A,'E TWO Port Simpson Basketball VA 1. Chak 2- HJharniaas . HajaikW 1. Maxkeswell I. Haacn 1 - Jgasea'a .Rsek-KOmarnoer ot pUyed. SL Mines: i, mm Lan4tk0. i Scttkh Learue, Division 2 Amadale 1. Alien L Artharlle 1. nyeVBank 0. TO Witw little adventure on question of balancel WeeUf Uontre par . . . jut m Vk Anchor-DonUon deck ports put you In a wonderful frame of mind to enjoy the de (and CsMiTwrkt Third Cabin and ' V -lithu of Scotland ,;. . and the tcrric jujgciu the hospitality of a great bouse in the Highlands. Sail Anchot'Donaldionl Boot lmitk The CunrJ 5fM Quebec) to Ireland. Boottand I- and England lo con-1 Junction witn Cuoard. NL conroenclng May 3rd. AMCHOR-DONALDSOH -v-w LINE SAca Team Champions of Northern B. C. as Result of Two Game Series Here Took This nrst Division fixture-iron. Gretto. by uence i me uoes 1 o ivanves vfcnBsn LeaKurn.lvision ? W I program. Big Four maintained Baraaky 2. McMs Coaaty 0. Blackpool 3. Southampton 0. Bradford 3. Middleaboro 2. Bristol City 5, Millwall 0. CheUea 0, WolTerbampton 2. Clapton 2, Tottenham 3. Grimsby 1. Preston Northend 0. NpM Fort 2, Pertwle 2. Stake City &, Rmdiag 0. Swansea 3. Oldham 2. Watt Brofflwieh 2, Hall City 0. Scottish League, Division 1 Atadriss 8, Ratth Raws 1. Ayr United 1. Partick 3. Celtic 2, Aberdeen 2. .. . ith L St. jJafautei 2 1 4 12 2 I Basketball continues to be t played with considerable interest 'and success at Terrace. The exhibition basketball games last 'Friday night, despite unfavorable .. n .... ..I AnM J.f 114 I, 1 AKC r ,und The World W'ith Sport Fans IB lb Iiumi What is bsiag referred to as "th bootleg feotbair is seriotisly encaaiK the stteatioa df the l-i- Leagw makars 4 the United States tL.i a. Briefly, it is charred toa.1 mm. fttuop were was a m league jeaoersnip wicn a oe- or less wholesale nrodnetkm of i' cisive 44 to 18 win over the footmmils saeeiall mth. vccoira puce wun a is ra ii vic tory over the Navy in a slow scoring game. Individual scoring was as provide handles for the an laiiiinn advaatofe. of coarse, in a game jaaene the forward pass Plays aacB a paamiaant part as it does is Uattad States f-ithaJL Bis Four vs. Eagle An iopal is 4at Big Faor-Kddie Smith. It; f ootU. W Jat Ernie Ratchford. 10; B. Gwyer. Moa i9tM to P"- ,8: Doug Stalker. 12: R. IMaaa: !t A . M liftr pounds. (E. Katsuyama. 2: total. 44. I Eagles Bronson Hunt. 4; E. Pierce. 4; Billy Murray; W. ionason. It; Eddie Smith: total. Bonees 2. mJifemUne 1. Dombartoa 1, LeJth 4. Bast Fife 1. King's Park 2. East Stiriing 3, Arbroath 0. Forfar 4. Queen of South 4. Morton 3. Albion Rovers 1. St Bernards-Bathgate not play . ed. Stenhousemuir 1, Dundee 4. Nary vs. Bankers Naval Reserve George B. Bagshaw; . . T. . . m . A. A I . SP. . MM, 1- r Lcasue- Slanfinr Big Four 4' Hhjh School i 3 Bankers 4 B. C. N. V. R. .... 3 Eks 4 A. N- R. 2 Junior High School 8 Canadian Jape a ma .. 3 ieaaterp name. Bales in effe r . ; j Sport Chat during 129 will nesvide that the referees- be equipped wjth a IlmmX m ffaSTLS Entsis A oiTTlsismi fft hasVAex. sure the ball in length and width in much the same manner as a - foot js measured for a shoe. This will avoid the introduction of bells of unusual shape. The new I code also provides that the fcaiw -he inflated not leas than tbirteae or mora than fifteen pounds. Lorae Chabot, gaaueefier of the Maple Leafs, declares that the Auditorium tn uuawa is tne Hardest ring in the N.H.L. for the