Thursday, July 4, 1929, iWair in fftc Moon tfr. Girls are ettlnjr more and v.eVery tly. Kolnsr to heav- f en when he-jfiWr 'Why son, who put rrn an abHurd idea into your head?" OfuuHatiofl I the afneerest form of flappery. When your wife J bad tempered, ue a fllub. She won't drive you to ifoften. A marathon te see who can mind hid own bufiheM longest would be a great event, but not many would get far. It'n new to dome of us to be told that when we pa on, thinsti will carry on much ai they dfd before. A few rules for awimmers might not be out of place just now. In the flnt place don't swim after a roril or before it. Don't nvrim alone or wftsrs there i- u crowd. Don't dive unlet you; are sure you eon me up. n you contemplate Jiafring nn ae- rident, it's beat to have some ompaniona. with you no tney can give evidence at the inquest Boys and girts Should learn to swim For bathing suits Look neat and prim. Try a Dally News want-ad. It will bfing results. LAND ACT Net Ice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In tbe Prince Rupert lnd Recording District of Prince Rupert, and sltaste o tbe South West Coast of Wales Island facing Boston Islands. Tske notice tbat The Aselo British Columbia Packing Company. LlHitted. of Vancouver. B.C.. oceuoailon. Salmon ( aniwta. Intend to apply for a lease of uir :oiiowinc oeacnoeo tanas: conuMMni at a poat planted on the, 8-, nth Went Cot of W-Um Island opposite Boston bland; the net North ten chains; thence East forty nalaa; thence fy nth tea ehaliia to High Water Msrk: i hence foUowtng High Water Mark West t. stakta poat; and containing 40 acres. Ji.'re or lea. TltE ANOLO BIUTISn COLOMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per "W B. Walker." Agent. Dated May 17th. 13B. 'fn OOVMINMENT PKUPBRTY lOR SAUt TENDERS wffi be recetred by tKe un orruipied up to Monday. July Ith. 1. tor the DUMhaMt at Un ProvlAfal Po : lice Launch No. 9, now located at Prince Rupert, B.C. ParttcMiMof Launch aire a follows: Length V 4 Breadth V V Draft 4' !T Uroaa ton nam I Rejlatered tannage 13 Powered with 30-I4 H.P. Typ PPP. Buifalo Engine. Baat may be tMpeted at Prliwe HntH m, B.C.. on application to Inspector W. SawUer, b C Police. Prince Rupert, B.C. The highest or anr tender not necessarily accepted. V . A . KUU.INO, PurehAsinc A rent. . Parliament Bldga Victoria. B.C. Jane 14th. 1039 SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and' endorned 'Tender for Wharf Repairs Delia Coda, B.C.." will be received until 12 o'clock Ihmmi (iUj-lltlit snlnt). TueHiliiy. July 33. wt, for the wharf repairs, at Bella Coola, Skrena District, B.C. Ftana and form of contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at this Department, at the office of the DUtriet Engineer, Post Off toe Building, Victoria. B.C.: Victoria Builder Exchange, 3409 Prior Street, Victoria. B.C. : 'The BulMIng and Const motion Industries Exchange, 1S West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., also at the Post Offices, Prince Rupert. B,C, and Bella Coola. B.C. Tender will not be considered unless md on printed forma supplied b tM Drpsrtmeivt and In accordance with conditions contained thereto. . Mtlx tender must be? accompanied T 4n aWeptrd oheque 6n S charteretl itarvk, jByiW-p the order of the Minister, at Ptoho Jut6rkB. equal to 10, per cent of the amount of tb tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada bonds of the Canadian National Rail way Cttnpany writ also be accepted a security, or bonds and a ehequs If re-tuirrd to make up an odd amwmt. NOTB. Blue prints can be obtained t this DrpsTtment by deposit mg an ccepted cheque for the um of (10.00', Parable to the order of file- Minister- of P-tblle Works, which will be returned If th intending bidder submit regular bid. By order, B E. O'BRIEN Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa. Juno at; 1929 1S4 lit CLASSiF mi AnirmTicriurMTC THIS IS THE Summer Resorts Where to upend an enjoyable holiday boating, bathing, fishing, mountain climbing etc. F.ITSUMGALI.UM LAKE LODGE Terrace, B.C. Spend Your Vacation at Kalum Lake . Good fishing, boating and bath- nK: beautiful scenery; twenty mile from Terra). Stage leaves Terrace 9 a.m., Monday, Wednes- day and Saturday, ?2 return. Rates, S3 . 