ii.. i tss-... m - PACE TWO THE DaILT SeUv'3 rVnlay, Jo News and Views In The World of Sport BURNETTS 18 S1.90-266 S3.50 ESTABLISHED 1770 ThU advertisement Unot psbilshed or 4sfayM by U liquor Control Board or by the GereraBBt of Britfuh CeJsmMa CROWD THREW THINGS AT PORTLAND WHEN GOAL WAS NOT ALLOWED, MAN WAS CARRIED OFF THE ICE AND MOOSE JOHNSON LAID OUT PORTLAND, Oregon, Jan. -The Seattle Eskimos. more rwwerful than ever with Levine. the new eoalie. over rode the Buckaroos here last night three goals to nil . The visitors scored their goals in the first ami second periods . Levine, who grabbed the puck when danger threatened and throwing it out of the way, was a life-saver for the Eskimos. Penalties were dealt right and left in the third session Pratt waa carried off the ice in- jured and Moose Johnson collided cf the net . with an opponent and wan at retch ed out. connoisseur a revelation to the sceptic DISTILLED BLENDED BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND James Buchanan &. Co Limited 26 llolbora, London E.CX Time wan called in order to clear the ice. The Buckciroo scored a goal Daly and T,"' engaged in a fist which waa not allowed and the - fight and both were fined $10 and crowd started to throw thing given a 10-minute penalty . 1 J K delight to the H I waak!jaaBBaHBBBBaa3Bv w Thit advertisement is not published or dinn-Ofd by the Liquor Cintrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia " Dido Gurvich Won from Alf Harding in Boxing Match Last Night Tommy Fraser Outpointed Opponent in Semi-Final at Big Event AVhich Was Preceded by Vaudeville Taking undisputed honors in at least eight of the 10 rounds, Battling Dido Gurvich iron by a long margin of points over Tough Alf Harding in hat night's bout at the Capitol Theatre. Dido was in about as fine fettle as he has ever entered the ring and outskilled his opponent both in attack and defence . Alf was evidently not in quite as good trim as usual, and, while he kept indomitably pjow-ng in, he seemed to lack much of his usual punch , Three judges gave Gurvich the unani- : moos call aad there wet aoa ofjat will bat they were aot heavy, the spectators who eooidofeojr. El rtha haded oa his feet oataide This boat broagbt to a easfcfaJsWrtM after Bee seriaamsge. at 12:4 aUdaugat a Um?1mkm TXh&fh haslteea hart ia the of sieving pietaes. raadVvflfc jMHAW. an be was sUll gasse aad boxiag rrenU which was staged ia i rleter ia the f worth aad won a eoaaeetioa with the TiaH to tbejiair deettion. nty of 290 nsetahcrs of the West- Jack Halroyd was tacky to got era Retail Lasabenaoa'a Aasocia- U draw with Fred BooJter ia three, ties rn mate to a eoeveatiea at I roandl. This hoot started with Vsaeewver. The Capitol Theatre irsaty atwggiag. aad, ia the fin! as aai nl tar cbe occaasaa. -wood, Beaker was weariag Hal- wM be Mr. CMtbeil of Ed-: at it in the second and made oatM. Mr. Roberts of- Wiaaipeg Teeaeay st-nd asoet of his urae J - 1 If: ! mw 4Ma0iBHr an Tabs atvA a arfasmm- mm ThMta'a har ia dose oaarters. " ' . A A. . there was a tendency to hold on Droif aaund Thytftred around for Semi-Final Iowa: Tommy Fraser was cleverer and more agile than Tiger Boulter in ; the semi-final and won the decision in what was announced as a Vaudeville Trogram Aa excel lent Tauderille program, which the visitors apparently appreciated, included: r i i Tt i t . . -. nir an nv ruin jjinws: GROTTO GAINS ON GRANDJERMINALS Winning two games last night. with jabs and straights to thei2rotto nar,y caught up to Grand km ! Terminals in this weeks second Tenth Alf continued to wait; divhl" thtort, following Wed for an opening, but Dido kept ! dosed op and the crowd did not appreciate his holding