V. cJnjay, May 8, 1929 in SEE FOR MILES. With a good pair of field (MaMAa. illtmt objects are iirought up close. 4Ib have a wonderful stock and can auft any purae. The one shown above at $20 is 8 power and a man standing h(M) feeCjiway seems, only 100 We also have a very fine 12 power pair at a higher price. Also one 8 nower German urmy fld glaas at fll and one 4 power glass at $u. GLAD TO SHOW YOU John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS Ik Local and Personal News In Brief 251 foiafc Time ii-Hereil : . v A ''- . ' " Cine. KodsK for movies. Come In and see them. We develop and print picture. Daily service. roues Lli 7fic Pioneer Z)rutJcists THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST - TELEPHONES 8i,20C Well Mannered ! Service to Motorists We want to make friends and hold them. By courteous service we can win this. Let us take care oC your gas, oil and greaging needs. Guaranteou- work. We. make a specigjty ', of pumping, tiros for ladies. Let us help . you today. IJUY DOMINION TIRKS They' Are Good Tires S.E. PARKER IJmited foki) malers i ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS May 9. Fair Board Hayseed Premier Orchestra Novelty ,, II t.. to Dance in .Moose nun, Last of the wwn. Tickets, 76c. and 60c, from memoers ur Cutcheon's Drug Store. vntk,F'. Tiflv" Court Whist, Social and Dance to be held Sat- urday. May H n the Bcout uh, Port Clements. nist vo 9 o clock. AumisBJU". tv 50c, ladles please proiuB. m-.v Ta. iMed Church 1)11 liiaij ' Hall, May 30. Fast Workers June 17 arid, 18, alrp Boajd.' ' : l' Moose Annual Picnic at Dlgby. June 30. . t1A of Gingham Dance to ; In June. Clements some time Port So be prepared-bua bowl K. of C. picnic, Sunday, July 14, Digby Ila" ! our daTsified section "may he I of special interest to you today. Dentist Pr, j, & GS6. osse, Phone Fred Jtiffou ailel yesterday Laftern'oon ontfte Catala for Van couver where he will undergo ,treatment and ponsibly an oper ation, for a cancer on the lip. V ' other 'business is being held this afttraooo at the home of Mrs. to-; . " HeRbtoner. Third Avenue and aafl south at 10 Specials This Week Extra Special ! Combination Soap Deal 8 Cukes Classic Laundry goap 2 Cans Classic Cleanser 1 Pkg. Naptha Chips 1 Bar Wool Soap, large 1 of the Latest Novelty Crepe Happy Coats. Total value $2.00. Special this week $1.65 Order Early! r a f tii izniar'i Al C at the remarkable priee of, per tin STAQN LIQUID STOVE POpiSlI Brilliant and laating. 2 W. 25c LYE Gem . 2 tins ......... .26c KLONDYKE SOAP O'er bar 26c I LIFEBUOY SOAP-4.bars ..26c 'BROOMS Each 40c Dante, SUPREMA POUSH IleguUr 60c. Bottle S6c SCRUBBING BRUSHES Bach 25c BBST BULK BUTTER 8 Iba $1.35 GAINER'S LARD A superior product,' Open-Kettjle rendered,' richer in shortening content. 5 I.. 60c Oa ! ..,.,....$1.00 10fl $1.05 RED ARROW SODAS 2 pks. 45c SEE US FOR (III BEN VEGETABLES RADISHES AND .GREN, QNIONS 3 buncbea ..fP . . . .10c j8PINACH Per lb , IPe FIELD RHUBARB 1' lbs. . ;:25o Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices Right PHONE 55 PHONE 56 t . ft it. . . .J -L. . I' I a i axi rnone . uiir 4 Taxi, tl i liet out .your nirham desA' and compete for the prizes natl C.W'X. suDOer And social in 'the HavHoori DAnr iftfi ' catholic Hall, May SO. Come and hare a good time at the ' last Scottish dance pf ihe season in I.O.D.E. -Hull oh Friday, May 10 at 8.80; Ladle 50c, $jpttojMr William Spiller, pro. Gwileroen 75c... ' , 107 rJ$mlftlWice' returned to thej ' 1 , . . eilywyP yesterday afternoon's Mr.' and Mrs". George Hills, train from a trip to the Prince who tav Uen "Pending the past: George district on official duties. few we" at Stewart, returned t. to the city on the Catala yester The first shipment of aspara-gjiS to be grown commercially in Northern British Columbia has !een received by a local merchant from Hamblin and Thompson, of Terrace. It is fine looking asparagus. The annual nt&ting of the day afternoon. G. Bu Guliek, local manager for the SMft-Canadlan Co., returned to the city on Hie Catala yesterday afternoon from a trip io An-yof