1 V '. i.ia. JOINS rilAMUKK Tl Awodatcd Ikrrta of Trade of C'inru UrttUh Oolumhla ye teny de-to loth tho Canadian Chamber ot -ommeroe provided the coat " too great. vi.-. if l Dominion Governments olicy In Regard to Tariff Set Oat by by Hon. Jas. Malcolm in Speech Answers Hon. II. B. Bennett, Leader of the Opposition, Showing How Canadian Business Is Affected TAR A, Ont., June 29. "If changes arc made in the I'nited States tariff which arc found to be detrimental to the interests of Canada, alterations in the Canadian tariff structure' to; correct the situation will unquestionably be made," Hon. James Malcolm, minister of trade and commerce, said during an address here yesterday which he replied to criticisms made by Hon. R. B. Bennett, K.C., Conservative leader, of the government's tariff policy. ."The government is much more alive to the situation than ia the leader of the opposition and is fully prepared in the interests of Canada to readjust its fiscal policy from time to : rm'i't i-ny changes that may ;-iai'f! iii the tariff structure ' i, Tinted States or any other l;. . ' -iity to the demand of Mr I,. .11 f ir an Empire trade con fi-f-inT, Mr. Malcolm stated thai i ( the late Rt. Hon. V ! 'iitig had introduced the vn ti'ivnrp. it had been the I rrj policy to increase trad NEW OFFICERS OFINSTITUTES vrVKR. June 29 tlw fanners' institutes of K. Whitney Griffith within the Empire. "Diring the past eight years," the minister laid, "our imports from British countries have increased approxi mately $150,000,000 to $257,OUO,0OO and our exports from $347,000,000 to $539,000,000, giving us an in-'reaxr in b ade with the Empire during that period of almost $3,000,000,000. The minister reviewed the vol ' urnc and nature of Canada' trade with the United States. During! 1928 the Dominion had imported! and exported to the United Stales raw nut j iaJs valued at $153,M0,-000. Coaaaquently, if it had keen a scrif ic to Mil Uflfinishsd prod ueU. Canada's Mctmee lailive was WW teas IF"" . ...1 1 -A t .Inn thM im-i eiecteo, iu uim-i - ---- nev r v a nii 1- of Trade who remained In if v wi-ro vesterdav afternoon a 1 a u OkW that have proved them-'L.i... amnil nnd worthy. "A brick for wick tarm i ... .. ,rn -.I fntaa WOUld not witn me dhw .. .,,. suit the Dominion, ne-assarily SrSlcolm said. There were commodities which Canada must buy in the eh-.friT dr to compete wlU. TL Some of these muj JJ come from the Unltad Stataa. RESCUED BY THE BRITISH Spanish Aviators Picked Up After Being Lost for Week in Atlantic MADRID, June 29. After being missing for more than a week, the Spanish transatlantic aviators. Major Ramon Franco and three companions, were picked up at sea by the British airplane carrier Eagle and were being brought to (ilbraltar today. The aviators (started June 22 for America via the Azores and the rescue was made 100 miles northwest of San Miguel Island, the nearest to Europe of the Azores group. CHICAGOCUBS llrowM Second lu American NSW TOSK. June : t. la - r-iU.n iT mm -rtlia he I oon,i ' b6hlnd th ,.n.t ,- Itaminion. hut U. SHOTS SID - " , p announced inai we nw ria vnnv .m emu c icw j arnotiyn . uiaiiM arv-A arv without without ma marked rked than than forme formtf ly. ly. 8t. at. Loula Louu to Boston Bim e rlnl out st Drowna enpt Into ncmnd . It was claimed that Whit-j "We sell t400.000.0-K) worth ol;, UuXi Wmuahu Tth-. t nfith had received in hon- goods to the United States yearly leitM bmMac um obko www .;r.