k PAGE FOOT M - - - . . - BLACK & WHITE' 1 kK 4t Reismaa SCOTCH WHISKY DISTILLED. BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND. I "ALWAYS RIGHT" JCI Buc t Co tto Cltscow t Lcaaoa I Kiss Your Foi Trot Vocal Leo Rtlimia and 1IU Orcheetra Jack Smith . n (W) This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Victor Vocml Orthsphonic Records Eleven Cent Cotton Vernon Dalhart Honey Fos Trot Rudy Valiea and Ills Connecticut Yankees 21S69 The Wedding of the Painted Doll Vocal Charlea Kind (Star vt the Picture "B toad wig Altlodg") Fox Trot Horace Heldt and Hit Orchestra Piano Solo Willi Eckstein My Sin Fox Trot Waring's Pennsylranlana V-48458 Charles Ki&4 31H4 JHS7 314541 21977 21921 Kansas City Kitty Foi Trot Coon-Sanders Orchettra aiMt 4, All the latett Red Seal record bg famout Victor 'Arttt$ Victor Talking UachJne Co. ORTIIOPIIONIC VICTKOLAS AND RECORDS McRas Bros. VICTORS RADIO RECEIVERS SIMONDS SAWS The most economical saws to use Slmonda Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Rami ii. aad Acorn Avev Vunwnr,B.C MONTREAL Sfc Joha. N.B. ESPINOZA AND JONES DO WELL American National Open Golf .Championship Proceeding at Marmaroneck WINGED FOOT CLUB, maroneck, N.Y., June 29. Al Espinoza tied Gene Sarazen's two- par in the national open golf day total when he made- 71 under championship here yesterday. Walter llagen went to pieces with an 81 Jot a two-day total of 267. A downpour of rain started I after Bobby Jones left the tee and covered the course with Walter Jones, scoring 75" for a two-day total of 144. WINGED FOOT. CLUB. Mar maroneck, N.Y., June 29. Jack- hite, 55 years of age, the Scot-: tish professional, who finished i third with 72 in the international ! golf championships Thursday, was ' off his game yesterday and used. 80 strokes . i MORE TENNIS Several Events Hun Off Last Night in City Championship Tournament i Men's Doubles W. L. Stamford and F. Joslln beat II. D. Tee and'W. Deacon, G-2, 6-1. Mixed Doubles Miss-Caroline Mitchell and Cari Brand beat Mrs. W. N. Currie and Eddie Smith, 6-0, G-l. Sport Chat night The Oyro Club' lfjwflUtlT ,.i: UarS.Uiey are. going to do better from Mkw on. They ahould win too. If InUreat h to be austalned In league Aa far at local obacrvera were concerned, aupport for Paulino Uicudun and Mai SchmetlnK In their big flgrtt Thursday waa about evenly divided. It was an Intereatlng bout which everybody had ben waiting to have pulled for some time. Now the dope-atera can get buay again for the final with Jack Sharkey for Oene Tunncy'a aoaruiened crown la now In steht and , will K IJu .