,w -PA3E TWO THE DAILY KEWS Wednesday, May 8, i929 mil ftMARION WILSONi ; maw it t . w I I . a r ? 2 I GE WENT OUT AT DAWSON AFTERNOON AT 2:33, PRIZES WERE DAWSON, May 8. The cided yesterday at 2:33 p.m., quietly and everbingjconnected with the guessing contest worked without' 'hjrchV "The electrical stop-clock worked with the utnlost precision and accuracy. Theftrst prize, amounting to approximately $7200, was split two ways, being, won by Thomas Leach with guess 5623 and by Kennedy and Grace Stewart with guess 5748. iSfha first price winners live at nehorage. The .second prize, amounting to 5 440, is split four ways.-the win- rer being John Utrbon: guess f,847. of Walker's Fork; Edward hitehead of Dawson, .guess ,171 ; Tom Warigele of Matan- ska, Alaska, guess 760; and is; eorge Kerr of Dawson, 21,295. i HP! 4UI I : nMA,intln, In $9G0, wcs split three ways, going V ti i : a T i 'pjith guess -16,644; R. Blake of Wtoncouver with guess, 13,860: 'SSliss H. M. McKinnon of Vancouver. .!206. Roal spring is now here and -summer is close at hand. . "mi 1 1 1 GOLF LEADER AT VICTORIA, VICTORIA. May 8: Burning up the course of the Victoria rtnh Mt Marion Wilson 2lf ' arted arte to the defense of her B. C. Women's golf championship ewning with the meeting of High lansees are at me neaa oi tne on Tuesday by winning a quail- and Both Memorial School American League today as a re-fying round with a card of 80. teams. Booth is putting a strong lt of their defeat of St. Louis She headed Mrs. Sweeney oi Van- '" n the field in the hope of while Chicago was tumbling the couver who was several times B. reducing the gap between itself Athletics. The Mackmen and the C. champion and Pacific Xorth- and msh School for first place. Browns are in a virtual tie for w-esr title -holder; -and -Mrs.-PMl-Xfcfe-Bfloth players will be: Eric second-place, Brick of Victoria. Colwood Cham Christisen. Walter Cross. Ru-' Babe Ruth made a home run pioni who had 82T ly 2 'points. dolnh-Nelson. James Greer, Mike with two aboard iimithO fourth. SeveV outsiders and nlSi loiltOJSL CflHcW BartletJ, Alex BobfMeuwl made- pinch double wavers are qualifying. Walters (captain). Bert Cameron.'in the ninth ' after Babe had .YESTERDAY'S 1I ' ,,. .,. V limWrn - ii ., . INSCOTLAPS GULLAXE. Scotland, May, 8i With moe thap apAeardstirt' terday, Leo Diepel. IJniteVfcWtis, led the big qualifying field in the British open golf with, U4 for 36 holes. Bobby Cruickshank. .United States, with 147, was next. CyrU Tollejr, British amateur, whs third, with 160. Ted Jewell, who , ,u ""Katcrmenis u '.earns oi me Id the field Monday with 172.;wetern o' tf,e National took 82 yesterday, for a total of St- Cardinals or 164. R. D. Matheson. Oxford Chicago Cubs should soon be In H&lversitv. scared a hole in one ! flt place. Pittsburgh has also On the short fourth. CUP WON BY FIRST FLIGHT CHESTER. EnKlandMay. 1 Lady Scarborough's "First Flight" wn the Chester cup today . park imiptk cam and PwatrBf against Firat Flight. 100 to 7 against Dark Hillock, tnd 33 to 1 " against Pomagne. TWO HOCKEY TEAMSFORSALE PORTLAXD. Ore.. May 8. Anthony Nephaoh, principal stoek-' holder of tte PortlHttd 4e aoekejr team and preaktont of the Co-Usewa Amuaeinent Co. Mid today that tfee team -is for sale and that Frank Patrick, president of the : Pacific Coast Hockey Lea (rue, -bold the otiin on the Portland 1 and Victoria teams. PATRICKS TRYING SECURE FRANCHISE FOR CHICAGO TEAM !! :-NEW YORK. May 8. The m'i!!Pfltrkka are trying to buy a see , ,,-ojvJ franchise in the National KiJIcekey League for the city of Chicago. There are rumors -of an Alliance between them and HerJ man for a team to oppose the j Black Hawks. YESTERDAY BUT RATHER SMALL BADLY SPLIT IN BIG DERBY big annual ice derby was de when the ice moved out very ENGLISHBOY BROKE RECORD GOLFCOURSE fiULI AXE. Scotland, May 8 Percy Aliss, the young English professional from Wann-sec Club. Berlin, neored 69 in the first round of the