PAGE SIX II r HYDE TRANSFER AND COXh CO, DEMAND Phone 580 DRY BIRCH . JACKPINE AND CEDAR . Single load ...... Double load Larp;e sack ..... . . ,., ?jfcOX woou uiuunga, ijargeviuu . ... THE DAINTIEST HKEAKPAST FOOD. Smoked Dally by $3,50 $G,:)0 $3.50 COAL 'PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12,00 Pembina Washed $uts ,. $11.25 Alberta Booties? Large Egg - $12.50 Alberta Bootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal. Piano and Furniture Moving, Express and Il,iggage Pay and Night Service 1.19 Second Avenue "Rupert Brand" 1 Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert. B.C. B)ran YOU WIUJIAKE THIS UESOI.UTION " ONCE YOU HAVE HIDDEN IN THE More Pep More Power More Comtort Than Any Light Car Ever Built, They Arc qn ' f Display atOtir Showroom. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORD DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone 8.1 Advertise in "The Daily News' ADDRESS GIVEN BY BISHOP RLX In Speaking at (he Rolary Luncheon lie Told About His U Own Job afldj U JSfiM'S.- " A"h inspiring address was given by Hishop HI at the Itotary Clu luncheon yesterday in which he sketched his own life history leading up to hU present work. Then he told Qf the work of a i bishop in 4 BiiJonary ilioceae such as CaUsdonJa and concluded, by on appeal for th support ot church organization and work which were on the job all the lime helping the eblldren and improving the life na the community. The IJishop said h; believed in U r.irhlps of his eurly life, how he worked his way through col lege and eventually carr.r through Ui Haselpn which was to be his ventre of activities. The.- Prince Rupert became vacant, and he was sent here and had stayed time, gradually having titles and honor added but all of which did not change him in the least. Telling of the huge dioeeso which it was his duty to oversee, IJishop Ilix said it had an approximate a reft of JOO.OOO square mj UP HtMMUDg IWi me Yukon boundary to Oassm FallM ami trom iueen utmtlme is lands to the AlbarU boundary including the great Vme River country. He wot attpaaeed to have an intimate knowledge of the conditions and tba people in that whole territory, New fields were constantly opening up and some were being UapopflUted. It ( was nececaary to secure 30,000' a year from the outside to carry) on the church work- He had un-' fmilnricwl Oiiml tn tian fa tka man TM OAJLY NWWa Frtda i.i.ii, STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtly of B. 5 mibcd Co.. IM.) The foMowing quotations were bid and atked. Bayvlew, 44, 5. U. C. Silver, Nil, 1.4U, Cork Province, 24, 25. Cotton Kelt, 58, CO. Dnnwell, 19. 20. Dutbie, Nil, 4. Geoyte ( oppur, 9.50, 10.00. . GBofctftf Ulver. 40, 42. ' GWaUnv, 18. 13 Uf. Gqlpmda, 1.03, 1.0!. 4 . OrflWlvievv, 7.4, 74'i. Indapendence, 12, 12' j. Indian, Mi. 3. Inter. Coal & Coke, 35, 3C'a. Kootenay Florence, 23 24. L. & L., i 1 - iTi. lkevitw 2. . . -A, Lucky 24! j. Marmot A tiila. fern, 8. -2. Marmot iioH, H-u ,U. Nation. . ..iiver, 20, 21. Noble 1-Y.e. Nil. 76. Pend, Or Hie. 14.50, 15.00. Porter b'.Aw, 73, 80. Premier -.:0, 2.20. (lUe Muinald, 3.80, S.O0. ftuus Argenta, 39, 80 V. llUth l!'nt. til). (1. Silver. fri-st, 10. .Silveipi'lo. 1.15, 2.20. SHvernuth. 12, Nil. Slocan King. T-'n. 8. " "SunTochr NirrOS.' TwsUnu. io, u. . . Toftfay. Richfield, GO, 61. ' Toric, Nil. 2.00. White iter 1.25, 1.30. Woodbim Nil. 3. K:itern Stock .Norandu. :5.76, Nil. CARRYING ACCUSED MURDERER TO TRIAL CITY OF FAIRBANKS whb did the work for a mere Dit-' .RETHKL. Alaska, Jan. 25. tante. Cutting 24 days from previous The Bjthoctfatd he txtllaved in t similar trips by dogs, a plane the work of the thumb. The j hopped off from hare today with budneM and serial world the church as an anchor. other organisations did had intar- mittent work the church was on the job all the time, constantly trying' to instil Into tho young j Mfce ideals of good citizenship. lie urged ntapibers of the olqb S4HU bkM the church and Mlp all they could. Soma heJ knew were doing it but others