25 per day. Write for special weekly rates. It. E. DIX, PROPRIETOR Terrace, B.C. WONDERFUL TLELL (fueen Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME Fine beach ami meadows for children's playground. Salmon and Trout Fishing. River and Sea Bathing. Excellent Curiae. . Parties ean be met at Skidegate or Port Clement. Wireless for reservations. MRS. RAJOUT Tlell, Q. C. I. SUMMER COTTAGE AT BEAUTIFUL FRANCOIS LAKE For Rent By the Week or Month Apply. Mr. 'Henkel Francois (Lake Lodge Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between fort Clements ami Queen Charlotte City, hire cars and trucits from YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegatc, n.C. SOMETHING NEW IN AUTOMOBILES "The Sedan Delivery Full Line of SEDANS COACHES COMMERCIAL CHASSIS AND 1-Vi TON TRUCKS KAIEN GARAGE Chevrolet Denlera Goodyear Tires Raybesto Linings HOME GAS BRINGING UP I J iM . -I r 7Si wrrw tai iJAitf news PAGE HYH iiif LilllOLluLlUu riliV dilX. FUR PAGE WHICH MOST ,EQPLft .READ BECAUSE IT FOR SALE FOR SALE Baby buggy, cheap-. riione Green Z0, , 154 FOR SALE Stildebalier coach, meebariieally guaranteed. Burns and Co. Ltd. tf FOR SALE Good Eata Cafe., Good location; reasonable . Phone Black 700. (170) FOR SALE Iron and wooden pur-leys, also two pieces shafting. . Apply Dally Newa, Box xx. (tf ) j FOR SALE Two goaU, easy terms. Apply W. J. Davies, At- lin Avenue. Phone Green 272. 154 FOR SALE 3 seta adjustable tton haflger for shafting. Large atze. $10 per set. Apply Box 00 Daily News Offiee, (tf) FOR SALE My house at Seal Cove, six rooms, modern! also one Jot on Atl in Avenue. Ha-bar view. Make me nn offer. 0. P. Smith, eity. (154) FOR SALE Six roomed modern house, snap. Electric washing machine. Brunswick phonograph,, linoleum, Wilton rugs, lawn mower, fixtures, Books of Knowledge. Apply 1022 Second Avenue. Phone Blue 530. 157 WANTED COOK wanted at once. Seal Cov Hotel. (tf) BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED Man or woman fot good paying business. Applv Box 204 Daily News. (tf) FEMALE HELP WANTED KNITWEAR Dresses. Woolens, Lingerie, Hose, Children's Tog gery, Bathing Suits. Direct to the consumer. Representatives wanted who are prepared -to work. Liberal commission. De rxjsit required for sample kit Btitish Knitwear Limited, Sim-coe, Ontario. 15-1 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room $35 per month. Phone Green 21C. tf FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Dining Roorr? Suites, Chester field Suites, Simmons Beds and Bedding, Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs, Ranges and Kitchen Hardware. We invite you to call. Mackenzie furniture PHONE 775 Dr Alexander PIIONR 87S RF.SNKK III.OTK DENTIST FATHER wip-e-but what- is ) 1 MVT lt.I&Jl s lata FOR RENT FOR RENT Two modern houses. Phone Black 440. FOR RENT Furnished flat. ply Musaallem Grocery. (tf) FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone1 547 tf. FOR RENT Furntehed house on Tenth Avenue Bait. Phone Green 244. (154 pQR RENT Fi)rniehed suite, summit Apartments. Phone Blue 345. (tf) FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing, machines. . Walker Music Store. FOR RENT furnished housekeeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT Two modern houses, newly decorated; one well fur nished. Apply 215 Fourth Av enue East. tf i FOR RENT Clean, well furnish - . ed modern two and three rortm - H Apart?S i ' CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS The' practice of chiropractic is recognized -in forty states of the union. This recognition has bee sought and gained by the people who have benefitted through chiropractic. It was not until 1916 that legal recognition was first accorded. For your health's sake consult DRV V.!C. ASPINALL 6 and "7 Exchange Block Green 211 Phones Black 283 Open Evenings CHIHOrRACTlCf Gets results where other metl-ds fall. Consult R. E. .EVoLFSON CHIROPRACTOR G23 Third Avenue Office Telephone Blue 85 Residence Telephone Red 58'J Established 1924 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind or furniture br household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. Gen eral repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block LANO AC"! Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the East shore of Portland Canal one mile south-east ot Spit Point. Tk notice that The Anehy British Columbia Packing Company, Limited, of Vancouver. B.C. , occupation, cuumon Cannenti Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the east shore of Portland Canal one mile , south east of Spit Point: thence North ten chain: tnence cast tony cnains: thence South ten chains to High Water Marki thence following hlah water mark back to staking post: and containing forty acres, more or lens. TTTE ANOLO BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKINO COMPANT, LIMITED. Per "W. E. Walker." Agent. Dated May lTth, 1939. 8YCOLLY I 111 ISIf' a. . v DlNlTf AN ' n- ro out KlMO OP A ooc WW fit 14 ,.... a- ! i TAD PA I n rnn nrim rnnv IS Ft&L OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD BUY SHUUBSALlS SMOKED FISH PRODUCTS (Smoked Black Cod and Fillets) De Luxe Smoked Sjtknon-To cook, cut the soknon into small strips, place in pali, pour boiling water over the fish and stand away from fire for fifteen minutes. It cooks itself. ,SoId by-Burns & Co., Ltd., FrlzzeM'ft Bulkley .Market, Watts' Grocery Slakes nice lunch sandwiches for husband or picnics. SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO, LIMITED Fully Equipped for DIvTng and General SflTvafre Work. . Boats and Scows of all deserip- Boate,and Canons hire., (narifaJna fn raa F.nnihef.' AGENTS FOR Van Blerrk, Easthope, Hicks & Rallantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone. Day or Night, 56, P. (. Box 1554 LAND ACT 'Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and ttruate on .the BouUi West coast of Wales la land faetae Boston Islands. Take notice that Anglo British Colum bia Packing company Limited of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation. Salmon Can- ners, tnterds to apply for a lease ot the km rowing aovriDea una: loresnorei Oommenetna: at a post slanted ori the South West Coast of Wales Island facing m western extremity or Boston laianas: East forty chains following high water mark: thence South one chain to Low water mark: thence West forty chains following; low water mark: thence North to locating post: and containing Ten acres, more or less. ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. -W. E. Walker." Agent. Dated May 22nd. 1939. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leave Lantf In the Prince Rupert land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the coast of Wales Island half mUs South East of Bartlett Pomt. Take notice that The Anglo British Columbia Packing Company, Limited, ot Vancouver, B.C.. occupation, Salmon Canners, intends to apply for a rrase of the foUowlng described lands: Oommenelna; at a post planted on' ths Coast of Wsles Island halt mile South East of Bartlett Point, thence North East tea chains; thence South East forty chains; South West ten chains to High Water mark; thence following High water Mark to staking post, and con- talning forty acres, more or less, THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per "W. E. walker," Agent. Dated May 17th. 1939. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land D'afflct. Land Recording District of prrnec (tup. ert, and situate near the mouth ot Na- M.M. Llto Paints, Wallpaper, Etc, SILVERSIDES, BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, I Glass ahd Art Supplies , O. BOX 120 P II ONE 22 LAND KEUIHTItr ACT I I NOTICE den Harbor, on Maaorredo Wand sett iniet. uransm istana. Take notice Uist I. Author Robertson. , Take notice that Langara Pishing A ot Massett, B.C., occupation, mill 'Packing Company. Limited, of Maseett. owner, intends to apply far a leased the B.C.. occupation, salmon cancer In-following described lands' ' tends to apply tor a lease of the follow- Oommenclng at a post otsnted near I Ine described land: FOreshore. tbe south east corner of Lot 2719, Maaor- Commencing at a post plsnted near redo Wand: thence northlv 10 chains: ths southern end of Hidden lalsnd: thence easterly 5 chains to low water: thenee northerly 10 chains; thence east-tbence following low Water southerly 10 erly 8 chains; thence southerly 10 enalns; thence westerly to point of com- chains, following low water, thence mencement. and containing four acres, westerly to point of commencement, and mm m.m mMM rontalnlns 8 acres more or less. ARTHUR ROBERTSON. By Htwy Whlto, Agent. Dated May lath,. 199, ,., -M. ' ' 1 j mt oeA.tq BOY-mv I'VE wire cot 0r THAT OOC IN , OOC6 bEM LOTft POUICE BUT KIOT AMY UKC MIM - . 'KlMO III C II I s, S CSS. dS I I I I I I I III 1 II It I n rAinm fir r II I N J LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leane Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recordlne DIM rlct 01 Prince Rupert, and situate f-orie- mile South East of Bartlett Point on the south west coast of Wales la-land. Take notice that Analo British Colum- bl Pasklng Company Limited of Van-. Mrtivcr, B.C. occupation. Salmon Caa-triers, Intend to apply for a lease of the (following described lands: foreshore: Lpt 10. Btae 38. Beetloa t. Crtt Of e hatha to low Mter mark: thtnee West Prtece Rupert, Hap 623 forty, cKalns follovrlng low water mark; WHEREAS sailsfaetory proof of tea tfterice Norta fturt tin chains to loca-of the above Certificate of Title Issued JJE8'' iml 0OnUlntn 20 K-res In the name of Oust Carlson- has been ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO filed in thl office, notice tt herebT COMPANY. LIMITED. Ulven that I shall at the expiration of . . one month from the date ot th first publication hereof. Issue prevlslantl , .certificate in lieu of the said lost Of-, Hlflcate, junlcss In the meantime vulfd : objection j made to me in wrtftng Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert. .BiC. thl 29th day of May, ; 1929. II. F. MACLEOD, IUr,ltrar. ' LAND ACT 'otlre of Intention to Apply . to, Lease Land tnlK. ro...,., .--j tm.... ' Land Recording r. District 7 of Brm Prince RuD: ert, snd yttu.te at Arnlston Point. North I Dundas island. Take notice that LantSra Plshlni It ' Packing Company. Limited, of Massett,', to apply for a lease of the follow - Imr described tends: Pereshore. Commenclag at a post planted at the extremity of land on Arnlston Point.) thence westerly 20 chains; thence north - erly S chains to low water: thence " erlr 20 chains; thence southerly to' point of commencement, and containing 20 acres, mors or less. LANOARA PISHINO e PACKINO CO.. LTD. By Its Agent, John William Moorehouse Dated June 7tn, 1929. LANp ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land in uie vjucen martoive una uurmci. . Land Recording District of Prince Rup - ' ert, and situate near Klashwun Point. Oraham Island. Tak notice that Eugene H. Simpson I of Massett. B.C.. occupation, cannery - 1 man. Intends to apply for a lease of the j following described lsnds: Foreshore. i uommencing ai a post pismea sDaut , 20 ohsms southeasterly from the N. W corner of Itt No. 3741. Oraham Island: frfnenM wat Ifl Hatna thrtuw north chains to low water: thenoe easLil chains: the ice south S chains to pom of commencement, and containing acres, more or less. m EUOENE HUMPHRY SIMPSON. Henry White. Agent. Dated May 11th. 1939. UNO ACT Notice at Intention to Apply to Lease Land In tbe Queen Charlotte Land District. Land Recording District ot Prraee Rupert, sod situate near the month f Massett inlet at Seven Mils Point. Take notice that Langara Pishing & Packing Company, Limited, of Massett, B.C., occupation, salmon