I rrlday. December 27, 1929 TOE DAILY. NEWS PAGE THREE "TRY A NIP TONIGHT' B C WSJ PROCURABLE -jested jjm MOOUCI Or SCOTLANO If you lose anything advertise for it. lb ungmai iMti look lor it l the VtnJof' and iniitt on GRANTS "BEST PROCURABLE" This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Start 1930 with This Resolution Get your Drug Store Requirements at 51 yfm Pioneer Drutcislx THIRD AVE. fc SIXTH ST. TE.LEPHONF.S 8't20C Three Graduate Pharmists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bailliw trum rrlnre Iiuprrt tut rANCOlttlt. VJCIOKI.i, Suanton lur. rtulrdale. Aim IlaT. rtc, Turs- dr. :.lo p.m. Kor VANCODVI.lt. VICTOIill. Ilulfd.ilf. 4lt nr.. Itldar inldiilihl t-T ALICE AKM, ANYOX, STEWAKT. Na. IUrr, I'vrt Mmiwoii, Bun-day, 8:00 p.m. US "Inrt Atrnue K M fc.Mllll ACrnt Iflnc Kuprrt. It.C. Tl rough t'rkrt told to tlrtorla aod healtle .and bag-gate rherkrd Ihruugb to dtUnatlon. Special Round Trip Excursion Rates Will Be Iq Effect. From DECEMBER 25 AND GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31 For Further Information Enquire At Local Office B.C COAST STEAMSHIPS B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM TR1XCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway December 28, January 11, 25. To Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle Jan. 1, 15. 29. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjn. Agents For All Steamship Lines W C. Orchard, General Attnt, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian National Qfte Largcft Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and intermediate points, each Thursday 10:00 p.m. lOu . AN VOX and STEWART each Wrdnesdav at 1 p.m. For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. fortnightly. MSHUNOKK TICAINS LEAVE I'KINC'E lUTEUT MOMMY. HEIINEHOAV and S.UUHHV at ll:W .m. foe PKIxrH (K()IIE. EUMOXTON, WINMI'EtJ. all 4ntt Hrtrrn CaiuUit, I'nltrd Hlatrk, AGENCY AU. OCEA 9TEAMMIIF MS EM City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave.. Prince Rupert Phone 260 COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD MILL ENDS Per load SJ-jjO BOX CUTTINGS Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist. Dr. J. It. Gosse. Fhonei C86. IT V. Thornton rf tho P HH skiff hprr rnt.tirnfirt tn tlm n(t nn vnctAr. day - aftunoon'artta&i from a brief tup m uok.. i . ii Miss Swanna Olofsori returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train after having spent Christmas at her home at Osland. Miss Ethel Christie returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Terrace, where she spent the Christmas holiday at her home. Miss Marie Murphy returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train after spending Christmas at Smlthers. Dr. O. II. Hankinson arrived In the city from Smlthers on yesterday afternoon's train to take over the practice of Dr. J. A. West here. Miss Huldah Oraham of The Dally News staff returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Terrace, where she spent Christ mas. Freemasons Dlease attend Divine Service St. Andrew's Cathedral Sun-Jay evening, December 29. As- wmDle Masonic Hall at 7 oclock romDt. AusDlces TslmDsean and Tyee Lodges. (301) Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Rochester and litUe daughter returned to the city hi yesterday afternoon's train from Port Essingtan, where they spent Christmas at Mrs. Rochester's home. Motorship Belling ham, Capt. Hooper, arrived in port this morn-ng with two carloads of frozen tish from Ketchikan for transhipment to the United States wer the Canadian National Railways. Union steamer Venture, Capt. E. Oeoreeson. replacing the Cardena. Is reported due at 1 o'clock to morrow morning from the south The vessel will sail soon thereafter on her return to Vancouver and waypoinU. Miss Dorothy Tremayne, formerly of this city, assisted Mrs. Basil Combe of Victoria last week in giving a dance in honor of the tetter's daughter, Miss Adele Combe. Among the invited guests were Misses Frances and Audrey Tremayne and