TOMORROW'S TIDES Saturday, December and Work Starting rhandVTnd Ko7ed uTre in a r.w to win a; NEW STORY ON MONDAY I ' i 1 The Seven Dials Mystery' Agatha Christie to Re Nest Fiction On Monday next the Daily News 1 . iieain. yieldlnK to the neral '. i : i U I ni ILfi rpKnriB UY BUlt W11K story. Fortunately it has bcrn possible to secure another r vristie ranks among the the verv very bf ? writers of mystery stories. Hot books are. in great demand on itr nart of fiction readers. If is suggested to those lnter-r :rd In fiction that this new story . well worth reading and that it uise to commence with the op-r: ing number. It is a story that Co .ils with the unexpected and Is ' tupclltag in interest. Zeppelin May Fly To South America Soon FRIEDRICH8HAFEN, Oermany. Dec 27 --Should it be finally de-' iod that the Oraf Zeppelin is not ? make the north polar flUht dur-5 the coming summer, a flight will b' made to South America, with Rio Junciro as the objective. However, there Is still a posslbll-Hv of the insurance difficulties be-Ir. i adjusted, allowing the big alr-liip to make the flight over the polar regions. Victoria Reps Beat Vancouver In Rugby Match VICTORIA. Dec. 27 Displaying a keen brand of rugby In all departments of the game, Victoria's rep team scored a 16-11 victory over Vancouver All-Stars here yesterday In an Intercity game before 2500 fans. FUNERAL NOTICE Tk i..i ..-,,1- tr,r nornlH Austin Lowe, 22-month old son of ir and Mrs. F. A. Lowe, wno aiea in the hospital on Christmas Day. win take nlace from tne panors the B. C. Undertakers at 2 f lock on Saturday. ' X ENFORCEMENT OF1' PROHIBITION' TO BE MCCII STRICTER WASHINGTON, Dec. 27: President Hoover had a lun- cheon conference yesterday with Senator Borah of Idaho at which they discussed the matter of prohibition enforce- ment. a policy 01 mucn more t rleld enforcement was de- elded upon and this will be put In force immediately. 1 , 1 I 1 XMAS MANY ( , YEARS AGOi ' Vi ' li- r. .-.- , w" i. Recalled ! ' . - - smerCamiun wnichwa a veTr inomiUf local shin in those days. In- "?tdeed.'fr"was said I that she was the only sel that gave Prince Rupert anvthhM! like a regular service. The (ship !y here all Christmas Day and : a dinner was gtven on board here; for local businessmen. True two decades have passed since those good old days, but many 'of those who were here then are still here. The skipper of the osun then was Capt,F. T. Saunders, '-for years agent here for the marine department and a few months ago transierrea to Vancouver as bujjci- visor of pilotage on this coast, capt. Aew ' ""U . second mate, u, ft. rwr-i j -; rine Jn engineer. ns-taecr , Andrew Beattie. now " -nd AAm.'c.V".:V T' , ' hflf"; "tVk 'rnv' a-Jnt uw- j r-. . : Prince Rupert within the next lew weeks, relieving either tne cataia or the Cardena bn the1 northern run. THE WEATHER Prince Rupert Overcast, fresh southeast wind; temperature, 40. Terrace Rain, south wind, calm. 38. ... Rosswood Cloudy, calm, 31. Aivanah Cloudr. calm. 34. Alice Arm Rata to snow, south wind. 36. ' . Haysport Raining, light wind, 38 Port Simpson Raining, southeast wind. 37. Haaelton ciouay, caun, Smithers Cloudy, calm. 28. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm frost. Vanderhoof Cloudy, calm. 30. Quesnel Part cloudy, calm. Fourth Cabin Snowing, calm. Eiehth Cabin Snowing, calm. Others cloudy. Curious Case Of Transfer Poison Effect cpATTT.r Dec. 27 A very curious case of the deadly affecVof poison came to light yesterday. Miss Bond was taking to the hospital a child that had been potapned and was dying from the affects. On the way the woman kissed the child and in doing so the effect of the , transferred to ner ana she became very ill. barely escaping with her lire VANCOUVER WHEAT . VANCOUVER. Dec. 27: Wiipat whan was qw - tod,y at 1J7- jEteffag SOUTH HAD XMASGALE Victoria and Vancouver Cut Off From Rest of World; Sailor Loses Liie VICTORIA. Dec. .7,-lfadinc Seaman Jusiman of II.M.C.S. Vancouver, ajed 22, Victoria, was killed when touched by a live wire near the