os ala = ~g¢ eae Page .. THE DAILY NEWS» PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. . fH. F. PULLEN, MANAGING Epiror. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 TELEPHONE 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch. Contract Rates on application. + Fo Wednesday, Aug. 20, 1919. —_———- DAILY EDITION. Shipbuilding is Again to Fore. It is good news that the shipyards are about te be busy once more. The month of idleness was annoying to the employees of the concern and also to those who had increased their business facilities with a view to an influx of people. It is greatly to be desired that work may continue in future without any break. In spite of the break in the payroll during the month, the city has not been very quiet. The other industries of the port keep things going even when the shipyards are idle. When we get the planing mill in operation we shall have one more industry to make us independent. Diversity of industries make for bility. General Currie Gets His Reward. It was generally expected that General Currie would some steady employment in the service of the country. He doubtedly did splendid work during the war, and it was filting that he should be recognized. It would have been a hollow mock- ery to have made him a knight and then to have left him to make a living from his old occupation of selling insurance and real estate. We take pleasure in joining with the rest of the Dominion in extending congratulations to Sir Arthur on his appointment to the highest military posilion in the land, a position which he has well earned. Boishevki in Russia in Danger. It is always dangerous to prophesy, but we cannot help ex- pressing the opinion that before very long there will be a real breakdown in Russia. There have been a number but on the other hand the Bolsheviks seem to have upset the plan of Kolchak. From a military point of view il is possible that odds are about even, but from the social point of view things are dif- ferent. The leaders do not seem to have the grip which they had a short time ago. They seem to be losing their hold on the people and only by extreme measures are able to continue the ment. Waiting for Hydro Electric Offer. People are looking forward to getting the offer from the Hydro-Electric financiers as they realize that if it is a good one and is accepted the acquisition of a powerful company to the neighborhood would be worth a good deal to the city. For the past four or five years Prince Rupert has had all the powerful interests in the country against her. She has played a lone hand and has lost out every time. Now there is a suggestion that she link herself with powerful Montreal interests who will! see that she gets her share of the benefits of development. ; There have been rumors from time to time that a pulp mill would be operated near the mouth of the Skeena and possibly a paper mill. There is plenty of water, one of the necessaries of the business. There is also timber and everything else that is required in making paper. Also there is a port nearby which has one of the best harbors in the world, to wit, Prince Rupert. sta- get un- of reverses Govern- CEE EE — PHONE | A.B.C. TAXI SERVICE Ride in Comfort 3 Modern 7 Passenger Cars at your Service Day or Night STAND "sir ste. ROYAL HOTEL Parkin & Ward Electric Co. ‘ : LIMITED Electric Engineers and Contractors We carry a full line of Eleetric Ranges, Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Hot Plates, Grills, Lrons, Toasters, and Fixtures. Estimates furnished on House wiring and Motor installation MARINE DEPARTMENT Agents for Rega! Gasoline Engines for troiling Caille Perfection Motors Titan Storage Batteries Mosier Spark Plug (The Plug that was chosen for the Transatlantic flights Our service department will help you to plan your Lighting Equipment. A ful! line of Dynamos, Storage Batteries, Switeh boards, Conduit, Cable, Lamps, Searchlights, ete. We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat Storage Batteries charged and repaired (no time lost while your battery is being charged, we have one at your disposal... Third Avenue (opposite Post Office) PHONE 125 tu® vAtLyY agewe INSURANCE! | — Opening ~ Saturdays ......6sseee8 2 p. m. One of the oldest and BOREAS .0cc cee vcceecn 10 p.m. strongest Canadian Life J Tuesdays ........----- = p.m. ~ ‘ hited cine Thuredaye 2.66 ose. yee p.m. Insurance Companies }) Sani Gamenweep has an opening for a Jisundays ...... wig oc 10 p. m. thoroughly reliable and || Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a.m. ; PPIGAYB 6... cece eee eeeees a. m. energetic agent to act Saturdays ........ .. 