7, 1029 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE SEVER II I mmmmmmmm flail in the Moon . it's about time Borne CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST ft FOUND ,i tislu-rmen were re THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE n catches. Perhaps; IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. not been any catches ,)on I'll take my rod A preuy iiy I'll anjfle in the streams .... i ir t!;' I ' J 'I learri to lie. ...lit this monster trout it'll be n jtump) i flit my heck iind Ian-. '( m' ' , li. ;.d first, kerflump. , itmit land the fifth ,,f (hmKllnjr fly i ,S ' I a HJWlJf WUIUl bait close by. time 1 will imbibe hint' and fresh air ,i nip of Scotch ff beauty rare. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert May 7, 1919 the month of April a Li.uoo pounds of hali-!ii u ki-ti'd at l'rirtce Rup- i' ; pivr total landings for :"m January I to 5,--n.inis. Prices in April ."tn 10c and 7c up to 1 1.-. filing at &C a pound 1 in pert while ham ia k 1 ' IbeMamlncd at the oJllo of C C. Petrj. 'Indian Afwit. Winch BuUdlng. Vanow- . .. Kuoert ivuperi Mliaifnl lUilcai ao- 4n. B c : w E CollUon' Indian Afu. prln Rupert B.C., or W. E Dttohbun. ,i its second grand cn-. IlKltaa CMnmlaatoncr. Victoria. B.C. Tendw be cncloHd In sealed i,, ,u i are to aht the etholme : in tKrriafM Tendw for Lauch." I 'I'-rr were both choral and forwarded to the uodaralcned at ' "'nl numbers, solo- imp. bT rattoteWawll. , Dr. R. W. Large, Will, A certified cwn ta or t ue '- Mrs. J. II. McLeod.Pri5fnd,?r, of ndJfn .mis, John . ... B. Uavey, w i'iton, II. A. Hsney the W I Pitman. W. fi. Williams STRANGE MA);I)Y Professor What dls- usscH-ial with biting ' from Arkaaaas, ir,-timid Frewhman. We any dowfl there." C.N.R. 1UAINS 1 thr rt- M.-f.-iiv Wedneadaji and Saturdira " the :wt IwVm Ttl',y 1 Thuradaja at I-cttcr Box CollccU ons AM. P V "wia k AUtn A? t.00 1M " & t t, et B.05 7J 10 7.0 ' A ft 'l .utnpaoa St. .. I IS 7.11 I!'- l' Shethrooke . h A-'" .'..nrad 9.25 11' j7 " t 9 50 ICK J & IUvi Cot Oirele 935 S.0f U f ,U(n st , 8.00 1M : 1 ' " t. (Haptl). 940 It w n-m, . 9.43 81.' ' r H mem 9.50 s ac w ' 955 8J5 10.00 8Jt 10M AM - z' Aft ft i 10.10 I Ml 'U-.1 hi , M 8V 10.15 8.4S Arr (, c 1 St . . 10 JO 850 Alexander PHONE 575 "KSNEU IILOCK DENTIST ilILK MILK W'Kh ''""teurlzed Milk and C?eam Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout U.e City. VAI-ENTINDAIRY Telephone 657. BOARD AND ROOM ROOM And Hoard. Central location. Steam heat. Phono Illue 153. tf. GOOD Room and board, $35 per month. Apply 410 Sixth Averine East. Phone Green 21C. tf WANTED WANTED Woman cook. Apply Inlander or Phone 137. tf , WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone I5lue GUI. tf GRADING, Excavating, Concrete foundation. Net's Rokkjar, Itoom 9, 628 Third Avenue, Phone Red 686 or Black 700. tf LOST LOST Between Borden Street and up the track, Mauve Geor-Kette scarf with colored border. Phone Green 402. 