January 6, W'lj Now Health is Often Only at the End of a Telephone Wire Someone you love lies sick the doctor has called and has ordered medicine wants it right away ! He phones 2 or 200. Many experiences in the past have taught him that Ormee will fill his prescription as he wants It to be filled (from full strength drugs of the highest quality), and that the dispensing will be accurate and the delivery speedy. BRING YOU PRESCRIPTIONS TO PRINCE RUPERT'S PIONEER DRUGGISTS mues II MM KS w 1 JKk f II U n I ' I 1 JilMITBD Northern laH rriM llulWlni SJftrMtatMi Mrtrt Normn I. VAMtOllvpU, U. U 3Ct Jfic Pioneer Uruufitits THIRD AVE. SIXTH ST - TELEPHONES 8?f,?0Q ! - SELViG BRUS. MEAT MARKET 3rd Avenue ,VJIEAT. PISH AND VEGETABLES jlec.auy; fOLD COUNTUYSAUSAOES" Our mako Fresh evpry day. Superior Quality, - llranch Mtct Phone 765 CATERPILLAR" Tractors DIGGER THAN THE WEATHER! A Size for Every Use A Hundred for Every SUe 2 TON. TWENTY, TIUKTY, SIXTY BETTER Literature and Prlees on Request Sole Distributors far B. & MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT GO,, NrlMiN kriutmu 1)1,1. Mnarr HOLT &0QMtiPti& BEST Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating U.T.P. 20,000 Ton Wealing lry ! Bnjtlneers. i;achlnl-ts. Boilermaker, Blacksmith. tom makera. Founders. Woodworker. Mc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Qur plant Is equipped lo handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 5W Telephone the office if your paper docs not arrive .KPCALE OF CHARGES notices: Birth hotices 5' ... ft. I. . v The following. i the' scale of charges niade for reading HI J Cards of Thanks, tZ ' Funeral No'ticps fcl.. Funeral WowanTlOc nej ' name-' Marriage and Engagement announcements $2, Eagles Whist Drive and Dance JatiuarjSli .? , . 111 r - t 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS .Rupert Basketball UJociatlon donee February 1. CN.R. Employees 5th Annual UttJJMoosjft tllHU, February 8. Prnaliviirinns Vnlintirip Tn February 14. . , t-?rm " , Mpqse Wbiftt Pfive and Dunce j j February 22. Mrs. F. Iochfi and"th ild returned to tie city oa yesterday afternoon's r$) .frort a trip to ill interior ' ..Inspeot,it j'wi?es 'L "Tufrper, R.CMP, Mturod to We vl& -on r t ix i 2 Ret? A. WrTteWnson, Anglican Chwrth jn-eeior at Terrace, is a Vleott n the city. Wing arrived" from Uie Interior on yesterday afternoon's train. hp r l ransrer Fifteen years' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 204. Night Phone: Red 317. urns . : UDB I . I Moose Dance tonight. - : I 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 TaxL tf Dmtist Dr. J. IL Gosse. C86. i'hone Burn Anniversary Dance to night eonum-nting 8:30. j Mrs. John S. Wilson is sailing Scandinavian Dance, Metropole on the Cardena for a trip to .Saturday flight at 8rtM). 20 couver. Popular Badminton Dance, 1 O. U. E. Hall, Thursday, Jan. 81 Smailes Orchestra. Refresh intents. Admission 50c. I official' Bacon who is returning from 'trip .to England. Mrs. M. Tulley of Srtithers arrived in the city from the inter- train and will sail tonight on the Cardena I or Vancouver, E. E. Orchard, proprietor of j At the city council meeting lsst the Bulkley Valley Hotel at .tight it was decided to postpone CI. A WeVlaml, loea) agent of 'the Imperial Oil -Co.. sailed this' 1 mornini' on the Prince Kupert fr a brief trip to Ocean Falls on company business. W. C. Wilcox, one of the sarlj sou !' r Poroher Ulanu, ar-j rived in the city on yesterday af-fl: tarnoon'.H train from Wlnnfpeff,! where hi now resides, and will visit here, ami In the district for a short that. lie is a guest at tk Savoy Hotel. