ne BUY ; - v 67 ¢ % \¥ Wines 1 agintetive LAbeeTT > DAILY NEW TA XI Phone 75 and 36 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE WEDNESDAY, ULLEN SAYS SHIPBUILDING = AND MASH FOR WILL GO AHEAD LIQUOR Mi wh ; cident of Mullen Construction Dan Sutherland Wit! Everything Adjusted Appear o. Says Police Court Tomorrow to ¢ Work will Proceed. an Account for His Acis. esident of the vr : 1 Co.. who at Last evening the cily pe Va iver tl aided the sha Dan Suthe panied by J. H, land at 536 8th Ave e West tendents of the found the ma sess his arrival that 4 still KEverythin Vas on ha id been adjusted to carry ut th | t ar i that work would jarge parrel of mas is i } lding plant corner of the bedroom hye : _—. i he did not think ture was in a state of e terested in the “ion and m than o1 on ittlement The sional visitor has paused by that work was Pore statio dex ! snifl of he yu { i hh issues I i ft «tar i . n me fe > ye Ace: ding to the 4 . a story a friend in Ocean Falis h FISHING GEAR described how the pi t migl be ¢ ried out and he : cat 1 up the idea and he st CONFISCATED about a week ago he he od: aeser bled the collection of val oft - cans, eic., and set to work The pal Fishing is 1» Cause of Prose- «(\\| ix very cutions in Provincia! and the condenser Police Court. jeimmall lard car _ a larger one rhe rt s, a fisherman, was simply made fron nvicted before with many McMullin im the Pro- sides. rt @f operating Curious Mixture. legally on territory 4 short time ago the n nse Of Lhe LOWe |ordered a large auantity of fruit was@ined $259 94 one of the local stores and all sand cogts ad it this had gone into the mixtugé re confiseated, The ingredients which Were act- appeared | ing very vigorously from the ef- tty Simple stirneture onsisted of a framed up within strainer was 4 Coal oil can holes punched in the an had nce il warned ! fects of the veast Which had been but Chat add sisted of primes, figs had persiste: sisins isses, Jamaica gin- s own terri-' o, and inv other kinds of tried yest : r i number of " en this tlie abo the t i and corks uw eadiness for the spirits when the Magis- i¢ should be ready to be distilled f shing lleg ! ? es bal . ” M. Ta id i ook place about 1/ t and costs ane is ght and the man was taken e his license gyi ires as he was about SutherJand and r¢ ‘ ed The barrel was ned $25 @Nd 1, the sleeping chamber, but the ng closed’ ,; pl ents were in the ther part of the dwelling All ) Line para] herna : vere brought ERT COMPANY TO to tl police station last evening by Officers Leek, Bell, Bailey and TRADE AT HYDER iam: rhe owner of the st Trading Co, pear in the police court tomor Hyder. for | Morning harged under the In shale mere wn. land Revenue Act with having a . wing still f« making spirits in his is, restat pogsession real estate oT to construct SWIMMING CLUB IS egraph systems siness. of SHOWING ACTIVITY nining in ncehes ss + 7 *" wilt Make Effort to Wipe Out s located in Smal! Debt and Increase following are Their Funds. ul npany ee Ambrose fhe Prince Rupert Swimining Cy } re Club has spent a lot of money f Prinee this year i nakine first class \ l. Zein sWitining accé i lation at the the con Salt Lakes Not only have they at Ketchikan. | put in sand for the children, but they have completed the floats ivals from the/and diving apparatus, they lave day was M completed the mens dressiie D.8.0. who lest; pavilion and ‘generally improved ‘while fighting |the condition at the end of the : forees yer. |lake where the growds assem) he G rn. to watch the sport, Viet i As a result of the activities th club is now over $300 in debt ane ‘Mi Pp R E as several members of S have made themselves responsible +. Show Tonight Bad? for this, the debt must b - In asking for some OE is CHAPLIN), eu will be no further aid fi difieulty in Whal is due and puth The Qo Uocta and . Woman” dollars in the treasury for fut ther improvements. ; MINERS ENTOMBED WILLIAM peerren, _ A Fight for Millions” yo "sand Moran Comed y pecial via 6.7. P, Telegraphs lrinadad, Col., August 1! Phe bodies of twelve miners, cublomber ‘| WESTHOLME : in Oakview mine following @ #4 cents explosion, have sll Th j located o been recoveret remaining six dead have ber the ciub paid. | order to do this the club is If all do a little there pays. | ga few} RANT RARMY PROTEST MEETING " SALMON RUN JAPANESE SHIPS I$ RECORD IN _ a WERE ASHORE MANY YEARS 2:0: INTHES ing o oe Commercial Club ave} at the refusal | a protest was made oke a | ‘ o rineering Co. to Sockeye are Valuable Now and ./ ji}: faylor Engineering Co. t /Yomai and Shinbu & Maru Came to Cannerymen Will Make a handle passengers and powdé?