naval yards. The wire fell in a kouthwtst sale on Christmas morning. Victoria was isolated from the rest of the world by telegraph and telephone for several hours. Many trees were blown down and a number of roofs on small buildings were blown oft. The gale alto struck the lower mainland in, the vicinity of Vancouver in common with the rest of the Pacify north est coast. The result was fallen trees, interrupted telegraph and telephone communications and minor damage. DOUBLE KILLING Vancouver Man Takes Life of His Wife and Then Commits Suicide RAZOR USED Tragedy DiscoTereJ This Mjrnlnj In Note to Milkman VANCOUVER, Dec. 27. L-avinz a note that he intended to kill his wife and take his own life. Sydney El lard's body was found by police this morning In a small house on Boundary Road in the east end. Alongside was the lifeless body of h- -it El'a. EUard was imily-five years of age. Mis. iillard bad been beaten over me neaa witn a nammer ana ner throat slashed with a rator. El-lard's throat and wrists were slashed. w? a J .H nome tarry uus raorruns, ne 1' 1 T'L0" door stating that EUa-d pianned tfliiO Ills Wife JWd tSjUIR ttU OWn JWheeler an Invalid, in bed I In i the house. Tne Ellards had been nursing her. f' l f1 f-l.. UtUg 41 V UCIU11H New Post Office; Costs Million CALOARY. Alta.. Dec 27 New high boikilng permit records for the . ,h." b 'Udbl ALrimmt ft t the city hall issued a permit, to , I HlflM vern m.nt ftrehltect orovtdln 1 or tne S?"""0?. construction of J. the .52P Calgar post of- Thomas, well-known loial hotel man. apolied for a ermlt for the construction of a new hotei oost- in" 7V) (mo the ear w date t? $11. 2T! 3fl. Dur- ing the whole of 1928. building per- mlts totalled M.201.022. COL. VICARS HAS PASSED Man Who 1 Wised l2nd. Pattalion Went Overseas When Over Slsty KAMLOOPS. Dec. 27: - Ueut Col. J. R. Vicars, who raised the 172nd. Battalion for the Great War and, when after sixty years of age, went oversea? with the rank of malor after his own unit had been broken up, U dead here. He was bora in Dublin In 1835 and was a Dominion land surveyor In the early days of the northwest. HAD RESTFUL NIGHT TTAWA, Dec. 27: Hon. W. R. Mdlherwell, minister of agriculture, who is 111 with pneumonia, spent a restful night and his temperature was normal 'oday. TUG SANK YESTERDAY Annie SI. Nixon Went Oown In Strait of Juan de Fuia When Being Towed In SEATTLE. Dec. 27. The tu An tile M. Nixon of Seattle 3vjk In the Straits of Juan de Fu;a yesterday when -lie was being tawad In from Cane Flattery by a eoastnard ves sel. Qae man was aboard at the time, but he was saved by the crew ih (he coastfuarasman. Jackson JBarnett Of the Osage tribe, and reputed to be the wealthiest Indian on this continent, who fgr ten years has desired to tour in Europe but cannot get the necessary passport. The Passport Bureau of the United States ha3 not vet decided when an Indian Is a citizen of that country, and althoush Car- Boston Grill MKOE CAHARKT 8pecl-l Dinner Tburidayi tod SaturtUri High 11:28 a j panel uc Every featurrtaj Night, to Jt nance BaU for Hire Low 5:19 a.i AcoomiPMlaUona (or Private Partita 18:25 pj PHONE 457 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol XX.. No. 301. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS Steel for Tug and Barse Job Arrives Three Hundred and Fifty Tons of Material Salvaged From Seattle Harbor Here; Little More to Come Three hundred and fifty tons of steel, recovered from Seattle harbor, into which it dropped several woeks ago when a scow capsized, were delivered this morninp; in a large scow behind the Vancouver tug Spray, Cant. Mcpherson, to the local drydock, where it will be used in the construction of a steel car barge and tug for use of the C anadian National Railways in Okanagarr Lake service. Ths Spray and her tow reached port ; frm tne soutn ai iu a.m There Is still some forty tons of rccl to come for use on the job. but tr.e present shipment will permit of r r "traction work being commenced very soon. It Is expected that the Job will be