bbbbbbbbbbbbbVbIbbbbbbbbbbbSbIbV' -I I to B. r .., .li Hit Thursday, July 4, 10'JO PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS SALADA has the finest flavour in the world and it costs only one -third e a cent a cup TE A 'Fresh from the gardens' IS1-N.W. It M "Caterpillar Tractors" MEAN BETTER, QUICKER, CHEAPER LOGGING SoPhtrnAitors for n c. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STRFJJTVANCOUVEIt. 1I C. Branches: Prince. George, Kelowna, Nelson UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllnci From lTlnc Kuprrt l or y ANC'UL'Vl'K, VltlUKIA, Mtaiikuu Hay. Ilutt-Uale. Alert liajr. tU., tun-day, 1:30 p.m. ur l.iMUHtih liclOltlA. Iiutedale. Alrrt ttaj. tic. Irldij midnight IM- A I.I ft AIIM, ANYOX, STMV.IKT, .Niuii lUtrr, l'urt Miupsoil, sun-day, :W) p.m. lot I'UHl sl.UPO.N AND WALK ISUM). Tnuradaj. p.m. 14X tint Airuue K. M. Mllll Acrut I'rlncr Kuptrt. D.C. llruuih llikfU told to Victoria and brattU .and baggage checked through tu untlnatlon. llCAKAaiANf PACiric B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES . NAILlNflM Mtlt I'KI.'.,,. (U To Krtrhlkan, V .ngrtl, Julirau and Skagway June 28, July 1, 5, S, :. 15. 19. it, XS, 9. To Vancouver, VI 'aria and -ule June 9. July 3, 0, 10. 13. 17. JO, !l .11 rillNCLSS MAQtlNNA Ornin rall, etc.. Vancouver and It turla ever; Friday 10 p.m. Agouti tor all Steamship Lines IV . UllLIItkU, uLM.KAL AGENT 3rd Ave , ITInce Kupert, D.C rhone 31 Canadian National CThc Largtft "Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE fiiiinf. fmm rniNCE Krrrnr for Vancouver, victoria, kkattlk. and Intermediate polnti. Mondarn, Thurwlayi, 4 p.m.; Saturday, 7 p.m. IHr AX VOX and HTLWAKT, Monday. 8 p.m.; Fridays, 4 p.m. I MASHETT INLET POUTS. Monday, 8 p.m. lor SOUTH QILEN CIIAKLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly, lor bKAUWAY, Wedneodayi, 4 p.m. l'AS)hMlEK TKAINN LEAVE rHISCL fll'I'EIIT llAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY at 11) in fr P1IINCB CltOKfJE, EDMON TON, UlNMII.O, all points EaMern Canada, Inlted State. AOEM'Y ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP I.INr.S City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Kupert Phone 2G0 LINDSAY'S CartagAnd Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Tiam or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. I' Rupej Feed Co. Revived, fresh supply PratU' Baby Chick Food, Bulkley Valley Hay and grain, Robin Hood Flour, Spratta' Dog and Bird Supplies and COAL guaranteed to please you . PHONES 58 AND C58 Furniture for sale. Watch the classified columns. News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Stewart as Aerial Base for Mining:. Operations;.!??.- bine Bonanza Is Promising; Active Devel- .. .. opment of Babine Silver King Tl ! t - 1 1 A. l1 A 11 1 n the interior and there is an en nuraging situation with which to ace future work as soon as ma but No. 1 tunnel was turned into a section where values outcrop 5-lb. tin $1.10 SEEDLESS RAISINS 4-H). pkg S5c ICING SUGAR2-lb. pkg. ...20c HEINZ CATCHUP S bottles 85c GOLDEN CHURN BUTTER roau work will start in the very near is hoped. The 'dea is to ultimately build to Fo-t hinery arrives. This equipment JGrahame and Finlay Forks. Doug-as been very much delayed in be-J las Lny. resident mining engineer, ng taken in, but it Is now stated 'and A. W. Davis, another minirp iat it will be on the ground early engineer, are at present on a trip n .July . Recent work has contist-' into the district. The road build- ed of an extension of tunnel C to onnect up with the original No. 1 tunnel. For the greater dis-ance the two tunnels ran parallel 'ng undertaking would be of great importance, aiding much in the development of rich placers in that section . Dividends declared by the lead ped on the surface. Contining C 'ng mining companies operating in tunnel for a distance of 72 feet British Columbia during the year he worke were united. In the.lS are listed as follows by the 'atter development some very rich minister of mines in his annual galena ore was taken out and this i report: high grade ore ! reported to have Consolidated ?6,3GG,5&1 perflated to the point where the (Premier ..... 