10G TKMliltS IOK Ml' NCI I Tenders are invited tor the construction of one flftyVIre foot 55-foot) Munch to tx cMlrrm) at Prlnc Rupert B .C . for tb DepamiMtnt of Indian Attain accord -tug to plana and apeclficattaina which oao oodq HmBiwcvorr tne 9uperaiw- eawOefMfalot Indten Affkln f 10 eenlrajat price muat aecompaa UMer. ' the Oepartment of fbdlaa Af-Mm dct not bind. Itaelf to aooeft tax lowest or any tender. W E. DITCH BURK. ' Indian Oaaunleattncr for B.C. Boa e. Vktorla. B.C. OatM at Victoria. b:c . latvsy. i.' The unaytAorJeed nibileatlon at tola adertlaement win not he paid for. IIMl S. DJohrislon Co.Lid. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vaneeuver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will-receive our prompt attention. S. D. Johnston Colli 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 " Prfnce Hupert ILL. WILL AND WONT A darkey was struggling with balkv mule when a bystander said: "Mose, where's your will nower?" "Mah will power am right wid ! n. .kin ilia ver me, uui Ju animal's won't power! -Southern KchO. I FRINGING UP i TO MKT WIM FOR RENT i. W. HAItrS Office, Emad B,,ek- 124 FLATS For rent, Wallace lilockJ Apply at store. 108 FURNISHED Shack for rent. Mussallem Grocery. tf FOR KENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547. tf. . FOR RENT Six houses, three furnished. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue E. tf FOR RENT Furnished modern four room flat, Clapp Block, Apply Westenhaver Bros. tf FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT furnished housekeeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red C07. tf Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES, BROS. I Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port GemeBiA and Queen Charlotte CHy, hire cars and trucks from YOUNG imOTHEItS Skldegate, B.C. cuiRariucTic CHIKOPHACTIC ELECTROTHERAPY -You ean make no mistake. in adoptfnff these scientific methods, an their use ia now world wide in all cases of disease. Our system of drugless therapy does not leave your recovery to rhance, owing to the certainty of the methods adopted. Consult DR. W. C. ASP1NALL 6 and 7 Exchange ftlock Of Open f.venlngs You are Are Talclnir laKing No ino t Chnncpi nances In in Ind Rfatra'tlw District, la the Pro-iou of BrHton ooiumbu, iron urbsad i wpoy. Limited, or vanoourer. C. occupation, a Corpora Hon lneorTxrk,l ,ted under the laws u( the Province riljl IBrltlah Columbia. Intend to apply ft laving CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS : From This Office Six months experience with nr new nalyte, the light that ndleates the place of nerve interference, has proven the principles of Chiropractic to be of decided benefit in the majority Mf hronic ailments. "icui jciiiuiu- ary training by medical men and years of experience in the Lhiropractic Held assures you or . ,. '. a Iirst Class HEALTH SERVICE Consultation Free R. E. EYOLFSON I CHIROPRACTOR 023 Third Avenue I I Office Telephone Illue 85 Residence Telephone Red 589 a . , . nours - iv, to noon; iioo 7 to 8 p.m. FATHER MS OUD w was A.CIM !'"r CfcMl.rleMs , J 1st M1h.i.lr"t" HERE.TOO FOR SALE FOR SALE MeCla,rv furnacette. Cost 5120. will pell cheap. Ap- ?y Io lg9 News. tf FX) j SALEDining rooroKsulte