and Stewart on company business. Ladies' Musk to,for election ...ITL , 7 'M' eity on yesterdjy Of officer aad. fc-jMSfcu.fi Xftinsaction of afternoon's train from a trip, to SwHJiers where he .conducted Roman Catholic Church confir-matkm services on Sunday. ' . , t".lV ... ' 1Hm Jaie McAfee arrived The rlar monthly busineaa m & the .Prince George ibis iHi."6 MTCe Rupert morning from ber studies aie PtyMhMbd,iy inih Uniyeraity of. British' ColMm v omroooOTei uaie. ran rresiaent L. W. Waugh occupied the chair, in place of President William Cruick hank who moved recently to Detroit. in Vancouver and will spend the summer vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McAfee. " Arthr Skelhorne, well knbwn C.N.I l. steamer Prince George, mining man, who is organiiirig Capt. Harry NeUden. arrived in B-prospecting party which will port at 11:18 thin morning from 0 into the Cassiar district this Vancouver. Powell River and ,uramer for the Mining Corpora-Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 tion of Canada, arrived in . the ifclork this afternoon for Anyox cfty 'from Vancouver 1 on the and Stewart, whence she' will i- prinee George this morning. - turn turn here n at 7:!?0 tomorrow eve-i ninj : 11. 1. Smitttrft due tor at in tfce Kelly, despatchex and J. Doylei CPq Prince Georire. arrived ooM"tnwi tor local mpjp-ces. ,of"ifte (SrmVdian "National Jlall-I way."tb'AHIl te here f pr sev- eral ay. ' ) E. Mactidndld, C.N.R. a&l$1ant generar baggage agtfnt j with headaiiirfere In Vancouver arrived in the city from thd Jr- ' ior on yesterday aftetnooh's trtm in th'eourse of onej&f his , periodical tripe through thli :ds-trict on official duties and' Will' spend a day or so here before procaedia'g south. Miss Irene McAfee, who has been fr4he past two years on the staff of the University of , Washington library at Seattle, lurrived in the city from the i couth on the Prince George this .morning and will pay a risit BUSH'S IGrocerteH'a PRINCI-SS SOAP FLArtfcS Pkt .......20c CASTILE SOAP Bar 20c SWII T S QUICK NAPTHA SOAr , CinPSr-4 Rkts.. ..Q5c SEALKRS OLIVES 25c ALYMKR B.ONBD'.GHlCKEN-'.i Tin .4iti..:.f 45c NOr.WIiGIAN CROWN SARi. DINTS 8 tins 35c EXfKLLENCE DATES Pkt 10c 12-OZ. J AJtS PURE ItONKY 25c ENb'S TOIT. ALTS 4 doz. Bush's Grocertefia PHONES 211 AND 212 YVE DELIVER 75c Mr. and Mrs, S, Lewis and1 family were passenger sailing I last evening on (he Catala for Vancouver. , . ... t Mornin'Si, IWdo tell me that this ,h'ere jlayseed Dance is goiir"1 to be right nart, and there be! some good prizes. 106 e T. J. Shenton, inspector of mines, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a trip to Anyox on official duties. , C. W. Homer, provincial a-! seasor, reiurnea to tne city on the Prince George this morning front a brief trip south on offic ial business. Mrs. Helen Niieinch of Alice' Arm, 'who has been spending the-winter1 in the south', is a passetf- eer aboard th Prinra Henr-crn i-' dflyteturjnlrt nihh :itpva Van-Uuvr.i 1 ..i.!.'l":f 1 i hilrl li-isie Jacsfof the local InMfr-A'gerft's office1 returned td the city n the Prince George this morning after spending her annual vacation In Vancouver and Victoria, 1 Rey. Manley F. Eby, United Church at Port Simpson, and Mrs. Eby sailed last evening on the Catala for Vancouver where they will attend the forthcoming conference. . Mrs. G. P. 'Ashmore, wife, of '.hejnanagti of the Grahby ,tore city on ' yesterday after-1 trip to Vancouver. nobtfs train from the interior, being here aa rule instructors to' &hX Anyox, is ia passenger aboard, lie Prince George today return-. ns; to Jthe smelter 'tewn-after a Orvllle Wlliaros,. young on of JMr. and Irs. Williams, of Ter race, arrived -on ithe train ye- terdajafternoon and was takenJ a'dtiSnct idM3Mital by ihe ambulance, suffering from pneu monia. with with her her parents, parents, Mr. Jlr. and ana Mrs.i rs.i u h jj m. Miss Cherry Campbell of Stew; art Is a passenger aboard the! Prince George tedaygorfng porthj to spend the summer holidays at her home1after"attending the Uni-: versity of British Columbia in