| Page 6 HE DAILY news Puesday, A 1G ec ee = = ———-- , — Ot ee ee ee — “ Local News Notes pe ee TTT Best Display of | Barrie's for baby buggies; #0 ing at cost this week. ve FRESH FRUIT $f acics: . tor sort tanner won nesday at 3:15 and 3:45 o'cloek : G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public # mn For Sale House and lot, Section Six. Has five rooms and bath. Price $2,150.00. Easy Terms. | ui For Rent *. bs = — a. . . in the City Amone the recent arrivals in jthe city is W. Leversedge of An —— | = yox. . Anything that is in season can : e ° N? GAR ME NT Is Seven-room house with bath at 10th Ave. and Bacon St be found in our Store Bert Flewin of Port Simpson so well ay lapted * arrived from up the coast yeste! for out-door y athe iday afternoon — “ma jday ¢ ’ »] : n ‘8 climate like ours A H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Auger Table Supply C9. Last week of Tite’s August with its qui ~~ Pia Insurance Real Estate Bonds PHONES 211, 212 [Sale. Brass and iron beds ee asad o nge " oe . springs and mattresses. 19% , COO! even ings— ag " ® : ” . the Sweate) a+ c e : - ie = | The “Nora” leaves government | : 4 . FOOTBALL IS intge-tdpeticenrne sere Drm Satay | Wehandle the Mop. ‘i ‘g) ‘ . _ jat live TTT ow : arch line, and - ml Prince Ril ert flr flock 6 EN INPAr IA ('p GOOD GAME We have a few nice gilt edged receive frequent shin. ye ' invitation cards on re oarers | ments fron : ; . from the ordinary. Daily News ; " LIMITED Office. tf | i brated ltactor : | ry, we thus keep pace wij I a W 4 : Trail Club i penton Match With aS. ee , Vessels of any SIZE Docked om aia a England Play John R. C. Deane and son ar é _— : mS " to Tie. rived from Port Simpson by \ i) the newest trend in si Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. ato ‘launch yesterday afternoon and| | style changes andeat a Several boats can Fe docked together on one small tin ae en dna tus 0 Gabe Cees ban dee BCS ANC Color pO 4 ‘ , Last evening the Trail Club and}will be in town for a short tim combinatior iy section, making fees light. Large stock of repair the Sons of England tied 2 to 2 chee aa erone, re ges isis i ; id i : : ; i arge sc of of | i materisis is being laid in. in the second game of the Prince} Another larg cow load of en Just now we hay os shingles is being nnloaded at the | 4 & i range of the most por R ert Football Association Foundry Work ediees The aa test was fought Grand Trunk wharf this morning The bundles are being transferred S eer » a a ver stre ous as some of the uanitiasnensagestea uls ur combinations a Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Ete., made at Mea eeeen ioe Sans’ clecen havs|ditect from the barge to the cars| best , Ha mbinations of e “rs © ‘Sons eteve ave ai . . ee 5 armen — 9 gone over to the Trail Club. Both|im the slip along side the shed. | colors in both sleeveless (pull-over) and coa teams were working hard and it on iy Datei — " Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds fiicovea os i the ‘Trail builders}. Tee Prince Rupert Baseball As-| Prices run from $6.50 to $19. 50. “jsociation gives its first annual i ae CRT were going to hold the gay until) dance Tuesday night in St. An N.B.—Balance of season’s stock of silk sweaters eing Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries a corner in we se = half ju “ larew’s Hell at 9:30 anf the invi-| cleared at cost: This gives you a rare chance t aan p eergeentcn i eo stle | ah 1 th ‘ aa ta |tations are now out. Gray's or-| of these ever popular garments at manufacturer’s prices, Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. ing whistle brought the score lo/ )) ote will have charge of the| = nee ie oe pees music. 