were not. PASSES AFTER LONG ILLNES Death Occurs This Morning in Hospital of Christopher .. liyolfsen, Memter of WelNKnown Family ap accused native murderer, who WhJIfciiaOp b.,lxi., Fairbanks. The :i:l.xx: PRG'MIOVER PACIFIC COAST The following broadcasts are being made tonight by the American Uroadcasting Company, the most important station in the network being KJR of Seattle: 7:00 to 7:30 Leo Carrillo Program and Herman Renin's Orchestra (SF), KJR, KEX, KGA, kya, mm. 7:30 to 8:00 -Herman Renin's Orchttrj, THnae Novelties (BF), KJi:, KEX. KGA, KYA. KMTR. 8:10 to 9:00 NvapoliUn Affr an of aom. thraa j gVS. month:- f om which i: ws rua'ized K . A hrTK' lataly that there could be little! hope of recovary, tha death oc-i currad .it 4 o'clock thi.s morning' in the Prince Rupert Generul Has-;4l cif Chrbjeoper Eyolfdeu, aged 24, member of a well known family formerly oY Oaland, Smith Island, and now resident i fTtJe city at TO'vVter9tret. sThe dt-' ceased, who Was bom in Manitoba,' l ad lived at Smith Island for 10 years. He followed the fishing trade and had been employed .rrc by the Rupert Marine Products land the IJootb Fiaherioa Co. II was quite well known and many f lends, who will rwgret his demise, will extend Iheir rynipafhy to the mourning family. Relatives left to mourn the of the deceased include his mother, Mrs. T. II. Kyolfsen; sevfp brothar. Dr. R. E. Kyolf-an, John Kyalfsen, Albert and Harry Syolfaan of this city, Dar-)uy Byolfcan at Newmarket, Ont. ; KjartftP at Hums Lake and F.rn-aat nt Anyox; and two sisters, Mrs. Rud Church and Miss Joan Kyalfsen ef Prince Rupert. The funeral, which in being arranged by the R. C. Undertakers, will take place on Sunday afternoon with a service at St. An drew's Anglican Qttfced al. PATS I'AUAIMIKASK An Iriahnwn at a party war expecting something strong to "wet his whistle." On being of ferad nothing but a kI"" "f Kin gar ale he refused it, saying as bo iiturted to leave. "A oil drink turnetli away MeUrath." --Boston Transcript. P:Mi to 10(00 New Haven ir.w ignl-. KJR, KEX, KGA, KYA, KMT It. JOKHi to striog-' U'l', 11:00 -Dancing KJR, KKX, K(jA, lSIA, i 11 :6b "to"TiT6-4'Coldenv Gft lv iSFi, JWIJ, KEX, WGA. KW, HOUSE BURNED AT TERRACE TEHI(ic fan. 25: The l-oui,,. occupied by Mr. and Mrs. :. !l;.'iiet.-and family, and suited fQuth of the track front the CN.B. depot was burned to the ground with all ita contents vextenlny' morning about nine 'clock, presumably caused from v (.vi ihoaUd pipe. The build-. which was )vo storey 'i:im tructiire was built some fin mm ly Mr. and Mrs. Wal-'erg Tha I lamer family, are be-- l l-id nfter by neighbors. LUMBERMEN ON VISIT TO CITY Hjg J'arty of Western Canada Retailers Are Entertained In-Princa .Rupert Expressing delight at the scen ic beauties of the trip, the hearty weleome that has been accorded them'all along tho line and the excellent service given them by the Canadian National Itallways. rnepibers of the Western Retail lumbermen' Association, eh-route to Vancouver to attend their annual convention, arrived jn Prince Rupert by special train at 8:40 last evening and, Sifter spending overnight here, ijliled for the south aboard the steamer Pr nee Kunert at 8 o- dock this morning. The party uunjbyrod 221 iwraons, including ") ladies, and was headed by Roy G. Roberta of Winnipeg, f president of the Association, and F. W. Hitter, also qf Winnipeg, its swretary. Aesompanying the party, as representatives of the railway company, were r. 4. (Jreightbn, city paasenger agent, Winnipeg, and Charles Worby of Winnipeg, superintendent of the fining and sleeping car depart ment. R, F. McNaughton, diitrit passenger agent here, and P. G. Ruteell, assistant superintendent, Smithers, accompanied the party from Ja&fer Park to Prince Rup ert, nnd A. D. Watt, divisional master mechanic, eame in with the special train from Prince George. The lateness of the train, which was originally due in mld-rnooe, made necessary the curtailment of the local program of entertainment for the visitors. three hour at Prin