"classified habit I ftffllfr 33 If jou Iom. KlTertta for it, jS'r 59 U rwi Una. h4 th' onT Wbtttrer you nea. arrutr Kk. GET THE tXASSiriED S. X - - V Vol XX No. IOC , Very Appreciable Extent 1 Mills Handling Cedar Will Feel Pinch If 25 Per Cent Duty Is Allowed to Itemain; Shingle Mills Also Will He Crippled Pan lie Sal vase Co. Expects to Free Yel From Metlakatla Paasage and Mud Flat Today If going out to the fishing after hiring landed, a at i'rince Rupert, tfee. UMlibut boat OnaJi. Capt. Selig. piled up at te high a midnight on a mud flat just - !. of Metlakatla. Bar. The Salvage Co. despatched the r 1 ug Pachena to the acene turning And expected to ox-' 'he vessel without much ."y and bring her back to KujH-rt posibly this after- CHANGESTAX CHEAP STOCKS ' i i'AWA. May 8: An amend-r ' 1" the resolution in the f m regard to the tax on '! (r shares of stock was 1 i ' Minister of . rjascc '' hi me House 1 .--"an or a tax otirah o1 oi one Mm a Mud, n aj shares selling for t;mli ! i:; the amendment provides ' " h gradual scale. The tax on l a. , si lling at under SO cents In' one-tenth , of a cent a -Im i. Shares selling between 50 nd one dollar will be 1 f a cent. Tax on shares , , ' n 11 and fS will remain at 1 i per share. Columbia, Ontario and Quebec would feel the increases moat. The Pacific coast province will no ooibt find the levies on M4 cdar lostbor most sjf n the tariff Advances Eastern provinces will be most .ffectod by the bic b planned in the duties on cream dWy V'Sft ''per cent o cedar ftlfliW m fumber is )roposefl hi'1"W"t.rlf!'b1I1 Mm before con- tffess wtth fl'per rhounand feet on flr,"fdSr anU western-' hrnrtock Ibvs without restriction-! On mapM and birrh the duty M sot at IS per cent. VANCOUVER. May 8. Announcement of the proposed 26 ntr tent ad valorem duty by the nravinre unless the rate ia modi fied at a later stage in the prog ress of the tariff bill. CAPT. ! IS BRINGING PRINCE I DAYID TO COAST VANCOUVER. May 8. -The passenger steamer prince David ui Halifax on Monday for Van couver and Prince RupnH uJr the command of Captain Edgecombe with Chief Officer Thomas aecond in command. C. P. M. Gobs, Seattle lumber a man. who has been visum im and in Alaska on business, sailed by the Calais last evening on his return south. Sawmill at Snowshoe Burned with Loss of $100,000 but all mree cars. ; Lumber in the Yard is Saved AMERICAN ROADS CUT FREIGHT KATES TEACHERS HEAR? a 0FC0NVENT10N and milk. AIso4Jm Mujser ribiltrfkorU Given at Meeting of Fed- on hardwood' nmsber m Hn ' ' Oracle."4' U"AMIlM;TONr. May 9. A eration Held t NiRht in Hoolh Shoo VARIOUS SYSTEMS MIm Mercer Tells of Attending the National Council of EJJu-cation in South The regsiar monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Teachers' Association was held last evening in the Booth Memorial School, the president, J. S. Wil- United States on imported Cana-jaon in the chair. The program dian ahlnfles is regarded by Brit- consisted of reports of the 1-hih Columbia manufacturers as a'ter Convention at Vancouver ami kinw tn 4. induatrv in this in addition a splendid account of "Impressions of the National Council of Education" by Miss L A. Mercer. . The report of the vaHous speakers were all of real interest and the outstanding points in the different papers were productive of live discussions. Many new Ideas were Dresented 1 a. regard to methods am? Ideas and Ideafs and the best of the newest the orist will be uSfdQ'teahifiga a result. Miss Lamb spoke en "The De troit System of Teaching:" Iri thia, little interest is paid to phonics in the first year at school. There are several looae of value in this method ami many of these are already used in the dally work but It waa generally fait that its value was limited and that phonics could not bo replaced as the basis of teaching to road. Primary number work and music in the .primary , grades Mtere UU topics $ MaW" Vfcttra iuiTwfe ' The first dealt ' Tilainly with the understanding of the values of different nutmrica) nuanUties and the necessity fqr Word was received in the city this niorning that the : u 'wmill and dry kiln of the F. G. Thrasher Lumber o, oi ,ptwl lo children's iW understanding of ve values. Method ad- emphasize this feature were outlined. With the teaching S f 0 that cara on tW VNrfe total o , . I $100,000. Vu approximately of the of fc tIon MCtwi e m . The fire is supposed to have originated from a misn i Jgon.tratIonB proved interest-lirin the neitrhWrinod. 'iwir. r . ----o-.