Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, 7 AND 9 P. 31. u si j an win mm do a tut nn my va A Thrilling-, Melodramatic Story of the Underworld Jacqueline Logan, Alan Hale and Others MackSennctt Comedy, "HUBBY'S LATEST ALIBI" TOPICS OF THE DAY Admission 35c and 10c. GOAL" Yoar choice EDSON CASSIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Bolkley Hay and Grain. Agent fcr Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. Dr. Alexander PHONE 57 ItENEK lltOCK DENTIST HICK Quaker Oats A pretty China dish ' in each package The best oats as well 33 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon nosing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board dally. We can gie instant service jn buying and Jelling Wining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order on Winnipeg Stjck Exchange. Representing Miller. Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Colli 617 2nd Amiue Prince Rupert, B.C. Try a Daily News want-ad UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED halllntt irora l-rlme llupert. l V.MtliVfcll VICTORIA, Swau-on Uu), ItuteOal. Alerl iuij. rlc Tufilv. S3U p.m. lur VANCOl VEIL VICTORIA, Uat'dilf, Alert lay, He. ITM-iy l or M.H F AKM. ANVOX. STI V AUl. IVALUH ISI-VNU, yllT MMiVmIN NAAS KlVUt, Monday 8 p.m. Ill 2nd Aienue. tt. M. tt.MiTH. Agent. rriiH-e KuierUU.. Through llrkrli m4 e Virtvrta and Prattle, and nagcace tbnk'u through to drillnatlir PACiriC jjiiwrf B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krtrhlkfin, Mrangrll. Juneau and Skugwav 1'eh. D. 23; March 0, 20. To Vancomer, Victoria and Scuttle February '13, i'. ; Marili 13, H. I'KINCKXS IIOV4tL loi llulrdalr, Inst Itella llrlla, Oreau lall. Nainu, Alirt Hay. Campbell Klver. Vmicouier and Victoria, eery trlday, In p.m. Ag;nt (or ull sieaniMiln Linn. lull Information from W. C. OKCIIAKU, (;l;I UAI. AiiB.NT fienrr 4lh Slrret and 3rd Avenue I'rlnrr Kuiiert, II.C. Phone 31, Canadian National CUtc LargeSl Railway Syilem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Railings from PKINCK ItlPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8KATTI.K. and Intermediate points, each I'HIDAY, 9:00 a.m. fur STEWART and ANVOX, each WEDNESDAY, 10:0n p.m. lor NORTH AND SOUTH QIT.EN CIIAItLOTlE ISLANDS, Fortnightly. TASSENOER TRAINS LEAVE WINCE RITERT Each MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11:80 a.m. for WINCE OEORUE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all olnU Eaitern Canada, United Stotes. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 260 WILL HAVE VERYLATEST The latest invention in , theatre ' equipmentAlknoNving pictures wnn syncnrunizca music and sound effects is-now being installed in the Westholme Theatre and will be first operated with Friday night's program. The very best and latest orchestra, organ and other instrumental music will be heard, synchronized with MRS TESSIER "X was very ealc because of Kisser Trouble and suffered with Vrr-TWt Hea-dashes." mt Mrs. Honraliw Trwter. St. Jn de Uatha. Pq "I u trtlteel for a tons tisac and aa tt about Atatouratad wtien I lraed of Trott-ayue" Iraprore-taetrt aae with the first fe-w dose, and in six otoatha the kidnay trouble, veakness'iad headaehea were Htm " "FruU-i-tlrrf" regulates lae Mwcis. kldneji ind akin pvrlflrs the Mood and brings sound, vigorous heHh. Try this wonderful medicine made of fruit Juices combined with the finest medicinal Ingredient 25c. and 50c a box at dealers SPECIALS SEEDLESS RAISINS 7 lbs. 95c CHOICE PRUNES- Ibt. ...95c TABLE FIGS 2 lbs 45c TABLE&)siNS-2 kg'v .U45c MANCHURIAN WAL'UTS- i i. . .t . . a;.. 