British cpon trolf tournament today, freaking the Muirfield course record, which was smashed by Left Diegel yesterday with 70. Ieo Diegel and Jim, Barnes of th United States'were two is trolls behind. Sport (Shat The Junior Football League will resume activities . . at the Ac ropolis P"" Hill niu grounds grounds at at 6:30 tu this this and Oscar Wingham with Stan - ley Lawrence and Bill Murray as A change in the a spec $ of thelthe Cardinals- sianaings or the Big Leagues ap- forthcoming. Various beginning to get into! stride and the teams ! shouldaoon settle in moreinatural, P"""ions ainougn, sr w oly'HrsjP, there may always be surprises. The veteran Boston Bruins,-who have been more or less miraculously ensconced In firat place since the opening of the season, appear to be slipping been making a good showing the last few days. Better things are expected of the New York Giants who were relegated to the second I division as a result of two de feats at the hands of the Cards wvor the week-end. HALIBUT SALES TODAY TOTAL 119,500 POUNDS llalfbflt prfceif here -today were . omewhat improved over yesterday. A total of 119.500 pounds wji sold at the fish exchange this morning. American boots being pafd up to 13.1c and 7c, while Canadian received as high as 11.8c and 6c. Sales were as follows: American SJleetra, 81,000 pounds. Booth FNher es, 12.5c and 7c. "'-V S6 000 pound, Booth Fbherie. 12.3c and 7c. Xairona, 14,000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. r2.6c and 7c. Sherman. 13,000' pounds, and Eureka, 6000 pounds. Atlln Fisheries, 13. le and 7c. Visitor, 3000 pounds, Canadian Fish &. Cold Storage Co., 13c and 7e. Canadian Staaal, 11,000 pounds. -Canadian & Cold Storage Co.,! 11.5c and Cc. D. R. T.. 5500 pounds, Atlln Fisheries. 11.8c and 6c. WALTER JOHNSON ILL WASHINGTONMay 8. It Js anwunted that Walter Johnson, whp yesierday was unable io play on account of Illness, would he laid up for a month. TOPLAYFOR GILHULY CUP This Will He First Football Trophy In Competition This Season Start Next ' ' ' Monday i The executive' of the Prince Rupert Football Association, at a meeting Ut nfght. deeded to f'f the G.iIh-SJc"? !triei rLt this year Instead of the Stuart Shield competition as has been done in the past. The following ; 'fixture .list was drawn up, the' first game being contingent upon the grounds being ready by that, itime, failing which the match will be set over to the end of i the schedule on June 10. May 13 Thistles vs Regiment May ' 1C Empress Club vs : i Thistles. 1 May 21 Regiment vs Empress Club. , May 24 Regiment vs Thistles. June 4 Thistles vs Empress Club. . J June 7 Empress Club, vs Regiment. I The dates pf, , May ;27 and 30 are being left open for games with H.M.S. Colombo. YANKEES HEAD THE AMERICANS Babe Ruth Hits Homer and Is One Behind Gehrig mi vAm wni, aj o.-me iRuth now has. five homers, one hind Gehrig. imwwu inmiiitu tut mil Ul BASEBALL SCORES National League Pittsburgh. 3, .New York 2. Chicago 9. Brooklyn 4. Cincinnati 4. Philade!phIi St. Louis 5, Boston 8. . American League i New York 6, St. Louis 5. Philadelphia 2, Chicago 4. Boston 5, Cleveland 4. Washington 2, Detroit U. NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDINGS W. L. Pet Boston 9 4 .692 Pittsburgh 8 6 .571 St Louis 9 7 .503 Chicago , w s 7 .563' Philadelphia, 6. 8 .429 New York k 5 7 .417 Brooklyn- . . 9 .400 Cincinnati 6. 10 .375 AMEBIQAN LEAGUE STANDINGS L. Pet New York ........ -10' 4, .714 Philadelphia ...... 10 5 .667 St. Louis ;.. 11 .647 Detroit 11 9 .550 Chicago 7 10 .412 Cleveland 7 11 589) Boston 6 10 .333:6. Washington 4 10 .286 i PROMINENT FIGURES IN SPORT Written Especially for the Dally News by the Sports Editor LORD CHAPLIN Another English Sportsman ti't t . .... . . working, their religion, educa itional methods and ,civilitions I Ws o .reater irnperUncti ( than the mere piemprijuiMon of 'facts whether physical or politiul. Miss Stewart reported tm Dr. La Zert 's address on "Problems we face in Secondary Education," also on resolutions considered a' the. High School Teachers' Bull-neas meetings. The recommendation that the department iwue a Irooklet yearly indicating the uelegate from Northern H.C. to the High School section. I National Council . ..