( i.i.. . ..I afalri pugtllvtle are concerned. It Max 8olunellng Is a'nywan nearlv as good as the moat of his staunch supporters say he ta, then Sharkey should Indeed hare the battle of life on his hand-. If TV W M mm VWAiS. t WILDCAT WUN FROM BELANGER SAN FRANCISCO, June 29. Ace Hudkins, the Nebraska wildcat, won a decision from Charley Belanger of Canada after ten rounds of slow fighting here last night. Try a Daily Newi WANT-AD. THE DAILY NEWS Saturd ay. J line 25 . TEST MATCH AT CRICKET England Makes Bad Start hut .End. First JonWiaajm, LONDON, June 29. After a miserahle showing in the early hour the English team placed themselves in a good position in their first innings of the second cricket test match with South Africa today., England lost three of their best batsmen for 18 runs before lunch but Sutcliffe with a century, together with Henderson and Leyland, contributed fine innings, England's score completed being 302. The South African term made a fairly good start, having 57 runs for one wicket when stumps were drawn for the day. FIRSTTENNIS FINALS TODAY Jleet Meet Mrs. .Mrs. Shad Shadwell well and and W W. Currie in Mixed Doubles of thai tournament are expected w. to be reached next week WOMEN'S TENNIS MADE SENSATION Ar,el Vnlted StalM fhamplnn Eartloh fllrl; Kenorlta At-tares lW (a laaaiia kauKall 411 lu. ikJ "Ka Mt-fajMt tvrkeLtgl nt taH BUI I NATIONAL LEAGUE New York lor the Son would aire them a rather tl,p STANDINGS fana ahould go out now aad booet """ ' for the Oyroa juat thla once in order ; ' " to bring about an Intereatlng atate of affair, on the standing aneet. W. L. 3.T 33 j 38 34 H 37 St. LouU 38 38 Brooklyn' 28 33 38 37 Boston 38 38 38 AMEHICAN LEAGUE STANDINGS 371 .883 .441 .413 .too .3771 w. L. Pet Philadrlp'nla 48 15 St. Loiifs 37 28 New Vortt 9 38 Detroit 37 S3 Olevetartd 30 83 Washington . 0 3t .38 Chacago 24 43 I Boston 31 47 Absolutely Pure Therefor the. Best Refuse Substitutes PROMOTIONS IN Earl Franks. . 8 Rctwrt OUmoo. 8 Ida Peddla. Drrlalon ! Jean Watt. DlvMoa 11 Batth Cranp Dtrtaloa 13 Barbara Kench. DivUlon IS Annie Ptteraon. Andenon. BUi Brewertoa. Patricia ik awawaia: urw-it fjMaav wigs ayaj a)vaTjj - ar - - a asirrta lllafav ' Lefare the Domtelon n.r Cun fnoth.ll I Another imaanMtm waa the Mctory of AUWT IaraoB .v.. rwwu nnnn, Mill I WITT, Mabel Pilling, .Donald Ryan. Brneat .SaBturbane. Douglaa Sutherland. Jean Vincent. Marjorie Wtnetow. Vivian Wrathall. Andersen Eekert, Florence Funnell. Martin Mlkkelaon, LewU i Oromp, Oeorge Aata Dybhavn. Kitty Frrgtiaea, Margaret ' William OarUek. Tbetoa Ethel Moorehaune,' Dybhavn. Ferguson. Hedatroui, Infer Murvold. 1 Cyril Rosa. Oenard Sather, Eleanor fStevert. dna Strand. Oaorte Vlererk. I Peter Ouyan. TsuneJI Nakaetoto, Mar- MM IU.I1m KiIHI, ll'Ubln... .7a i ' "-"" .687 Orade g I Ml j Norma Archie. Jack CTark. Micky S3" Oaaey. Oladya Cook. Lilian Croiford. M Atthur Davey, Allan Davles. Victor 41. 