syuriv, jlaych. 10, 1020 TU Protpeetor' re.l hUDBER Tan Elk Lthr Top, Brown Duck Bottom, KolUd VAgt Sula, SulU HmL lOQl POa TUB TRADR MARS jm pawi pews ETCTi. pae jphree L ocal and ersonal News In Brief Come in for Details of the ,000 Prize Picture ;ir;, Content I U'Uif.ef U. tell you how easily you can qualify for a major prize In this big Eastman Contest the greatest in the history f photography. Entry blanks and complete conteat information are available at the Kodak counter now. . Come to our store to fill any photographic need. We have a complete stock of cameras arid dependable Kodak film. And euf trustworthy Kodak finishing makes the most of every roll r 0t film. Qrmes Met. yfic Pioneer Drittcistx THIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET "rd Avenue Phone 705 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: ' 1 " ,' ... '.'QLD . COUNTRY SAUSAGES" ...1.1 Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality.- -. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" "THE IUINT1EST IUIEAKFAST FOOD." . Smdcd Daily by .. Canadian FisV Cold Storage: Co", Ltd. ' '.frlnrKfipert. U.ii ' ' , : "Northern" Rubber Footwear For general outdoor work and the utmost la foot comfort ask for "NORTHERN" Boots and Lumbermen. Waterproof Coldproof. "A Rubber for Evtry Parfios." 1 Tti,'Duihmo" Ykutha. -Chlldtea'i Wilt. An'Rytb, I Wit LIMITED " HubUr. ,1 A complete n. ?f -NoHhern" IU-d It on nana io mv THE FAMILY SHOE STORE Prince Rupert, B.C. Try a Daily News Want Ad. A 0 Taxi l'hone.4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist 'Dr.y. K. Gosse. Phone I 686. . JJ. It. Wilson will sail tomorrow evening' on the Camosun fori Alice Arm, :' G.; (TfnjiW on this mor: plngsK , ajt0.Hw "business trip to Smithers. Frank Williams, violinist, is now devoting, all hi time to , Tr r and in a nurpriwiglv short time they did me much good.' Price too per tax at all druggist or dealer, or mailed direct on receipt of by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto. Oct SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO OttDKIl Cutting, Workmanship and Style All Cuarnntecd SUITS STEAM CLEANED A Nil PRESSED We Dtllver to Any Part of th City. Ling, ths Tailor Phone fil'J Fr A'exander rilONF. SIS nF.NNCK lll.OCK DENTIST t MR. AND MRS. DONALD SCALE OP CHARGES The following is the scale of charges made for reading notices; Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c name. ner Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. pupils. Phone Blue 489. 02; , -' i , EUfV Whist drive and dance Mrs. A. B. Llsney sailed by the Wedneatfey. March 20. Good Cardena last night for Vancou- Pr'es, niuaic and refreshments, ver. Mrs. Liiney was formerly 62 ....1.1' 1 A 1 "Officer fJ6G" come to the Westholme . Theatre next. Monday, and Tuesday evenings for the local St. Patrick's Day celebration. Lovers of the drama will enjoy a melodramatic farce in three acts by Augustin MacIIugh and should not miss the opportunity of seeing this play produced by capable local talent. There are a few good seats left for Tuesday's performance and patrons should reserve seats at Orme's Drug Store without delay. Curtain goes up at 8:15 prompt. CAR BARGE LEAVES I FOR SOUTH TODAY Dig Craft. I'uilt at Local Dry I Dock, Off to Vancouver .Early This Morning Tug Canadian National No. 2, having in tow the car ferry which Was' built at the local dry dock, sailed at 5 o'clock this 1 morning for Vancouver. The barge will later be taken to Port Mann where she will be commissioned iu ferry service to Vancouver Island. The big craft tor about six months to build and the job employed a large nueaber of men. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone AS Cart-igc, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. ROSS ARE HONORED Pedagog Paid Surprise Visit Last Night on Retiring Manual Training Instructor Members, of the Reaching' staff of .Booth leinprial . School to-gether with Mrs. j. S. Wilson, Miss B. Rogers and E, Gee paid a surprise visit last night on Donald Ross, Second Avenue, who recently relinquished his posN tion as manual training instructor in the public schools to join the drafting department of the dry dock. The evening was pleasantly passed with playing of cards and i "Um,t T-?72Sr ' Pta-W "riving in the city a mM includ P Miss haalW Anyox. who'"- the Places. Royal yesterday 8 tch and rrived in the city yesterday -!..o Vfctoria re: II, 1' ifTom the smelter town, left fcrf. iWfR,1-fi W I earn, ? this morning's train for a OHpiWHi WWM- j Q e "" wtre io weyuurn, oaK. Vir'tiHWWfc'MK' i&fcrt Bartlett1 L0ne of the pleasant features of .il.ukr'AJkMU'in rAfc i,Jthe evening's proceedings was I Smi'ther's miniirman. arrived, in rner of Fifth