The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBb Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. '' ' ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES J Local Readers, per fneerjtion per line Classified Advertising, pgr 'insertion,,. Legal Notices, tar.n insertion per ur iour monins ir .. ... ........;. By mail to all other parts ot British Columbia, the British Empire and United Slates, paid in advance per year By mail to all other countries, per yeai $7 -V) Contract Ratee on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Ed'tor and Reporters Telephone - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION .agaic'Hne-. Friday, AT BRITAIN'S SIDE January t . - 25, 1929 CAUSE OF WAR "Selfishness and greed, ultimately Jbiing-about suspi cion that leads to-lrate-antrndrirnnrnrJ' -declared a speak No step has yet been taken which will bring about the GOOD WORK OF - Q.C. NATIVES Criticize Action of Department of .Marine in Not Repairing Wharf, Then Do It Themselves ; City Delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance ?5.00 f0jowjng report and criti- For lesser period, paid in advance, per month . . ,60 cJim from the counei 0f By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, Skfcltic Mission: pam MISSION, B.C. Transient in m advance auvauce if.;fjur iorjeariy jwioa iuu ,. ...................... ....... y ... "J. SKIDEGATE KIDEGATE Diiplay AdWrtlettg, per! injslfc'per ninoa:.lV Once Advertising on Front Page, per inch, jwblic f..r The Fuel Board Has itit iskued VftoA of its work? ...1.J-1. .i..ui.. : .Iv.7 i t ,t.. wharf is espei WHICH lluuutl.a in ui iuui:ii vniue w cue tuuntry. in Hie Vancouver. B.C. MONTREAL j n , St. John, N.D. more, the annual g fciiprotenient work, carried Sft'fn which all male members cf er in Victoria the other day. That is the cause of most of Watson, f the reservation over the age of eighteen years are required to put in a certain number of hours) by the council is completed. The work consisted of the following: i Wharf Crew Fifteen men un der James Jones, 375' 2 hrs. of ,work, putting in 20 piles on the (approach to the government wharf and procuring ail the piles themselves and putting them in 'by band. I Road Crew No. 1 under Charles Gladstone, were working f7 men patting in 419 hrs. on the side walk parallel with the right of way through the village. Road Crew No. 2 trader Tuke were the troublesjin this world. Selfishness and greed lead to all ,in ?2 h" sorts of trouble. That is why Christianity is such a working, 16 men. also on the sidewalk. This sidewalk was built under the direction of the leavening lrtfluence in the world . Its founder was imbued COUncii for the safety of the wun tne spirit ot unselfishness, ymf; tn WTlinnatrAv VA-tnlj ItfllA Anil fllAtvinnltfAn slln4l iiiiciioci iJtuuic vnu tan uiciiiBcivcB iiiiaLmnHmrtymiMnBiBMnivi m woht. arrocrant. keen for nlace and nower. anxious tH rnsrtrpi through the 27. SO 10.00 Total U98.10 Road crew No. 2, actual working hours 882, at 40c per hour $182. HO adoption of a national anthem for Canada. A consider- , 100,9 i'ndITtw1 -1-50 able section of the country would like to have the verse m" rof skkteti' M w in which the words "at Britain's side whate'er betide" is ' found . That is not a very good sentiment since the equal Total $ status provision was adepted; by thidmperial conference crew work-. in Lnnrlnn, Tt u-nulH h itiofus rolannVilo to cn At In hours 154, at 50c The British Empire is composed of a number of na- " . ' I tions, each with equal status. Each is considered to have Total $ ti .oo the same rights and privileges as the others . While there Th total va,ut of work don'' ,s are more people in Canada, from England, Scotland and Shf toUl Ireland than from Australia, yet each is a part of the Em- rmi crew No. l .... . 198. 10 pire with equal rights and privileges, and as such neither Road crew No. 2 ..... i6i .30 should be singled out from the others except at a time Water crew di.oo when it does something worthy of special mention . Great Britain has a larger population than the others v Grf "d u?1 ,7 -82 ' ; and has taken the lead in most tnings and doubtless will VnimlZVi take the lead for many years to come, but if we are to be- provided very substantial supner come a united Empire we must try to think imperially and " itemized in the town haii-which a 1 - . 