TAGE SIX IT HAS A TEMPTING FLAVOR AND HIGH FOOD VALUE HRED With all the bran of the whole wheat LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage 1 ' ' rhbnej8 t" Uartige, Warehousing, antf Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. The crisp, crunchy shreds of whole wheat have a delicious flavor when heated in the oven and covered with vt milk. Here are vitamins and mineral salts and everything e hody needs for perfect nourishment. Delicious for any meal. LADES' SHOES at 33 per cent Saving We have just deceived a big shipment of Ladies' Shoos in the veryrlatest and up-to-the-minute styles. We bought these right and can sell cheaper than the mail order houses. RUBBER BOOTS Rubber Boots for men, Rubber Boots for girls Standard quality in a wide range of sizes. for Christmastide In Men's Wear we have everything that a man needs Shirts, Ties, Hats and Suits in snappy styles. FOR QUALITY AND PRICE SEE REAL IMPORTERS MEEKER BLOCK, THIRD AVENUE a , 1 (XML ! COAL ! PEMBftfAJEGG Delivered, per ton :.$12.00 '( ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ; ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton ..... . 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD MILL ENDS Per load . .$1.50 BOX CUTTINGS-Per load 3.-50 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 The Season s Big Smash in Radio RADIOL A 60 (MQft 1929 MODEL tPlcU We consider these sets to be the most marvelous ever offered at this remarkable price. A nine-tube Super-Hetercdyne Circuit employing seven UY 227 tubes, one 171 and one 280. These sets have no equal as to distance, volume or tone. Only a limited number at this price. TOM B ALLINGER 3 1 8 5th St RADIO AND BICYCLE SHOP Dr Alexander BE.1SKK IILOCK DENTIST num H,,irimTira Uuy From the Merchants That Advertise: Their Stock Is Fresh. DIRECTORS CHOSEN FOR 1930 FAIR Balance on Right Side of Ledger 1 Shown in Annual Report I Read at Meeting; I At the annual meeting of the Northern B. C. Agricultural and Industrial Association held last night in the city hall, Alderman Prudhomme In the chair, directors for the coming year were elected. !the financial statement read and (the president made his annual report. New directors were H. F ! Olassy. George Casey, N. Mussal-lem, O. C. Minns, W. H. Sherman. ;D. Jabour. Alderman Dlbb, Alder-; man Prudhomme and John Bulger. This board will meet Tuesday (evening next to organize for the; 833, coming year. J , President Prudhomme in his annual address said: I "We started the year with a small deficit from the year 1928. ! which was caused by the extra i amount of insurance that had to be taken care of by the 1923 board, and which covered a three year term. j "The Auditor's report, which Is' herewith presented, shows a credit ; balance of surplus of $1614.80 for the year 1929, which. In my opinion, is a very satisfactory showing, when you consider that our membership drive was approximately $1000.00 less than last vear, and donations approximately $500.00 less. Had these two wms been up to last year, our surplus would have been over $3000.00 i Considerable Improvements were made to the buildings and grounds. In the way of a permanent stage inside, and the remov-'ng of rock and surfacing the carnival grounds at the rear of the season, which wrv general all over the country. Considering this. however, there were a number of '-above-1 mentioned, and in ad- .this to provide an Indian Dana-contest, if possible, as this fceems' lo be the wish of a great j number of citizens, and would be I the means of bringing to our city a large' number of visitors. The reason this year's board did not Have an Indian Band Contest, was due to the fact that the pieces selected were not placed In the hands of the several bands in time ior them to prepare same for the Exhibition, the members having leit their homes for the flshine grounds, and were scattered all over the country. I would, therefore, suggest that an early start be made in this matter. "I wish to take this oooortun'tv to personally thank all those who In any way assisted in making the fair the success it proved to be, and particularly the directors who were untiring in their efforts, and assisted in carrying out. the pro? gram." .: 