45c CAL. SOFT SHELL WALNUTS 2 lbs 75c SOFT SHELLED ALMONDS 2 lbs G5c FILBERTS 2 Wm 45c POPPING CORN 2 lbs 26c McCORMICK'S JERSEY CREAM SODAS 2 pkgs. .' 45c BRAID'S B. L. TEA 2 lbs $1.55 1 Teapot Free. BRAID'S COFFEE 2 lbs. $1.25 1 Teapot Free. FRESH VEGETABLES AR- RIVING EVERY BOAT. Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited G17-423 6th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. O. Box 575. MILK f Mil Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTINDAIRY Telephone 657. CONTESTS FOR , CHANEYSUPERB ! ORATORY HELD IN BIG FILM! Robert Irvine Declared Champion of Prince Rupert High School Last Evening Robert Irvine, third year, won the oratorical championship of the ! Prince Rupert High School in con-' testa which were held last night ; in the Wetthelme Theatre and will j probably go to Vancouver in the course of the coming spring to i represent this district In the pro- jvindal ivineiai iinal finals' w which will be held ,f.k 'tMi.,. t iwk mn.111 'aTft' - nTf ' indr the Apices of the Van- Movie fans will find this innovation most entertaining and interesting. INTERMENT TODAY couver Sun. There were five en trant in the contest, which proved interesting to a large audience, including practically .ill the pupils of the High School. Irvine's sub ject was "The Spirit of the Pi- joneers. Both contestant was Father Hammond O. M. I. of- PfM) U epeak for 10 minutes .iti . f.,i ri, na juoflnt Was on the low point ;of the late Dan McLean. Porcber G" ' R,ev, . , , . , . . . , T. H. McAllister and Principal Island PPtor which took place at 10 o dock thi. morning R R who w8 in the chape of the B. C. In- only one Irvine , dertakers. Interment in the Jfl . n,rt,v..iUriv Roman Catholic plot in Fairview oft-l -wi fc5 cemetery followed. IIOiuiadliiiiaBi." WiHkm CdlH. ALMOST FRANTIC WITH HEADACHE 'Kidney Trouble ' and Weakness Relieved by 'Trcit-a-tives" son. speakiag on "Canada, Our ! Native Lud cam third, but one SUmp-Vinceat, whose subjsot was "The Peoples of Canada, was fourth, and James Winslow, j speakiag on "The ' Unification of Canada, canw fifth LUDIES'MIKirri.IlB MEETING YESTERDAY 'Operatic Muic of Cilhert and Sullivan Taken Up in St. ' An:'rew' Cathedral i Hall With Mrs X. II. Blott and Mrs. , Shelford Darton in charge of a delightful program, the Ladies' I Miwic Club took up the study of 'Gilbert ami, .Sullivan's operatic I music ft a guest day yesterday afternoon in St. Andrew's Angli-, can Cathedral HaH . The prograto 1 was as follow : . i Paper Mrs. M. H. Blott. Piano sola, overture Mr. C. E. Cullen anlMias B. A. IMteh. VocaJ solo "The Sun Whose Rays," Mrs. F. W. Allen. Violin soro-rTit Wdltew," Mm. WjUjatt Millar . II . M. 8. Pinafore: synopsis, Mrs. 8. Durton; overture, Mrs. M. II. Blott i vocal solo, "Little Butterfly." Miss Ualliweil; vocal solo. "Sorry Ills Lot," Mrs, Ernest Anderson. The Gondoliers: synopsis, Mrs. Darton ; vocal solo. "When a Maiden Marries," Mrs. William Cruick-shank; vocal solo, "Kind Sir. You Cannot Have My Heart," Mrs. F. W. Allen. NO GRAIN COMING Railway offices this morning reported no grain on the division west of Jasper Park bound for the local elevator. There is no wordof any further boats coming here to load this season. Why Hesitate When OUR PRICES AND (JUAf.lTY ARE SECOND TO NONE A Few of our Many Bargains LIFEBUOY OR PALMOLIVE SOAP Special, per doi. 98c CHOCOLATE RCLAIR8 , AND APPLE BLOSSOM FINGERS Per lb. 40c CI.USP GINGElt SNAPS 2 lbs 43c 48 SWEET JUICY ORANGES for , 78c YOUR CHOICE CAMPBELL'S AHMJKTEI). SOUPS 0 tins 89c FIVE-POUND BOXES SODA BISCUITS C5c SEEDED, PUPPHD OR SUL- 'TANA RAISINftM-Fer pkg. 15c llcadcjuarlers for Fresh Frull und Vegetables arriving each