-JumiM."-. Miss Mercer opened herlcliaK " v :': by expressing her aDDreclatlon ert Board of School Trustee in onenng her the opportunity to attend the National Council of Education meetings held in' Vic toria and Vancouver the week following the Easter vacation. While the meetings were arran ged by the Canadian Council of Education as a national conven tion It was truly International in i character. Speakers from Australia and New Zealand were Invited as representing the types of edti-i cation in the youngest parts of the empire. Speakers from India and Japan spoke as representatives of the oldest educational systems. England and France, sent speakers as they were the motherlands of the original colonists of Panniln Unli, ' auu telling of the work Jn his own . .. nnerever ixru iienry unapun tne nouse or Commons. He did Czecho-Blovakia interpreted the has appeared-ron the political,, fine political service, too. Once greatest realization of the value platform, in the House of Com- when the Royal Hunt. Cup was of physical games and exercises mons, on the race course or in the j being, run, most of the govern-1 Miss Mercer emphasized the hunting fleld-rrbls appearance has ment side were at Ascot Instead uniformly high standard of ad-always meant the brightenlhif of! of at the right of Mr.uSpeaker dresses given by all speakers the faces of ihose around him. 'but' not1 Chaplin who! talked the 'Each was a racnirnfJ n.iauJ The masslvity and geniality, the luuuui-ic wiui me uroau uiacn j , , , . I I it. f 1 t iwiiu, ine sigewnisKers anu tne gracious smile have gladdened the people. He is a fine old English gentleman. The Squire of BJankney, as hei is often called, was born in 1840 and from 18C8 to 191G he sat in' STOCK QUOTATIONS iCourteay S. D. Johnston Co.) Bayview, 5. Big Missouri, 1.10. 1.44. Cork Province, 12. 13. Cotton Belt Nil, 55. DunwelM,il,,ai. IOthi. 50. 55. George Copper, Nil, 7.25. Georgia River, Nil, 36. Golconda, Nil, 1 .50. Grnndrlew, 41, 43' j. Independence, S, 9'rtj Intern. Coal St Coke, 39. 40. . Kootenay. Florence, 12, I4V. Kootenay King, 43, 44. L. & L.. 34, 8' 2. Lucky Jim, 14, 14'. Mohawk.' 4, 4. Morton Woolsey. 5. 6. Marmot River Gold. 5, 6. Marmot Metals, 44. 5. National Silver. 16, 17. Noble Five, 6Q, 61. Oregon Copper, 47, 48. Pend Oreille, 5.50. 5.80. Premier, 1.85, 1.90. Porter-Idaho, Nil. 59. Revs Maedonald, 1.60, 1.70. Rufus-Argenta, 23. 24. Ruth-Hope, 31, S3. Silver Crest, 0. V. Silverado, Nil, 95. Silversmith. 18, Nil. Slocan Rambler. Nil, 18. Snowflake, 54, 55. Sunloch; 20, 2.26. Terminus, 4, 6. Tbpley Richfield. 28. 30. Wellington, Nil. 10V. Whitewater, Nil. 86. Woodbine, 6, Cy4. Oils, Calgary Dallas, 2.95, Nil. Great West, 85, Nil. Mercury, 1.85, Nil. Mercury, 1.85, Nil. Mid West. 1.25, NfL Mill City, 947', NM. Regent. 77V, Nil. Spooner, 3.80. Nil. Turner Valley, 1.G0, Nil. .Okalta,. Com, .686.00, Nil. Advance. 12.00, 12.25. ,:A P. Consolidated, 4.90, 4.95. Calmont; 5.66, 5.G0., Dalhousie, 5.66. 5.70 Devenish, .1.40. 1.45. Fabyon Pete, J'H. Home. 23.25, 23.50.. ,. Jllinois-Alberta. NU. J.77. . ..JMayMd, 12q; McDougiSegur,i 'Il, 7-60 McLeod. Nil, 50. . New McDoug.-Segur, Nil,: , -Royalite :175.00, Ml. Vylcan, Njl, 2.00. , Hargl, Nil, 2.30. United. . 18.00, 18.25. -freehold, 1.90. Nil. Eastern Stocks Sberritt-Gordon, 8.25, Nil Noranda, 57.60, Nil. .OCAL CITIZENS ARE CHARGED WITH TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS ON STREET . . . general type of errors made at Alleged offences .under the city the various examinations set by 'arking bylaw and the provincial the department was provocative lotor-Vehicle Act hrought a of lively discussion. Mis Stow-umber of well known citizens ! art further reported that, Mr. .nto city police court before . Stocks had been appointed as .