at a 'bargain, inquire at' Mc- Caffery & Gibbons. '"J FOR SALE One row boat, com-plete with oars, first class condition. Apply Stork's Harware. tf FOR SALE Ford Sedan, in good condition. Excellent bargain. Kaien Garage, Chevrolet Dealers. tf FOR SALB We have several choice homes for sale, well sit uated. Apply G. P. TinketLtd eu; Phone G7 v FOR SALE Fishing boat 154 ft long, 13 ft; beam, 50 h.fil i.fL en en- gine. uoing ara kfa bargain, oargam. (hvner leaving town, vn. Phone green 429. L tf FOR SALE-Edison Phonograph wun urunswiex aitacnment. and records, In splendid ! Condition. Child's, crib,. Axnfnster Rug 7Va by 4Vi, bargara for cash. Apply 34$ Fifth Avenue W. Phone Red 505. 106 FOR SALE Very attractive mod ern seven roomed bungalow; BEAUTY OPERATOR AIISS MAUY MACF1E Experienced operator, modern methods in all lines of beauty culture and hair dresiing. Make appointment by phoning Red SALVAGE, ANIi TOWING :4-i "If it's on or tinder the 'water wc PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. i . LIMITED Fully Equipped for DMo and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows pf'.izU descrpi- tlons for Charter.. t& ft ft I '- . Row Boats and CagoS, forSjrel -, Bargains In Gas fnet AGENTS FOR Van Blcrek, Easthope, Hicks & Ballantyne Engines, three bedrooms, living room,!Suites. fii SRrfngs and; -Ma dlning room, den, kitchen. Fur- tresses, Ranges, Linoleum, Blinds; nace and wired for electric I range. Fenced garden and nice I lawn. High location. Apply 343; Fifth Avenue W. Phons Red 505. 107 FOR SALE One line shalt 18 feet long antT.llA inches thick. One 20 inchiJIanger; rpfiiaiUlMiMfiW ,inch hangexe. Two ltrgerrSiJ Pulleys. .Kn.J tr i. in :.v bj-cti 14 mm. i V$ Inch belt. Two line shafts! 8 feet long, IVt inch thirk. Three Iron Pulleys, three WJ News. "JiOVKKXMt.NT Uljl'Olt ACT" Notice of ADOlleatKm ' rr obnsent tdf 8 Notice ia hereby civeta that, on seventh dst of June -next, the und signed tnteod ta apply, to the Li qui Control Board for consent to trsnafl Beer Licence Number 1243 arid Issued .- at Terrace. B.C.. upon the lands de-l scribed a Lota 1 and 2. Block II. Dw- tnct ut Ms, Map 872. Prince Rupert Ceosertrtl ad Antelo Buaiaeahlo.it wettsees. to John Allen McDouetdl. ef irrrsce, inun ugnuwis, the transferee. r Dated at Terrace, B.C.. Uila 30th day of April. 1. Applicant and transferee. (15) JOHN ALLEN MoDOUOALUt LSU AC j N'ntrctf Intrntliin'tu Apply to tram Lund j Uad ntcmillut Oihtnet of Prlnr 2?P"-t UMl u,u1 ouii-wt side ur, Tt, Mttce that To Canadian nh a lease of the ioilowint; deserrbed lands: wwuneison; at a post planted on an uBaad point on the south-west sldei of Wales I sland, opposite Proctor Is-1 ;laads: tfersvee northerly SurtMUnsi thence, westerly SO chains; theaco southerly 5 ' chains; thence easterly 10 ohalna along) the shore Urn to the point of com- menretnent. and ooiitalotag 10 acres, more or leas. I THE CANADIAN FIBHIWO CO.. LTD. pw w w Dated April SOttl. 