| 2. fe be ae 7 Grief in Fog But Former Pot y- ; vip nents on the Dolly arde} is Now in Port. — |} Mines Raiiw It was stated that] Port Essington, Aug. 20.—This jas.a result of the action of the | (Species via G.7.P. Tete : is a record year in the salmon jeom vy th — — be ‘ ; 1 Work On a Humbe \ ctoria. Aug. 20). Two Japan- gone fishing There has not been aloes properties at th head of the lec, Kitsault River is being badly de-|nenar here in the fog All the layed S- Rate ashore Che Yomai season like it for at least tweive steamers have years possibly longer struck on canneries have iarge packs andj Ihe citizens of hes : : : : some have had s vuch fish the tne a ret es club, Morwnaend and taken to have Been ansdie So get cans tol hi ve taken the matter up with the Phe Sh inbt M under chat ss There bas been a 6 vel M rT f Mines and the Minis-/ter py the Snen Yuasa Kaish : COP SE OR Tene howeve ter of “Railways by wire in hope |is stil hated in the straits of the matter of providing cans hat some action may be taken to/ Juan de Fuea. The sockeye season Was 4 su! fford These fish ars the ones that are in greatest de a measure of relief In prise to eyervone dividual owners are also working} ndependently toward the same |BROOMLN IG STRIKE mand and that fetch the big ,, d prices. The result is that can ners Will make a lot of At the meeting it was explained money ‘ — that this recent ruling seems t more than they have made in flict with a statement made by | Men to Receive Advance of 25 per many years \. J. T. Taylor, president of the! Cent, Which is a Compromise The humpbacks havi iad lavlor Engineering Company, Settlement. and so much choice fish has been taken that the tendency good run while on a visit to the property 1 short time ago to the effect that} his company would do everything (Special via G. T.) Telegraphs. New York, Aug. 19.—The strike which for the past two days has paralyzed the subway and elevated is to negieet the chums which are : uo te coming later they consistantly could to advancs light this season. +). interests of the district. Ther Cohoes are HOcKs,..but was Port | Year SEI rt) STIL. Young Prince who is Touring Canada and United States. J APANESE ARE VISITING CT Y Representative cf Japan Wail Steamship Company Lookin ; Into Industries of This Coast. Usaburo Osawa, port captain of the Nippon Yusen Kaisa at Se- attie, and a party of other J..p- janese residents of the coast cilies jarrived in the city lhis morning jon the gteamer Prince George, looking into the commercial pos- sibilities of the British Columtia coast. The Nippon Yusen Kaisha is the laPpest of the Japanese steam- jship lines and is in close touch with the Government. lits+ vessels ply in every part of {the world A number of passen- ger and frefght steamers belong- ing to this firm call regularly at Victoria and do a large business with this province through that port. Japanese MAN WHO WROTE THE BUDGET SPEECHES R. E. Gosnell Passed Through the City This Morning on way To Ottawa. h. FE. Gosnell of the Dominion Department of Information and formerly in the Provincial Gov- ernment employ at Victoria, came north this morning and proceeded east on his way to Ottawa. Mr. Gosnell was private secre- tary to Premier McBride and is well known in connection with his jactivities in the Provincial Bureau iof Information, as editor and compiler of the British Columbia Book, and @s head of the archives department. For a short time he was editor of the Victoria | Daily Colonist and is said to have |written the budget speech for Mr. |Price Ellison on more than one oecasion. One of these, it will be remembered, was never delivered as it was published iff the Daily HAS BEEN CALLED OFF Province on the day it was sup- | posed to be delivered, but owing ito obstruction on the part of the opposition it was delayed and ap- peared in the Vancouver