completed about the middle of tae summer. The two craft will be Ukcn knockdown to Kelowna, where they will be assembled by the staff of the local yard. BUCKAR00S BEAT CUBS Keen Pacific Coast Hockey League Fixture Played Last Evening PORTLAND, Dec. 27. Scoring two coals in the third Derlod to tie ":s count and then netting fce'wfhH t. slz tany in an overtime penoa, me P: rtiand Buckaroos defeated "theTv.Iii.M. t Print Runert in' Virtnna Cubs in ft Coast Leacue ! lo key future here last night. The ! r ,v,. th. rir.f .rnA th. JrWA ... .,nrM mri lhn th I V 'onans opened the third session 1 Pioneers of this city have recalled: HTa. The note; law rnfefd the milk-vn another counter. After that a visit to this port twenty years ao nwnto noUfy the pohct r...i . i. tv..i. m,u.)K... n. h ubnii Tin nn Tne ooiice also round Mrs Her- nett always believed that he was was awakened at 5 o'clock with his born in oyahoma. If rfe doero't'bed aftrt and the room filled with soon revive his passport, hell be- Ismoke. He lumped through a win-gin to doubt that he was born at dow, called the fire department and all. 'then went back to fight the blaze I himself. Between his own efforts ; and those of the firemen, the fire ill i i it I 'was soon extinguished. Slight lYlrlnPI NtiTiTiaPi the walls and 1UCIUC1 1HU1UCU1 idamatre was done to i furnishings of the dwelllnz. which Losing Battle i r r Physicians BeVfcvefThat EnclIi'Near For amoasM6Tie S tar' s-r ' HOLLYWOOD', Oec. 27. Mabel Kermand. one of tht last of the old gelatine guard, swms. to be losing ground in her flgh$L for life with the ending of this year. " ' Her struggle against phthisis has been one of the bravest records of alonyin which no small amount of sacrifice and pain Jjaj been writ- tag for hU.first picture' 4n'1930 a return after, weary month of 111- ness the girl -whoimade ".Mickey" l roHnniltthlnir- her trracn nr Ifo Doctors are of the opinion that the end is near Canadian Flyers With Three Big Planes at Fairbanks to Start Eielson Search Trip FAIRBANKS, Dec. 27. The Eielson-Borland rescue expedition arrived here by train from Seward on Thursday with three hig Fairchild cabin planes which six Canadian airmen will fly from here 10 Bering Strait to join in the search for the missing American flyers. The party will probably remain here for two or three days while the planes are being assembled and tested. On arrival here, the flyers found the temperature thirty degrees below zero and the sky murky. Capt. T. M. (Pati Reld will sue- .,.,, :eed Capt. H. A. Oakes as leader of SOVIET AIDING the expedition. Reld. B. W. Broatch EIELSON SEARCH ma Clifford swartman will niiot tne pianes One Hundred and Thirty Thousand Men U. S. Army WASHINGTON. D.C.. Dec. 27. In the annual reDort of the war de partment, prepared by the late Secretary James W Good, Just before his fatal illness, the strength of the regular army was placed at 130,937 "ten as on June 30 last. There were 10 890 men In the air corps and army Dllots flew 288.542 hours during the year, an increase of 89.648 hours over the previous year. The Na tional ouara, witn a strengm oi 176,988, was In a "most gratifying" condition, he said. There were .112,-757 names on the Officers Reserve Corns list, while the Reserve Offi cers Tralalng Corps had. a total of 112,424 students, riity-two citizens Training camps had been accepted by the country as a desirable contribution to good citizenship. A section of the report dealt with the work of rescue and assistance performed by the army during the ear. which Included large expend! tures from army stores for tornado victims and sufferers from other disasters in many parts of the world. iupplies valued at $953,700 were urnlshed to the Porto Rlcan hurri cane sufferers alone. Poll Tax For WomenMooted In Victoria VICTORIA, Dec. 27. (By the Canadian Press) While he disagrees witn tne principle of tne poll tax LAKE tion to men it is equally right for Stto inHiieu"fVehtaxanroposfd by Hon. Joshua Hinchiifte as a StSin'rtouSlttata I British Columbia. I "Women have