10:30 a. m. in Prince Rupert. Please J) acpi address applications to For Anyox: a a ee ..10 p.m Box No. 292 Vednesdays .......... 10 p.m The Daily News Office | Saturdays ............ 10 p.m From Anyox: Sa - — ITUGGGRGS 2.6. cece eseere p. m. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT “hursdays ......+-60% coos PM. TAKE NOTICE that a vote of the rate-|Sunda@yS .....6-eeeeeeees p- m payers will be laken on a foll spd oy e Council Chamber, Cit) iall, > tne 2708 day of August, ivi8, between) Tor Port Simpson and Arrandale, wo OB YLAW "OF "T He ith "Se peanth| MAMGRPE 02 coc ccevccess 10 p.m. uU PRO ’ VK Ti REPAIRS Bee TAIN PLANK ROADWAYS IN. THE| COM ®t. Gimpeon and Arrandale. CITY UF PRINCE RUPER 2S aR CUOSGAFS 2... ce sweoercssces p. m. ao With we Ach. PLANEING, \p| For Port Simpson and Naas River REPAIRS OF SUPERSTR CTURE HEME points: SEC URE A DEBT FOR THE PURPOSE OU UPUURIS. 6 ooo conevceers 10 a. m. cu , NG 8UC WORK, AMOUNT POE RET AS, SESH OE Sol) | From Port Simpson and Naas SAND DOLLARS ($25,000.00 River Points: AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that/, ERNEST A. WOODS has beeen appointed| Saturdays .........+.5+- p. m Returning Officer to take charge of the ee EANEST A. WOODS, Queen Charlotte islands: pytaw xo. —” “"* |For Massett, Port Clements and A BYLAW OF THE CITY OF PRINGI RUPERT TO PROVIDE FOR THE REPAiNS UF CERTAIN PLANK ROADWAYS IN THE CITY OF PRINCE KAUPERT AS HEREIN AFTER SET VUT, INCLUDING RESURFAL ING WITH TWO-INCH PLANBING, AND REPAIRS OF SUPERSTRUCTURE WHEKE NECESSARY; AND TO CKEATE Ma SECURE A DEBT FOR THE PURPOSE U1 COMPLETING SUCH WORK, AMOUNi:\« TO THE SUM OF TWENTY-FIVE THI SAND DULLARS ($25,000.00). WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the City of Prince Ruperi has determined to resurface the following plank roadways in the City of Irince iiu pert, namely :— Section Five—Fulton St. and 8th Ave W Section Six—dth Ave. E., Hays Cove Cirele and Hays cove Bridge Section Seven—46th Ave. E Section Eight——-Conrad §&t. AND WHEREAS for the purpose of such resurfacing it will be necessary Ww incur a debt to the extent of Twenty-Five Thou sand Dollars ($25,000.00); AND WHEREAS the City intends to issue Serial Debentures to raise the said sun o1 $25,000.00, payable in five (5) years fom the date of the comme into effect of this bylaw, and bearing imierest at the rate oi six (6 eer centiim per annum AND WHEREAS it will be oo we ig —_ ach year during the period of tive 5S years, by speciai at i sum sei out in the schedule to this bylaw, for the payment of the principal and interest o said debt AND WHEREAS the value of the rateable land and improvements and reai property of the Municipality, according t the last revised Assessment Roll, being the roll for the year 1919, is $€21,051,580.00 AND WHEREAS the whole debt of the City of Prince Kupert, bot inciuding for jocal improvements and school purposes is $860,676.26 which is pot twenty 20 per centum of said assessed amount AND WHEREAS this bylaw cannot be altered except by the consent of the Lieu tenant Governor in Council. SOW THEREFORE, THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE KUPERT, ENACTS A> FOLLOWS: 1. It shall be lawful for the City of Prince Kupert to resurface the plank road ways herein referred to, and also make repairs tw the superstructure where neces sary, such work to be executed under the supervision of the City Engineer 2 For the purpose of paying for the said work hereby authorized Ut shall be lawful for the said City of Prince Rupert w create a debt tw the amount of $25, whole S000, which debt shall be payable in five (5) years from the date when this bylaw takes effect, for which debt Seria Debentures may be issued to be as hereinafter mentiond The Mayor and Treasurer of th City of Prince Rupert may, and they are hereby authorized and instructed to sign and affix the Seal of the Corporation, t& each of the debentures hereby authorized to be issued. ‘ The said debentures shall be in de nominations of not less than Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars $250.00 each, and Shall be payable at the office of the Bank of Montreal, at Montreal, Canada, or, at the holder's option, at the oifice of the Bank of Montreal in the city of Toronto, Canada, or New York City, New York, U.8.A. or at the City of Prince Kupert, Canada. 