fAGE FOUR The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue ; II. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION SUBSCRIPTION RATES ... tv,.;fJ City delivery, by mail or carrier,-yearly period, paid Jn,advanc $5.00 For leaser neriod. naid in advance, per month .50 By mail to all'frfrtS of'No'rthfern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period ......,............. 3.00 Transient display adverting,, per Inch, per insertion 1,40 Transient advertising on front naze, per inch 2.80 Local readers, per 'fhie'riton, 'tier line ;'..V..''"':25 Classified advertlslnKiiperiinsertion. per word . . ,. ... ...... s.02 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line .' .15 Or four months for 1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em pire and United States, paid in advance, per year 6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year 7.50 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone , Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations .98 .86 Tuesday, May 7, 1920 BEAUTIFY PRINCE RUPERT Rupert has ever seen before. The great feature of this movement is that it is to a large extent selfrextending. If a few people get interested, the neighbors catch an inspiration and get busy on their lots. Some are ashamed to sit back and have people make remarks about their ugly grounds and others, have a real love f or, beautyand order and do the work from a real desire to make ho. horaenand the city more Rightly.. . irom rln will i, RENTED HOUSES' There are peopje.pliye in rented, houses, vffoJfige io maKe any improveinentg Dpeauge tfley, jeer irat tenure is inure. . Thev may move, 'and !do wisarg permanent wolf 'fowhicli they cannot be paid. Npt SlIMaV Mnv 19. ia MnfknM ru.. n. . .1... Fashion Fancies Here's a Turk'ln Blouse That ' Stays Put , . With the arrival of the tuck-in bUso for spring suits and sports pnjumhlaa ! fntno the nlrl nrrthlam f. ,,.1 . ... . : . (, L ; fyvv. rV. miinii' mnnf tin urn Vio'irn onirl Hfflo nv nnfl-ilnrr iTinll Of what 10 do AVitll bultfillir beautifying?PriuclRufiW-t , We do not ;vvish ,to. tire Q.urjjg The is the. pantie- reaaers witn tne suDjeci, dui, now mat suongas nere ami nhiK jfi the iti,,,, bIouw everything is growing, congratulations are in, order ,to,nd pantie that you see sketched .1 1 1 11 1 il ; j. i.1 . . ... tnose wno nave worKea naru mis spring 10 improve inuir nere. it is a white silk crepe irardens and britrhten un their Dremises trenerallv. A erreat , tailored, with a step-in attach- imnrnvpment is noted everv season and this one has been l(fs meeting lingerie un- even better than most previous years in that respect. 1 JJ Weather' There are more gardens cultivated, lawns planted and I cared for, and general improvements made than Prince Note The Letter Box DISMISSAL OF PUBLIC SERVANTS muth impressed with the-deiflgs in he House in Victoria ip the discharging of cVvlf seinants in the! district. I agree IT ...11. r . TLtrf ' iju arum Jir. j.ooiey, aiiomey-generai it is linds rank IneomDeteriee. Mv e.x "suirirested that in such cases there should be co-oneratiorT perience. in this' nrovinc for between te'iSht " ari'd'lh'ndlord. Whennermanent work is a number of yeara. ha'i'been done the landlord mieht nav nart ot'fliG cost and ffiftfonflnt .thit (uite M PoavW -itjr auu uidAc iiie mum ciijuyume lor me tenant -which' they belong or td GariaaS1 the same time be for the general betterment of theicity. .