CLASS1F1EDHAB1T Eftrjon read the Clailfle4 Ada. If you And, locat the owner. Whatw you need, sdvertlee lor It , (ir.T THE CLAH8iri"M HABIT. " . X . No. lb. -sv " t mr m ?n tasssssavi aw Baa 'ft - r IDEAOFWORK ii. opening meeting of the mm-il last night Mayor Mc-oUt lined briefly a few of utstandinir matters with COUNCIL ASKS POWER TO TAX Tii. following resolution was ' : .;c(l by the city council last !1 "i'M unanimously and without li i Lision: or lh. Thut the City Clerk be In- i ' Uli toil in draft n ttetitlon to !'V Legislature at this session t umpml thA Munlrlnftl Act SO lii to enniiln miinlcinalltioa to -i all oil tanks and erections of I'ois nature." Tho motion was ov Aid f'nllnrf mnnnilnrl tiv AM lo'oWll. I ADY VAN 1IORNE DIES MONTREAL, Jan. 36: The Int.. Sir William Vnn Home. Moves Hcsolution of Want of Confidence in Government ' at Close of Address; Conservative Advocates Opening Peace VICTORIA, Jan. 25. Criticizing the irovemment for : ..I I it. I lis ti:i:t 1 . i. . . . i a inn piiux'u mu iiaiiuiing 01 umiiwi uoiumoia securities; " ,,t!i nscal agents, Opposition Leader T. D. Pattullo in COUNCIL AT son. METLAKATLA IHeiilon Conducted Yehlerdny b Indian Agent: William U-ak, Chief Imllan Agawt W. E. Collinson Iat,d tryMt-to Metlakatla yester day to conduct tne election village council for 1929, which re itHait aa fnllnwa' VOTE OOKS LIKE HORM Chief councillor WlUlem.cll. Ieask . Cuncillors G. If. Clifton. John 'l''Mh took tilnrn npr vosierdav 1 1). liuhton. HenW Provost, ! INJUNCTION STILL Utjoor Aft. )tet did.. the l' Jly' Mayor McMordle At government pfbpmmt to adopt to ' Opening Session atop migration of young ieople to , ., . I the U 1ld States tfrom their At if lfh 'MM KhqmitMii untersiwr (WW iMl Qjht standing committees lactic fhould e taNMi en IM lumber industo'? What was imeayit In the s?ech by a change the' incttknee of taxation? What would be expected by the country would be that the govern- jment reduce taxation rather than its reditu ibution. Mr. Pattullo asserted that the proape.ity of the province was t h council would be asked due to the policy of the late gov- l during the coming year, jernment in past years and now wc:e aa foltowa: j they had as premier the man who i w, r agreement by-law to be had been the apostle of blue ruin I titccl to the public as aoon as.jn the campaign. What steps did il.l. . i he proiioHe to take to bring about i k on the roads and sidewalks tne promised reforms? rontinued the same as last! prrmier Tolmle, who was absent with cement walks in ine the house on account of ill m i own district and cinaer ''- in the outlying dlatricta.. I nut the ewer work be eon ii'il from McUrlde Street to ' "w Street. 1 n. council, the mayor sug a. should apply to th,e Domin-t overnment for a fisherman's ' und a new federahbuilding . I w ness, is execiea w repiy w nt. Pattullo on Monday. Open Up Peace Dr. Walkem, Conservative of Vancouver, aTtrettsed the Peace River block development and advocated the building of a motor Wll- Lttdv Van Itnr no U'Mnw Af.llnm Ttiidland and Ambrose il for the PRINCE RUPERT, R. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1929 BLE MUi T. D. Pattullo Shows His Teeth in His OpeningSpeech in Legislature on Address and Ashs -Questions 4 4 RKBTKAINS FROM RLEC-INC (JENERAL LONDON, Jan. 25: Hear- log of the temporary injune- 4 1 4 . tu.. h pislature yesterday afternoon at the conclusion of a! council of the Salvation i-h by him on the address in reply to the speech from throne moved an amendment to the address to His . r constitutimr a resolution of want of confidence in 111 l' "wrnment in th following- "This house strongly of the administrative policy and action in connection with the recent wale of P" vincial hecurltle in that r U ; was made privately, im providently and contrary to found public policy. : I'.ittullo said he deprecated merit, ind h 'tv of placing securities 'fltf- wwPp iVAvnn nunc the