5 Each of the bear date secured said debentures shall the ist day of September, 4. D 1919, amd such debentures shall ave @ eked thereto coupons for the ititeredi thereon at the rate of sia (6) per centum per annum, payable half yearly on the ist day of September and the 1st day of March in each year, the first payment to be due on the ist day of March, A. D 1920, 6 The said coupons shall be deemed tw have been properly executed by each ope having written, stamped, printed or lithographed thereon the names of the Mayor and Treasurer of the said City of Prince Rupert. Each coupon shall be numbered with the number of the dé benture to which it is attached 7 All debentures issued under this bylaw shall be numbered consecutively, no matter when issued, beginning with the number One (1 8. The prine ipal of the said debentures shall be payable on the ist day of Seq tember in the years and amounts set ou! in the Schedule to this Bylaw ®. For the payment of the debt hereby authorized and the interest thereon, there shail be raised and levied in each year during the currency of the saf@ debentures the annual sums set out in the acheculs to this Bylaw 10. The total annual sums for interest and payment of the debt referred to tu tie preceeding section shall be raised and le pvied in each year during the currency of the said debentures by 4 rate sufficient therefor on all the rateable land or im provements or real property within the unicipality it he seid debentures when issued sold or hypothecated, and amy coupon: thereto attached, shall be deeemed a valid and binding charge upon the said City of Prince Rupert 12. The Gouneil may sell the said de bentures at less than par if it is founc ai any time hecessary 40 to do 13. The amount of debt authorized by this bylaw is subject to consolidation with the amount of any other debt authorized by any other bylaw of the City, and not Withstanding anything herein contained authorizing and directing the issue and Sale of debentures for the payment of «@ debt thereby created, the City of Prinee Rupert Consolidated Stock may be issued in the place of said debentures to the amount of such debt This seetion shal! only apply insofar as the Couneit may be empowered by Statute so to do 14. This bylaw Shall take effect upon the ist day of September 4». 4649, but before its final passage shall be sum Subscribe for The Daily News mitted to a@ vote of the ratepayer r the provisions of Section 16 Sor the Mant cee eee eee ee ) irdays at 9:30 a.m. days at 7 p.m. oeeee 8 RRR ee MAIL SOMHEDULE * For the East. ée Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- for Vancouver: Upper Island poiats: Wednesdays .......... 10 a.m, rom Masset, Port Clements aud Upper Island points: Thursdays .... p. m. “or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points Fortnightly. From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points— Fortnightly. e+e eeee se. For Skagway and the Yukon. Mondays. From Skagway and Yukon. Saturdays. stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. For—Thursdays ...... 8 p. m. From—Saturdays ...... p. m. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF S#&ITISI COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTAAA TION ACT — and — IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ©! TONY LUCICH, DECEASED, INTES! TAKE NOTICE that in Order of Hi Honour F. McB. Young, de the Oth day of June, A.D. 1919, I S appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of Tony Lucich deceased, and all parties having claime against the sald estate are hereby require: to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the ist day of September 1919, and all parties indebted to the es tate are required to pay the amouut their indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated this 30th day of July, 1919 J. H. MeMULLIN, OMcial Administrator IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTIA TION ACT and — IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ADALINE EDITH KILBURN, DECEAS INTESTATE. that in Order of Hts TAKE NOTICE Honeur F. McB. Young, made the 24! day-of July, A.D. 1919, | was appointec Administrator of the estate of Adatin Edith Kilburn, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are bereby required to furnish same, property verified, to me, on or before the tst da) of September, 1919, and all parties in debted to the estate are required Ww pa) the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated this 30th day of July, J. H. McMULLIN, __OMecial Administrator. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION- DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NUTICE that Neil McLeod of An yoxs, B. C., machinist, intends to apply for permission to prospect for coal and tro ieum On the West Coast of Graham Isiend in the vicinity of West River; commencing at @ post planted at the southeast corue: of © L. 10312; thence east 80 chains; thence south 80 chains, thence west >: chains; thence north 80 chains to point of commencement NEIL McLEOD, Per Austin Brown, Agent Dated May 18, 1919. SKEENA “LAND RECORDING DISTRICT OF QUEEN ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that Edgar Davis, of An yox, B. C., electrician, intends to apply for permission to prospect for coal and petro eum on the west coast of Graham Island in the vicinity of West River: Commencing at & post planted at the southeast corner of C€.L, 10,312, thence north 89 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 8&0 chains, thence weat 80 chains to point of commencement EDGAR DAVIS. Per Austin Brown, Dated May 18, 1819 SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT oF afk EEN CHARLOTTE DS. AN ‘that Oliver Brown 1919 DIVISION CHARLOTTE Agent TAKE NOTICE Victoria, occupation machinist, in tends to apy for permission to prospect for coal an troleum on the West ( of Graham Island, in the vicinity of West fiver, commencing at a post slante “one mite south of the southeast corner of ©. 1. 10312, thence east 50 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence pare 80 chains to point of commence: ment. OLIVER BROWN, Per Austin Brown, Agent Dated May 18, 1919 Oipal Act, Chapter 52, 1914, as amended by Section 25 of Chapter 45 of 1015 and Section 33 of Chapter 44 of 1916 PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT THIS ELEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. D. 1018. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the propesed Bylaw upon which the vote of t rate payers will be taken in the Council Chamber, City Hall, on the 27th day of August, 1919, frome the hour of 9 4.m,. te =. ante .. 7 : WooDs ie ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS a ~ Never Mail Cash Money Orders, issued by The Bank of Montreal, are a safe, convenient and eco- 7. nomical means of forwarding\,, money to all parts of Canada | and abroad. Never send money in a letter—use Bank Money Orders instead. H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, - BARS SEER ae rr es Py Capitaland Reserve, - - $3,600,000 Total Assacits, Nov. Oth, 1918, over $153 000 000° @ The Boss of Today was the ~ Laborer of Yesterday He was ambitious. He studied and say raised himself financially as h« knowledge of his business. If you want to be a boss instead of a | study and save inh Open a savings account right now. | UNION BANK OF CANADA | THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANA HEAD OFFICE . WINNIPEG, MAN. BANK OF MONTREA, RE Prince Rupert Branch, a = PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, A ee} Mencge. } RECOMMENDS ITS MONEY ORDERS cities of the United States and are negotiable at ov: in Great Britain and Ireland $5 and under - - -8cents Over $10, not exces : | Over $5, not exceeding $10,6 cents Over $30, not exceed Prince Rupert Branch - - - L i | THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA As a safe and economical method of rémitting amounts » to $50. These Money Orders are payable without charge at a: f wy bank in Canada (Yukon excepted), in Newfoundland principal rte A.W. ieelicen thal a ents en S.S. PRINCE RUPERT —— SAILING THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX. S. &. PRINCE JOHN / ND PRINCE ALBERT August Oth, 15th, 23ra and 20th Clements and Buckley Bay, August |! For Stewart, Massett, Port September 3rd Southern Queen Charlotte Island Points August 16th TRAIN SERVICE Passenger Monday, Wdnesday and Saturday aj i! 5° & Prince George, Edmonton and Winnwes, making direc! all points east and south AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES For information and reservations apply | City Ticket Office, 5626 Third Avenue. Phon?® 260 Serr; WEL al he Ly via Steamer to Vancouver Canadian Pacific Railway Meals and Berth included on Steamer &. 8. PRINCESS ALICE §&.8. PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Vicioria and Seattie from Prince Rupert During July and August every Saturday 4! For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, from During July and August every Monday 4 = — CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES Por rates, reservations and sailings, 4pt W. C. ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. 3rd Avenue and 4th Strect Prince Rupert, Georgetown Lumbe: (0. PHONES 130 ot 423. , 0. Box t Largest Assortment of Lumber in a B. ©. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Consult Us. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service go to THE SAVOY HOTEL : | | F. T. BOWNESS, Manager Li Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. t and Col Running He Home Cooking City Fier, SS. PRINCE GEORGE BAY, OCEAN FALLS CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lowest Rates to all Eastern nae and the Prince Rupert B.C. wn