v. Moy 7, 1920 SEE THE MICROPHONES ON THE TA11LE j' j iiWlAJl hi ITilUSHEIW HE All H nOVKKS FIRST ADDRESS i,i Hoover, h guest, spc&ktr ut the Waldorf-Astoria . M.iit, nUttf hi firnt rubUc address since his Inaugu-1 .vsaper Publishers' Convention,, pointing out the i, h newspapers cn play In the aid of law enforce- File FOR NOT nUYING LICENSE 1A! U. May 7: Com-.' interference condl-i having paid the , . i.H' t ee of one dollar . n ct-iver bring unex-- I! is revealed that on conditions at Bri- were rather poor a m M -". a i:riup oi tuns : ' mil tn court. Tha ro-I'Peired in court, aid paid 97.60 like ) "ur wants In tlj i.iM.iified columns. VANCOUVERWAS EASILY HEARD FOR ORATIONS Usually Prince Hupert People Have to Kely on American Station For Music U Is curious truu on the when the oratory contest Was IfOinft OBrSt IKOUjjMWhl: asking that an almost from the beginning of the nil there to clear up vrogram starting at airaut eight noises. The petl- i'clMk. Other evening lhs sU-arded to tn M6 W&i 1e eiftlr At Tier1 it allof . .leartment,of ma- not until mich Uttr in the eve-N.Tifs and Inspector nlng. It is understood that extra ml one of hti enfi- power was used or the special n-c ordered) to the broadcast and this enabled Prince Rupert fans to hear. ' fans upon seeing tin iied to deep gloom lined that tjie first rv them was to en- i f .Xhe. pjslitipnera l t ibtain a license, i.i . -tcntetr wlih with oW.Mrceptktn t it l' if itdUurs in coats If there were a high powered Canadian station at or near Vancouver operated by the Canadian Government Prince Rupert would be able to hear Canadian pro-grama Instead of having to listen to advertisements of American hums aad bacon, American flour, A p n. American v- dollars steamftlps and railways and a ntmner of other Ameriean products or utilities SHE HAD . "Has your wife a keen appreciation or humor?- "Yes, the more I humor her the better she likes It." Fun. "WHAT STATION ARE YOU TRYING TO (JUT, SIRJ" - From Passing Show, London. 1ERRACE Mr. and 'Mrs. C. L. M returned Inn Rntnrrl.iv spending Rupert. N F Vr " 1 1 AXEi .TON J. D. 'OalMp-y !raIogistWir mining enffli made theTd suit in the oth. Allan Rutherford inneganmotoie tnUfe lu.sticwj a. "W - .BUI SKSl w Hazel llazelton H srcSAeTOe? exe: m havuijr- sTinre aflr: do at the Mohawk mine. M Ifftil dance in the Assembly Ex-A Id. Oscar Larsen Rupert tos.i boss spending day in; .Smithers, . ,re$ew.ing uaintanees. Roads both twitti rind'. west ot THE DAILtf-NEWS PAGE FIVE NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. i PRINCE GEORGE Giggey ' Ensign It. Fletcher has arrived iftr here from Vancouver to take a few days in Prince charge of local Salvation Army In place or uapt. wcrjicnern wno has left on account of illness. Miss vls Wall of ,Srpbora ternoon, the, affair being a highly, brill' enter, the Hazelton Hospital successful one;, . . . In September to take a course of .lurses' training. Mrs. George Wall, Mrs. Ed. .by, Mrs.- Msssner and boys motored down from Smithers arid paid a brief visit with Mrs. P. imith. Local school boys played at Smithers on Saturday, it as made labt Tuesda Hazelton to the mark :5upert r m i j , STEWART Engineers of the Northern B C. Power Co. are at present in vestigating the power possibili ties oi American weeK and, as soon as the power site and dam have been located, actual work will be commenced with a view to giving adequate powcf service belngjhe opening ga,me of the locaIljr untU ,,uch tinle aa a lar. Ma80n- tger scheme cah .Ua. ..developed. k II -1 : . I The Northern H. C. Powpr Co a Binan snipment oi a.jMirBKu hag acquired the assets of the nc t nt Acrovinciai tminvu tmr.