1,800,000 two tunnels intersected. At, Howe Sound v. The head office of the Babine Silver Mining Co. is to be moved from Wallace. Idaho, to Smithers, this move being decided upon as ; a result of a recent trip south of A. T. Harrer and B. F. Mess- ner. it is expected that an active Week-End Specials 1,984,162 present half a dozen men are em-iGrnliy 1,344,515 ployed on the property. jBell 55,714 Duthie 50,000 Clayburn 32,000 Othe's 51.017 Crow's Neat Coal 372.G9G Organized by H. W. M. Rols- ton, well known. Stewart newspaperman and broker, the Northern Metals Holding Syndicate has ;been formed with the backing of prominent Vancouver and eastern linte ests.and has acquired options on control of the Black Hill Milling Co. and the Bitter Creek mines on both of which work has now been commenced under the direction of Stewart & Batten and associates. Development on the Black Hill on Glacier Creek will consist of exploratory work, in addition to' minine several hun- MILK All brands, doz. ...$1.35 ml tons available for shipment. BROWN SUGAR 1 lbs 25c John Haahti will be in full charge QUAKER QUICK OATS i0' the wrk- It is the Intention 2 picgs 75c or lf,e synati ate to build one and !HSCO Mb. tin H0c one"haV rnilea, lof new trail to aAltaaUW Urilk tla Mnltt ImmmI. 4 tl QUAKER CORN 2a. Tin 15c nnd to Urt Bh , ore at the MALKIN'S TOMATOES 8. first oDnnrtunliv. th h-l .m 2 tins 26C 200 ton of hah vruAa ntfolUV.lo VICTORIA CROSS COCOA fo- Immediate shipment, from which handsome profit is expected. The syndicate has been fully financed and It is the intention o taVe ont'oni on further proper-tie of nromioe. In addition to the Black Hill and Bltte- Creek. The BlarV Hill In iltusted at the head !of the south fork of Glacier Creek 8-,b- 'ck $l:40iahout four mllea from the Bear EGGS Fresh extras, 8 doz . $1.15 FINE ONTARIO CHEESE Per lb 3Cc MALKIN'S SLICED PEACHES 2s. 2 tins 45c BLUE MOUNTAIN PINEAPPLES Sliced 2. 3 tin 10c LIBBrS CORN BEEF Is. J 2 Una . .T.45c LIBBVS ROAST BEEF Is. Per tin 25c ENSIGN STRAWBERRY JAM 4-lb. tin 60c ENSIGN MARMALADE 4-lb. tin 45c FKL8.NAPTHA gOilr 10 bars'-.1!'. . . . V. -. . .L-.'8 OItANtSRSI-B"doi!'S';: . . .03c BANANAS 3 lbs 30, Itcmo Strawbcrrira Arriving Daily Alberta Market P. GAMUL.V Proprietor Fifth Street Phone 208 River wagon road. It contains iix hleh grade parallel vein wMch have given assays of from $50 to $250 to the ton . The prop erty is believed to be the centre of a reavv mineralised zone. On the R'tter Creek a 500-foot out- crooping bnn been traced for 5001 feet, aamnlos, running from 138 ounce to 80S In sliver and from IB to 36 per con lead with a small zinc content. It Is also anticipated to make a shipment from this prope-ty,' which lies. at the head of the south fork of IUtter Crek4 about eight miles from the JjeafUver wagon road. r For Summer LIGHT MEALS a Little Makes a Lot of Difference TWO STARS IN NEW PICTURE Cello Solos Also Feature Program nt Cnpltol Lnst Night fnd Tonight it is remarnaDie inai, wun a report, macie puDiic sucm Two such stars as William as Dr. F. Kerr has submitted on the mineral resources in Haines and Lionel Barrymore in the country back of the Portland Canal district, there are i one picture was sure to be not .numerous prospecting parties outfitting at Stewart wf,n"er f" th tru,?.!?8t to 'locate this new and undoubtedly rich mineral zone,!;Jj" B writes H. D. Rochfort, well known Stewart broker. This''Kranti ag ihe bank-buster and new mineral belt is the same that the Premier, Ueorge, heart breaker champion, it's a Copper, Granby, and other well known properties are situated on. The question arising now is how to bring this iact to the eyes ol the worm in" .uch a manner that airplane pros-!eotois will be leaving Stewart ind taking advantage of Dr. Kerr's