129. PVSllS BACK T f HIK tils WHOOPEE) 'uPt,' tooi entertainment H &V MA,L SIWTHi EDULE Monday, Wednesdays, Saturdays, mall ctaee lOO ajn. itiwi the Cast Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurpdtji. MaU due 3M p.m. Tu VuiM-vulrr Via train Wednesdays and Saturdays. Sundaya 9 pjn. Tuesdays 2 30 p.m. Thursdays o p.m. Prtdsye 11 p.m. C.P.R. May 5. 15 and 28 ..... .p.m. i'nm Vaneoater Sundays 4 p.m. WcdnMda,y 1030 a.m. Vritfay . a.m. saiuroays loaa a.m. C P p. May 11 and 22 a.m. , tw Ktetrart. Premier. Ahjux and AHcel .irm sundaya 7 pjn ' Wedneeday .3 p. m. aaturaaya .3 p.m. rrom Stewart, Premier. Anyox and Alice Arm J aumuya .1130 p.m. -Msr-lffw Pilucg CMarlw !??.':. m. " T 't'- ""r- " a. .. Northern Phone. Day P. a llox 1564 FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Dining Suites, Chesterfield Curtain Rods. MACKENZIE FURNITURE AUCTIONEER mm ritmiT ju, sell or V,.,.VI.I 1. . vm.i.iu HuuuB, w.jh:i in - siruments. machinery, etc. Gen - Urtrarantpprf -Jrrst yiMifii. VTSHV ftW H20T and we will ait call. if GEORGE tZ: J. IJAWKS, AUCTJONEEK Federal Illock ' L. HENDERSON, Auctioneer and appraiser. Tash for all m . 7 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tuesday, Iay 7 High 0:00 a.m. 20.7 ft 12:31 p.m. 19.7 ft. aw 0.8 ft. ft AG p.m. 5.1 ft. Wednesday, May 8 Mf 0:94 a.m. 21.0 ft. 19:15 p.m. 5.W May 30-s. Prince Charles a.m. To H tlaika kJ"ja!" PornH ? " " Thursday 'Mny-9 a:00so,mj? 22.8 ft 180 ixm. 80.6 ft LOW 7:48 a.m, 1.2 ft. 10:83 rm, 5.3 ft. Friday, .May 10 ... , H'gn 14K a.m. 235 ft HilBrKm. 20.3 ft. Low 8tt7 ti.m. 0.5 ft. 20:R2 p.m. 5.7 ft III I pVMkpBRf Sundays aa. Prince Rupert . . .10 p.m. Tuesday! as. Catala 3:30 p.m. Thursdays as. Prince George 10 p.m. Fridays as. Princess Royal 10 p.m. Fridays ss. Cardena 13 midnight May 5 as. Prtnceea Alice p.m. Uay 14 as. Princess Louise p.m. Msy 28 ss. Princess Louise p.f. I'roni Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 p.m. Wednesday ss. Pr. George 1030 am. Friday--ss. Princess Royal .... 4 pjo. Friday--. Cardena, .'.. a.m. Saturday as. Prince Rupert 10:90 p.m. May 11 as. Princess Louise a.m. t . May 23 as. Prime Louise a.m. for Xaas Klver Swnday ta. Catala 8 p.m. I'rom N'aas Klirr Tuekdy--jas. Catala 11:30 a.m. For Stewart. Premier. Ail) ox and Alice Arm Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Wednesday ss . pt oeorge ... p.m. Saturday as. ranee Rupert. 4 p.m . .... ' J- F or m-tu t aritte liwl. - mit s. prince Charles 8 p.m. May 11 s. Princess Louise . .a.m. Msy 32 . Princes Louise .a.m. Iri.m Ala.k- MsyS N. Prtnceaa Alice p.m. Mst IS ss. Princess Louise ....n.tn. ' ' Mar28 ss. Prlncea Louise p.m. VFjf "'"" For Port Simpson and Hairs Inland jTMrt "(Tv.f" - Frtdaya a. Cardena ...fc a.m, a n,i., V-w.'irit-flii will A ' ws will fn.sfP.rttfln.di.miS Mmifrt A jant-ai. Vf-'isfH "f . I J- Zj&i bring results. ; EMBARRASSING MOMENTS 111--" irWMs'l i i fn.MTv i r i rfej ak. VfH rJIW " 5 Ki -v..i..l.i . - . s-yy v5PWEM1Jv I rr-T I KT far 1 s. ' b .- VTi"H,ESrV ti VK L I 0 p.m. 7 pa r., Saa., Klter Point t uay v io .7 p.m. May II and 32 . . . From Aluka Points May 5. 18 and 28 . .,.'4, p.m. To Pert Shnpwn aiwl . Jjlies Island ITIMI JIKl... a.m. fv . rt Slmpmn and. Wales Mand i . f.m.h A - m --- '""S- By George McManus am ,5-