- and expenses nearly and, judging by past experience, 80s. , v. ar M- taklrrg care of the the value will not shrink maU-ri- Tt2L!?'t .."V .1 work. NEED $600 nn oniTArr 1 TMI , v ally, no matter what tariff fixers at Ottawa may do. "In my opinion," the minister continued, "there are man articles of Itlsh manufacture HI IK I YM) Ar 11 public, could b purciuwed to bat-1 A VII l w 11. a m(t'tinjr of the cenotaph 1 it too last night it. the Cana-Lfgion rooms, the reslgna-f Archie Sinclair w ac- tl and Chiriea V. Evlt was 1 t l in his place. ;.ts reported that the sum of 1 Was l tor tho cenotaph, which iW.r. VISITORS ENTERTAINED BY BOARD OF TRADE AT TRIP AROUND HARBOR hich, if known to the Canadian M roUow. tar advantan that commodities which are now bought, from ih United States." ' ' Make Challenge Mr. ! a I lm challenged Mr Iln- nett to come out aad tell the coun-; try just what he proposed with reanttt to the tariff. "A Conaerva- needed to complete the j tiva government, f"n. sv oyeu tnr imtmi ui.mj Canada by placinf these articles on the free Hat. Does Mr. Bennett propoM t0 a'ter tne deci8:'1 of the former government and put a duty on tractors?" he asked. "Does he propose to tell the agricultural Industry, mining industr y Jack RwnaH hM Km Wuhtngton tntot to eifM MU to give Boaton Red ass Mi otter win. Tf Xw York gune kt PhltaddphU ww nlnad out. YNUMtf" Bit league Morct rt National InTiie Cincinnati 10. nMcbuivh 3. CTUcaffo 0, St. Loul S. American League WMhlnfton a, Doaton 5. St. LnuU 7, Oiloago 2. OrrcUnd S, Detrott 4. WELL-KNOWN YOUNG LADY WAS MARRIED "MY CANADA" Land of many lakes and teeming seas And of rolling fields of golden grain,, ' Trees that reach on high the sky to tease, . Mountain peaks that gazo with grand disdain Down oi) valleys deep, and streams that leap Swiftly on their way to riv-s wide; Inlets where great oceans' fingers creep" Glaciers to smear with salted tide; Where th? tinted sky at close of day Ushers jn no night of sordid gloom, But a starlit realm where moonbeams play ' 'Mid the cata) act's resounding boom. Land where those who work will reap rewards, Where the sluggard quickly falls from sight, Ahd where ploughshares only now are swords Used by men who once left all to fight. Head I bow ort this First July morn, Thanks I give fo all our God foresaw, For amid your grandeur I was born, My own, Motherland, my Canada. ROBERT D. MacLACHLAN. Major McPherson of Point Grey Dismissed for Spending Public VICTORIA, June 29. The cabinet Friday dismissed Major H. L. McPherson, official in charge of administra- tion of tho Government lands in the University of British WkW Till k .'Columbia at Point Grey, after A. N. Daykin, special com- A- " 11 WSlW I V A I II Nli missioner, made an interim report, finding in effect that iivr ii uuiiisiiivi Government funds had been improperly used on the devel opment of privj iely owned property and shown as expend- raw materials from the United i-ituburgh rtratrm Drop to second rue i. i i'nt,r.iimmt : lonrl J iturcs on ovfcrnent land. state, to the value of $222,000,000 - o rnh: ' u .1 lUj --.ll- tMM, droned nt fourth place i T LM0K JMIQVf at loe-! I Ultra uu The specific case of a privately ovned golf course Was stressed in which it was said - U Sewjjtf-rpperUcs. BriN?i ( otumbla herfj egtetwayfttmiriiiai vi nil mi.w,u oqrrgif gy-04ti wi into third place The Government win seeic 10 se i!t ' U B. Apph ton of Trocter i-r. -;ii nt iii place of James Bailey ' ' i 1 .illiwaek, resigned, and A. B. i: .) ( ranbrook. secretary In $69,000,000. hrtnie w nutedfipinta beoaune of ture restitution of the funds im- Carmdaa trade in manufactured M"fk hto fneteento propi y pent, but further action product, with the United States TLm f thC was arire and tho m niHter ad- oindnMU mlttd that the balance stood Pittsburgh Wrt who