eport. Now that the railway is if s u red and aerial service easily available, it will only be a matter of a few years when trans jortation will be at the very door if the man who has the foresight o take what nature holds in store or the pioneer. Hopes have been realized in the mineralized zone upon which de velopment wo;k has been carried program of development wbrk will ie prosecuted on the property luring the coming season. The fi at move toward a perma-ent motor traffic road into the Manson Creek mining area, 185 miles north c-f Vanderhoof, was made by the provincial department of pu'pblic works recently in sending L. C. Gunn, locating engineer, and party of eight men and 12 pack horses in from Fort St. James to lay out theVoad, the expectation being th?t the survey Dut at the Babine Bonanza mine (will take about 30 days. Actual new kind of dramatic role for him. No detective could trap him but when he looked Into a pair of lovely eyes the game was up. Karl Dane and Leila Hyams support Haines and Barrymore. William Beaumont delighted an appreciative audience with cello solos. His rendition of "La Chia iiuatrine" and "Annie Laurie' I WAR Pxrpllont nnil will hn raniuf. ed tonight. ON READERS A curious sidelight on the reading public was mentioned at ths meeting' of the library board Tuesday night. It lecma that the b'nJir.g of the books haa a great -fleet on their .circulation. Books jOund in bright covers go out muih more often than do books bound in sombre colors. 'Because of the reaction of the borrowers to the covers ol the volumes, the Vancouver Library Board imports very bright buck-ram and pays a little extra for having the books bound in it. The colors vary but they are all different from the old-fashioned covers to which people are used. So far the local board has not adopted the bright colors. BACK FROM KUROPK T. II. Johnson, manager, of the Canadian Fish Si Cold Storage Co., and Mrs. Johnson returned to the city en yesterday afternoon's train following a trip to England and the Continent. Frank Morris, manager of the B. C. Undertakers, is expected to return to the city on tomorrow afternoon's train from Smlthera where he went to take charge of the funeral of victims of an automobile accident there. NOTICE! To the Public: For several years it has been our desrre to open a CASH & CARRY STORE for the benefit of CASH BUYERS, so that they may be ale to save on their purchases. We have decided to open a CASH & CARRY DEPARTMENT and serve the public to the beat of our ability. Our premises will be In the Emad Block, Third Ave. We want to give the public REAL VALUE for their cash and save them many nickels and dimes. We ak the patronage of the public, and we will do our best to give them satisfactory dealing and the w.y best service. There will be two deliveries every day, at 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. All orders coming in after 2 p.m. will be delivered next morning at 9. Orders over $5 will be delivered FREE. On orders under. $6, there will be a charjft- made'of 15c. STORE WILL BE OPENED SATURDAY, JULY 0 PHONE 3C0 FOR PRICES Your Satisfaction Is Our Success Mussallem Grocery Co.! LimHed I 417-123 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&81 P. O. Box 575. i W EI). &TIIUR. Two Shows 7 and 9 p.m. WILLIAM HAINES IN las Jimmy Valentine COMEDIES TWO TARS AND OSWALD WITH PARAMOUNT NEWS ADDED ATTRACTION Mr. W. Beaumont in Cello Solos Admission, 15c and 50c ViaVJrMJJf.i awm Atm arts tflt(aaWC? al.iJiA".V': n v v. r. , A!V1,JSW,i.'Tl tm DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Hipper; 'THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. CANADIA r'rin.r Knpert. IM. STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOeK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 BOX CUTTINGS 3.50 Per Load DELIVERED HYDE TRANSFER I7l 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage A WONDERFUL SKIN SPECIALIST" n A TWo-JnchBox nnsra; Try a Daily News Want Ad.