'DaU. Clarence Dixon, Floyd bjr; Rup-.388 ert Fulton. Oeorge Oeddes, Terry 307 crtmble. Eileen Hamblln. Arthur Holt- 1 eten. Blanche Jeftseg. Jean Johnston, Oordon Munro. Freda Muaaallem. David IMcMeekln. Ruth Nelaon. Billy Nelson. Oeorge Parsons. Richard Pilling. Lola i Ponder, Mary belle 611 lea, Francea Steg-j avig;. Alex Strachan, Reta Strcmdahl. !l!adl Suehlro, Mathilda Van Dyke, 'Clara Wlkdal, Marguerite Johnson, He!-ncr Mtkkelson. Merle Weat. Mary Brtmncr, Sol berg Jensen, Erma Nelson, ! Mary O'Connell Edna Bagshaw, Jamea ()puKal. dith FerguaOti Mitchell Oay, tijTbw Aomec, . Kay. lrirano. , . Alfred 14 Ritchie Jack Storrle, MIMred Dixon. Mary Macdonald, Muriel McLean. I Orade S Peter Allen. Claale AnnatroTi, Eric Berner. Donald Blake, Dorothy Blake, Amaranf-h Bury. Ruwll Cameron, Herbert Chandler, Sydney Croxford. Violet Dell. Margaret Dougherty. Ro-bert Elfclna. Martin 'Erlkaen. Unda Field, Helen Fuller. Robert Olbaon, Margaret 8ue Oullek, Fred Haines, Willie Hale. Pat Hanley, Daphne Hcmmell. 1 n . . - . ... VtuBiai iiTiiabrii, um vroue, All Uir- Hartey Lear. Harry Lundcrulat. Jaen, Marguerite Menalea, Adele Muaaallem, Keith McLrod, Florence rark.tr, lUr&ld Pender. Robert Ritcfile, Honor Sllver- aldea, Phedetla Stengel, Malta 8tpp, Jn" inoiiwu. uw .vyuuuow, Alice n A ATI! PrilAAI BUI) 1H otliUUL Worobec. Reynold Dixon, Jamee Brm-net-. Tbcrnas Jwe, Ray Montgomery. Ivy Bagshaw, Leonard Dixon. Eric (Continued Prom Page 1) ;Jeksoji. Mary Martin, lsam Mataum- - lSBi Tarjar Rjfaatad. Malko Izuml. Oullek, Alice worolx. Phedella Stengel, sabra Woodhou, Jennie . Strand. Ro-Orade 3. Drvtalon 9 -Helen Valen- im khmt, EUrabeth Wood. David tine Irene Van Dry. AJgna OrbhMft OWyw.SdiMw.SI tU. OwiaW. Kennedy TftWi 3, TJlrTelon ID - Victoria jrtn Dalzell AHee'Oomec, Helen' Ktiru. Stamford, Owyneth Walker ' Alan Kfr-jak . gtisr. " I Orade 2, DlrWon 10 Matrt Matbeaon, Orade 4 Ian Matheeon.- Norman Hebb. Beryl Blrea, Gcarge Brown, John Orade 2. Dlvtelou 11 Alfred Wick- Dunn. Gerald Ine Cade(i Marjorie Oook. dahl. Peter Peterson, Haaal Lear. Alma Dyun, Jaroea Oullek, pbytti Orade 1. DIilon 1J Sjrlla Crox- Hamblln. Allee llvnter Harold Iraraon, ford, Jean Krauie. Joyce Edward. ,. Cnarlea Keock. Otlkrlea. Lord, Bruce Orade 1, DlrMon IS Norma Smith, Loe. Bor Luth. Robert Uanson, Edna Annie Ppterson Dorotiiy Fuller. Mttketoce, Bobby Morjeon. Alice Mor- Honor RoUa for deporUnent and atao rte, Jean X lac Lean, Aagot Olaen, Ida for regularity and punctuality were Peddia Olfa Jtldl-. Mrorle BUver-awarded aa follow: ; laldee, -SAUtx BaftUS. iyelma Thurber. Iemrtnient Dlvlalon 1 lllaae Hlrano. Dlvlakm 3 Ounborg Pearaon. DWtelon S -Jamea Rltaltl. DlTlalon 4 Rosann Wood)oue. Dlvtalon 5 Kaau NVitia. DivUlon fl (irade 8) Edaa Strand. DlTlalon abav. PLYlalon ling. Dlvlaton DtvlMon S (grade i) Edna