George where dltrict lumber operators gave a dance and entertainment n their honor. SURPRISE PARTY ON MR. AND MRS. NELSON Fori .Friend Cak& Last Nght and Made Presentation of Handsome Chesterfield Table The proposed inspections of the , ( of K. This maana a consumpUon rM sn n ti. n..,m VJ"'" "w,ufv 3 "... rij . -H . .:, 414 ni (.rout plantc could not be made I 1 . . , lU r t ... ------- Rritain and 26 in tiw SaorsUt. mere present at tho entertalnnjent , ' ' ... '3C i ....... I , nLu-i tl.. i .I-i- nce committee of tha Protestant , .;. ... . . . Synod of Down, Connor and Dro- honor. After thK refreshmenta ' .. .. IUT, . . . there are .5,0w) drink shops j i ,u i . ii :more, were served in the Itoston Hall. ... ,. I n the northern urea, an licensed. v . ,- , . .. , T . ... , . .... plane will stop at Sleet Mule tol vwminjrwwi, me party spiieu " u.. hMeU ud NfitiMatfes. WILL BE GUEST BIMl Sir Henry Thornton Will RJ .,4 . TORONTO, Jan , . ry Thorntflfi, eh; ident of the Cuii.ulian Railways, will b un A D-rnnn of aliout 10 naiahuoFsi fllHil fit i lit U II II I I I pnrfrlends gnthewUn a iurprlilt, Canadian ln.i , .,, party lat wvaning at the mm Of! rBgu in Toront .u,,,': air. sum ir-. omjt T)l Canad an ii..i ,-t.. , t. Ninth AVnB Wf. ThayenJngtf,8 to ()) was spem in uuucu, .nu " intlimtM organ. eious refraabmahts were served. duBtrla dri.b A feature of he dings waa Jnon u tha nrenUtion by Lx-Ald. Os- or , cur Ursen, on behalf of the com- . tj . pany asemblad, of a handsome i, , ?hterfe,atab.e. Mr and Mr- 2 Z Jill lffrMJllUEIl 'lWt."tJ . . , . spaecheV and humo ' arT given by many of tu"'d 11 " stories ware mviul saant Thi' Th.' eniiivaul enjoyable lnuwof lb morning. IIUHIHI) TUUAY One of the aim Mtisn to Im em;.!... eoaftrahce will b of closer co-op. , i Tha funaral .took fliacp this f- M bippern and n tttnoon from the chapel of the terns of the count . C. UndertakNi t Fairvicwju better under-t.. Cemetery of ,We lute, Albert iprcition ,,f eu I, Wek8. whose dfilth occurred lemi at1 difficult yeateriUy morning I h 'the Prince' F. .1. Finch Rupert Oeneral Hoaplml. Ray. Alfred 'Wllaon of "First Unltad Church officiated. UlilTER LEADS IN SOMUHTY UHLPAST. Jan. 25, (I.N.B.) ! Northern Ireland claims that It leads all the rest of the British Isles in sobriety. It has reduced ita annual drink bill from 7.- vn AAA i. toon n aVltn.MIIMHI oil Company, in in-. E. Daan of th. of Canada, v i . speach will U' I radio. I Hi ' I. JL i-r. Quickly Banish the COUGH Saturday, Last Day One Dollar Specials 20 YARDS W .LI . V. ' ful deslgna yard. iK OIKdHAM Tt nd 'colotinif s'. ' beauti-' S yards for 81.00 t NF4W PRINTS In a wonderful .yatiety of designs for housedresses, chlldVin's wanr, ec. Regular 35c yard. 1 yitfo-8I.0 WHITE FLANNKLETTK Kxtrjytood " quality; wah ond wear well. C yards for : '....81.00 NEW OirTTONNES in 15 baaU(ltiil designs and colorings. Very apedill, 3 yardi for 81,00 LA0I1 HPOB HUNGALOW NCT AMorted deaign. Special, 8 yards fan;,.,. ..$! $00 RUFFLEU EDGE CUJtTAIN FA11RICS in Rose and Rlue. This is a splendid buy fo 4 yards for St. 00 CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON Absolutely free from filling or dressing; 40 gad 42 inches wide. 8 yards for '.181.00 PURE LINEN TYPED GLASS TOWELS , Rlue or Red; full slie.for , . ,U00 IRISH -DAMASK NAI'fS-Extrn good quality double damask. ' Size 18 in. x 18 in. 4 for 81.00 n A- TSOLffiH TURKISH TOWEl lhd heavy quality, fast color i tiweln ' f o ' One .SILK TAPESTRY CUSHION TO! in. x22 in. ; aborted design ! RIBN'S AND HOYS' DKIT ROYS' OPEN KNEE TWEED KM Fully lined. Rises 24 to 28 MEN'S TWEED WORK PANTS Htkt and dark colorings. ! only. Vnlues up to $5.0 pan Special, pair WATSON'S MEDIUM WBIOH CQMIIINATIONS All aties m Pair CHILDREN'S COMRINATIONH make . Sicos 24 to 82 LADIES' AND CIIILDHI " HOSIERY HARVEY MRU THREAD him. Servlea weight and chiffon, in square heal stytM, In all n sbadw. Pair LAT)W VWftTt-WtnUr weight 1 make, tailored, ojwra nnd -i. styles. I tar ERASER & PAYNE ;KD AVKNUK.AND GTH STUBKT 1 DDeciais si."1 St." si."