province- in the hands of any i agents, contending that the policy of the former government had I bean to nell all securities In the I open market :athcr than by pri- vat sale. The former minister of lands j naked many qoastsms In lOfatrst to the policies of the new govern udinir one aa fco whaiher Army from electing a succes- aor to General Bramwell Booth waa again adjourn!. this time until Tuesday. t t COMMITTEES CITY COUNCIL ropoaed to "attend the-A"pHntmnU MIe 'Call MgMl the year were appointed mayor, as follows: by Finance Aid. Collart (chair man), Dibb and Dawson. Board of Works Aid. Brown chairman). Orme, Rudderham Utilities Aid.. Macdonald chairman), Prudhomme, Rudder-ham. Building Commission Aid. Brown (ehalrman), Prudhomme and Orme. Soldiers' Housing The Mayor t chairman), Aid. Collart, Dibb, Dawson, City Solicitor and City Treasurer. Town Planning and Parks Commission Messrs. J. C. McLennani Thos. McClymont. Fred Riffou, Aid. Brown, City Solicitor and Cfty ' Engiiwer. Pefelle , Library AW. 1Mb, Jareee. Black, H. F. Ptrilen ami Victor Baeeo-Bert. Hospital Aid. Brown and Mac ilonald. Aid. Orme, Piwi- l FoMbition kvmoiuuii niu. j, u- road from Prince ueorge into mrj kjimma Anil HlwIAII to the provincial government iMce country, so mi , the sale of the government rBaMons might be kept between , k I ihe district and the southern part l hp mayor said that he hoped 0f the province rather than with would be able to reduce the Alberta. Until there was better '! rate still further this year. n connection, he contended there was no neen u. - more settlers into the Peace country. Fisheries Aid. Rudderham (chairman), Brown and Dawson. Heading Room Aid. Rudtler-ham. Measra. J. J. Gillia, Frank Derry. George Smith, William Sibbald and W. E. Denning. The Mayor is ex-officia, a mem ber of all the committees; After the reading of this the mayor asketl for any comments or alterations that any of the alder men thought would be an advan tage. Aid. Dibb said that he thought that the division of the couneil into committees dm not allow the members of a single committee to become acquainted with the city work outside of his own committee. . The mayor suggested Unit he could place Aid.. Dlbti's name on f II Krce f the major commit- tees. i It was pointed out that the minutes of every committee i or council meeting could be seen 1st any time by any of the coun Aid. Dawson stated he thought that as a general rule it was usually found that the smaller the committee the more satisfact' orlly tne woric was iione. bulletin IsKuetl Today Cause of fir eat Satisfaction in I .on don I LONDON, Jan.. 26. The ing'a physioians issued this bal- etiu nt 11:16 this morning: The Imn-niMiiAnl in 1 Ha Mn. U. S. SENATOR 1)1 US- Mabama died today. and snow Chief Officer Manning of the America and eight men in a life boat effected the rescue in a full gale. While the America's search light played on the Florifla, Man PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper BOMBAY. India. Jan. 25. The Bombay Evening News today loarned from Peshawar that another death has brought the num-hr of Indian officers and troops killed accidentally by the British jesty's condition noted in the last ir bombarding plane up to 14. bulletin continues. A bacteri- wo if "aYe "u that' fnttd and aru not ologicsl examination shows the right chest Is now free of the'"- Fh newspaper said that 1G inone were aiuou. nfected o ganiam. The bulleUn caused a great deal i The two airmen In charge or of satisfaction, as it was inter- I the bombing plane wmen miswwt preted to mean that I Its Majesty the soldiers for a previously pre-is now suffering only from weak-!p ed target have been taken into ness resulting from prolonged ill-j custody. seas. The newspaper -saya that. a tar WA8HINOTON, Jan. : For mcr Senator Oscar Underwood of area, vei of white-washed stones and earth had been pit-pared. A squadron of Pobna horse clad in