dropped Major McPherson said under oath that the Government money wasj ; a ENDORSEMENT 0FP.G.E.T0 AT nfPAN FAIK ment money was in fulfillment of do urge upon the provincial gov-A I ULLrtll mi-U) mnrnl obligation on the part of ernment the newssity for an Im- I the lessors to hand over 120 acres mediate completion of the said c-amti'e iT'm iwromea iiride ' i of the tract cleared of the original ciflc Great Eastern Railway." Jiik ! "( and l I . . . , Now llrre A quiet wwkUrt. took plaoe at Ocean .J. ,' u. it K Im Mia Tttred arnooii at :sw av and nsning inuuai.j - - Mr nA MM. A. B. weoh. WUltam Deana of the UnrUdi nortations from the United States, -juwh olficiaMns. whi Miaa oaamie UI . ... j... tk-'n., rtihtr of Mm. Rajout of he will raise the duty on ' Mla to live. . .1 . Mrs. Denh'oiwe U weri Krioiil here. hatng nauassj'1 cnooi av Mid at Temee and later at Ocean Ralla. & UTot-K kxciiamie ri.osr.o ad Matufay ao no Hock llata are vaJlaMe. KAIN KTOI'S CIAMKS Owna to uavorael weather, neither Otty besfUe baaeball nor O. fJiafMwill tawe gamea were tut mmttt- n. n. played stand of timber stumps. PACKING PLANT IN CALIFORNIA BURNS m. 01 i-oionei iii.uii. lactone wun nat w Btie waa sy n..Mrv to enable our Soon after .71,l rKirt: or wiikat '!' CnnTiila nnd Secretary . . . -...w. of the . eo I'i "lisshimk wa in charge of the 1 , v :nAMA w. Iiennett t 'i ' v with Paul Armour at th ; mi l)nse to tell the people ll,v' A number of members of Mf counlry anythiug definite fic local bo;rd went along o"",.. , wht will". he would do on any of .. .. IO l,ias IU 1 .11 I- .1.1... there were throe ladies I'n-tv, Mrs. II. C. Wrinch F (i. Dawson nnd M M.irdie. no r,trt:n monpay M nday, ttng Dnmlivlon Day and a i"1''!- holiday, h Dally Newt ylll nt nuiilliihfd. Tti nert Wfular edition Vi bo on Tuenday afternoon. t. t those polfvtax H imw rs9uj. r9 Mc irll'allludes on wW an Ideal stite unattend u alao the aroom. .1.. ., .im. u oun ooime it . . r 4- ' H0N.J.A.R0BB F-f ----- tT J WlT The Wise Man Boston Grill The wise manjreadg the clas-elfied advertisements and uses v1 LARGE CABAnET Special Dinner Thursdays and Saturday them whenever he needs to sell Dancing Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 or buy, or rent, to find lost Dance Ball for Hka goods or to get a job. AccomnuxUUont for Prlvst Partk PHONE 447 . 1'n.p NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V I XX . No. 150. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C- SATURDAY,. JUNE 29, 1929.. PRICE FIVE CENTS TO VISIT CITY r, Here on July 16 En Route to Skagwu) ccive a visit from a federal cabi net minister when Hon. James A. S M.-nn.' fo7 iWK RcAb. minister of finance comes arrrvtm tae kaat nifht. Monday we- t morning being t. -7 1-4 here aboard the steamer Princess nil they w lnaa ,""7 CMh. ,h. -in fa uatB of Mre. DefthoUne's mother at their nw home at Tell, for 1 a. a, waaam. then returoloz to Ocean Ixuise on July 15, making the trip to Skairway with a paf-ty of -'! f-f-nilet Annrt from Iho mere ! tan tVi hn will bn here on that riRSf SALMON ir .2,,Itll.lnfrmUftn ha. been " JL n 4 TH 1 f 1 V - M II'I'IVII at v.m v " - - - received locally as to the details 1 freah canned aaimon from District lenirth of time he may stay hero. f No. 3 went south UH night u b th f, t t, that Mr, j. .hmirrt th Union ateamer Car- .: . . . 1 . .. . . AU stook aohangea are oloacd today J dewi. It cor-lated of 800 oaaea.Robb ha? Visited IVince Jtuperi. s. AnrmlraM from walea Inland can- - . 