7! A hearty vpte of thanks was accorded the retiring officers for their work on motion of N. Mus jsallem seconded by Qeorge Casey, AFFAIR WAS SUCCESSFUL Substantial Sum Realized as Result of Sale of Work By Lief Erikson Ladies I A highly successful sale of home i work was held by the Ladles' Club 1 I of the Lief Erikson Society last 'evening in the Metropole Hall. I About 150 persons were present land close to $200 was realized as a result of the effort.. I An address of welcome was given 'by Mrs. Karl Dybhavn, president iof the Ladles' Club, and tha func- ftlon was formally opened by Karl I Dybhavn. president of the Lief Erikson Society. a musical proeram Included sel-lectlons by a ladies' choir, directed i by Mrs. Karl Dybhavn, and by a men's choir. ledV by Peter Lien. ' There were a number of raffles Mn which a total of twenty-seven ! prizes, mostly fancy work, were ' offered. i During the evening, delightful All the twentv or so ladles who are identified with the club were responsible for the success of the anair. e. stockland and O. A. Bruskeland presided at the door. The proceedings came to.an'en- Joyable close with dancing for wnich music was furnished by Hanson and Farstad. Daily News ."classified, adver-tiserncnte" bring qukk results. THE DAILV NEWS Thursday, November 21, ' 1929 ge ' "I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for miserable and tired feelings and it gave me strength to do my work. My nerves are better and I feel well and strong and have a good appetite. I sleep well and am in pretty good spirits and able to work every day now. I recommend the Vegetable Compound and you may use this letter as a testimonial." Mj'55 Delvena Wallace, Union Street, North Deton, New Brunsuick. M'ROBBIE FINED TWO CHARGES Afternoon For Trial in Abduction Case A charge against George McRob- ble of assaulting a ponce officer exhibits of excellent quality, and! while in the execution of his du- all the exhibitors were perfectly satisfied with results. "Regarding attractions: the ties was reduced to common assault in city police court this momtn ; and the accused, having been board provided a number of good 1 found guilty, was fined $20, with -.lean acts for Inside the building, option of thirty days' imprisonment. all of "which proved very nleasing I convicted on an adaitionai charge 'txj the-' nubile and Droved a good' df awfhg card, among which migM oe menuonea miss Myiawny CgrHpbeU 'and. her dancing girls. ftSso' the- Three Naths. both 6f whlcr7were .outstanding numbers. Irt addition to these we had outdoor attractions in the way .of baseball. Ocean Falls vs. Prince Rupert, sottball between looal teams, and Indian championship baseball and football games. "To the Incoming board I would -ofommend that in arranging for of being under the Influence of liquor while interdictediMcRobble was set back another $50, wltn thirty days' option Havlns elected sneedv trial ves McRohble his laid acainst Provln i.l.l 1 1 W 1 f -It 111 t attraction for 193(1 thev eornlrior ' ?Ml yyiiamuie ka,. uuiier wiu De jnnhhiHhg' along the same lines I "eara- as is aoove-' .'dl,tloh"to 3andJ'Con Week-End Specials For Christmas Baking LEMONS Per dos. MANOIIURIAN WAL NUTS 3 lbs GLACE LACE CHERRIES CHERRIES 40c 40c ALMQND8 in shell. 25 C APPLES! Now is the time to buy apples for making your mince meat. McINTOSH REDS -Per box $2.00 Hunters and Trappers For your benefit we are offering special prices on flour; sugar, milk, potatoes, and all other foodstuffs you will require. SEE US REFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER Economy Cash & Carry 31T Third Ave. Prince Ilupert, B.C. Hospital Refuses To Pay Duty Upon Sterilizer Stand ! There was further correspondence at last night's hospital board meeting from the medical supply firm of Ingram & Bell which is seeking to collect from the board, the sum of 1 $21 which was rpcenUy assessed as duty on a sterilizer stand which was : delivtred to the hospital. The orlg-1 inal understanding upon which the i purchase was made was that the 1 stand would be delivered duty free, , but this did not turn out to be the case, and now the supply firm is endeavoring to collect. A letter from : the company read at the board meeting stated that the stand could ! be confiscated in the event of the I duty not being paid. It was sug-1 gested that the board reconsider a I previous decision not to pay the $21. 