| lay August 19 1919 est LIFETIME OF f SUFFERING Prevented by “Frult-a-tives” The Wonderful Fruit Medicine onnevuve St., Huts, Qui my opinion, no other medicine vood as ‘Fruit-a-tives’ for on and Constipation irs, I suffered with these es, trying all kis unti) I was told I sea To cine gave immer my med liate n a short time I wa DONAT LALONDE »x, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c ers or from ! iwa. a friend told me to try surprise, I all Y ruit-a-lives : of was Phone 586 inzelS Grocery 216 6th Ave. W. business and Buy store; take nees on cheap junk. FoR YOUR AT W your order. rial eliable IONEY Linzey’s Grocery COPPELL L LO OLECDAEG Phon® Greer 1017 3rd Avenue 507 Dalgarno & Watts BUILD’ RS AND CONTRACTORS ind Heavy Con and Alterations Staircase Work an ishing Estimates Cheerfuliy Given BRICK AND CONORETE B8Uii.DING CONTRACTORS E. fl. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR st Frase uldings and sho iumber a Fyfe iwood Kstimates Given REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269. Smith's Dowling Alley THIRD AVENUE NDER NEW MANAGEMENT ee Exercise You Fit Cigars and Tobaccos PCO RS SOP POPOOPOD ODO OO PODS. LOCOCO LOOTED RRR. TOM LEE CO. i ond Avenue, West. VEGETA BLES Wholesale and Retail I Ontractors and La Exchange Rupert, B.C, P.O, Box 725 POPP Gee. Pievcee PLO LOO DLL A a te te Hote! Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN THE DAILY NEws. — } Dirmesomermnsomns osrmncrmneetnssneemney — i In the Letter Box ! Oe ee meer se eee se sen ernest ems ot Ot tt Ot tt tt ts ot ti | ~+ <<" Bex ||| Daily News Classified Advertising | . Fs ie TT EMPLOYERS THE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF CANADA has been created to grade the various classes of workers—trained and un trained--and to place the best in the country at your disposal, through a system of Employment offices from Coast to Coast. THE PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS SECTION exists to place you in touch with Professional, Business and Technical workers. THE INFORMATION AND SERVICE BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF SOLDIERS’ CIVIL RE-ESTABLISHMENT has a representative in each of these offices to render whatever special services may be required in the employment of the RETURNED SOLDIER =] 2 geisigrerasee z Cranbrook, Fernie, Kamloops Nanaimo, Nelson, New Westminster, Penticton, Prince Rupert, Revelstoke, Vancouver, Vancouver, Victoria, Vernon, 10 Baker Street 162 Victoria Ave. 246 Victoria St. Windsor Block Royal Bank Bidg., Baker St. Board of Trade , Shatford Block, Main Street P. O. Drawer 1674 First St. W. 140 Cordova Street Alcazar Hotel, Dunsmuir Se. 295 Bernard Ave oe | , : 1.50 per day and up. } 2 FIRST.cLass CAFE ‘ A La Oarte. ‘ ; ow TIMBER SALE X 1810. ; —. i l _Peceived by tn ale than noon on tb 1910, for the Ii le eut : i K and eda k On an area , Massett Inlet : 1 wed for re - Unief Forest | . reste TIMBER saie Neg ved by the t cut 140, ' = * al Cos hia Mas : : bb triet Wed for pe ’ q : Forest horestey Tee AS a) Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficiency~ Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS: Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only, Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 Dental Nurse!in attendance.} Phone 109 for appointment COST OF Livina. es Dotto srcemnermmeomnsotnertasetanstiis \ ditor Daily News WANTED. MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build- | , | You have give preven ing Loans. Apply Prinee Ru. | i Miven te the in GPNr ’ rie are] . [Pression that you would wele 1ENTLEMAN WISHES ROOM, ot pert Housing Ltd, Geo. W. é 8) yveicoine . ' ‘ . whey . : a discussio i | room and board with private Nickerson, Secretary. tf fa j n of he question of family, close to town. Box 201}- : =" high cost of living, therefore Daily News Office. 192|)FOR SALI Evinrude and row| |! submit the following ster, boat, good condition. Cheap. | j hoping you will be able to fi id) W ANTED—-Young puppy ; Cocker Apply “Boat,” Daily News of-| suMicient merit in it to warrant or setter preferred. What of- flee. i lyou publishing if fers? Box 290, Daily News — | rhe first question | take up is office, vt FOR RENT \Is there a shortage of the neces smiiaad ; te ie | ee tee e nee WANTED—-Two furnished rooms|FOR RI NI Sewing machines, | [ am satisfied th t. M | by September 1. Phone R. L.| pianos, Gerhard Heintzman| i satisti ere ) \ : ; Levaat int th , oe y Force, Shawatians power house. | phonographs Singer Shop, the! on 5 a ie merchants are} een j i a ‘ al 1ome of the Gerhard Heintz-! jtrying to sell to other countries} WANTED TO RENT—House of 4 ‘ . | } Man piano. 