net custodians. Smoking, is per- ooler weather of late has en- mrtte,Jr and by the time the third abled the Smithers curlintr adepts P101 comw arouDd- at" their rooffher H ewuv th i t.; renew contasti. Out- Standing in the list of several of m to th 'Pu espKmHy the the shot is from outside games remaining snplayed w.. th final in th. rn.i.tmn the defense. Msdison Sqaare mri. r wAnt k-...;-i uaraens ana tne Boston Arena which series the rinks skipped a,so Prmlt but both by J. A. Macdonald and J G ,re nulnPd Viiih wntilnting 1 ,,n" hat keep th air c,ear "f1 Stephens had fought to the finals. attracted free of ""' haI crated by 4he :The game a groat deal of interest from spectators and wnoker resulted in a win for the Stephens rink with a score of 16-8. GOVERNOR IS TO VISIT B. C. THE DAILY NEWS 3525 'VETSLEADING TESTMATCH ! IN BILLIARDS WAS WON BY 11S9 to lOW Were Beaten sVNutotai qoa for Two uames; Ay a k fi- -- " Larger nhanPrinccKupert -Seniors, te KhicJi texDldirf won by r nfit m 'ki --M.M . - ----- - . - AUSTRALIANS rQar llfsiery of Serif? f Five Games Secured by five Wickets over the Grotto, Canadian Legum MIttUL& AuUa"- .Marrn mt l . 1 f 1 a j l 4 T X 1 . ..... . . . ... 1 a r k . L. Kmv f essn ' iAirvrt ruuiran j o or nmnr imrvno cMnnn imrrui nv i n ha tsenit til& imhammii rtv im iv. - juusmv iiic iiwwa w fJoeafc with a scoof 34o 27 Jlort Simpson Y. P. . A. nr -division biWrd !, w f f.orm fTPwhaTwiamnWtaf nr3rn B C with a the Grand Terminal, while he U- Hwr.K of the first i38n ;Wt8& tJ r'0"" The tw game of a tt ITJlpiTJn ther&L TB Xt, A. won the first tournament tu played last night. : Mm ft the series, the nW'OTT'ursttVnfgmliy a' SCOre of 40 to 80, the aggre- A. A. Emu winning the onlv Jtaer fossr bavin ; oe won by the gate for the series thus being 67 to 64. " t the Canto when he de- . At the lose of play the fetd F. G. Pyle o u l hd flve wkku to Last night's game wa keenly contested an affair a? Je :VfJ25 was uiat on Thursday. The locals were able to pull there- fhL2b?J3T " " baner uuPi in OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL EnglUh League, Djvuion 1 Arsenal ?. Cariff 1. Birmingham 9. Liverpool 0 mIvs together and had a snail -ph paste between Charles Bap- th MCOBd ininr yesterday when UmmI UmxivlMNit the match. Half tie c4 storage, aad S. D. Mac- Poor wicl ivorl the home time score was 13 to 12. The c n:aV Grotto, m thi week s f rt bowiera, enabling them to dismiss crowd of fans in kttendance was division fixture still remains oat- ,h usitprs with only 257 runs. not as large as might have been funding. expected. . . . individual scoring was as fol- Bladfborn , Sheffield Uaitod lown: ' Prince Rupert Bill Lambie, Boltp 1. Mahchflster 1., V 1 10: Dido Curich. 10 i Poli How-Derby I. Aston Vflla, R jud. it: Vic Menzie: Bill Everton 2, Burnley. TfitcheH. 2; total. S4. Hnd4arafmlrt t, .liewesa.: 1. i. Port SiaafMoa Y. P. E. A B. Manchester City. 4. Weatbam 2. Saokey. S; A. Wesley, 12; P. PortaSKMrth 0, Leads Uhited 2. Brentaen. 2; Herb Bryant; Billy The Wednesday 1, Leicester 0. Johnson; indy Tat; toUl, 27. SuadarUod fi Bpnp. 4f UTwo Tntermediate -'J.-, TUf . V IfWanso filled out the evening-. yridW The scores for the fames were : England. 519 i 257. Australia. 49 ai d 27 for five wickets. SCOTLAND BEAT ! ENGLAND RUGBY EDINBURGH Scotland- defeate d ternatieaal rug: to 6. Eagles while Bankers went into hu so ehaped as to practically ! fLSH PRICES ARE March 16. England in inhere today 12 HOLDING UP WELL American Halibut Paid Up 1?4 and jBc and Canadian He and 6c American to Ahntan, 21.000 pounds, Paefffe 16c and 6e. Daily. 