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FO R R KNT Three roomed house tin Seventh Avenue East Viil reduce rent for little service. Apply Box 172. Daily News. 34 H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. w January Special Clearance Prices SEE OUR WINDOWS PHONE 9-3KD AYE. & FULTON STREET. . v. a i: ;. v. -Sirs. SBrtner is sailing tonight ,on the Cardena for a I trip tp Vancouver. "Salvor" arrived with full cargo Nanaimo Wellington Lump coal --"The Coal that Lasts." Order now. Albert & MeCaffery Ltd. Phone 116 $ 117, tf Beacon tlard Coal is Bootless. It Is also said to be the best seller of Alberta Coals. Albert & McCaffery, Limited, Agents. Phone UC and 117. tf Union steamer Cardena, Capt A. Johnstone, is due in port at i o clock this afternoon from the - iuth and will sail at midnight on her return to VaneouYer and uuypoints. C.P.Pi. steaiper Princess Royal, Capt. S. K. Gray, is due in port ; t 6 o'clock . jtight from the south and wiljisail at 10 p.m. op her return to Vancouver and Works of the composer Brahms are being taken up at the meeting of the Ladies' Music Club which is being held this afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. "W. Marentette, 505 Cotton Street H. E. Paw son, commercial manager of the Power Corporation of Canada, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to Prince George on company business. J. II. Blake, mechanical superintendent for the Forest Branch. At a meeting of tiie city coun- Miss Ifuzel Cunningham It. N. FVictoria, who lit visiting the city cH last nlclit the City Clerk read! of 'giAither will sail tonieht on on offocial duties, arrived on an fieiiirietioo on the re-j the CanSena for Victoria on a yesterday afternoon's train fol- ult ol the foil-,, Ffloltday trip. lowing a briel trip to the inter- EwsH Lyne (Pianist, Capitol - The Prince Rupert Pioneer's Association, with Mrs. P. W. Anderson, the" president, in the chair, had a meeting in the City which will be held on March 8. Standing committees for the year Smithers was an arrival in the'diacusHion on the power agree- ments were left over until another city from the interior on yeater-j ment until tomorrow night at a! meeting which will be held next day afternoon's train. Upecialiy called meeting. 'Friday. J. G. Raven of Remo, who is, Mr, making his first trip out of the i are i RED'S andfrs. G. W. Nickerson iling tonight by the Car- Interior in eighteen years, ar- dena op n trip to Vancouver rived in the city on yesterday attle and other points in afternoon's train and will sail south. tonight on the Princess Boyal for Vancouver. t Motorshjp Dorothea arrived in jbort lust , night frutn Ketchikan uju1 i? luadjng carjo of clear aiwuce t,o Jttg Hky -Lumber Qc's mill.lof Seattle enroute to Special Sale of Rubber Boots MEN'S KNEE RUBBER BOOTS- Siies C to 11. Special J50 MIS8ES' KNEE RUBBER BOOTS , Sizes 11 tP 2. SpatM..., 2.25 ' LADIES 8-4 RUBBER BOOTS j 8lsM.Sfcto.7. Special 04 fiC 82.98 AFTERMATH of influenza, bronchitis, cough, cold or other respiratory infection, is usually a period of great weakness. There is special need for well-selected vitamin-rich nourishment to rebuild resistance. Many people have found nothing quite so berieficial as SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE VITAMIN-RICH COD-LIVER OIL If you are now passing through a time of weakness, why not let it help nourish you back to strength and rigor. Scoff' Emulsion is cod-liver oil that is pleasant to take and digests easily. cottSovac,'rraM,Oit " MANY ATTEND LOCAL WEDDING Miss Alice DuVernet Becomes Brjde of Hev. 3. HfcGipson at Catheiral LastNtghC' The Anglican Cathedral was filled to the doors last evening to witness the wedding of one of, the most popular members of the congregation, Miss Alice Prances DuVernet, daughter of the late Arch-ship of Caledonia and the late Mrs. DuVernet, to Rev, James Byers Gibson, rector of St. Andrew's, Right Rev. Bishop Rix officiating, assisted by Rev. Canon Rushbrook. The wedding was a quiet one because of the recent the arm of R. L. Mcintosh, who gave her away. She was gowned in applique Brussels lace made in Belgium and used by her mother in her wedding dress. She also wo e toe conventional veil wun or. on, erd.fK a"00"8! Hall last night to