329 Second Ave. j the commodities which are stead-| rooms and bath. on sewer, ap-| —— jily rising in price, also that the ply Daily News office tf) FOR RENT—Room, with or with. | | different governments are sata ee a et i as nel, iia Red 589. ti jluctant to sell their war supplies | WANTED Woman for kitchen — ——__—___— | . ‘ or Sac > 7 7 Ne inas . he the public lest the elect should _Work, Inland = Second Ave. FOR RENT OMice W J Alder j } bye to foree prices down Now SALE LosT some of them are compelled to|— —_ hiatal —~ ——— | sell to prevent the hoarding y |FOR SALI China cabinet. library LOS! Gray satin motor bonnet, jmerchants and cold storage co: lable, deck, mirrors, one white with silver braid and silver hat} | panies, which proves conelusive ly | enamel satin finish bedroom pin, between reservoir and the} jthat there is no shortage i suite, one mahogany bedroon government wharf Finder lhe next question | come lo i suite, and odd pieces Appoint please return to Daily News | Does it cost more to produee the | ment by phone Mrs. M. Aivazoft oflice pnecessary ommod today |Phone 133. 07 zs ee Se oe os ~ ‘ Si iatihi a 19 |LOST—Baby’s silk cap on Fifth | } al e ears ago } ; ; i ! find bw tt i i f nied | FOR SALF—Cash registe; Na Avenue West or Fulton Street. : ; rid re “ate i’ Wriiern | . j lmachinery that ti ie labor! tional) 5e to $5, for sak cheap Finder please return to Daily « ' of ’ et 7 reas t yor . | . g inllane ,| News Office. 94 {power embodied in the production H. 8. Wallaee Co., Ltd 94|_ News Off a 94 jour Commodities today than at ar FOR SALE One three - oven LOST at Salt Lakes, child's knitted} | | | | time during the world’s history.| rench range for sale. 835 2nd woolen coat. Finder please re | ‘ } 7 ; : Still the cost of living is soaring Avenue. Phone 567. 98 turn to Daily News office. | higher and higher ee ae ie agtecarem — Value of Datlar. |POR SALE—Baby buggy in good | LOST Runeh of keys with small | must now investigate the condition, phone Green 412. whistle on ring. Finder please | imedium of exchange whicl ; os ne | leave at News office. tf! " + CHenanes we, SPOR ete.2 piano boxes, 85 | ee presses the Vaiue of the com- each! Lindsay Cartage. 91] FOURD modilies Known as the dollar.| ees) -—- — - — | Has the dollar retained its pur.|FOR SALE—Old newspapers, ten| FOUND—Key ring with Yale and | chasing power during the last ten cents a bundle, post office box kevs. Apply Daily | years? I say “no It has lost!,. ‘ News office. | ix : FOR SALE—Canoe, $25.00, CG. FE ae | sixty per cent of its purchasing B ‘ mi NE . mm Qo power, or in other words the dol- ainter, 192 SCELLANEOUS | lar of today is only worth forty dieatin SEE MceGOWAN, the Gycle man, | cents. This has been brought! PAINTING TENDERS | for new and second-hand bi| p about by the financial system cycles, repairs and parts Easy | gradually getting away from the Gids Were Opened Last Night in terms. All kinds of light re-| gold = standard increasing the Referred to Public Works pair work. Second Avenue, near | credit system, and extending the Committee | MeBride. Phone Blue 421. } circulation of promises to pay, ee ce ——- —__ -— which are worth about as much Bid — rHE NORTON rhe place for “1 as the paper they are written on yids on painting the tirshall shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp . : . ’ ! Are ane t , 7 } : . In other words there has been|e ” (Bened last night by the City) treatment: 240 Fourth Street | ' - "}Couneil and referred to the Public | Open 10 a.m. or by appoint ; rre fin el ebaucher a. ° a = a great inancial debauah | Works Committee with power to . sas which marks the end e 4 | ment. Phone 493. tf nark nd of an un lact Three firms tendered on the | ee ee lature! systen jeupplying of paints, Kaien Hard FARMS FOR SALE Boister Up. iware Co. A. W Kkdge and Silver pe . Phere is a way of bolstering u C. P. R. FARM LAND Choice ' Visides Bros. These were referred | h yatem fo » short eriod i farms in well setiled districts eee to ‘the committe | in Western Canada; low price is ’ ’ ” a4 ’ “ ae ; es rr i é a, ' Tr bes; that Dy bringing the dollar up| rhe tenders for the work were: | . ané +e if 7 : to its original purchasing power Bilveveidds Mece 8346 Fred | wenty years to pay; irrigatec , nds s Southern which can be more e onomically Seadden, $360, and Jas. F. Martin | ra in unny ot the n Al accomplished — by altering the) e465 Silversides tender was berta, with loan of *,0C0 iD " ; ‘ : improvements to assist new numbers on the dollar bills than|conditienal on the tender of the sete ont now nae y al } > , — > . ine | se ers. Ac 1o *y are by attempting to alter the prices|apm for material being accepted. | : ; sf atle lities ¢ i i ; going fast. For free booklet