Bag. 7 (grade J) IMebard PU- Helen Valentine, Irene Van Dyke, Mel-vtn WaKa. Dorotny' Wllkle. Dlek Wrath-aU, Irar Janaen, Helen BeveMdge. Oeorge Carlyle, Dunaht Aaatman. Muriel Eby, Clarence F1nly. Margaret OU-kr. Donald Norton, Lknnt nte Mil. laelm Smith. Aale Wlok Pred Baker Jack Bremner. Oeorge Clark. Elmer CtaiMcn, Betty DlckeM, Irene Olake. Joy Orecn. Bobby Hale. John JoluMoa, S'gne Johnaon. Alan Kergln, Victoria Stamford. Mry THoimob. Owyaaih Walker. Jean Watt. Jack WUkie. Fhlllp Wllllamaon. Heifaeri Darlea. Orade 3 Alfred Wtcktfafel. Peter Peteraoa. Lear. Bean Love. Odlaag KJuni. EOitn uramf, Percy Kniitaon. Jeaa Po KrgnUrlty and I'unrtuallly der. Uataaret TuOt. Klyo luahlro, lap RanakJ AUan. AW TKM. Bdlth MMLraa tnaie OMt, Robert Paraoua Kergln. Kaeberrae Wataoa. Belyn Ed- pearl Steinberg, Aualang Holaaatod ward. WllUaca Fuller Tarn Mrkteekln. liata IlatkMaul laaliai u.. John Murray. W. Morray. Pred Latter Orimbte. Dorothy Daviea Mai- UXllllJLlU 1 Un.llAJ . i'w. Kach. Aubrey irarm. .isuia Knudaon. Hatai Kdmm. Alex oathle Eaatman. Elaanor Edvard. Oarlaad. Nancy Brfcaaer. SMrWy Walla. Mary Oeary. Norman Allen. Beatrice Jaas, SVrrle. Iael Smith. Jtamy Berner. Vera Cook. Bertie Crca. Edna Sfaeddoo WIKred CbandW, EmU Jj. OilMea. Alice Hall bag. HUda Haaeen. -. Sewerre Jeraaad. PatrMa McLrod. Oordon Lawaon Kannr Uniixrth A ku . - - Mlso'Cn.'ollne Michell and Carl MacPoee. Oeorge McLean. Err-t Ban- J.o wlTi. nsJLJZl'! Vxih the weather clearine un a Drand are t0 pl"? Mr- L- JZI J1" WTL Cnm9' Norton' bnaon, June outer! bit after 4yeraly,C,o7aUfPur- Shadwell andW.N. Currie this '.JT: ,fJ ther games have been played in the afternoon in the final of the mix-city tennis chamnionshiD tourna- D.l ,lni.Kl in ttu Unnii rhim. &fi?!&J5"!&: tournament. In the games were as follows: , semi-finals last evening Miss Mit- Mr ci i ce" antl Brand beat Colonel and ..Carl Brd beat Robert Bart- 111' 'f'ri lett.G-2.G-3 Mm. Shadwell and Currie won, S. Wilson beat C. J. Norring-i C-2, .C-4, ovof Mias Vt'ra Smith ton. 1-C, G-4, G-3. i and Pete Black. riF't B??ford w- N ' In e first round of the men's . uurrie. u--. double. Pete Black and Bob Bart- r.lt. r I. Ladies' Doubles ! lett beWt W. O.' Fulton and Tom- 5Vwi'- MICuMofd,,.eand..MK-1 my Br n ,art evening by de-' ity H-'W"" ueal MlB' " ' fault rergwaon. Darrow Ooaaex. Norma Archie. Oordon Stamford. Lilian Crox ford. Arthur Davey Floyd Boy. Oeorge Ocddea. Arthur Holleton. nnAt 1 Deeld MeMeeMn, Franoaa Stearaglg. Mwaley Bellinger. Melbourne Buewy. Had! Sehlro. Mathilda Van Dyke. Clara Chrtttne Cook. Daanaond Cook. Sylrla Wlkdal, Eric Berner. Helen Fuller. Croafferd, Harry Daggett. Wallace Dell. lUrley Lear. BdeJe Muaaallecn. Mar- Stanley Dtaoa. Babart Bby. Joyce Ed-tutrtte Metislea, Alma Dynbaen. Harold Alga