1 - ' nery to Vancouver. There, la re- I 4- ported to be a good run of nock- 1 j ova In iha Naaa River dlvlaton and 1 VANTOt'VKIl HlltUT International Peace Engages Governments; US. Would Go Slow ! WASHINGTON, June 29. Suggestions have been' made by the United States Government to Great Britain that the naval disarmament question be approached with caution, in view of the present status of that problem. There is a feeling of uneasiness in official circles here that the conference of naval powers might result in failure without sufficient preparation. The United States Government had been informally sounded out by Great Britain, it became known yesterday, on its attitude toward a conference of the principal naval powers, either separate from the League of Nations or under league machinery. I LONDON, June 29. Premier Ramsay Macdonald in a public speech he made here last night said his Government was actively working at its great task of international peace, uignt up to tne moment l ieit Downing street to come here I was engaged in trying to lay the foundations will be the finest and fairest fabric any gov- H I "I IF of what vvjiut win uu wie iiiicsi turn icuicst luuinz ui of u jim I MOWey OK lllVQ'ely UWned Land ernmcnt ever built for the delight and comfort of tion for which it was responsible,"he said. Viscount Peel, Sir W. Joynson 1 licks and Hamar Greenwood Among Those Honored Thursday Night and Occcu- I pants Escaped " ' 'mpiemei.in mplements u. of productioni fiv- . i hclme, aon ion of , M Mre. oomwime rnhoim o. of the;Fire -,Fr morning destroyed tho Federal Minister of Finance Due , v anl oin ovcr the sjae ; nA lhe ui . -UO.I. i. ""-l-"- hm be bold enougn 10 oe no. mirMnf stork mock . rnnce. ,gnt of the dtrus a8S0. 1 n.-a Tt-kM mrair -HflClUl IWHIlf 1TI - . ' m ir If! in I the rl rt Naas IMHH1 uiver. IL1VC1 . A imyi I . . fi,v . I I . . 1-11 the Iha 1 ' Producers ra-flllaMril Wro d elation here with iw can 1 01 .1 !(.... DonliU nnd th Salt . . . i. tt-. rtja. h ! Drwent : .n all of wnom wnom - - - 1 - 1 iiihnt nm niLEUbivu " -- - - . . . the bride of Jamee Dn- YORBA LINDA, Cal.. June 20. iln,,h Ihn l "1B ."' . Dcnonal fWenda of the orM and groom. lemons ana u reinKeraior vara. m w-ni LPrP'se ,0 aUlr r-Ti ' The bade looked ry In The 10JS ls get at $360,000. '"id storage plant through tt)C , imporla 0f raw materials so tmkX gown of aaod Korget iae the na- PROMOTIONS IN IN BRITAIN, BOOTH SCHOO .Many ft'udrnti Advanrcl IWause rrorirlrnr; In Htudlrs T L of Prmetton ltU at Booth Mtoaoriat 'Bfht 4 hare Just been IvMMd siMwinaj LONHON. June 29. The honor mlny IP" roed ad- jUainferred to thKIng in conT -,nection with the iwgnafJon of 3nr Roiu' for 'proffcHoer we' 1 Stanley Baldwin as prime minister awarded to tho puotu making tint in una laaued last niirht. It ia not Ot- X" th. fUnwHaf Hat , , . J ,. , are U namt of um met pmetu DDTMrC rCADC unduy ,on- n'r does u conta,n.iadin thir au,-. I 4i"v,J t llll tl lirillliiiri uuvtiuu many surprises. orad s, putHon 1 Muriel Walker. Viscount Tcel. former secretary ! wmiam Tbbcr, Htoae Hin. Jr! IndU' TtoWV.in At a..l trta -nnt'flntmn "T Af m tne. A Bfm C -J f m l -An m haarl nr Iha .. . . 1 iii vuv vviiivittiuu v& vaac w iia aua last v ca 1 can iicau ui 111c nriiit r siin "-u ?lt. pffcl?fctrf Jlle,-lted Brda of Trade of Central contingent 6f parliamentarians, is orade 7. Diruion s-Mrioo BTati. 