193) The Trail Club played down hill et. i i in the first half and by a nice The steamer Queen City which | ee. a =jtouch Harrison landed the ball in gwung round by a tide rip on to! . Just arrived, men’s dancing|the net. Ths Sons too were out! pock while up the Skeena rivet e ° *5 ‘ pumps. Family Shoe Store. tfjto score and pressing the goalie jact week damaging her stern! Cc . . a 6 te ‘ ert orner Third Ave. and Fulton St. ns | “Phonola” talking machines dl ad ao cs tm aan yo post, has been on the drydock fo e e 4 vd a r the forwards crashed the ba 0-|the past few days undergoing re from $25 to $200 at Barrie’s|}wards the open goal. Harry vairs and is again almost ready | S — _ NOTARY PUBLIO Furniture Warehouse 97 nile 1 ' “ ; wae a ‘ : “4 !Menzie made a swipe at it to save for sea . . - e | | : . it from: going by the posts, but ee « For your winter bedding. ble ; : ’ ’ — FOR SALE : t idin ‘AN-l Referee George Russell ealled it The tenders for printing as- kets, sheets, spreads, pillow cases a goal Both goals in the second sessment notices were received | . and comforters, take advantage of 6-Roomed modern house and Tite’s 20 per cent discounts. 97 half were well played for and the last night by the City Council and lot English Hill, $2,625, ae Te ‘ ' } whole match was a very excellent that of McRae Bros. was accepted | NEW ARRIVALS IN ’ terms. | The finance “committee was xhibition of football except to- at $§0.35 All the tenders we re | e 9 6-Roomed semi-bungalo, 4th $lasked by the City Council at its wards the end when Fred lardy for the same amount and the} Ave., East, built in buffet, | meeting last night, to report on was sent off for fouling ballot gave MeRae 4, Rauk 2, a ud es 0 ore OFS fireplace, etc., $3,500— |the request of the B. C, Union of ’ teams wer: Trail Club News 2 votes. terms. | Municipalities to send a member-|8°%: §- J. Winsby, backs Watmat a 8-Roomed house 5th Ave.., iship fae ih year : legates |@nd H. Menzie; halves, W. Booth At the meeting of the City ; W., modern, $3,250 terms. i Most ea eee ‘a H. Day and H. Harrison; forwards, Council last night a letter was Now showing at the Double Corner Sixth Avenue tion. J. Fallon, W. Anderson, 8. Hardy, received from W. W. B. Melnnes and Tatlow St. $1,750. 6) a i« VY. Menzie and F. Crages. asking for the return of $300 bail One nice lot near Drydock | Martin O'Reilly was among Sons of England goal. Jack On behalf of his client George FAMILY SHOE STORE $200. ¥ those leaving for the south on|/Judge; backs Wearmouth and Smith in the case of Rex vs. the Grand Trunk steamer Sunday Darton; halves, Sjocum, Robin Smith. The letter was referred SPOSSD SS SO OOROON M M Ste hens levening. Mr, O Reilly expects to] S50" a! d Tabrum: forwards, Davis, to the city*solicitor for report. ‘4 ; ° ° Pp return in about two weeks with}Davis, Tinker, J. Robinson and Miss Iren ” Meas { Georg ia! Values in Children’s Shoes ‘ - Mrs. O'Reilly ¢ re ; 0 oe) Fred Hardy. a © MCAS OF VOCOrE6- LOANS RENTALS - INSURANCE i ily and family who hay an town left for Vancouver on the Prince Rupert Sunday evening, where she will proceed to the ee we eee been on holidays for some Feferee, Geo. Russell. |months. - ——_—_____- Lis | * * . Vilvertis nthe Dathy News. | : - . - . : rae " . : "¢ Tv 2 Everybody is }Barrie on behalf of the Works Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf i bok gt ~ a m, his - al |} Committee recommending the TS os ao me COUeg* ] leonstruction of a cinder walk|* **** ## 44 #8 #@ #@ @ # are going to White Cliff fog a few GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM Not J ifrom Third Ave. at Cow Bay to ° @ weeks before the term opens. : ant a u e \Fourth Ave. near Green St. at an * TO SUBSCRIBERS * This is Miss McAfee's first visit The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 f Di d estimated cost of 8375 was pass- ° ornare @ to the north and she returns to OF VIAMOMES fled a: pe’ meoting oF the City|g , Subscripers to The News @ Vancouver & booster for the dis- Council last night and an intima- ere asked to pay the de. trict. Most people have to take some iam wih ; ee * livery boys each month #* i, a. sini debs Mec tal oe . ) Was given that a similar re- , . : : : one say so" because most peopl * when they eali except * Scrims, Cretonnes, Lace Cur- ,> aren't up on diamond values, port would be available soon in . ’ . , . ’ egard to a cinder path to replac * where payment has beer # tain goods by the yard at Tite's We wish to tell you that every - ~ ms Lee ade , Sein 2 a4 r ce ac a Q7 PD. gy Sag Pcedeg i on |the steps between Fuilon St. and 7 made for the year in ad. #/|*0 per cent & count ‘ 197 passed @ most careful examination Fourth Ave. vane he boys when * amen ~ ; at our hands | collecting carry official re. * } According to word received in Si eiicenrceetenrseee aa ek the city, Miss Olive Watson, for- Which makes buwing here aba« rite’s Home Furnishing Sale Sc ipt ¥ hich should al. > » ; : : le o “ . lutely ; , . ™ * ways he preserved * merly in the post office here, ex- a y a = - — who T/continues until August 23. Tle : ee . pects to leave Liverpool about the a nows little about diamonds. ' * R ' 7 e ‘on fee Siecle thie. tends Oth _| ** FRESH ECR H EHD end of August on her return to mond engagement rings at #%5.00 ———. ——-—- | Prince Rupert. Miss Watson is $40.00, $75.00 and $150.00 soos bringing out her parents and —ee What Wednesday and Sunday § **'e" "uby to live here and is John Bulger | coming just as quickly as beat a — ; - — = —— . . ; for service will permit, as she is very : Salt Lakes tired of her stay over there. Miss > i Unless it is the Best. nie Pg sa Eye Glasses ‘ Watson also tells of having visite Beauty. It does not pay to get any other kind -d Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Suprr who Launch icé & left here 4, few spapths ago. Are For. oe. Crockery, glassware and china Picnic and Fishing Parties > : € 20 a” ‘~~ . 2 . : ; Trips round Harbor at per cent discounts, the last FOR SALE Com have many uses, but Phone Red 391 eee re! midair et + only one purpose-—the restora } Just arrived, a car of Beaver OO00000 The News Printing Departmen! specializes on high-class .——<.<——= a tion of the sight t ci i = 4 Roo House _ oT CC ee ee a mr eo es 5 work. There are experi | m ° tt}. ° i , . ao Y2U were intended to see weil . ae ee . enced men in charge and Letterhead Sewer connections and easily. If you do not— Choose your own materials and] ( - . | they do th k well Envelopes 5th Avenue, Section 5 (hen you should make haste to dis- style when you have corsets made y overs wee : i $1600 — the trouble and apply a by Mrs. Director. Phone Blue (2.| Business Forms : | | +#* eee ween eeersslC We have on hand a Posters | ee HE want of a pair of suitable . TOO LA ** 4 +. , n / ‘osle a #iasees tay be all that preveuts | TE To CLASSIFY ° few specially choice in- Dodge ms I 2 Lots 6th Ave. sec. 5 you having visual perfection, health ((# on ereeee O eee : ; 7 5 a | ; vitation cards everal . wid comfort , ; oom \ in sever / on the Sewer |SALESLADY WANTED Good | 7 ; Circulars [ a | wages to experienced person styles. all at the office Bookle! im you @) ‘ ; ‘ ) efs | $600 each tell you whether or not this | _ Acme Importers. and. see them before “— is 80 ‘ Terms SKEENA LAND RECORDING aT \ oO ie = ’ DISTRICT OF pus, pt ’ . fey igse rdering. [eevee a —= ; ISLANDS, : TAKE NOTICE that William Traeger, of inyou, B.C. occupation machinist, intends to apply fer permission to prospect for : W coal and petroleum on the follow! ‘ jae ribed lands on the west coast Of Gtatan Oo al y e S 3 McCaffery, Gibbons | Fred Joudry } : . | ‘sland, in the vicinity of W. ‘ Paci duait | ria baat ad | b D r Third Ave. - - Prince Rupert ) 80 chains; thence’ south ‘0 on ¢ Oo epartme! Opposite Post Office east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains to| () Dp a « s point of comme: x, Lhe famous Mrs. lrene Gastie at WILLIAM TRARGER, C the Westholme Tonight, | nated May ane oe Meee |‘ MO0OO OOO? > - , 4 4S A