make arrange- oran?e blossoms. Theehurehhad menw i or xne annual oanquer uUfuily decorated by members of the congregation and he setting as Miss Lancaster play- as well as for. the banquet were ed the wedding march was an in- appointea ana iurtner arrange- 4Djrine one Following the wedding the ride and groom and 1(1 guests were entertained at a wedding breakfast at "Cliffsyde." the beautiful home of M . an l Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh.' The to-wi. to '.We bride was proposed by Bishop Rix and responded to o bebjlfe eXolbe bride by Rrv !lr. Gibson. Canon Rushbrook also spokewlshing the bride did also so LUNCH GIVEN ' FOR VISITORS' nrlnMnal uneakitr at a luncheon YOUTH'S KNEE RUBBER gven th,, afternoon in the Oom-BOOTS Slaes 11 to IS. modore Cafe by the Prince Rupert Special $2.45 Board of .Trade in honor of the members of the eommisslon, who Rev. Arthur Darner of Toronto, Operintendent of United Church ndian JiiissionH for Canada, ar-ived 'ih.iJhe city on yesterday . ill , -A I M w I iiernoon s iram irom uazeiton w. . 1 . C ! I - ;i liic cuurae in ni annuui i.niir ?ow night on the Prince John 2ib- M .. rl 1 i . I I I . nd will come back here to visit Port Simpson. Fishing Opens Soon BE PREPARED AND PROPERLY CLOTHED We havs goods in splendid line of MASTER MECHANIC BRAND heH',5,Lw 86,1 lor 26 to 30 Per death of the bride's mother, she was unattended. The service i int. CnlLehDMl. th.oir .inrinuJ AI0 MBN!S BIB OVERALL Tt4re teacher : of phmeferte,. At the first tneeting of the cityn anthem during the signing or The'llogul, in black only. Reg Studio--Hf Pedertl Block. Phone council for the year besides the j the register, with Mrs, D. Ross, as ular,J2 25. Special, $1.35. Ra TOl. tr mayor the following aldermen sdlelt,her rendetiqg of "lleavejii .m '( ' ' , '" were present, Aid, Qrme, Dawson, . iy Voices" being unusually fine 'sV ,Tirttm,,J.1 '..-ill - li a. n.j! t.. Jj.ii -.n l Ji..;.i.ti. w n nut. J '.L ' . tfivwMuvwmi niRiu mc Lprueiw mr vmivou- prown, iijacuujiaiu, uiuu ana ine .v, j ,l ,l ji , . . f i ... L,t, ,' . ... mr , . mux: ciunvu .iiti itauicuini uu yesteraay MVeraoons iraiu ironi;ver wnerc sne wjii meet Jir. icny cierK. a trip to tite interior pu . Montreal Importers APPLES ! Extra Special Wrapped Grimes Golden Per box A REAL BARGAIN and groom all 1p-finmqrnttM Wafe W. JS. tiAef. jThf ioasfcV; ' j t '; , to :hMi&bMWiMmmrhZ, poseS WC- V. Wtt.-'.-ik .. ..wrsnned. , The bride's goTn atds very becoming iigr cloih with seals: hat to match ilsWW'Sid fciPer lb. sea He Stock $1.75 Heinz Cream Tomato Soup Large fnmi!y sise can. Special this wec!( only. 2 for 59c JUCT AlUtiVED NEW LINE o; mscurrs Per pkg. SOc All .35c .30c Chef MolasseB -lb. tins. Special 40c No. 1 Jap Rice 8 lbs 22c Gold Reef Grape Fruit Per tin SOc Singapore Pineapple 2 tins 25c Nabob Assorted Jelly Powders T j 6 for 43c Member of Railway IloarH Guests Nabob Coffee Has advanced last of Local Board of Trade j week at, lb 65c National Dog Biscuits nlr. Par nVa IOC null . Il l w i'r- MEN'S 3-4 RUBBER UOOio - .l Board of Railway Com- We Carry Paynaa Tea- Call Ib. . . . 7oc Sites C to 11. Speciul flC Q5 msioness of Canada, was the Naval Qrangs-amily size Us When You Want Frewh Smoked Fish .85c Renl are visiting here. Hon. T, C, lUddie-Per lb. 25c former premier of Manl- Norris. ppluiierUured. Per Ib. 15c toba. and also a member of the J!"u' . " commission, spoke briefly . f -RuP1 . , u ... -.t,io4 Par lb -UL by G. P. Tinker, vice-president nf thp Board of Trade. In the SLICKER KNEE RUB- absence of the president. Milton BOOTS Colors: red. uonmlea. Arrangements for the green and blue. Special luncheon were in the hands of the iniertainment committee of the board, consisting of F. E. Robert-1 . .,0 nM0 on.C. C Mills. J. W. Scott ana T1IUSH ai'fAiAi4 run-no T T. K. Tn WEEK ONLY AT JABOUR BROS., LTD Johnson.' Try a Dally News WANT AD. Per lb 25c Watts Grocery Quality night Prices Right PHONE 55 PHONE 56