- and i'iIMnm,' m u iaiL al power system from the r Holdings Ltd. which purchased them from the tional Electric Co. Gwyer. district engineer e provincial department of works, was a visitor herej Hall at accompaniea uy j. a. Aiiat Hazelton and a reception in the hospital and theatre party. SMITHERS A shipment of lawn grass has Prise winners at cards arrived for the committee In were Mrs. Thomey, Horton Jack, charge of parks improvement In Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Marvin, E. R. Smithert and an early start will anvers anu vuuiam naerson. i be made on the seeding. - , . ' JArHtafW.teparated i vo' -J' n of Prince his dry cleaning detriment .from , duig;a i fevvMB'geheral laundry business, ae-'tnavlnsrfcuWt Tpeparate building tp: Jiouse it Smithers are, i.n,.acJ,Ieintilcond!lKeil 'went up last week1' to t on for this time or. year andttinn'g roK ana mua suae public works crews are'ehgagesuthe Hideped,ence trail. , in making' repairs where such are necessary. Ht. Rev. Bishop E. M Bunoz of Prince Rupert conducted confirmation services in St. Joseph'8 '"hurch here on Sunday. The Imperial Oil Co. has equipped its local station with a large tank truck which will make deliveries as far east as Houston. us RADIO FANS ; HAVE HEARD GOOD MUSIC Radio reception has benn much better this spring than it was during tho winter. There have not been ins many stations available to the local fan but there has been very little interference, with the more powerful southern stations BUHUMi" and hundreds of Prince ''frulliV, an and .Dan, Mc-' Mrs. McGregor left last for a visit in Vancouver. Clean from week TACOMA RADIO STATION HEARD with grrnorihne records,' but it n announced tha good prpgrams. vill be arranged as sqorns the est" are completed. a ThS lirod(Ht comeF Tri well every evening! ,v 'i't- i A BACKHANDER SLAVE TRADE ARABIATODAY Many Negroes Sold Into Captivity and Pilgrims Sell Children i, Tacoma Is becoming a factor In Prjnce Rupert radio enjoyment. ' Tjic strength of' the station K'i ha r B'(n 1ntiwa6"d aiida' hew', Avavte'Uwglh taken and teta have been made recently vj(ah have been quite Interesting. Sq far, the station has been on the air'rnostly . i "rten Aunt- 5I.v ',wrr- the way to manage your future husband Is - . Niece (Interrupting) ... Don't - - - - a - - W Rupert people haye enjoyed good tell me, auntie. I've notified that programs from Seattle, Portland u women who know how to do and San Francisco. .that never get the chiinco. Life. I JERUSALEM, May 7:4The siave trainc, notwithstanding re- Tom Moore of Kitwanga was" in' Ensign R.:Boys of Wrangell, who j solutions passed by the League of town on Thursday. wa8 temporarily in charge here, j JSations, is still operating In the has left for Prince .Kupert. wear t,ast, ueports just' publish John McRae of Prince Rupert! - ed say that some 2000 blacks each was in tain during the week. I Mi8 trances bmlth has ar- year are brought from Africa Cj. U. JUdSOn returned On Sat- ,veu Here iiuiu huwuici iu uuu me mau siave mantel. urday after spending the past W In biauty par or work,, The trade n human be, ex. week in Prince Rupert. I taking the place of Miss Evelyn; tende(1 over thB Sud Abyssiniat uaetz who hasieuior tamonton. the Hediaz The NeJed the y Mrs. E. Hunter returned from . .. . . I men. and the coast of Somallland. the Prince Rupert Hospital on! Paul Jacot, who has been rais-'even n the trans-Jordan, it is Saturday after being a patient In nursery stock in this district not aitogether unknown gheik9 there for several weeks following , sln 1919 has branched out this there have b,ack attendants who an operation for appendicitis. '.won and in addition to cab- gerye all thelr lives wJth t joage, cauiiuowp-, tomato ana eel- ment Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Hoiran now producing a variety, of Pacific were In town on Sat- of flowers and bulbs. I Price Moderate urday. I , ,. . The price of this human com- I. I. Guest is local offering modity is moderate, an average J. McDouirall of the Tourist anglers a prize for the largest ' slave fetches $100 to $200i a Hotel returned on Thursday from har taken between now and youth $300; a young girl $300, it visit to;,Mayo Bros. Rochester, .,Ju,y Jinn. J, . " .i : A (W j-iay iyB. v WHIlttUgllv H(1I Lutheran Church held its anntfal 'splffng bazaar Tn the ! Ritts-Klfer- Hall on,. Saturday af and a maid $600. Most of the human material for the slave market is drawn from Africa,, the blacks are brought across the lied sea In small vessels and packed off in troops, of 20 to 30. On landing they are started along the Pilgrims road to Mecca, sometimes