1 . : 1 l : 1 . . 1 Ti me scnumcm in tne verse ineiiLiuneu is noi imperial, ir. tends to indicate a provincial complex. were very enjoyaoie and which were looked forward to eagerly by some of the men, as these meals were absolutely free for the workers . 4...- .l. 4. : i . it.. 1 1 t "vv"u"' ,u SIOMDS SAWS The most economical saws to use Simonds Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Reml St. and Acorn Ave. on the government specially comtncnd:iM- centre 01 tne rcpurt i a map snowing me coal jieias 01 Uhat 4s, $it approach), where a Canada and the United States. In that map theCamttlian drift log, jiad knocked out 20 piles, railways are marked in red, but the Canadian National Tne people, both natives and does not, according to it, go beyond Edmonton." ' Prince Tf6" "nmt "ff!;d 4t0 ha'e il Rupert does not exist . We object to this omission as tend- ff e eTsI'co.." and SkX. ing to militate against this part of the country. There s0, m view of the government not should have been something in the map to indicate that wanting to lift a hand in the mat-people live north of Vancouver. te. at present because of Mr. , Ford's recommendation, the Skide- " " " K'ltp council with the sanction of the people decided to repair the approach, which was fmpnsable by motor cars and dangerous for pedestrians. Now it is in shape again, thanks to the Skidegate council. I Wharf NeceMsary ' The government had been petitioned time it rid ag'.iin by both the white and natives, but to ilo avail. NOW A SENATOR H. J. Logan, former member of the House of Commons for Cumberland, N.S., has been appointed to succeed the late Hon. W. B. Ro.-s in the Senate. i Only the people that live hen know that it is absolute. y necessary to maintain the wharf in question, becase.o.ertaiBa. -son it is- vary nasWirabU to have freight shipped to Queen Char-1 lotte City, and the ro;.d between there and here is a joke and only fit to serve as a trail for cow punchers, but serving an excellent for Mr. Ford to reeom-his wharf to be abandoned by the government, an-1 thereby 'working hardship on residents money and spend it on themselves or keep it from others ZcZ SJtL-. , the COMt n rlin nnl if Urnv Unn iU u : i 1De wr i,rew, under Thomas . . . . . , Tl w,r ' , ,Bjr "e ""- Pollard, were working 6 men. Christian, no matter to what church they belong or what putting in 145 hnu, repairing their professions may be. . decayed water main and laying War may be forced on a weak people and in such a P'P" to rkus houses, case there is nothing to do but fight and put every sinew , The v,ue ovnt work into the struggle, but in every war there is aaUdrnw tZttJ&SZX&X and greed on one side at least and often on both sides, the chief, are as follows: It is not necessarily our side that is light and the-pther. Wharf crew actual work-side that ia wrong. mX : :' imr htmn WE. IV 96e S244.12V2 ' ABOLISH BY-ELECTIONS Y The Tolmie government proposes to abolish the system Williams and Albert of an aDDointed minister, of the crown havi'.ior tn rotmf Derrkk. also Albert , to his constituency for re-election. It ia the English vSl!!Zt system that British Columbia adopted, the 'same that is 4 SIT,!?, i in force in the Dominion parliament That is no reason Meals scoWd iv wjiy xrjiiH(i uiuinuia,snuui(i niije it. (, w 1 omen jtfff'"r Just at present the j,olmie'gQ4mment has little to fdff- Soeiatr.m.i t YTf 8 " -.""ajjnajoril-y in m toj,, wharf h.