1I-hjh?. hav Columbia yesterday, the raised to an earldom. Sir WHHam Adciu TUurbr. lied, Bum,. oPnnudniUteaeShaVin? Rowing resolution was passed Joynson Hiks. late home secre- TZLTJt" Malor McPherson denied any wimoui qibcumioh: vy, Decomes a viscount, iwn. ania, fl oiion i-MrJrl wu- intention to deceive the lands de partment. VICTORIA, June 29. A. N. Daykin, commissioner investigating the administration of the Government's university subdivision at Point Grey, was given complete charge of this area by the cabinet yesterday. Action Explained "Whereas the people of the Hamar Greenwood, a native of alow, oeorge Djbham, Uoyd Grow province of Rritish Columbia Whitby, Ont., and the last msn to ' rad Divuion s-Harr siever have an enormous sum of money occupy the position of secretary VradesDitu ejatl, cdua-t invested in the Pacific Great 0f state for Ireland in the British Mitchell o'ay. Kty itirano. Eastern Railway; and, Government, has been made a orade , biviaion 7 cu wikdat "Whereas the railway In ta hamn. .E:ifn Himwm, Arthur Da r I esent condition is not yielding enough to pay operating expenses; and, "Whereas the extension of said railway to Prince George would, VANCOUVER, June 29. -John at once yield a large fihlght ton-' Boyd, president of the General nage which would put the railroad Construction Co.. one of the chief on a profitable basis and would Automow e backers of the golf course near the redeem pledges made by succee-entrance to the University of sive governments to the people b-, British Columbia area, said today tween Prince George and Quesnelji hat the work done bv the Gov- now, therefore, be it I I emment employees and Govern- "Resolved, that this convention pad ArnncMT nw Orade 4. Dlrlalon 8 Margaret Sue (Continued on page four.) ' ISLAND HIGHWAY RECORD FLIGHT Almost Demolished OFFRANKHAWKS ROOSEVELT FIELD, N. Y., June 29. Captain Frank Hawks brought his transcontinental plane What might have been a serl- down here at 1:16 this morning, ous accident, as far as the per- bt eaking his own record for the sons involved wq-e concerned, was west-east flight. lie covered the miraculously averted about 11 distance from Los Angelaa to New o'clock Thursday night when a York In 17 hours 38 mlnutea S3 taxi car driven by Lyle Marr and reconds. ! occupied by five of his friends1 On Thursday Hawks flew front I went over a precipitous bank on New York to Lot Angeles In 19 the Kaien Island highway about hours 10 minutes SO second!, a mile and a half beyond the city new record for the easl-waat limita. Marr was driving toward flight, his time for the round trip the city and failed to make ni being 3G hours 49 minutes 23 seo- 1 rather sharp curve, the car turn-'onda. I with all Us occupants sun msiue. kAMhll ) t)tiAl iThe vehicle was badly wrecked , ,u. ... and one of the occupants suffered; hNUUKANlt KtlUKU r .Ml . kilt; 11101 muv V. broVen .11.. ribs, tUn the .!),. others atfflniT off rvff few years, Prince Rupert will re- getting with the shaking up. MINNEAPOLIS I plane Miss Mt, f KNOCKED OUT vAvrnt'VPn .fnno 90. nl The aeaaon'a tint ahipment of of the minister's itinerary or tho Vojre ( , l lUver heavyweight. formerly ' Relllngham, knocked ' jut Young Peter Jackson of Port land in the third of a scheduled lilx-round main event of a boxing enrd hero last night. by Thorwald Jr ne 29. Tht is, piloted ' and Owen IlAturhland. failn i bv 22 1-4 hours 'to equal the endurance refuelling mrnfl ' econl wnen forced down by en- rnmnra PETER JACKSON tz?xz T ln Wns m BUNNY AUSTIN AGAIN WINNER the walea Wand cannery ta get-i vancjouver. June ao:Wheat wa Tornmy Fielding of Victofla won sensation of tennis championship, . .. . . A .,tv,jtei m t im iAh,nM nra VMltp. " - ...... ... . . ling a gooa paca ao sar. T m"wv - ..... . . , day at l.2tl-J. having ataged a re- ttttttetfttttf co very from the prevloua day. WIMBLEDON. June 29. H. In the semi-finals at 133 pounds W. "Bunny" Austin, young British a decision from Gordon Wallace today defeated H. Kinsley, alio" of Vancouver. jof England, 6-2, 4-6, 6-1, 4-G, 11-9. -i