journeying with the pilgrims themselves. Believers, having made the pit grimage to the Moslems holy city are not infrequently themselves purveyors to the slave markets, after being fleeced by the sharpers who abound in Mecca, the pilgrims are often without money for the iourney home, bo they sell their own children. RADIO BEAMS HELP 19 . NIGHT LANDINGS WASHINGTON, May 7: Development of radio equipment which will make it possible for aviators to land safely without belno- able to M trrounil was tire- weeK irom xnnce nupen. . dieted by Colonel Charles A. ing over local roaa ana traiuft indberirh n tstlmonv before a aJn? -,IPoint congressional committee r" uH itlP JP k TT1"6 today. The device, described to "'.JwP'w'''."WPn i"Wis a radio .beam, soon will be Bear River Valley where a long, te-teri on armaii nianM and iater wing dam. which will pftect the! on commercial plane, he said. irraHnnHnn town oi atewart. is aireaoj- un- ;rson of Anyox, road superintendent. Customer I want to pay cash for this car. - Rnlenman Yp air Tint It la an A highly nign.y sucful auccesjiui card rq party party unusua, unusua, that that 1m rm afraId afraId vou.n ., aira in Carola -arolan Auxiliary to the Stewart Hos pital dance was held oi May Day have to ,ye a reference or tw( s Ha 1 by the omen s Montreai star. A FEW FACTS ABOUT PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert is: The terminus of the Canadian National Railway. The Central administrative point for the whole of central and northern British Columbia. The nearest point in British Columbia to the Orient. The centre of the halibut and salmon fishing business. The centre of an extensive mining and lumbering district; Prince Rupert has: One of the finest harbors In the world. The largest fresh halibut business in the world. 1 The largest fish cold storage plant in the world. ; A large, strictly modern drydock and shipbuilding plant. A grain elevator leased to the Alberta Wheat Pool with capacity of 1,250,000 bushels. A large, modern ocean dock. A new modern lumber mill, planing and shingle mills and box factory with capacity output of 60,000 board feet daily. Fish reduction plant A new mill at Porpoise Harbor and another building along side it seven miles from the city. Railway shops employing about 75 men. , Several ship sheds for building and repairing small craft. Provincial government district offices and court house. ' Dominion government fisheries, customs, and other offices. Marine department central station. Dominion government wireless station. Canadian National district offices. Dominion fisheries experimental station. B. C. Packers district offices. Consolidated Mining & Smelting district assay office. -P. Burns Co., Ltd., modern abattoir. Several docks and wharves used by coasting vessels. Number of fish houses doing an export business. ' About twenty salmon canneries in the neighborhood. Several fishery supply and shipchandlery establishments. Several wholesale houses doss a lorge business in the district. Fine modern retail stores. . Good steamship services to Alaska and south to Vancourei and Victoria and west to the Quern Charlotte Islands. Three large oil and gasoline distribution stations. Good hotels and restaurants, j,. ' i , H Prince Rupert has: Modern high, school with first year university classes. ' Four public schools with' over thirty teachers. Seven churches representing the most important dem'onina- : lions. ' Paved streets and concrete sidewalks in the business section. Well kept gardens and pretty residences. Number of clubs and fraternal organizations, Prince Rupert has: No severe cold in winter. No extreme heat in summer. No mosquitos or other insect pests. Great opportunities for boating, fishing and hunting. , Fewer climatic or other disadvantages than most places in Canada. A harbor that never freezes. the freshest of cocoanuts and pineapples ONLY are used for the "King's Choice" Chocolate Bar dipped in delicious butterscotch and coated with milk chocolate. A confection that touches the right spot! Refreshing, satisfying, truly delightful I Offings Choice. Chocolate 'war lows i 1 ! ii. MOIRS LIMITED HALIFAX