1 Since the original understanding had been that there would be no auty, ana as payment for the equip 1 mcnt had already been made, the GRANULATED SUGAR 20 lbs. SWIFT SILVER LEAF LARD 5-lb. tin "While the exhibits this year : To Appear in County uouri Tim CLARK'S CATCHUP were not up to standard, this Is i accounted tor by tne oacicwara Large bottle BROOKFIELD CREAMERY BUTTER 3 lbs. JONATHAN APPLES Wrapped. Box CRISCO 3-lb, tin terdav afternffi&fiMffijbble. at?- j SIHXLSD WALNUTS pears oeiore JuagaYBungan county Court this afternoon on a cnWrgeof aoaucuon. lie was committed Jn Mt.v ollr court several days ago on this charge. on me conclusion nf this case a counter-charge of assault which Broken piece. Per lb- WA08TAFFE8 CTJT MIXED PEEL 1-lb. pkg LIBBVS MINCE MEAT Large Jar VI-TONE For school. 1-lb. tin CHRISTIE'S SODA BJJB-CUITS-Per tin SUNKIST JUICY ORANOE8 5 doz 2 Uns HOLLAND HERRING Milkers. Per keg SOLVBNE SHREDDED SOAP 4lb. pkg. OEM LYE 2 tins I. UAMULA. Fifth Street ... 522 Week-End Specials 1.35 $1.00 20c SWIFTS SLICED BACON JltZn Per lb iD CROWN BRAND SARDINES 3 tins NORWEGIAN 35c S1.40 S2.25 80c1 40c( 30cJ 35c hot drinks after 60 c 45c 95c TIGER BRAND SLICED PINEAPPLES 3s. OP, ttK $1.50 85c 25c Alberta Market I'mprietor Phone 208 SHELLED WALNUTS- ggg fSHESKSSSESHSE&fia j&B USH'S Grocerteria ! 1 i Specials For Friday I and Saturday j 10-LR. SACK OF PASTRY FLOUR snowiiake or wild rn Rose SPLIT PEAS Per lb. WHOLE DRIED GREEN PEAS Per lb. 7c 7c NO. 1 JAP RICE Per lb C LIBUrS JARS OF MINCEMEAT SAUERKRAUT 2 tins MALKI1TS BEST RASP- BERRY JAM 4-lb. tlni NABOB COFFEE -Pe- lb. 35c 35c 65c 60 c1 Bush's 'Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. 100 PER CENT TALKING PICTURES & Music LOLA LANE AND PAUL PAGE In . "The Girl From Havana" A Mystery Drama, Filled With Thrills and Romance .Comedies "HIS BABY DAZE" & 'HER NEW CHAUFFEUR' Musical Novelty "THE INGENUES" ADMISSION, 20c AND CSc: SATURDAY MATINEE, board decided to stand pat on Its mMS&Si previous decision and a letter will be sent to Ingram St Bell expressing the belief that that concern and not the hospital is now responsible for the payment of the duty. 15i AND tor LUMBER saa 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap ... ; $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce' Shiplap $25.00 1x6 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2x0, 8 to 14. S4S, No. 2 Common. . . $22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath, Shingles, Doors,' Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Retail Yard, Cow bay, Telephone 42.1 Buildtip yourStrength Against Winter Ills A little Bovril in your diet every day ' makes a lot of difference; you pet - i more real nourishment from less food 'aia avoid clogging your system with excess that creates fatty tissues. VRIL Builds Strength Without Fat This Clock n T) A ff T ggu. ssiza Huns 4UU Days MIXED PEEL on Per lb. ... COCOANUT Per lb FANCY CLEANED CURRANTS Per lb SEEDLESS RAISINS Per lb. BLEACHED RAISINS Per lb. 12c 18c Makrs a beautiful and useful ornament for the home. 12 inches high in goldrn brasr covered with a glass dome to keep out dint. Wlnd it every New Years. A good timekeeper and made of good solid material. PRICE $15.00 1 Jewellers asLTHt STORE. WITH THE CLOCK Kii;Eii:H,l;ai:B:i!ii;i:ii!ii1iiaiiBii!BX!B .Mine Head Coal HARD, HOT, CLEAN AMI) DRY This coal Is recoim:rri bv all who have used It as i-:nc the best Alberta coal cmuui Into Prince Rupert There is no rock nor slack and w-(an deliver It In any size y'' dc "Ire. .... Egg, 1 Inch to 3-Inch l Stove, 3-inch to 6-Inch S12;j Furnace Lump ... $13-" REMEMBER Our coal Is kept under i ov" and you are not paying Ir water. We Can Supply Telkwa Lump s;'- Wellington Lump - INSIDE MILL WOOD Cut irxI6", bit load C. C. KETCIU'M & CO., LTD. i'iioni: :7i Coal? Coal? Takf ilvntne ot lw Vlft to put In )our winter nff"1 EON and CAS5llV-Wr.lXt'"-TON , III miy quantities flour, Hay, Oraln ami1 Vni, Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 538 Dally News "Want .Vis' quirk results, brlnJ