20,000 poandt. Royal Fish CO.. 15c and 6c. Utnjm. 18.00B pojUMfe, Canad- iaa Fish & Cold Storage Co.. K tnd 6c. i HaUtmt bids were holding upi well at the local Fish Exchange! than4 three times the, this morning when a total of! usual inflation. A kicker would , poaaals was sold. Nine be awe to get less-thaa half his American vessels received from castonsasy distance, with such a U.fe aad Ac u 16.Qc and ec for rck-lflte ball. Thus a team weak U&J00 noands while 14c and 6c Sentinel, 18.800 pounds. Booth, Ptories, lie aad 6c. IfwH. 7p0 pounds I'4iUc FijthaHm, l;.e and 6c, ShattD. 8A00 ponmlt, Aln Fisherlaa, 16c aad 6c Teddy J., 8,000 posnds, Atlin Fisheries, 15.9c and 6c. RetlaDee. 500 pounds. Booth Fisheries, 16.3c and 6c Pierre, 4.000 pounds. Booth Fisheries. 16.5c and 6c i Canadjan IMphfh II, Mjm pounds, asjl AUj. 2.000 pounds CflnoD Fish & toW Storage Co., t4e and 6c Bolinder. t.m poaada, loyal Fih Co.. 14.1c and 6c Royal ill. 200 ppaildt, AtU nsheriea, I4.lc aad 6c. RAILWAY ACCIDENT IN JAPAN TODAY LONDON. March 16. An Ex change Teleurjph Company dis- OTTAWA, March 16 . -The . "P' frW 5hlpone- Wil-k dera,'?d- r weather, were well attended. The governer-generai orernar-geBeral and and Lady Udy high school girls turned a defeat lingdon are leaving next Thursday . i. i . l i . i . - . . ... T ura n io a victory Dy xor a xrip to tne weat coast wnun good work in the second half wjl) extend to early May. They against the city team. The arrive in Vancouver April 3 and 'score was 24 tp 8. Then followed Vletpria April ft. The party plans cTlimUii tout Uvtiw iof Pract-ce w.ith tn result that ing to Vancouver on Acrl) 15, a. Jr., yanetiaer ITtLStymiur UU' school boys ran up a wore of starting homeward on April 25. 291i;9hfrttyttennikipwnh-- '0Uto tbc-Baahr 10. :A'dance lol f r r ; Itfsrwl the games. SaUloc From r FREIGHTER ASHORE LOST LIVES IN AT PENDER ISLAND FLOODS IN U. Si " ' -38. VANCOUVER, V,. Marh l ATLANTA, March JC Thlr- United States Stwl freighter lean Persons were known dead to- IA. U Kent, waa reported aabose day from floods in thejrillagea and on Pender Island. The steamer ldapds in the sputh, while relief Salvage Queen left Virtoria this agencies estimated that many! morning for the scene. ethers lost their lives. ' patco from Tokk) today said that. 1 there were a number of casualties? I - 1. nr. i . it 1 i uen me iokio express on ine mmwsBurpsp. i we were jail ed and U injurjd. WEATHER REPORT .the Bush team and high school f start sea cruise upthewaatj Prince Rupert Cloudy, calm. bqys. The former team was out st of Vancouver Island raturp-' Temperature. Terrace Cloudy, ealm, 88. Rosewood CJoudy, ealm, 38. Afyanlsh Cloudy, calm, 3o. Alice Arnv--5lar, calm, 37. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 3C. lort Slmnson-nGloutlr, calm. Haysport Cloudy, light wind, Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 4, withers Cloudy, ealiji, t. Murne Lake Clear,' ealm. 2. Vanderhoof Clear, cajm, ?0. ' For a sure sale, try the Daily News classifitJ aectlon. Challengers Meet Essex i.tsiaaijie the Challenger "Keg" Noble, the big defense man of the Detroit Cougars, who is idolized by Detroit fans, not only for his superb playing, but for his splendid sportsmanship, is seen here with his