white decided to pass oven the !rik. although warned of the Another Epic of Sea Written In Daring Rescue Of Florida Crew by United States Liner NEW YORK. Jan. 25. The Italian freighter Florida, whose crow of 32 men were rescued on Wednesday night hv Print fJenrfrp Vrwt nf tho linnr Anifirien. lost one man Boston Grill LARGE CARIKET Special Dinner Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing every Saturday night from 9. to 12. Dance Hall tor Hire Accommodations for Prlrate Parties fhone 457 a. . A picture from Bingcn, Ger many, .showing a deUchmeitt of British soldiers marcfiing along the riVer in a snowstorm on Chr.stmas Day. riOBEDISuRlR AREM)WW AFGHANISTAN PRICE FIVE CENTS DISCOVERED IN ENGLAND WHITE CHRISTMAS FOR THE WAYC'H ON THE RHINE Bodies Four Children r j n. ... .. j rouna ai Komjoxag Essex Throats Cut UOMFOKD, Essex, Jan. 25. The bodies of four children, cousins, between the ages of two and a half and ix and a half years were discovered with their throats cut in a shed on some undeveloped land in the neighborhood . The eldest boy and girl were the children of Percy Gray, aged 32, former member of the metropolitan, London. The other boy and girl were the children of Gray's sister. The police are seeking Gray, who was last seen yesterday afternoon walking on the street with the four chil dren. Gray was a policeman for eight years, but in trying to save an old woman who had stepped into the roadway in front of a fire engine he was knocked down by the engine and suffered head injuries. He spent a long time in a hospital and a period in a mental home. Since then he has been pensioned off. TORONTO. Jan. 25: It was announced here following a clos- j V r V V4 wavaw- - " . . i.l i 4. .i i e i: cnc 5ftv Mi convention of the Canadian uveruoaru iwu u.tys uoiuiu mhiu.iiK uut u.c owo. - n.n.v Kmnlov- of the crew were senouslv injured-when rescued, r our i . ' ' otheis are ill and all are exhausted from the' fight for life. , ' ' in Mr for an operating Tho Florida's bridire was washed away and the ves-;emilovees .of the Canadian Nat- m was listed so far that her catptain feared she would , ionai Railways will be laid be- ii l iiTn.vv.n.o nt thn nmnj wni'fl nrsirt. tore oiiiciats OI I lie 1IIJ III tically stripped of clothing by waves that battered unceasingly and the wind that lashed with iee RAILWAYMEN TO VERNON BOOHER SEEK MORE PAY: WILL EXPIATE I Montreal on February 18 by a ttenera. eommwee 01 tne ..,,-only that their to the cockleshell was MB BytWn- hope of life. Once the rope parted and a seaman, hal way across, had to be hauled back to the Florida. Another rope was strung ucross and the rescue com pleted. The captain of the Flor ninir annroacbed to within 60 feet Ida was the last to leave his ves of the disabled vessel and dared jsel. The crew were dased and an nn rlnser. The lifeboat crew hysterical and practically naked. NEW GOVERNOR OF MANITOBA-NAMED WINNIPEG, Jan. 25: J. D. McGregor of Brandon, prominent livestock man of Western Canada, has accepted the lleutenant-gov- got a rope to the Florida and, one They had to be lifted to the Amer-' ernorship of Manitoba after another, the -shivering sail- ica with a breeches buoy, not nav- mai appointment, it ors hurled themselves into the sealing the strength themselves to stood and pulled away hand over hand climb the ladders. jtwo. Will be made The n a day oi CRUEL MURDER HDMONTON, Jan . 25. Vernon Booher will hang on April 21. After a deliberation of five hours and eight minutes the jury last night found him guilty of the murder of his mother, brother and two hired men on July 9, 1928, at Manville. Mr. Justice Walsh immediately (sentenced him to death. It is Booher's secoad trial for the murders. At the first trial he vas found guilty add sentenced to death, but a new trial was granted. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, Jan. 25: --Wheat was quoted on the local exchange today at $lMt.