Terry Orme. The Economy Cash & Carry Store Wish to thank their numerous lairons for their kind support, and it is their hope that the pleasant relations of the past will not only be continued but even extended during the coming year. In wishing all a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR, they wish to say It will be their desire to give the public the very best merchandise at the lowest possible prices. The following are a few specials they are offering for the present: BUTTER ALL D RANDS 45C 3-LB. BRICKS Q OA Each t?JLOV uifZ. S5.90 EGGS FRESH PULLOT EXTRAS ,1Q, Per doa. 101 FRESH FIRSTS COn Per dot Wflt FRESH EXTRAS Zip Per doa Oil ALL XMAS STOCKS TO BE SOLD AT LOWEST PRICES Phone Orders Taken and Orders For 38.00 and Over Delivered Free Cash & Carry PHONE 360 319 Third Ave. SUITS! SUITS! MApIjTd ORDER -1 Cutting, Workmanship and Styli All Guarantied SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED te, Deliver to Any Part of th City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 , ISCOTTS emu ils Ion 1J I . . TASTE IT Alllsler McRae sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Make your reservations now at Arseneau's and Lanible's for Elks' New Year Cabaret. (tf) Mrs. M. Oram sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver en route to North Sydney, Nova Scotia. A. McAllister of Claxton sailed, last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver eu route to Monc-ton, N.B., on a vacation trip. T. W. McPherson, local manager of the Home Oil Distributors Ltd., and Mrs. McPherson sailed on the Prince Rupert last night for a trip to Vancouver. , Dr. J. R. Gosse, who recently underwent an operation for annen- dicltis. has now left the Prince Rupert General Hospital for his home and Is making a rapid recovery. Louto Martin returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Terrace, where he spent Christmas. He will be leaving next Monday for Terrace to reside, having purchased the Tourist Hotel there. Capt. Gosse, who has been visiting here with his son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Alexander. Fifth Avenue East, sailed by th" Prince Rupert last evening on his return to Vancouver. One dollar hills cleverly raised to the denomination of five are being shown around the city. They are being exhibited by a visitor as a trick. Merry have been caught and did not discover their 'mtttaKP until it nad been pointed tout to them. U U4. -!! Constable IHnton' 'B.CiM.P; arrived In thetietty iftorh thai Interior on yesterday i arte nwrafc trkui' and called last nlght)04M!ePrlnoe "Rupert for theisoulh. 'Jhavtag' ia his rautodv WU'taRtf'Marinwho was sentenced to two months' Imprisonment at Okalla for being drunk on an Indian Reserve, and Fred O'Connors who Ma' been SSnt down for three months for supplying liquor to Indians. Both men were from Ilaaelton ;. ; . -irt iii Cana(liaor- ay Rcdfcrn Uollinshead Will Re Heard Over Canadian National Radio WINNIPEG. Dec. 27. Redfem Holllnshead. the Canadian, who has been called America's best loved tenor, will be the soloist during the Canadian NaUonal Railways all-Canada symphony hour on Sunday from 3 to 4 p.m. mountain time. Mr. Holllnshead has attained success on the concert platform, but It Is before the microphone that he reacJ.es his heights. His radio technique is an accomplishment In Itself. In oratorio he ranks high and ha3 been leading soloist at Orace Episcopal Church, New York, for years. The. Toronto Symphony Orchestra will play under Lulat . von Kunits. t ANNOUNCEMENTS t- r 4 Ladles' Auxiliary St. Andrew's Society Hogmanay dance Decem-!er 31, Moose Hall. 1 Moose Charity Ball January 10 HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Steam Heated. Travellers' Sample Rooms Hot and Cold Water Free Rubs Mevts All Trains and Boats Rates $1.00 arid Up SPECIAL MONTHLY RATES JOHN FRY and A. DONALD Proprietors PHONE 51 Central , L. Maltln. Terrace; George Mc- Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PRUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth SU. Savoy John Carlson, J. McLaren and J. Smith. Terrace; I II, Noramer, Humjaback Bay: Walter Nllsln. Port Enangton. (Quebec Legislature! Opens On Jan. 7; i New Ministers to Appear In Lower ; House; Prospective I Legislation QUEBEC. Dec. 27: Followlne on three lusty bye-election campaigns in which the Quebec Government of Hon. L. A. Taschcroau was chal lenged by the new leader of the opposition, Caml'llen Houde, and came out victorious, the provln-, clal legislature will meet for its annual session opening on January 7. Bye-electlons were held in Compton, Richelieu and Montcalm. The legislature will see the lh-1 troduction of two ministers new to their surroundings'. Hon. J. L. i Uerron. who holds the portfolio of agriculture, resigned his seat In, the legislative council or upper house, and successfully contested Montcalm. Hon. A. R McMaster succeeds Hon. Jacob Nlcol as pro-i vlnclal treasurer, the former min- lster belni? now In the legislative council. He represents Mr. Nicol's seat of Compton. Hon. J. E. Oul-lette. Dorchester, makes his bow as minister without portfolio in the lower house and Hon. Narcisse Perodeau, former lieutenant governor, in the same capacity In the upper chamber. A new speaker will have to be chosen as Hon. Hector Laferte incumbent of this office at the last session, has been appointed minister of colonisation and fisheries. It Is thought T. D. Bo"Thard. member for St. Hya-clnthe. deputy speaker, will get this honor, while Joseph Cohen, who represents a .Montreal seat, will be chosen as deputy speaker. New faces among the ran1 and file of members will be Edouard Fortin, who sits for Beauce, and J. C. A. Turcotte. Richelieu. Mr. Fortin succeeds J. Hughes Fortler, elevated to the bench, and Mr. Turcotte. J. B. Lafreniere, who is now chairman of the farm loans board. This session will mark Cam-ll'ien Houde's first apoearance In the legi&latuie as leader of the opposition. He succeeds Arthur Sauve. who resigned the leadership last spring. While no announcements on leg-1 (station likely to come up have appeared it is thought in political circles measures may be lntro-flurorf to maks minor amendments to the Houor law and change the automobile law to make insurance bv owners compulsory. A commission has been silting hearing evidence on the status of marrld women and legislation may be baed on Its finding. There will be one vacancy In 'ho lower house. Huntingdon being wunoui representation owing to the death of Andrew Philps. Halifax Has Bier Year Expansion HALIFAX. Dec. 27: A year of city building at least as progres-tvo a-, 1928, when construction exclusive of federal contracts crossed the $5,000,000 mark, is in prospect for Halifax in 1930. Work on the new terminal unit at Orrenbank. a government under-, faking, will put the city within "trl-'ln distant of construction costing $10,000,000 for the year. Buildings about to go up, or kely to be started before the end Tri am the Caoltol Theatre and Office bulldlne the now TTall. fax Infirmary, the Bank of Nova Scotia and the Canadian General Electrics new headquarters. A 'OUrlh unit to the Fntnn hullrllmr. wlH also go up. In prospect are a new Y.W.CJV., and a Nurse's Home at the Children's Hospital. Plans for both these buildings have been completed and sites secured. That the office building In connection with the new theatre will be six stoiws high instead of four as ortelnaMy Intended is now a probability. The Canadian General Electric will start construction of their "our-storey headquarters within a -hort Mmo. on the site of the Old Prince George Hotel destroyed by fire two veal ftor 1 u I 1 i The Infirmary, considerably urger man uie present nome or the Sister, of crharlty on Harrington Street. Will he prfpH nn Queen Street near Dundonald. nans nave oeen completed. The three - storey McCurdy building on Hollts Street will be torn down to make way for the new Bank of Nova Scotia, plans for which have t.ot yet been made public. Wires Up After Christmas Gale SEATTLE, Dec. 27. The wires are now up following the Christmas gale which caused a very serious Interference with communications throughout tills region. SCALE OF CHARGES , The following is the scale of charges made for reading notices: Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, J2. Fureral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c ner name. Marriapc and Engagement innAiinpemMitf $2. For the East Mons., Weds., & Sat. 10:30 a.m. From the East Suns., Tues. it Thurt. 