Mnokaon. Mary Brikaon Ivaraon. Donald Norton, Aagot OUen. OJadja Hall, naymand augaa. Barbara Ida Peddle Bdlth Smrth. Heieo Val- Kenoh. Richard Ktrkendall Jean Xrauae en tine. Irene Van Dyke. Main Math- Jaaktft LUaad. Fred Lawte. Omood eaan. Margaret HcMeekta. Un Mac- Manaea. Ralph Maria. Jeaa MeCrket. Lean. Dorothy Daviea. Margaret Fuller, aon. Keaneth McCrlaunon. Jaeaea Mo-Robert Pareona. Haaal Lear. Kenneth Kay. Jaokle MaNawgartaa, Dunaaa Me-MeQrMBinoAi-Harry Daggett. SUhlay Mabel Naabltt. John NlcholU. For-Daninger, John MoLeaa. 'atad Pctcrun, Jenaie Feddi. Mary Tbe foUowlBa1 are the Ikda U puatts rHree. Jack Mtahte. Jiawifie Stales. TV, Vin.l. in ihm. !, .vpiiU f , .?th Memorial School, and WUklaaoa. AW Jctatad. Aiohie .. . .... -j-- ---- their' grfcaes W-the achoal year lt- Han Norman MeLeod. Stanley Franaa, ClMford Oaityle, Beaaie Obaadter. Bra Chandler Bitty Mamon. Margaret Mc- . Meek In. Adeline Mitchell. Ned. 3WJ P' ' U,0"k Broofcehaak. jnm BeatMer, Mafkr Buaaaaich? tactaardt Ellee. Bury Walter Croea. Bralya Caaaeron. Ray Oaaey. Mary dark. Haw Eby. PhaaM Finley. Hbie Darothr FaHer. M.rrr ' hii pmu Ingrld HaUberg. Martta Hill omm Jakiun v.... Hanaon. Treror Hal Anal Kach. XrpMne Leeaca. Peart Meaalea. StanWy 'lwewc. Edwla Uadaeth. Alex McDonald Fraak MtXatra-a Ned Melted, Robert Parker. Jame jack MaLaaa Matttaa MaLeod. ,oie. mvnb Hyaa. iiui Storaglg, Lao Morrla. Aaaie Peearaoa. Peter Rr-I Htdy Surhiro, Lawrence Swaaaon Zola uk Ak.t. uw iwMk. " - , nuna iniirvrr. Atea WMiera. Tnea Nmn dun "w naiiera. iurtet waaton. Oharlle aiimui vmu. imu. Jack; HA , K TsMCt I'llIlM , t.li han tj " "'7 Summary Anierican -7:!.ooo mrf nd 7c to n.tir ud , ' Canadian and Gs to 1 : 11. Gc and 7 Spray, and 7c. Qnah, and 8e. Eureka, and 8c. 1.11(H). 27.00(1, Rn 1L000, EooH Canadian Mayflower. 5500 Cape Kace, 2xon and 7c. P., : 1'-.. . Hoyal III.. K.r,!in, P;, and 8c. P. Dorreen. ;" r 11.9e and 7c Takla, 4a.oini. i ,m . and 6e. Lhringstonc, 7 i; and 7c. Brie Roy, sr,oo, a and 7e. Vera Beatri.. 13.2c and 8.5c. Scrub, 7500. C..M and 7e, Impereu.te. 7i"Hi. i-rtMW the lJt - Mondaya. wmii-Miiy MaU due fo Vanroutrr Uaadayt Taeedayc Tbtuadaya Swturdaya C.F.R -June i9 lai, It. 3. 34. V n! fram Vaneaem swadaye Maadaya rrtdayt Saturday .1 C.P.R -July 1 s ' : 3d aad 30 I: 1 I 3. ,h tot. rr. I'm steaart. Pn-mlrr. AalH i Orade rraJ, 1 7 r'rrT' 1"" . '" ' JTT maaya final aad In tbe evening there will be Mrr. Maay Burton Dundy. United, Norrtattoa. Haddea. Baaaiaas. Bjoa- atvther baaebaU match. Then a blj' Statoa. paying AV, WlntWedon for the! Tntn Allan Beatrtra Bemer Wll- Brand. Raaa. Manay and Bag. dance at night will bring the day,Cret time alnc. waning UUe i lllm -R, DorxHhy Bu. Vera Oook. TJJTSi. .n! ThteUea Ocrbett. Braktne and vrwrrungs to a innng cwse. im