canners, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described land: Commencing at a pest planted near i the 1 neethsss corner ef Let 2269. : Oraham Island; thence westerly 10 1 (halna; tbence.northerly S chain; thencs easterly iv cnams renewing tow water; thenoe southerly S -""tarns to point of commencement, and containing 8 acre) more or less. LANOARA PISHINO t PACKINO CO.. LTD. Henry "White. Agent. Dated Mar 14th 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leas Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Laud Recording District of Prince Rap- i ett, d slWate near ths mouth of Mas- CO., LTD Henry White, Agent. Dated May 11th. 1939. By ur i ii 1 1 VHAT rA W rMTTr I Of A Commencing at a pott planted one mile South Bast of Bartlett Point on the south wat coast of Wales Island; W. E. Walker," Agent. "alto KL LAD ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leane Land In the Prince Ruperv &and Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on- the South West ca of Wales Island half mile South East r Bartlett Point. Take notice that Anglo British Columbia Packing Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C., oooupation. Salmon Cancers, Intends to apply for a lease of the mwiwing aencRoea utnos: wrssnore: Commencing at a post planted on the """i wt coast or wales island half S h?" ".. East of Bartlett .f. Point; ' H.rT watT sS? fZ. "ZZJ iI .v,.T. ,T ,' " ;i' "'Z-JXTZTL,. .".'T' - - , ,., .rb.. hir. v. Iger more or i,. ' .ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO , COMPANY, LIMITED. "W. E. Walker." Agent. (Dated May 32nd. 1939. - - LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In ttie Queen Onartotte Land' District. Land ReeMKmax District of Prince Rupert, and situate at an unnamed point on the northeast of Zayes Island, north ot the eastern extremity of the unnamed lske on Zayes Ialsod. Take notice that Eugene II. Simpson and Author Robertson of Massett. B.C.. tor a tease oi tne louowtng described lands: Poresoore Commenetag at a post planted 200 feet south of high water at the extremity of the a trove-mentioned unnamed point: tnence east 20 chains: thence north S chains to low water: thenoe westerly 20 chains; thence south to ooint of com- mencement. and containing "0 acres. more or less. EUOENE HUMPH RM SIMPSON. AUTHOR ROBERTON. By the Agent. John WUllam Moorehouse. Dated June 7th. 1939. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leae (.and In the Prince Rupert Land Recording Diet riot ot Prance Rupert, and sttuat one mile South East of Bartlett Point on the coast of Walt's Island. Take notice tbat The Analo British Ootu&tbla Packing Company. LlmKed. of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation, Salmon Canners, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on mile South East of Bartlett Point on the Coast of Wales Island; thenoe North East fifteen chain; thenee East forty bains; thence south West fifteen chains to Tilgh water mark; thence following high water mark back to staking post; and containing alxty acres, more or iees. THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. tliUTED. Per "W. E. Walker." Agent. Dated May 17th. '939. LA Ml ACT Not I" of Intention to Apply to Leave I .and In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District or Prince Rupert, and situate one mile South East of Spit Point on the East shore of Pbrtlaod Canal. Take notice that Anglo British Columbia Packing Oomny Limited ot Vancouver. B.C., occupation . Salmon Canners, intends to apply for a lease of the following described toads: foreshore: Commencing at a post planted one mile South East of Spit Point on the Fast shore ef Portland Canal; hence East 40 chains following High water mark: thence South 8 chains to low water mark; thence West 40 chnlns following low water mark; thence North 6 chains to locating post; ana containing 20 acres, more or less. ANCrtO BRrriSH COLOMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. "W. E. Walker," Agent. Dntd May 32nd. 1929. George McManus o-u. r