paper that afternooh. It,was a different speech that was made by the minister next day. ENTERTAINED IN HONOR For that reason trollers have not ire a number of properties unde systems of the Interborough Rap- OF PRAIRIE VISITOR been making very good mgney at po onq on which a*eertain amount #4 Transit Co. in Manhattan, the | the mputh of the river, ef work must be completed by a/ Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens was | a en time. there are others ge formally called off by. a vote of} Last evening Miss Kathleen vue Gaemee men's :, Cane tit out ore for shipment and a!!l the strikers to accept a compro-j| Grant entertained a number of nc Family Shoe ee = I d it diMer It to = ure ain .|mise offered. The men will re-|friends in honor of Miss Nellie R atl and laborers to work on ; the | ceive a wage increase of 25 per/Hazell, who is visiting from the ,ims as they now have to walk |cent. prairies. It was a most enjoyable tthe railroad ties for sixteen miles PST ES event. Supper was served during ito get to the properties. The pac - PACK TRAIN MOVES the evening and a number of train. that formerly covered this} jmusi¢al and song numbers were tral s being taken to Stewart! ALICE ARM T0 STEWART =>": aod the only way to get powder | se present were Mr. and to the mines is for the miners to} wis lel 4 will eta wp les. A. M. Manson, Mr, and Mrs. ae , , Misses Nina and “Re pack it up themselves. lhis transfer business at Alice ae No assurance has been iven|4rm and move to Stewart, ; a. | ' spective shippers that the ithe first shipment c y consisting of | will be handled from the e1 pack-horses and outiit steel to tide water this seaso ment giving thirteen it by scow yesterday. i pletion of the 1 reason lack of motive power and Taken altogether it} situation is assu local manage equipment, iid the ge a very serious packing from propertigs near the Dolly Varden Crawford and Child- Pee cpt egy ect ly * x aspect in the | es of property holders. miine. Mis. SEAGRAM DIES ifor the next few months | August 19.-—| | DRUNKENESS Waterloo, Ont., The com- Dolly Varden rail- road has done away with the long ly Alice Arm to the Frank Moore, 1m ay Pringle, Miss Edmands, Miss Irwin, Miss Madeline Nelson, Miss Mitchell, Miss Hunter, Miss \Praser, Miss Willet, Miss Pills- ibury, Messrs. P. Tinker, B. Wear- | mouth, D. Jay, A. Rix, A. Hunter, Mitchell, 8S. Bazzett-Jones, Howard and Norris Pringle, | Pillsbury, E. Smith and D. Me- Corkindale. jpen will leave for Vancouver next week where they expect (0 remain “ASK WITHDRAWAL OF AMERICAN TROOPS joseph EB. Seagram died here yes- GENERAL SIR ARTHUR CUAP! jorday in his 79th year. He had | (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) rhe announcement of whose aP-j|been ill for sever al years. Two Women Convisted of Aliow- Chicago, Aug. 19.—Five thou- ntment to the position of I ra ing it on Premises and sand people paraded the down- spector-General was made yestel ‘Ladysmith Coal. The best. Prince Fined $50 Each. town streets last night demand- day Rupert Coal Company, Phone 16. | ” ing the withdrawal of American in the police two women, Pearl Edith Griffith, pleaded guilty t allowing drunkeness on the prem- were fined 850 each RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE t Story by a great Author, a@ great Cast and a great |)\re:tor WILLIAM FARNUM LLoyp, WiLLiaAM Fox ern Film of all time A great Star, a grea ises. They and costs, There was drunkeness and A, also a FRANK West ZANE GREY Hanson had t« Unquestion: ably the earousal, 2 Reels of Side Splitting Comedy Toni sauna 30c an Carpets and rugs at Tite's 2¢ per cent sale prices. 07 ht Shows, 7land 9.15 court this morn- jing before Magistrate MeMordie, Woods and B. ©. Undertakers. Phone 41. troops from Siberia. Among those leaving for the ‘least on the train today was Joe lGay of Ninth Avenue who will ') proe eed as far as Winnipeg where jhe will meet Mrs, Gay who is case Of |nolidaying with relatives in that leity just now. Immediately they ipay the customary $10 for his | will proceed to the Atlantic coast and will sail for Seotland where they will visit for six months, Mr. Gay expects to return in about that time, but Mra, Gay may ‘'pemain longer. ) we, on Ht 2% bh © & « mee. WG ie.