&ome of them even think that' ' w ' " I'rwMn they have been afpointd HEADING AHQUT GARDENING ZSftZSl fSi" a . . . .. , . j the public's sen-ants. Some of A great many people have been reading the gardening; them I came across may have pas-page published occasionally on Mondays in this paper. d some exams., but civility Some suggestions have been made in regard to it by local they never p"d that. Some gardeners. Others are a little shy at making suggestions. h.en V1 ,Uy t0 ,on ,n We are always glad to hear from practical flower growers blX Zw2r.VJt?h to hints as to what to grow and what not to grow and what to aUL X do m exceptional cases. It is difficult to secure articles on job and things will g0 on just gardening v hich apply to this part of the country because the same, of the fact t hat few gardens have been cultivated this .far Robert iIanna, north in the past. What we wish tn-rln tarn mnlea onniDA Fisherman. tions of hfq as pleasant here as they are in the souths the saimov tkm nm. When we sliall find more and more people will live heret ? tion 'vot oe mSt iiiBieuu ux ii me soum. KEEPING .MOTHER'S DAY pear KdlVor Will you Wrnlly allow me trace , In your -Valuable paper tor a few iBtimruB re. nia qwvar. I eoo.e who have no motheiu somotimos make a point of infr'awi moat fmporunt queation, remembering other mothers. , they must be aware of the fol- we nave a plethora of days set apart for various I i0WIng ftctB! causes, but this one is different To some extent it re-' A" BritUh Columbia 8e'!;es.C,hri8tmas' Those whose mothers live elsewhere !l6.M aro . ... ... . . in! rinitlif inpii l fifth tmni mil uuuulicu iL'iiien ivr fi wnra rn rhAm .M u;A i -v. ....vv. iu mem jh mij P. G. E. ACTION SOON occasion, i It i rxn.tod that action tvill be taken at the next sum of the ; R C. legislature dealinc with the p fi ,R j 2. Most of the Uritish Columbia trollers will be driven to atar-vatlon. 3. Most of this struggling people will be toUIN ruined. , .'1. The 'HouriBhlnir fifth fnHniu anu as extension into tho Peace River country WhHn.iT w r,n! ,:n? h,aa bec cided thT upon, it is " S.? expededX? 1 WiW. hS01 the line will be taken ovr hv . Why? ' -- - - luatriea In be jiartly and connected up eventually w h the E I) & D C wiS Which ' a"? fkf of "Money" A few V atrwrt bualneaamen also is to le inmrntorl nnth, u . have A great many peopleVoniaTike tTee thfTfcT l?n!rlWw !, into Prince Rupert under !ey wow 1 '"W r ' equal terms with tho r m p and it is difficult l N" ? t ,e8e trQH,,ho.iways bother to understand vvhv t C , ro There h nlentv 7 nf 00m l hero , for hl thoy shou,tl nt do them about tfce price the Rations of both "o troiier or fishermanj bkr eomnaniee , oifc companies. . but j nm a M9ni of JuBtlet nnd fT - - Right," and I know that the ' j-' authorltlea . woujd ;ie absolutely Looking for a house? There uniuttt lf they "l'wed h arc some 0"10-,,ste(1 lkir.,1 i on. m The Daily News classified columns. ! J trap? j n nm irap, ii practically nnd Tr i On the other aide, if a fleet of 1 . trollors are out ffshinsr, and a w,t run comes on; the trollers cannot possibly get any more than ' one fish on' each hook at the JJL Editor, Daily NewsJ-ju flJA; AWUfl f ' W hi I A It.fai THE DAILY iNEWS Tuesday, May 7, 1929 PROPOSED NATIONAL ANTHEM 0 Canada, our land of priceless worth! We prize above all other lands on earth, With loyal hearts we sing thy praise Our country great and free, May God protect thee, Canada, And' shape thy destiny. O' famous'1 realm, land of the freel if- vis Britannia's,, sons and daughters call on thee' '' Toeing pf,ipeacet good-will and unity. Land of the North, where virgin forests grow, Whero mountains look on meadows green below. Kind Heaven has blest thy wide domain, ; With valley, hill and plain ' t A changing scene, through, all thy length, From East to Western main. O land renowned in history I Shades of thy glorious dead are calling thee, To sing of peace, good-will and harmony Then let us all, who love our country, singT , God bless, our land; long live our gracious King-- May his vast Empire still endure, When flags of war are furl'd, And justice, truth and peace prevail Throughout a new-born world! O flighty power on land and sea! The nations, East and West, all look to thee, To lead the world in peace and amity. 