tactics nesday night's games, both of which the tobacconists lost. The nggregiite, with one game to go, Toward the end of the -found he4 B0W 77 to I84,!0 'v-r i it it. i . - I oi oi ine me terminals, d, u. iae' M. M. McLachlan (Grotto) 200, E. Fenelon (Grand Terminals) 186. W. E. Wllliscroft 180. F. Wil- I four-round bout for the light-1 liams 200 weight championship of northern! J. B-esley 200, W. H. Jar-B. C. Boulter did the most of man 151. I the heavy work, but Tommy proved! George. Howe 148, 0. L. Young-'an artful dodger and could land man 200 OTTAWA WILL LOSE HOCKEY Franchise to Be Transferred to American City Owing to DiminLhed Attendance OTTAWA. Jan. 2: Preideot Aheara of the Ottawa Hockey Association has aofied resident Frank Calder df the National Hockey League that it is his intention to transfer the franchise of the Ottawa crsb to an American city next season. Which is given transfer. FAST HOCKEY IN THE EAST New York Americans -. Beat 3Iai roons and Toronto Draws With Canadfens n ,; TORONTO. Jaai 25 The threat of the CafladMBS to tte t . ' , 7"-r rZ: 'ir ;rrS d - JT' ISew York Americas for the lead Haiwiag got a blTha-d fro. the Toaaav D Marco foaght hard j of crvwd waea be eaaae oa. Charlie aad exeaaaged heavy rights wttii " ""'T red that the jadgcs NIn Gomes. Niaa had afl the l Charlie Gleaaea, former notoaVMct fa the thart, bvt both boy, , V I ' " welterweight boxer, wma an-1 were tiring and neither could fia- " - mvmI . referee, isa the other. It was a fair . Detail of Fight jeaaagit draw, la the first reaed AM wort iaj , Gets Decision rM d . wiiM H wnaay JtcMtnaa et Injaries aad illness handicapped the Canadieaa. Howie Morenx, iter ettfire, unable to start and Ge&fte Han- aad not wasted so aad. wortB P1 .witB. 1!rokn nT wowy aad one eye injared by the fly- w WwJm oaaa ( . .... iffiry VbHa-lr HttrirllT ft nTltTSRaaw right, on the head as Hdtac ' nrt r ' hd Oa. of Dido's iabs in- "rown ox wiaaipeg. wway o v. , , " - " m . - . i n-s .w i orai rLBBL'vra iulimb jared AMs m The roand ws .muing d M srer fti Wl Borton' Finals in Open Badminton Competition to Be Played on Monday Night Except for the semi-final in the ladies' deuMe between Miss Caroline Mitchell and Miss Frances Cross rs. Mrs. A. B. Linaey and Mra. 8. Darton which will be played tomorrow night the open bad mi nton toarnaraefli ander the auspices of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Club. has reached its final stages. Considerable stalling followed and nimn.ar w Ar:iollwsfr . - Small and Att'EasHwfl t danajng tyr r h ' , Miss Myfanwy CanbL 'sCle-j ?Tli-Sn'-f fyf0 C- .t . ..i.. .t..i tM'JaTNGrritiirtAn Wt A. P. Tiakr )2. but Diao more tnan ... 7. i. ., m im) itm.i.u. m nsAn if awn a.sMBn a lav i mn. uiiiio venedftfsp.t long range. ST: A Second ronnd-Mia. Mu.. TrrJlt CurrTea Keu7 Sun smith '"beat ing into the and. at long open Amelia Pillsbary and Koger dn)m aml voca, tolo by Ml. range, had a long margin Jean WiliW.BrowBe. .Wright. 15-U. IMS. 1M. A two-hour moving picture ex- Serai-final-Mrs. W. Long aad nu mnrbimr fr f'7DtW" T"f S 'bion was the opening item on -Carl Brand beat Mr. and Mrs. " "7 L the program, which was arranged i - WJM. l-". wutrying to, things up with J- a view IU KCVIIIIK IU uww. . Gurvich was too clever and took the rounds on points . Ninth Harding was in the j centre of the ring crouched for a knockout, his only chance to win 1 nnv TXftn tiIIaH ii n nuira Mtinta Charlie Miss Caroline Mitchell and Alf Slocemb beat Miss Margaret Palmer and Stan Smith, 16-6, 15-a. The Finala Following will be the finalists on Monday night: Ladles' Doubles ilra. H. L. Shadwell and Miss Margaret Palmer vs. winner af Miss Caroline Mitchell and Miss Frances