. 1919, an a — & 4 eae oon ve existing over certain Crown lands Many wil! tha But in the second place, though |‘méebted to the said estate are required} or improvements, for the purpose of ob-| 2 "ange 5, Coast Distriet, lying thres toto pay the amount of their indebtedne>>beaining a Crown Grant of ie mites on each side of the Kitsumgalium for her Kindné = }g00d judges believe they could|to me forthwith aa destin ae eee ee fl Hiver, notice of which appeared Yn the ae : . : N He McMULLEN, : = —s elect hot | British Columbia Gazette on the 2+ i later on as they were rowing al JOH , der section 85, must be commenced before a Oan ) the 2nd Ju Phone Green 548 ; ; = OMeial Administrator the isstance of such certificate of Im.|!9#8, & caneelied. : Paris, have given .the Aussies Dated this 25th day of July, 1949 G. BR. NADEN ac l P.O. Box } 102 .. e, Fraser St. le much tiffer ras ‘ nd 7” uit Pi - —~——— [PT ceed the Sr0 daw of duh A.D. 191 Deputy Minister of Lands — : an yu MINBRAL AC’ H.«N. CLAGUE. BCLs Lands Department, Limited | possibly a beating, im fairness it poscracn® ee ee a eee oe Ba’ 1910 FACTORY AT LADNER, 8 © We: Sell : : Coal ‘must be stated that three mem- CERTWICATE UF IMPROVEMENTS LAND ACT - : Ee are (oof : - - a . a —_ anememem bel f the Australian Henley NOTICE. PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT—DIS — —_ ew dropped out for the Seine iron Bus, Blue Jay, Jobn Bull, John | TRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Bull No. 1, John Bull No. 3, and Drum AKE notice that E. M. Lauder, of Queer ' it rhis must have made a]|iumgmon Fraction Mineral Clainw, _,, ‘ : i ames s TAKE NOTICE that |, Robert Hyland, of District Registrar of Tities 3) rhe motto of the La Cass feiégraph Creek, B. ( ecoupation nai | Land Registry OMce, — mas | Bakery is to keep up to the times | intend to apply for permission Ww io hrince Rupert, B. C., *| Mai! Orders prom) iieemmnnanngagoooocoosossrrr the following deecribed land June 13th, 1019 . , : Srd Ave. i the way of modern improve Commencing at 4 post planted oD the at | — re ORGANIST lments. by so doing, giv me a better e ¥. outs onl : - as an mage 7 reek and 2 mi'es westeriy from Teh iow } ~~ loaf and also removing the heavy | Creek, fronting the Stikine Riv then: NOTICE noceeteet ’ : ‘ : : iver mhce ’ PIANIST jlabo? from the shoulders of the ll : era a. a e west 26 SMITH & MALLET | : OF CANCELLATION SOLDOSADODIDO DOSS ” ED ; : « ™ 7% ¢ 3 euce es Ty ; . expert bakers employed, The eee tee tan} ComMmoneemMent, ends NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th UNIVERSITY a ; ~O en (15) acres, more « ss ese ; bene ‘ bar jdwughs are only twice touched by ROBERT HYLAND | PLUMBING AN on the Ness Alver “cacg's Crown lends | SOLDIER sTUDENT"— } on ’ , = = s er, Cassiar District t ; a Studio: First A the hands of the bakers in the | 28% May 3% 1019 D HEATING of which appeared in the British Columbia ; t > Firs venue . ee Te ENGIKEERS Gazette on the 25th Februar 1909, is The Universit ; ees” Plone 15 |} : jnaking, which insures cleanliness NOTICE : cancelled wary 909, Is bia has provid ; or ne 15 Hours4 to 6 p.m. ant better bread, : Kstimates furnished. pone Enea who enilated, + : a eputy Miniete ba who enlist ; Domestic Bread, turned out by my a . Freee caneenuen ‘the Lands