new fSseex, the Challenger. At the wbjoel of tt.e car is Miss Joan Noble, who seeoa to be as ardent a motorist as'she Is a ho fan. "Bddie" Goodffllow $taikOah his foot on the fender. Ha is the leading scorer in tile Canadian Professional Hockey Le.tgae aad wQl probably show M stuff in the ig leagues next year. Both men wm appear in the hockey play-offs. . . It has been said that the Canadian hockey pUrs who went to the states to show how hockey is played, have d(ie much to foster gtmd-will between the two countries . They play the game for aH they ara worth, harder, in fact, than many amateurs. When penalties we inflicted there is no arguing with the officials, tampers ara adeem lost, and the game is on a higher plane than any other precessions I sport in the United States. AMPHITHEATRE FOR INDOOR SPORTS TOLL OPEN THIS MONTH CHICAGO, March 15: patrW in the kicJung deparUwat woaid and 14. lc aad 6c was paid four "Paddy" Harmon, whose lifetiae pointmenU and rebuffs benefit greatly by the use of aa Canadian vessels for S.amUtlan was to hnlM as indoor year-old, grrty-t hatched Howe, over-innated ball in a game pound. The.. Zanara decided, to McKenxie; Pierce, against a team wttk a stellar 'bold ever until Maaerny yhh . . . . w a vt a-. i r 7 - Joan- kicker. Dealers.. t is said. have!l4JM0 pannds. been selUag. -either passing or Arrivals, and sales were as fol Wal- kicking balls.' - These violations Iowa: urs. z; l. Atkinson. 4; J. Harris, of football pf. it is sd. S. Smith; F. BurdeaW; total, were first dammmd in the wt. 8 but later were introduced in tK realise his dream when the Chicago stadium opens Rs doors this month. 9i amphitheatre larger than Madison, veteran claims he over Sojiare Garden in New York, will, long series of disapi his homely philesopb IkkwJ." Bverjr seeet, proft-r .i. f ! Around the new structure of amateur, will be staged m hiaa-steel and marble, which cost poRhaatre. Boxing, .wm.. L-ST.OOOdO ' and will seat 25,000. U cycle raaiag, basketball ssim- woven ! ilrmon s stony of dtsip-.mJag ana even football o .j it The S3- hall amy be p4ed in ihl-sports Ibm. Outstanding Example of United Effort CHEVROLET ' FISHER BODY AND GENERAL MOTORS Combined io produce this Car single organization couJ produced such a car as rave ivc this Outstanding Chevrolet . . pr offered it at such sensationally low price. The "Six in the Price Range ot the Four'' is an outstanding example of the result of united effort. Chevrolet and General Motors' engineers worked together to design and build the smooth, powerful, six-cylinder engine. Fisher Body artists and craftsmen gave of their skill and knowledge Co the creation of Chevrolet's strikingly beautiful and luxurious bodies; The great General Motors International Proving Ground was thrown open for the million miles of testing of the Outstanding Chevrolet. The vast resources of .Chevrolet, Fisher Body and General Motors, were brought to bear on the problem of bringing sivcylindrr quality, performance apd presfigg.into the field of the low-priced car. And the result is the Outstanding Chevrolet pf Chevrolet History , a car of remarkable attainments and .distinction . a Six, in the price range of the four. You do not know car, value until you have Inspected, this Jamaiing ' ' Chevrolet. MM-ili a Six in the price range of the four ! KAIEN GARAGE PHINCE KUPEUT II. C. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LI M I T E P