$2fc42yi Mipk Other-riae. house. For that reason it is able to bring lit 'SUchVa 9Artd by cre.not p&&k fcemth measure as mis wunout oeing accusea oi trying to pro- couhted. tect itself. It is a &ep?jn. ,4he x&bt. directi9n, as it will Rod crew No. l, actsai save the Dfovincesdmdvmonev and do awav with con- con- working, hours 4i9,iat siderable delay . atOtlme tiiqould ris iieai io me consuuientajyroTiew minis spent in getting into touc senice o the province. tne neM' m an ap- v now hp : 9rfd giving 40c per hour 1167.60 Meals provided by W. V M. S. of 3kidegate.'6.50 Use of tools 6.00 coets 6 to hire a car from Skide- gate Mission to Queen Ch.irlotte, an only goodness knows how much! it would cost to haul freight from! there. Last spring the govern-' meat engineer. Mr. Ford, prom-, ised the Skidegate council that he, would recommend that the wharf I II. ma .i I wen Te pa ire a oy tne govern-Wtand then turned over to the TflHsn ay but it seems it slipped his t for the council did not hear ore of it. But since then th council decided V wah their OMda of any responsiiilitv for mi "tfharf, ar MP. lordavs'it cost ?36V0 8rt-(it-.'s An it sad the council fm bai tA-V coi not prtxare enbbJilunal Wt'tUt in c)tah-. SiwPWPfi Fo d may thinMlhatlie is; do;ng the best thing, but thespeo- set is : es.en- rial thing In tffeir eWabVnce arid will be a detriment t3 the devel-fopment of thi"'4ntf.. i M. J. WILLIAMS. , Sifcretary. HE SUFFERED FOR TEN YEARS Then ALL-BRAN Brought Relief in 2 Months Doctor Recommended It Constipation is dreaded not only for its own insidious Wf, but because of the many serous conditions and dtMases ft causes. Mr. Lind w a sufferer but read how he found relief: Tor 4 pt ttem Vtm. At V U wmk. I km trd lumoilfriw, oiaU mu, tte. Wt to m U, ' ' Tw maath mo mr tntt ciBed mr aU imtkm U KfOaw-t ALL-BRAN. I brfa tt rmbrkr. mmrHmiAt thm vain M mmtum inm Um pOm vu rtiil. I tii4 tkt It rtqulrtf ytrj littl ALL-BEAK te (1v naturt a fttr cfcaiu to Mt a car." Wum J, Li KB, R. X, Box m. AwlrtM, WU. Don't neglect constipation. At any time its poisons may Uke terrible toll from your health and well, being. Protect yourself. Cat Kdlogg's ALL-BR N regularly two tablespoon! uli daily, or in chronic cases, with every meal. ALL-BRAN brings sure, natural relief. It is what docwrs call a bulk food. It sweeps the intestine clean and stimulates normal action. Ready-to-eat with milk or cream. Also try the recipes on the package. Results guaranteed. Doctors recom-mnd it because it U 100 bran. MadebyKellecK in Londnn .Ontario. Served to beieN, rortaurahts, and dining cars. Sold by all grocers. Bring Your FURS to Goldbloom He pays the highest prices. Is Mhiica t New Victor (phig-in) radio THE receiver is of such ctesfgn that it " will answer the' moat w.tacting requirements. Technicians who view it attest that it is the most expertly designed, electrically and mechanically, of anything they have seen That is, of course, a natural thing to expect from a company renowned as builders of highest quality Wtor Talking Machine Company Of CanttUXlntted ORTHOPIIONIC VICTROLAS AND RECORDS 7y correct- Advanced features of the New Vic; tor Radio are: Chassis of aluminum. fOperates from house current, plug in. Requires lets current than con' sumed by single reading lamp. Single dial, electrically lighted. Uses practically any length antenna, inside or outside. Scientifically armoured and shielded. Volume without distortion, through special hook-up. plug in LOWBOY MODEL Autitorutd Vi&or Ra2idf Dttktt tat .jiuTig. thii sole spectauy aepfned for them, urh Victor Speaker, the Htv Victor Radio, all tubes complete, and "plug-in" cord for only ill 1 X Lkrntd mdrr pmemt if tW RL Frt junej LkxrtH Inc. VICTOR RADIO RKCKIVERS . ..... . 11 tt i..i,'!,ih ar T :J. Tt ( l MfnjMT a ft El Gup fundi UKifxi back. Swidr bctvl body at far or a pouible. At the mim time the armt ihouU be thrown forward, a ahown In illuatration. Coma back to rigid, upright poMtion. Thia citnriM wtU atrtngtb tn rour ihouUar rnua. ciea tauDcmclr. IK pENMANS' jwpular health extremes are neither too i- strenuous nor too tame but just right for maintaining vigorous health. Slip into Penmans "95" and try these exercises every morning. You'll be surprised at the difference they'll make in your vitality. Penmans "95" is Canada's leading quality underwear. In two piece and union suits for men, women and children. NOTICE TO PENMANS DEALERS PENMANS 1077 riv nf LML rH.x rx,v.A . great success and this year s series is eren.Mggtr and Better, lie up by distribute z tree PtnnUns esercue f t, ... teeiets to your customers Also write tor handsome free underwear cards for window and counter display. PENMANS LIMITED Para Canada rv . ,. 4 ..1 HEALTH UNDERWEAR, tJS If your News does not arrive Phone 98 before 6 o'clock