Deparunent, sree iho tion year and ~ ip ee ‘ € cate of Title . Vietorta tion year ane ‘a ie Sitesicalicaciapdaseonaiaie ————n oe ete, | Hi fem, is the only machine- for all minerals, precious and base aioe Address, 3rd Avenue, head 7 ’ +r July 10140 : neoesading in the fa IN PROBATE made bread north of Vanaouver. |°2%, #4, Petroleum) under Lots nineteen . ‘ te . . ao their studi« 1 IN THE SUPKEME COURT oF parrrisiH| ancouve 19), “Engineer No. 1,” twenty (20), of Second Street. PUBLIC NOTICE months rhis | COLUMBIA : eS wel ae ae No. 2 nine hun- Phone 174 P.0 Box 274 ‘I mede at the : see dred and eighteen (918 Northern Part-|} 7” , soldier student WJ yapien OF oe soning ORDERS TO Leave i AN oo a M AaNit evan Shade DRREAT IE ements : T : ‘ < » NO wo PERGUSON 5 ere interrupt ' sm om dred and nine (800), “Northern harnen, | sosooeeeees i RS Se IN THE MAY TER OF THE ESTATE oF W ashington, Aue. 48.~--William aap tee. S 1 > ye Lv muneres and a "a tee up te 12 o’cl.2k noon of the tinued without seeoettll ; tis 3 (va Northern VPartmersiup o ust, 9190, fo ruré o WikLiAM CLARK, DECEASED, 111 le ummings, British Oharge d°Af-| No. 5;” nine hundred and iaineae FOR ELECTRICAL WORK lots eight (8) and A. A we scene ot neooorrr* . (907), “The Mickey nine bupdrec tthe 1 Section f ; firs in the eity ayiC as ‘9s 4 % supdred and . nm five in the City of anu ele ieemmeee ee sk a, oe mal y of Mexico, ha A eign (968), The Plato,” and min Go to : rince Kupert, in the Province of British| _~e-e- a Honour fF, McB vouns, made the 18th ue een ordered to leav« the country hundre and seventy a o70 The Daisy 1 wan ia Ries c y of July, 1919, Was appointed Adminis-|hy Preside opr , : Aaa “we = weup me : bean” ust De piaced in an envelape | T trator Ww the Retaus of Wiiviveus Clark, de-| ” ident Car ratza, Us Moth ; ee i , . srely posted addressed to me and | > , an ements a“ ” parties having clair vetteniities \ metdaliecn det oo oe ts my 4 aoe nde . aueen ; Estate’ and nT against the said estate are hereby required | oink , : ; ~~ Sapiration aft | GaP at damitbes areed cheque payabk R to furpia? sauce, properly verified, to me ; INVERCLYDE DEAD Seeeet ht ieenk rune Great Publication ! o° ao - enrtnors for at least 2 per eent OFFICE H 5:80 om care of Mosges. Pelmore and Fulton, Prine nea potest. & tech seruseste f tithe to tae 336 2nd Ave. {jhe amount of the tender Oa.m. to 48; 1180 vm. 10 8 upert, B.C., on or before the 24rd day . name ¢ a , - i the wed est or an ender will not onal : ' ve of Aumust, AP. 1949, and all parties | GlAswow, Aug. 18.—Baren In nome of dames Alexand r wh . ce rie af Phones u maserily he secepted oR. J. 8 BROWN deb to estate are required to pay ~- " nen , . oan : " 7's, ond ie) i a wanes 0 Unsuccessful Llende: eo . ~~ mount of their indebtedness Ww me ieee. a piane er of the British | Sumbered 778 i Fo MACLEQI mance oy ORREN e8e e renMS Gash aha € — eanvis" avenw® = orthw ship & industry and a director 1 aalasns: Money ” SPR DMEM te bce Of tender Third ; * FROMAD MORLATIE lof ae 1) an j mares Land Registry Ohlee Pee "Ronse te ; ame = tame. ornare an aeasine i 4am ees ' i Pp ’ . ’ ¢ up ; cial | . ar Dated this @3rd day of July, 1019. a line, is dead, This 98nd day of July, 1914 Smithers, B. C.. 4) Administratos Phone enone duly 17, 19490 meecerrcornrerererr” . ° Aa