3:30 pjn, For Vancouver Sundays 9 pjn. Tuesdays 12:30 pjn. Thursdays 9 p.m. Fridays 11 p.m. From Vancouver Sunaays 4 pjn. Wednesdays -M.......',10:30 am. Fridays ..-Im-.-i - pjn. Saturdays .J-lA .10:30 a.m. Dec. 14 and 'z .....1 a.m. For Stewart and rremler Sundays 7 p.m. Wednesdays 3 pjn. Saturdays 3 p.m. From Stewart and Premier-Tuesdays 11:30 ajn. Thursdays 8 p.m. Sundays 8 pjn. For Anyox and Alice Arm-Sundays ..;.... ..7 pjn. Wednesdays .3 pjn From Anyox and Alice Arm Tuesdays 11:30 a.m Thursdays 8 pjn. To Naas River and Port Simpson-Sundays 7 pjn. From Naas River, Tort Simpson-Tuesdays 11:30 ajn Having left Vancouver at midnight Christmas Day Instead of 2 p.m., the regularly scheduled hour. CPJt. steamer Prlnceafi Mary Capt. S. K. Gray, Is not due from the south until midnight tonight. The vessel will sail soon thereafter on her return to Vancouver and wayports. HuaOffiai Moeuul BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 ASSETS and LIABILITIES 31st October, 1929 ASSETS Cash on hand and due from Banks and Bankers....... $!48,3j8.4J7-0O, Note cf and cheques on other Banks 6.47.3J7'6"4 Dominion and Provincial Government Securities 98,670,889.98 Canadian Municipal Securities and British, Foreign and Colonial Pub" lie Securities other than Canadian. aj.oj3.797.oa Rail way and Other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks y,9ofi,8i&59 Call and Short Loans on Bonds, Debentures and Stocks 114 91.667. Quick Assets $496,269,977.87 Loans and Discounts and other Assets 441,218,561.20 Bank Premises 14.jco.000.00 Customers' Liability under .Letters of Credit . 13.3&4J8.o6 j .v, r (jl f f. $965,336,997.13 , LIABILITIES, TpIE PUBLIC Notes in Circulation $45,465,136.50 Deposits 811,723.556.89 Letters of Credit Outstanding :j,3j3,4j8.o6 Other Liabilities 18,371.102,16 TotalLiabilities to PubKc... $888,893,253.61 Excess of Assets oveVLlamttca!'-1, to Public ! ?.rT.- i ::7.'.:$X438,,743.52 : 3 iv Mail Schedule Steamship Movements l or Vancouver Sundays as. P. Charles 10 pjn. Tuesdays as. Catala .1:30 p.m. Thursdays ss. P. Rupert 10 pjn. Fridays es. Prin. Mary 10 p.m. Fridays s. Venture . ..Midnight Frora Vancouver-Sundays . Catala 4 pjn. Weds. ss. P. Rupert 10.30 ajn. Fridays ss. Venture p.m. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary .. .4 p.m. Sats. es. P. Charles 10:30 ajn. Dec. 28 ss. Prln. Norah ...ajn. Tor Naas R. and Port Simpson-Sundays ss. Catala 8 p.m. From Naas R. and Port Simpson-Tuesdays us. Catala 11:30 ajn. For Stewart and Premier-Sundays ss. Catala 8 pjn. Weds. ss. Pr. Rupert ...4 pjn. Sats. ss. Pr. Charles ... 4 pjn. From Stewart and Premier-Sundays ss. Pr. George 8 pjn. Tuesdays ss. Catala .11:30 ajn. Thurs. ss. P. Charles ....8 pjn. For Anyox and Alice Arm-Sundays 8 pjn. Wednesdays 4 p.m. From Anyox and Alice Arm-Tuesdays 11:30 ajn. Thursdays 8 pjn. For Queen Charlotte Islands-Dec. 21 ss. Prince John 10 p.m. For Alaska-Dec. 28 ss. Princess Norah ajn. From Ocean Falls Weds. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 a.m. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary 4 p.m. Fridays ss. Venture ..pjn. Sats. ss. P. Charles 10:30 ajn. For Ocean Falls-Sundays ss. P. Charles 10 p.m. Thursdays ss. P. Rupert 10 p.m. Fridays ss'. Prln. Mary 10 p.m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. COAST STEAMSHIPS . tnft ft Winter Excursion Fares From Prince Rupert to 2 Vancouver or Victoria AND RETURN $40.00 Tickets Good From December 25 to Final Return Limit, March 31 Do you read the classified advertisements? -I I . i