-laglstrate JlcClymont thw morn- ing. Frank Cameron, for allowing his 'nglne to run unatteded, was ined $5. H. "U. Rochester, 1 nomas 1 roner, Stanley &min, .M.ioi tne action 01 the Prince Run. H. Blott Fred Turtle. Alex Mnc knzle, G. H. Munro and Shelf ord Dartpn, qharged with breaches of 'he 4fty , parking yules, were all remanded for eight days. Under the Motor-Vehicle Act, G. Lundie was fined $10 for driv- Ing to the common danger, and D. Johnston and Mrs. Minnie Edwafds were remanded . ?-Ui. J.'i ..i;; government past a radical-amend- TEACHERS HEAR OF CONVENTION School. In this connertloni I the mead for teachers to.be up t date waj-aireAwu . bvan Uxt-tooks re-J smndjd VM epartmwit .of Eduauon get out of datejiin a I surpr )risipgv short tineXh need for theti7dy of, th people! their filWtFnhaW Hvi& i(,nd of luuui nu mus savea me aay. iana ana equal v desirnu nf f ff , I n it .... t .. ... i . . ' Ul j-uru vnapnns nore, iiermit learning of the trials and Ideas once won the Derby at odds of of Canada. The speaker's person-CC lo J. He was still riding to al experiences were most inter-hounds in the season in which he estingly told. How the various celebrated bis eightieth .birthday, speakers had appealed to her The English turf will rest lightly from their different character, on suoh a fine character as Lord istlc r mannerisms. Sir Jlabln-Chaplin. dranath Tagore made a lasting With the rapidly growing popularity of the Talkies, many of the favourites of the silent drams are trying out" before the microphones of modern moving picture stu iios; some are rinding that their face is not their only fortune and re nowfut captur&elh faTour of their audiences by their voicre no less than previously they did by their silent acting. Above: V tee June Collyer and Georgs O'Brien, featured in Fox films "eisminlng the electrioal recording device in their Hollywood studio. Behind them i the newest tKng in screcrjdom. t he Movietone Recording Truck, which the Northern Klertrie Company is now supplying to its Canadian licensee producers for recording scenes for their news reels in various parts of the country. Left, the sound picture projector of today is a marvel of intricate apparatus but works as simply as a sewing machine. Right, a section of sound film showing the sound track at the left which in this case recorded the sounds of an aeroplane in flight. ' impression. He waa th living embodiment of his philosophy, lime is money, leisure ,is wealth arid he was wlthy. :l" And so with intimate descriptions of the speakers, the recitation of ther thfrj(s jand jxallefs. tne record of a'ccompilshnwnls in their. b'whilaadstMfsa Mercer gave delightmul resumes of the ad- 14rae. dresses. f. . vuf 1 .if J hi J'; HadJlenefTtled out- line of some of the execul executive meetings and aVso referred to ad - dreneoa.by, Dr. L rte, Mr. Mil - ner of New Zealand, and Professor Quafnton. Mr. Wilson expressed his pleasure at the large number of teacher who had attended the convention from Prlnee Rupert It was Indicatlre 7f. 2 a. .lllliif2. of the interest shown by the teachers in their deire to fet tne moat progressive ideas in teacUpr'tami all bad bwefitted from the-fmpfntion and enthusiasm of the convention. He felt that tte honor idone him in being asked jto reply ta the addresses of welcome At the" Vaneouver Con veatioh whs a tribute to the teachars of the north. Those (eent included Miss Mills, , Mlas. Rhett. Mins Halli-wmtL MW WKay. Miss McAr- thwTrtssVi'tows, Miss Pierce, Miss Btewsift, Miss Harrison, Mr Stocks, Mr Mercer. Mine Roth- well,' Mm. Walker, Miss Kasthope, Mlw Oftrnett Miss Mitchell, Miss Lamb, Mfes Leltch, Mr. Halleran and Mr. O'NHll, secretary treasurer. , Mm 1 . t h a r: 1 1 1 ISriiigjT ;;,f . listiiicfiM tit the dinner table "CANADA DRY" The Qhampagm of CJitir tAUs Ctnti Drj Ginger AU UmihJ, Twniapjiminton " Nifntl