Vancouver. B. F. Messner, well known Smithers mining man, who has been on a business trip to Vancouver, arrived in the city from the south on the Prince George this morning and proceeded by train to the Interior. w,wi.vu. cufw. Straroberg. who has HEFLKX I' LOOK Aa Qeorge McAfee, -bclore proceed- written a new version Of "0 Is. We have bought a job lot jn. to Vancouver where she wJUI l Canada" which was published in at the above and are offering it j0jn the staff of the Public tft-lthls paper yesterday, la one of xary. tin nlnnoal- hlirh UflMII tOUCherS Hiv p-wi'vv. y of this province and several year? ago was located 'tn Prince Jiupri for some tijne' as a represerttatltV pf the Rothschild financial in te rests. r A RnnVa tnaniiirlniy director! ROUND TRIP FARES fl ?w wivsiir.o . montkeal. .$ ts4.iu HI M CHICAGO... tXOS JBU8TON 1S7-7S B H 1UIIOMU.. 1160 NEW YORK.. 151.70 lBl VH EDMONTON. t'ALOARY WS 00 11 W, Irtanjir Tour vU Vanrouirr :. 4- & jtl m ottirr rulntk Corrrponilln(l)r Low IKI VKA full Part leal r, Itatm Sale. IE VlX CITY TICKET OFFICE W ,, TII1KH AVE PHONE 1260 Ml lanadian national Phone 645 SO. CANADA IN CAHAOA- blMDWP flJBUXS. YEAR -ltM of the B. C. Silver Mines Ltd.. WIFE OF RAILWAY and also of the new tastern concern which has taken over the Duthle mine, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver and pro ceeded by train to Smithers to pay1 a visit of inspection to the Duthle property. . Wv K. Gwyer, district dnginw for the provincial department of public works, who js on, a trip ia the southern portion df Atlio riding looking into road, require- mant this ""ftson in that section, cwe down from Anyox to Mill Bay on the steamer Catala yes terday. He was accompanieu ny J. JV. .Anderson, road uuperinten dent at Anyox. - Passengers disembarking here from northern points on the steamer Catala yesterday afternoon included: YV. S. J-awcett, M, Koonlgaberg. Mr. and Mre. Geo. Hills, N. Lyngheim. A. Erickson and S. Lucich, from Stewart; l. J. Shenton, A. Nprllng, G. B. Gu-llck, L. Lightstone and N. D. Glass, from Anyox, and James Peacock, from Alice Arm. far MEMO WEEK all over Canada Our Stock is Complete all th Famom JViemo, Make of Combinations Corselettes Brassieres I By their alertness in adaptir,g Corsetry to the ohangin? of fa.hlcn. ;!iI'J Is steadily incBenaing in favor among women who dress smartly. spec;al pjuces all this xfann Try NEMO Now uid Be SatlHied JAB0UR BROS. LTD. 3rd Ave. and 7 th St. Detroit. xieirou. OFFICIAL PASSES , - Mrs. W. G. Mnndera, Who-Died Suddenly In Calgary Venter-day, Was Here Ten Days Ago 1 who was recently transferred to; . K Mrs. F. -AY. Hart will sail toJir morrow night on the Pnncol George for a trip to Vancouver John McRae was seized with ifl nervous attack while at work to-jK ... i in wtn. i day in McRae Bro3. store amli uetuniiiiK i uci uuuis .... ..... - . , r.lpeg after a trip tp the Pacific naa to oe removeuiu ..umc. e. nr 7 l - Monr ara will of the freight traffic manager of! Adam Mackte, inspector or the Canadian National Railways, ' mneries ior uisinct o. weetern region, died suddenly who has been relieving at depart-f f-m unruMntlRltU in Ca irarV ves- mental head ottices in vancou erday morning, according to word ver for some time, arrived in theg -eoeived here. Mrs. Manders was, city irom me souin on i.oe VultTg nowr- in Plnce Rupert through Ceorge this morning ana win rea visits here with her husband. She turn; Qj Vanqpuvr tOmorrowj,- was here last only about 1U aaysi nigni. ue i iiere uu wci-ai ago. She was aoout ov years o( age and i survived by two grown up daughters. YV. rity P. Jackson arrived In th? on yesterday afternoons ruin from Saskatoon, where ho hns been for some time, in the service of the Canadian National Railways, to ioin the staf of the city ticket office here, succeeding William CrulckBhanlc OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION VANCOUVER, May 8: H. Ml S. Colombo of the North Americi and YV'!ft Indies squadron wiiil visit Prince Rupert from May 21 to June 4. Alvrrti.He :Daily News vour want in th clarified columns. '