assumed SO many ,. n ui bug: uciuKaiivra ui iiicii. wiiy nut extend to them the poll tax? That ed by Henry Edenshaw. faUed to is what the srovernnient would likereVeal any trace of the craft. While to do. I imagine, and it seems to me some anxiety is felt, there is the thsy ought to have the courage of ! r,nfhintv that, thp irninn n mv their convictions In the matter," said Aid. Maclnnls. Smoked Cigarette In Bed; Wakes To Find House Afire 1 . . . ! Ole Elwood, who retired this morning in his home at 1329 Eighth Avenue East smoking; a cigarette. is owned by O. Vaccher. AI7) CHILDREN . Z1 ITT Em TP A TlllM. VJLi 1 JuLi U ri 1 lV71l , I of fspri-- of KiUed or Disabled Soldiers to Be Assisted by Provincial Government VICTORIA, Dec. 27. fiome fifty I clvldren whose fathers were killed or disabled in the great war will be ! In nubile and high schools of British Columbia next year under scholar- ship plans which are betas shaped htt linn TnrVino UI-f.Vi1lf fa mn. lster of education, for presentation j to the legislature. MOSCOW, Dec. 27. The So- vlet aviation authorities yes- terday Issued an appeal to the population of the north- eastern coast of Siberia to Join In the search for Carl Ben Eielson, the missing avla- tor. The government has of- fered a reward of 2,000 rubles to any person indicating the whereabouts of the missing plane or aviators. Chairman Borah of the United States foreign relations . committee ? has been formally notified t that an aerial expedition will be formed to aid in the search. MINISTER REJECTED China Does -Not.' Want ant Torlflchl Obata as Jtcprese nta tlve of , japan TOKYO. Dec. 27. It was learned officially today that the Nationalist , government of China has informed ; Tokyo that Torlflchl Obata, former ; Jaoanese ambassador to Turkey, will not be acceptable as the mln lster to cmna. Japan has urged Nanking to reconsider the decision, asktaz If China is fully aware of the serious consequences uences which wnicn might might possibly possibly arise i rom such rejection. Small Kitkatla Trolling Boat Missing Down Coast With 12 Natives Aboard Fears were expressed this morning to the Dominion and nrnvincial nolice for the safetv of the 28-foot easboat Union B., which left here at 3 o'clock Christmas afternoon for Kitkatla with twelve natives six women, ifour children and two men-on board, returning to their homes at the Indian village after a Christmas shopping mission to the city. Up to noon yesterday the small vessel had not reached Kitkatla and a search made between here anH thorn votrHav attirnnnn bv . " -.. - J J .. the r rh nqittr ranadtan run nnm- have taken shelter in some cove en route and might not be seen. The weather has been rather rough for a boat so small. The Union B. Is owned by Mrs. Helen Brown, mtlva woman of this city, and the skipper Is her son. Andrew Brown, a; mere youth. She Is equipped with a 14 h.p. gasoline engine. On the arrival here last night of ,the Canadian Oirl, the Dominion of and provincial authorities were no- tlfled and it was expected that a further search would soon be In stituted. OWEN LAKE STAFF CUT Operations' Ordered Curtailed and Only One Shift Is Now Working Coming on top of the announci ment that the long crosscut tunneL ,. had entered tne second or several veins known to exist on the Wrinch claims of their holdings, operations AJKSI of directors of Owen Lake Mining Co. held on Monday of last week. company held at the mine, -says the Interior News. No information has been made public as to the reason i?T. reduction in the staff, and 11 " now reportea mat onty one SMIt remains On We JOD tO Continue to,e?e"?lon ,,r,ine crosscut tunnel. tiiurers' Association and expects to Wltn stkn.r xtet hlg vjaiJ next Tuesday afternoon aboard v cn the wrtach property twnvXhe CatalaJ JbrtVansouver to as- WeeKS u agO. ItlC OUUOOX UDDeared e , illmp hla HP f?W.frsB Mr? WlnslnW ceptlonally bright for maintaining development on the scale existing at dose, of the school term next sum-that time, even if the force was not mef. ' T 9 1 ' auirmented in nroportlon to the Im- Coming here -irorrf Vernon. Mr. portance of the strike. and Mrs. Wlnslow and their family It is now announced that th vein have become well known and pop-was eleven feet wide, the width of ular here during their six years' the second vein not being known at residence in the city. Many friends the time the last reports came out will regret their departure, from Owen Lake. A number of the men who have been laid off came down to Smithers. and they appear to be of the opinion that it will not be long before they are called back to the Job. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL IONDON. Dec, 27:.Boxinir Day 'ootba'l scores .were as follows: EnlKh Leae-e. Fir Division Ar-snal 1 Portsmouth 2. Birmingham 0, Manchester United 1. Burnle" 2 Bolton Wnrtrers 2. Derhy Co'inty S. Ierts United 0. Huddersfteld .Town 3, Westham United 0. Leicester City 1, Grimsby Town 0. IWernool 2 Sheffield United 0. Manchester City 1. Aston Villa 2. Mlddlesboro 2. Newcastle United 2. Sheffield Wednesday 4, Everton 0. Smderland 3, Blackburn Rovers 0. Enxlifh League, Second Division Bsrnnley 1. Notts Forest 1. Bradford 2. Oldham Athletic 2 Cardiff 1 Bristol City 1. Che'sca 4. Blackpool 0. Notts County 0, Swansea Town Prsston Northend 1. Bury 1. Reading I Bradford City 1. Southampton 1, Tottenham Hotspur 0. sioKe city 3. huh city l. i West Bromwich Albion 1, Mill- j wall 1 Wolverhamoton Wanderers 0.1 Charlton Athletic 4. llUYd sJLUlld 1VU111 Ship Is Seized Auxiliary Schooner Irene C. Was Taken by Coastcuard Oft Boston Light .BOSTON, Dec. 27. The auxiliary schooner Irene C, out of Weymouth, NJS- with 1500 cases of chamDaene on board, was seized by coastguards off off Boston Boston Lieht Light ' yesterday, yesterday. The . liquor liquor is is estimated estimated to be worth $180,000. BRUINS TAKE NINTH GAME Defeated Ranters Last Night in Hockey; Chicago and Pittsburgh Also Win NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Turning In their second victory on successive nights with a rally in the last half the game, the Boston Bruins last night ran their string of victories In the National Hockey League to nine straight by defeating the Rangers. At Montreal the Chicago Black Hawks outplayed the Maroons in an exciting game before a capacity crowd of. twelve thousand. At Pittsburgh the depleted Pirates flashed at their best to defeat the Detroit Cougars in a fierce struggle. The scores were: Chicago 4, Montreal 3. Boston 4, N. Y. Rangers 2. Detroit 1, Pittsburgh 3. iiwiNSLOWGOES VANCOUVER Sales Manager of Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. to Join Cana dian Manufacturers' Assn. Sales manager here since 1923 for the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage co. R. M. Wlnslow has been ap- the canoed salmon sec- tlr.n nf thi PamrUnn Mn nil far. and family o-otruaf ter the ISLANDS GREETINGS Success In Making Prinw Rupert Terminal For Peace River Is Whhed The following greetings have' been received at the Dally News office in the form of a telegram from E. C. Stevens of Sid (legate: "We. the citizens of Queen Charlotte Islands, extend you the heartiest greetings for a Marry Christmas and Very Prosperous New Year. We also wish you success in making Rupert the terminal city for the Peace River outlet. We thank you for your past sup port and none lor a continuation of the same In the future." "CITIZENS OF Q. C. ISLANDS" Canada to Pay Off Big Loan On February 1 OTTAWAi Dec. 27. Canada will redeem a cash loan of $60,000,000. navable February 1. according to an announcement m4e bv Hon. C. A. Dunning, minister of finance, over the radid. Scottish -Humor Imported dlrccti. from the..q Aberdeen Joke Factory An Englishman entered a Scotch butcher shop and ordered: "A i sheep's head." i The butcher called down to his ' assistant in the ceU&rt "Aleck, bring up a sheep'" Vead." Then the . gllshman chimed In: "I want an hugllsh sheen's head." So the Scotch butcher shouted down the cellar attain: "Aleck." he instructed, "take the brains out of it."