-rw--. .... i 1 iUnM t hfl " " i he lumber in the yard and buildings otner wan ml and kiln were saved. Thia to a t; of Cr.oM.oimo in four vears. Study of People Mrs. Walker reported on "TSMhlng Geography or Teach .. Ahree loaded cars were destroyed. Iheunw ""0 lp pUpiis,M an address by Mr. tl(nal KPnt n lMnmnttfo frnm ATpRridfi which pulleU OUt'ifd of Vancouver Normal . . - - s v M iUVUiiiUVt wsa " " - I (Continued on page two). student. from McGill vho disappeared University about OTTAWA. May 8. Party leaders of the Canadian Chicago, May 8: a two month. w had apparently s L0"0 parliament are guarded in their comment on the tariff iht cut of from five and been the for some tim Mil introduced yesterday m the United State, house - t' i-nun a Canadian standpoint the feature seems to be that dni poUnd, w wh4ftt 8Bd of , uts raan who the high tariff provinces Of the Dominion Will be the ones wheat flour for export was antrwt1 baf -i -in the w-,te hardest hit, Whereas those provinces Which have Usually i announced yesterday by the only a few ifeya, waa found at ten on the side of low Canadian tariff will suffer but western th um rati- ,tiie same soot. u tlo. Should the United States bill become law. British ! road FISHING BOAT ONAHSTRANDSSB1 ihingit PRICK. OI' WHEAT George this morning wa a shipment of airplane gaso- line for Capt. Alda, Spanish aviator, who is essaying a round the world flight this year with a scheduled stop at Prince Rupert. No infor- mation Is yet available as to the approximate date on which Cant Alda may be here. He was supposed to have attempted a round the world flight last year but he did not get started. "I VANCY)UVBU May 8 -.Wheat was quoted Off the local exefittBiate .tefay at ?tllH. ": V WINNII'DOUy 8t In a dull and featureleil snaHtlt the what-prices today osfordeifi net gain of 1V and 1 o Jbe day. ROTARY HEAD VANCOUVER, May 8. Dr. Arthur T. R Cunningham of Spokane was unanimously elected the district governor at yesterday's northwest Rotary conference. Boston Grill LAKOC CaBAKLT SpeciU Olnoon roundiyi u4 6turdajri Daorlnc errry Saturday fright from S to II. Dno H1I lor Hir PRINCE RUPERT Accommodations Parti for Private Pbont 437 Northern and Central British Columbia's. Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT. B. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS OAT IS TOTAL LO BRITISH EXCITED OVER REPARATIONS SCHE American Tariff May Not Injure Northern B.C. to any BODYOFYOUNG MAN IS FOUND CLOSE TO GIR! Sien of Violence Indicated Cnmectlon With Death of Miss Pitcher WARREN STATES SMELTER SOON VANCOUVERISD. Consolidated Will Build in Comox Area if Power Developed 'STOWAWAYSON .! I vir rnntA m r -vn. i the ac'iuis't on of the l -ii ii : t -U t v... Ik. J l. - ....1 G8RST AIRPLANE -BSfs; ME Halibut Boat Burns to Water's Edge And is Total Loss Montreal. May 8: The truc ion a wpper smtHar and'Koald ' Amundsen Sinks In Principe Channel but Captain body of MaM Pitcher, first year refintry'al some salt water point and CrCW Escape Without Injury n me comox area on me east, coast of Vancouver Ialand will Thp wpII tnnwn Seattle halihut hnat Rnald Arrmnflsfin aught fire, and, after burning to the water's edge, sank, rhe rower o-Pora ion of Cmada. total loss. in Principe Channel, about 70 miles south of t wis announced at the pariia- .'rince Rupert, between 9 and 10 o'clock on Sunday eve ment bniidinjs yesterday on the ing. Capt Carl Angell, owner and skipper of the vessel, (ionc'in: of a three-flay visit of ,n(j his son, Ivor Angell, and nephew, Olof Angell, whr ' I' T of lVX' made up the crew, escaped without hurt, although they ost a" tnelr belongings. The Koald Amundsen was run- Smelting Co L'd ' ' ' ; niag from Ketchikan to Seattle, ' ... . A I where a new engine was to have been installed, when the accident occurred. She had been ffshlni QUIETLY WED LAST EVENING call at Butedale to talli? oh bait In ' i v 'Mm. A. L. Hills Becomes Bride Alaa Arrives at Cordova'0 to n"nue flshlnj. Making Non-Stop From ; The skipper had retired for the of w-J-Jat nBnti,Inter- J Juneau night and was called by the man . " ' 1-., .. . ' the wheel, who safd that the v.. in.. It A weddinff of interest to m my . "'" . boat was not making time and that : friends of the contracting couple h 'nJr. be thought something was the ma-j WM elema-d qutesly at 7:30 FUEDIJlRRITESlJIERBi H P,an' th Gor8t Amphibian Al- (er with the engine. On going to last evening at the home of the FOR SPANISH iROUND aska. to arrive hejre, landed In engine room, Captaia, Angell hrfde. Fflth Avenue East, when Ha: ITHE IWORLD! FLVER- -oova uay laie luesoay. ran- f0Und Uie wooden floor on Ttre,, so i Rev. J. b. Gibson, rector of St. Pthf non-P- ?5. 