boat. Give us a call. Bush's Grocerteria rilONKH 211 AND 212 Starjloes (Jreat Work in "Laugh, j ijow ii. Laughs at Capitol Again Tonight The age-old barrier to love j that of the passing years is the motivation of the most startling film drama of the years, and Lou Chaney, portrayer of strange -characters, has in it a vehicle that reveals more hidden facts in the gem of his artistry than .ny !iay in which the famouh star has ever appeared. This play is "Laugh, Clown, Laugh." Herbert Brenon's latest i rectorial feat, and one of Chan-ey's greatest triumphs. The new Mtlro-Goldwyn-Mayer spectacle, now playing at the Capitol Theatre, has in it so many remarkable features that .in describing it, one wonders where to commence. Ewart Lyne. popular pianist with the Capitolians was given a big reception on his presentation f (a) "A Slavonic Fantasie." his own composition, (b) special rranirenietit of "It goes like thi." This bit show will be repeated tonight with usual prices of 85c and 6c. GENEROUS HOY Visitor What are you going to give your little sister for her birthday, Bobby? Bobby I rfunno; but last year I gav her the measles. School and Home. Week-End Specials GRANULATED FUGAR 20 lbs $1.35 MILK All brands, Dot. $1.40 NABOB COFFEE 6-lb. tin $2.95 NEW ZEALAND BUTTER j 3-H, M4ki A. $140 I ROYAL CITY RBI) PtUMS j 2 l-2s, choice quality. I , Hnst. ..$1.30 DEli MONTE SLICED PEACHES 2 l-2s. 6 tins $1.75 QUAKER CORN 2s. 6 tins 86c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 6 pkgs 66c INSTANT POSTUM Large tin 60c WETHEY-S MINCE MEAT 2 pkgs 86c HEINZ CATSUP-r 8 large bottles 86c LIBBY'S SOUR KRAUT 2 l-2a. 2 tins 36c PURITY FOOD 6-lb. sack 36c SWIFTS LARD S-lh. pail 60c PRIDE OF CANADA MAPLE SYRUP-2 1-2-lb. tin 80c I'EARL WHITE NAPTHA SOAP I 22 bars 96c 1 NAVEL ORANGES Medium size, 5 dot 96c Large site, 8 do 86c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Pioprktor tilth Street. Phone 208 Weak and Run Down Didn't Want to Eat Could Not Sleep Mrs. D. Ione, Pault Htc. Marie, Ont, writr- "I waa weak and run down: did not want to eat, and could oo aieep. i ion tired of living and often lonred for death to free ine from my ternble miaory as I felt 1 would oever be strong sun. I thought I would try ami reaDr 1 soon felt UVs eating and Mrliif, and new lifa memed to come to ata." t MamifsiituraJ only Vy Tlio T. M0 Una Co, Lto Toroalo, OoL I PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Febru, an- CLASS! COLOR! COMFORT! WAUMTIJ' afi a irferriir i s m Q ji Hiii 1 ' . TONIGHT AND THURSDAY 0XL L0N CHANEY IN HIS GREATEST FILM Laugh, Clown, Laugh" The tears, the laughter, the Joys of life, mad.- ir: film masterpiece by a great director with, the great.---all screen character stars. DON'T MISS IT! i . t I.XTRA Ewart Lyne, Pianist' (a) "A Slavonic Fantasie, his own comport inn (b) "It Goes Like fnis," special arrangement NEWS COMEDIES Two De Lu:;e Shows 7 and 9 p.m. ...... aSa . . tind wx sec our used cars on the road everywhere. And Ihey tre always running, and running strong. Our used car bargains are real bargains for the reason that they are thoroughly checked and inspected before they arc sold. TIIK FOLLOWING USED CAR BARGAINS NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION 1927 Dodge Sedan, leatherupholstery 192G Essex Coach ... 1928 ilMl&BSStil: - 1927 Ford Tudor, good equipment 4"'" " 1027 Ford Covered Light Delivery :!"''" 1928 Dodge Covered Delivery urn" S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone DEMAND "Rupert Bjrand" Kippers 'THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD" . Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, W Prince Rupert B.C.