Cross vs. Mrs. Li assy and Mrs, S. Darton. Men's Doubles II. T, CreseJ ina L.yman Hinton vs. S. USrton thnd'C J. NorTlnEton. Caroline rHP "MineMsni'-wtth tk. .on nd- (Cvand Termlnala) meet In lhe ltffir ana -ait- Slocemb na nf thp fJnal anno I "nJ game tonight Scores so far have been as fol Mrs. W. Long and Ofrl Brand. Little Boy What'! all women here for? Utile Girl They're been stairs to see the babv. vs. these UJH' Little Boy Babies is common enough. Little Girl Yes: but this is a new one an' 1 expect they waati to see the latest fashions-Public 1 Opinion. : The Acme Importers' Fiith Annual TEMPTATION SALE Ends. This Week city will get the team is not yet i ,r . decided upon. ReaUy dimin- OVERCOATS FOR MEN ished attendance at the games MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS Ten oniv the cause of the All offered at Special Temptation Sale Pric SUITS FOR MUX MEN'S NAVY BLUE SERGE SUITS-'Jei. blue, single or doubJe-breated . Get one t before this great Mte&blt. The very low of this lot w iU not permit of any alterations Temptation Sale Prico , . . . MRN'S BOOTS MEN'S OXFORDS Blaefc-and brown, Goodyear felted. Sjxes G to W: Temptation Sale Prfc S3.95 MEN'S IT AXTnKRIfriIIRt7C! MEN'S HEMSTITCHED over Montreal, while Toronto held the Frenchmen to a draw. The WHITE HANDKER- r . , bco-W not fi!Uh him i Brain. U six points W defeating ByLtejIEK iommw - w aV. tv,iu- Pittsburgh. The scores follow: taeaacasttcase oa aixs isoe aaa, tT- "rr- . . bead aad was aaskfag a asess ofjLoirMea with loag hard rights Hardie s aye. Hardin? missed . j and lefts aad it was called off n4 asuaber of swings and also made tj i" Cariy when nu. Tw rtfaU nl.ntJ .Itfcfjtatan was Weeding so muehi few awre oa Hsrdiag's face aad j f ft ao that he eoald hardly the latter got a few body punches j in close quarters. Dido was Two amateur youngsters bouts showing a tendency to bold onpkted te kxiflg program, but it was his round ! HsBJ AntoaelH and Jimray Ken- Third round Dido was show-, got a big cheer for their f-ing considerable confidence and whiea were whole hearted, was beat in the opening fighting I Tod Morgan and Howard Kefe fr- with his longer reach. Alf ad- "j- cvrtiit9'-ministered body Show" of silver rewarded the some more Ranches ia close. Gurrich's in these two ae-decislon ex-roand . hfMtions . Foarth rooad Dido missed a; RPh Smhh ref treed all the nuinWrof swiagsand Alf sUrtedVlfajiMrleB. Max Hellbnwer to Uad. Mttinir the best of the r were the time- infighting and winning his only 'keeper round COI Hard! rd Latter Rounds Fifth:-! Ddt led off with fi4JabKhts, but found . . ldWo Montreal Montr 1 0, N . Y . Americans 2 Toronto 1. Canadiens 1. N. Y. Rangers S, Pittsburgh 1 TOURNEY NOW NEAR FINISH! CHIEFS tion Sale doz per 95c aai v y ; MEN'S S' nK, MEN'S SOCKS r:i-i' i rnce, per pair MEN'S SOCK -Margaret's hr.r wool, rihb"! overlook th TupU s a wk lion sale i'-vp k 1 mm pair ?v The Acme Importers Third Avenue Terms. Strictly (ash 6-10 aTJBllr-. . "Tt 4 Mil ' TO XICHr 1 rMANT'S Best Procurable 1THE OMJUNAU Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Oiilcul C Jm This advertisement is not publiahed or displayed Control Board or by the Government of Briti Protected Cigars "When you offer a man a cigar and then find it's broken that's concentrated embarrassment. When you take a cigar from your pocket for personal consumption and it's cracked that's waste and annoyance. So to protect against this Tuckettt pack Marguerites in handy pocket packs containing 3 cigars. And each cigar U also foil wrapped. I've put many a man right on how to buy protectee! cigars." TUCKETTS MARGUERITE FOIL-WKAITED STILL 10 CENTS SOLD IN HANDY POCKET PACKS OF FIVE CICAIIS A