'f ; uiiji. M. Stramberg, In Vancouver Star. skillfully, erected,1 fcihd put up In same time; therefore, the major just the rigftt pfaee,'the running salmon cannot poswibly avoid it. God gave this fish that Instinct, that he should go to certain grounds for spawning, and grounds. accordjng to this law, the salmon ' goes there doen't matter all r.L. a . 1 1 i t i i i un uue; or an omer ninaran-ces: v ity of the salmon must get through and reach the spawning and Consequences Hsh traps mean destruc- Fish 'trolling meins bread living for thousands of Four basic advantages enable Fisher so remarkably to increase body value vliilc holding down price, as to make Fislicr IJody, for tens of thousands of motor car buyers, the determining factor in motor car selection. This preference is the result of the greater Fisher IJody value whiph in cars outside the Fisher Itody group is obtainable only in cars costing several hundred dollars more. "1 First of these fundamental Fisher advantages, is the enormous resources of the Fisher Body Corporation. Some idea of thecxtcntof Fisher resources muy he realized when one considers that Fisher operates the world's largest manufacturing plant for automobile body hardware and fittings (Ternstcdt)i one of the largest plate glass manufacturing plants in the world; and harvests timber from its own 200,- 000 acres of forest lands and ' converts that timber into lumber in Its own mills. O Another reason for the im-preccdented value of Itody by Fisher is Fishcrs huge pro you very much Mr. Yours obediently, SPECTATOR. 'anl t Well Mannered Service to Motorists liens of llionsands of motor car tiijers wfl lb bo duction, uith all that means in reduced costs of fabrication and assembly and huge saving by reason of great purchasing potrer. As everyone knows, quantity production is one of the chief factors in manufacturiiigecon-omy. Fisher employs more than 60,000 persons, who build annually in 18 great factories, upwards of 1,250,000 automobile bodies. Some idea of Fisher Body purchasing power will he gained when one notes that in the twelve months of 19211 Fisher required (or the manufacture of Fisher bodies, nioro thanfiOCOOOOOpoundsofstccl, 203,000,000 hoard feet of lumber, Vb whntto make friends . and hold them. By courteous service we can win this. Let .us take care of your gast oij ana greasing ncqtlg., Guaranteed work. We make a specialty of pumping tires for ladies. Let us help you today. HUT DOMINION TIRES They Are (Jood Tires S. E. PARKER Limited FORI) DEALERS I cons ider .n't . '., m ijij Fisher therefore, docs not bid for contractsit always knows well in advance what its manufacturing program is going to be, and to co-ordinate its operations so as to achieve still further economies while maintaining highest quality. At fourth basic reason for Fisher Itody value, is the proxi m i ty of Fish cr Itody manufacturing plants to the chassis plants of its customers. This eliminates much costly handling andholdsdown transportation expense, and thus permits Fislicr to put still greater valuo into its bodies. 111 26,000,000 square feet of plate This explains why Fishcrisahlo glass and about 20,000,000 yards to build value so superior as to of upholstery cloth. Oi third basic reason for Fisher Body rfcijiic is Fisher's certainty of market. That mdrkM consists of tho companies manu facturing General Motors cars Fisher Itody Girporalion being n division of General Motors. Fisher, make IJody by Fisher tho determining factor today in thousands of motor car sales. Compare Fisher IJody cars, Haled below, with other cars in their respective price fields and FISHER fw.xEiiAi. Morons OP r.l.V.WM. LIMITKU you sec that in Fisher IJody cars alone docs yourmoncypurchuso all thchody valuo you have a right to expect in a motor car. CADILLAC . LA SALLE McLAUGHLIN.RUlCK OAKL ND . OLDSMOUILR . PoVriAC I ClIUVROLKT