01 immediately went to the pilot ; Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, uni- Arriving from Vancouver-! miias, ironj Juneau in rour nours houte to get an extinguisher and id in marriage Mrs. Annie Lit- on-, the ateamer Prinee-i twenty 'minutes. ordered the lifeboat to he launch- ,zle mils, widow of the late Capt. io women siowsways were ad. As the skipper got back to Charles Hills, to William Vaag-found beneath the seats f the the engine room door an explosion han Tattersal; who Is engaged in plane just before it left Jtflteau. WUrrd and the deck was virtu- jtrhe joining business here and who They were covered with coats Hv lifted. Captain Angell being and had food and water with Vocked down by the Impact. The them. They were Mae Pauls' and nter two men were forward by Lorraine McLeod. i this time. " The vessel was thereupon evac- TWO MONTHS HARD '.. and Captain Angell and the Mrs. Maude Wicks, charged other two men from the dory wR-with bribing a police officer, was nesed her burn to the water's found guilty by Judge F. McB. odre and sink. A tank containing Young in County Court this mor- 700 gallons of gasoline blew up. ning and sentenced to two The three men got what repose months' imprisonment with hard hv rould that night and the next labor. ; British-Newspapers all Roused Today Over Turn in Reparations Proposals LONDON, May 8. Lontan newspapers were aroused today by statements that the new reparations proposals of Owen I). Young, American delegate, involved alterations in The Spa reparations percentages by which Great Britain would be the loser in the proposed settlement. The concensus of opinion was that Great Britain could not and would not accept the plan. l PARIS,. May 8. - Private talks between reparations experts concerning a proposal for settling the German reparations problem made by Owen D. Young went on this morning in a calm that contrasted strikingly with the exasperation shown m London despatches over the suggestions of the chief American delegate. . BODY OF CAPTAIN SUGURDSON FOUND .fv tHed MO-mfle row to Cap- 'V Gove,, csraoipg asqore at !,!. ' Avrfv'rg'at Cantains 'Cov veceHr ; jnoroinir. they encoun-fred thx 'Pr- Runert halibu HAt Southend, which went out-plrlo und haled the lighthouse tensor Nnvneon. Capt. Harrv Or rrinton. which brought them op Intn PHnee Rupert, reaching her ii r.m. veaterdav with only the clothes they stood in. ( Tb Roald Amundsen, which wm injured, was a vessel of 5C fet length with a 40 h.p. Frico Rtndird gasoline engine. She wm hn'lt in Seattle in 1913 and rame into the possession one year ( eo of Cnnttn Angell. who for-Tner'v owned the Alaska. She reg-tiUHf "trried a crew of five men. but hsd left two at.Ketchlkan, after oomoletinjr her last trip to ths fWhng vroiinds and before start- i ing for Seattle. Contain Angell and the two boys iwt to proceed from Prince Rupert to Seattle. OPIUM SEIZED ON EMPRESS OF FRANCE VANCOUVER, May 8. A izure of W valued at some- 8. body i SEATTLE, May -The of Captain Fred B. Sugurdson. R g Binprej9 Qf France missing steamship owner, was day by of fleers of the customs pre- fecovered today from Lake Union ventive service, according to re- here. He is believed to have fallen ports to that office. No arrests into the lake. were made. is perhaps known better to many in his capacity as caretaker of the Masonic Temple. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Robert; Gordon. After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the borne of the bride's son-in-w and daughter,; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hougan, 1026 Ninth Avenue East, where a wedding supper was served with mem- era Of tga ramfltos Of the bride nd groom in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Tattersal will re-eive the felicitations of many riends on the occasion of their narriage. JOSEPH GREER ? IS GYRO HEAD Joseph Greer, who was chonf n y the executive, was today installed as president of the Prince' ft u pert Gyro Club to complete the term of William Cruickahank, who has moved to Detroit. George Arseneau was initiated as a member of the club. Dr. Joseph Gosse was elected as Gyre. delegate t the, Pinc Rupert Baseball Association, the club also deciding to, purchase necessary equipment for its team. t , POWER CORPORATION OFFICIALS ARE HERE Two Power Corporation" officials, are In the city to- day, Charles Johnstone, trea- surer, and George R. Atchi- son, merchandise manager, both from Montreal. They are going north to Stewart and are looking over the prospects for the company's Investments at ths mining camp and here.