oN Bit CoOMMOAILies, as 18 Proposed |They refused to work with ma by the politicians ‘ lied } th fi and full information write H. . erial supplied Dy any other firm. venetian . ae 7 The feasibility of this sehem« , G. Loughran, General ee ‘ ; > . = age 744 ‘ s St. st, can be judged by the fact that it WATER NOTICE agent, (44 Hastings t. West is applicable to all countries un DIVERSION AND USE | _vencouves, SG. si der our financial system, as the ” LAND ACT aii ‘ [ARE NOTICE that M, A of Same question predominates in Ottawa, Ont, whose, address is ‘care Win ? those countries. It can also be|8. Hood, Atiin, B. “C., will apply for @}SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF licence to take and use four cubic feet COAST, RANGE 4 carried out in any country and per second of water out of Spruce Creek,| TAKE NOTICE that Mark Smaby, of . . . : which flows east to west and drains into| Ocean Falls, B. C., occupation logger, in would solve the high cost of liv- Pine Creek, about two and one half salies | tonne to apply for permission to lease the ing question internally in thal from Lake Atlin following described lands : The water will be diverted from the Commencing at 4@ post plantec at the country. The exchange rate would | stream at a point about 150 ft. below/west end of a small bay on the south — . . nian = . Gassidy Group on Jas. Nedved’s ground,| shore of Swindle Island, and directly north regulate the foreign trade and will be used for placer mining pur f Sandstone Reefs; thence east 40 chains; Will Misiead. poses upon the Calder Bench Lease de-|thence south 40 chains; thence west 40 » scribed a8 Hydraulic Piacer Mining Lease/ chains; thence north 40 chains tu point of I wish the public to give the No. 387. }commencement, and containing 160 ac eatico : econa ™ : a it This notice was posted on the ground|more or less question ful nsideration, as it |. "ine eth day of May, 1919 —— MARK SMAB) is for them to solve Politiciat A copy of this notice and an application Date, July 24th, 1019 Om ‘ pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, eee and protitee Will not try to sok 1914," will be fied in the oMice of the IN PROBATE it, but will attempt to mislead. 1] Water Recorder at Atlin, B. ¢ |IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH | (Objections to the application may be} COLUMBIA. am prepared to go a lot further | Med with the said Water Recorder or with | eee t! ' ' | : jthe Comptrolier of Water Rights, Parlia-| y rue MATTER OF THE ADM) with this argumen necessary |ment Buildings, Victoria, B. C.. within | TION AGT but T feel that I am already en thirty days after the first appearance of | and j this notice tn a local newspaper IN THE MATTBR OF THE BESTATI! I croaching too mueh on the ge M. R. LILLICO, Applicant, } FREDERICK KR. GIERTSEN, DECEASED, srosit f i r Otteaws, Ont. | INTESTATE erosity of your pape By Wm. B. Hood, Atlin, B.C., Agent.| ake NOTICE that in order of His Ww H. M The date of the first publication of this) py oocur FP. MeB. Young, made the i j}hotice is June 23, 1049 | day of Jily, A.D. 1919, | was appointed ’ + ; |} \dministratoer to the estate of ii The salaries of the city clerk) a7 ik. Gilertsen deceased, and all parties . | having claims against the said estate me and city treasurer were set by the The “Gartland’’ Boarding House |hereby required to furnish same, proper!) ; s g ; jverified, to me, on or before the 5) “ity. Gouncil last night we ae lor August, A.D. 1919, and all parties in ecommendation of the Manes . 3 ™ bted to the estate are required to pay i i 416 Sixth Avenue East ttn amount of their indebtedness to Ww omMmnitles W. D. Vanee is to} Near Drydock | forthwith hay 2°00 moan? nia 3 ' . ; * ee JOHN HH. MeMULLIN Have #204 i month and ! A. j Board by Month or Week. Phone Red 24 Oticial Administrator Woods $160. loo | pated this 81st day of July, 1919 Prince Rupert Music Store OPPOSITE POST OFFICE WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor “Everything in Music.” LATEST POPULAR SONGS AND DANCES, VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS Phonegraphs, Violins, Ete. Bows rehaired. dwind instruments repadded and adjusted. Rupert Academy of Music in Gonnection With the Store. Repairs to se WASTER 6 vee We THE BES) KNOWN TRACY Prince MARK in THE WORLF The Largest Steck of Pianos and Organs North of Vancouver The Heintzman & Co. Piano The Weber Piano Thomas Organs All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. E. L. VAUGHA Prince Rupert Music Store Expert Piano Tuning and Tepairing, Ployers a Specialty ———— -T’S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU DON’T WEAKEN ARE YOU DOWNHEARTEL ! a ims ma GREAT LIFE \F YOU DONT WEAKEN