ni ". . Bertie Cront. Edna Dickena. Oeopga prusram naa aunwtauig vo auii an wnoi" J u " ' Dy9rrft. Edaa Ottltaa Owen Qreea Mrtchetl. Haddea . arA Halgt OaaaabHI. Owing to u Baptle Mitchell and Far- no- ranaer gamf wui oe aeeaisg recreation on Oanadat . iwxm, rnmim ttuiuti jat. a rvmth, ounu jtii.. T TV " National holiday. The baaebaU boya have been get ting diaguated and the 'fane too t the kind of weather that hai been' dlabrd up to ihem lately but they 1 are to try and make anather at art to- rahJ.-. AUtaon uniteo mva, o-i. o-i. e-, o-o. .,.,lh., Iflhta ...- w.,., I Lilian jonet. Allen Sctrkendall. Kll- i born Lamb, Oordon Lawaon. Henry tUedaeth. rjaneea Xlaney Angua Mae-Phee. Arthur MacDonald'. Oedrge Mc iLean. Catherine McMeekla. Helen Mc- Stewart. Prrmiir TteHtdeyi Seurar Tb Him anu i i - IM&rta m ute i. deraon. toumatneai. K TEM 5 n n r. l: .,! .... '3c and 7c. IMnyo, 40(mi, ,lMI! rr.:t 11.000, Atlin. 11 K and Ik I net H., G000. At l , n. V: J. R.. 4:i00. -. ,1. 1:; : RlAlT SCHEDUIi tur the raat Ucadayt. Wednijvu. b' . : US l I. u I rem 'aa nrr ana mn .-r T Xarth urrn tli.ul tf rvnn. isrma Buaaaaich. Rene Cavan- nrade I Ttourodayi 1 . 1 a.lldb WWlM rrit Luw t Ilia a Via ... I . . a ... ., rW An intereatlng program haa been WIMBLEDON. June 39:-In the Brlt--. '" .- muy Method Dorla Leach. Brie Loee. ' drawn up by tbe Natue Sena of Can- h teaala cJiamptoaahipa yeaterday. -J '"T."' JjTT- jrn" Caraellu. Maaaaa. Thomaa rVrca aad frem ! W"r" ada tor the annual celebration of Bfll mien. United States defeated f"J'r- .J0 bagtna. ''JT " Dwnlnlon Day here on Monday and. I CUrtrttan 8-3. 9-7. 8-4. ilI.''SS f", ? 0 " . prwwing iher U faeorabJe, tie pro-! Henry Oacl.. France, defeated John ttL, ,,1" Jty I. . 8. " ceedlnga ehould be eery wcceaaful. In Henneaaey. UhtMl SUtea. 8-1 I.JbTIJI JL. MOMIAV KOCTEK TE.tM )39 . ... . - . . a, .... ... . ! Brian Panona. Fred Peaetie. Rohrrt i t..L pninia ine morning tnere wui oe tne parade . , - h,, rv w-' - T. -juiT ja - j7 j. C . . ..... . .... . . . ... t rt ir.nHlv.iir vwvwi. trmm Miwm-. vmci buidd. Tit raBawliw mm, wui wt niliil Vincent. Robert Tobey. Rom Wood- oa Monday la the final far tee Dentin-houne. Douaijrt Ohrtattaw BMnor E1. rw. rsm. r uwt si . Ta l"iwt Hlmi-ua and wain " ..STTJ T:T1. From Port Slmpoon ana n vn r N Nunihers made famous by Quality 7. J: '!... j.-i II L SJlUUlll iBi Due to the long list of famous men who have occupied "No. 10 Downing Street" as Prenv iers of England this humble sounding address is probably the world's most famous street number. lJnYE wiiis kev Another f ar-.oui number li -sj- the pr enilef Ry ,M' Betierf trom I he oW "$'1 in Ctntit. tin Gorttnmtt t rff j in wmj- bX Ui This advertisement Is not published or display! Liquor Control Jloardr by the Governmeur-