Avenue and Cot-If miMn ?' Presentation by the city on ik Cardena last toB Street, to Fifth Avenue arid night from Vdheouver. on DttDiinHir Street. , lila uratr n 4 k. Inl..l. I w wver his connection with the n ! J... o r htAih UOTn umuu) seeona nffWlor. were ...I, Schools but SUCCeSS " Wj Johnelon Co. Calgary oil quotations direct days' Imprisonment, by Magis to cater to their rapidly In- court thll morning for drunken creatine busineas. i ne8 Ivor Fougner, Indian Agent at Bella Ceola, is a visitor in the city oo busineas. He arrived on the .CardtnalllatOulght and will fiaiy Tuesday afternoon by1' 'the OH?o4uif,pis return to lleUa1 Coola. ..Jji brothe; Jmm Tait, Lea-lie, Fifehire,HScotln.. is rihx-lom to obtain information 'as til the whereabouts 'of Itarr Tait rwh"woil in-Britishr-Columbla in 1924 and 1925 and has "not been heard from since. The missing man was a gardener fa the Old Country and served in France during the Great War. The city police have the enquiry. Short of Breath 1 Cmnllinrtnor PoAlinore WlilWlllbl lllf, VVIHI5 Choking Sensation Mrs. II. Dy, Dartmouth, N5.. writm: "ForoTfr a year I troubled with smothering spells and nhortneM of breath, and it wm impossible for me to walk, even a short amUnre, became of the choking aeosaUoD which followed. After trying many treatments, in vain, I at laxt derided to try The small Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Marvolite, in the course of one of her periodical trips along the coast to fuel smaller compiahy ' stations, arrlvetl In port at midalght last night from th south and sailed this morning for Stewart " 9:30 last evening arid sailed at midnight on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. ' The steamer Cat la is now undergoing a similar overhaul at, Vancouver and ,wfll. return to. her run two weeks hence, . Miss E, A. Mercer to Mr. and Mrs. Ross. Regret was expressed that Mr. Ross had decided to! ondiiy, S. D. onenaers, eacntrv , Ltd. will receive "ned with option of thirty ""u- '" " lul,u, from the Calgary stock exchange trat JoClymont in city police 'a a wtah Mr. Ross received a handsome set of cuff links and china was presented to Mrs. Ross. There were seventeen persons in attendance. WILLIAM BURDEN IS ASKED TO REPORT TO POLICE, BROTHER DEAD A telegram was received by the chy police today-'from liel ling- Spick and span, after1 a three ham "ang that Will km Burden, -weeks' overhaul at Vancouver, the trim 'Union passenger liner Cardena, ' Cant. A. Johnstone, ar- iid"'in phtt from the south at who is said to own a1 fisning boat here, be locatedi Hh brother, Hobert Burden, is dead In Bel-lingham. Up to early this afternoon, the police had not located the man who Is sought Edward Sweeney, for failing to have a driver's license, ae fined 6 under the' Motor Vehicle Act by Magistrate McCIymont in city police court this morning. ANNOUNCEMENTS See "0(ficer CG6M at West- holme Theatre, March 18 and IB. Moose Whist Drive and Dance, March 22. 28. Presbyterian Easter Sale Mareh Good Friday evening Baptiet Church Musical Lecture, "The King's Herald.'.' Refreshment. Sacred Cantata "The Way of the Cross." St. Andrew's Pro-Cathedral (Augmented Choir) on Good Friday., at 8 p.m. Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.E. Daffodil Dance, April 1. Royal Purple Bridge, Whist and Dance, Elks' Home, April 2. Anglican W. A. Easter Sale, April 3. Unite! Church Easter Basaar, April 4. C.W.L. Spring Sale In Catholic Hall, Thursday, April 4. Afternoon from 3 to 6. Social In evening starting at 8:30. ' LOST-r-Ooltt necklace along 4th Premier Orchestra Dance, Ap or Aaibroie Avenue. Finder rll 5, Moose Hall. Tickets at , ' please return to Dally News McCutcheon's Drug Store or Office. Reward. C3. from members. Get your's now. Gyro Hoedown, April 10. L Deliriously fragrant" CHASE & SANBORN'S SOLD ONLY IN Klb. lib. and 2b."nns M And all Its Sveishness still retained 0? yo&u TEA (Fresh from the gardens9 JUST OUT! Victor Portable Victrola $48.50 Spring Time Is CELERY KING Time Brtw cop of (hit fine old rf cubU look. It U til iht ipring ncdido tou otnL It driTtt out wiotcr't pononi, ioiptOTct tht tpprtit nd irukn rov fcJ bmtt righi w CELERY KING U foo4 far tha vbol fcmU. At druitljq. Kk 0 Gz r len Field Seeds FERTILIZER BULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Rupert Feed Co. PHONE 58 Ml mm PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher, Rev. T. I von Jones, M. A. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "The Unconsciousness of Health." Sunday Sehool at 12:15. Evening service at 6:30. Sermon subject, "Christianity th Religion for Gallant Souls." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society, 245 Second Avenue Thia Society Is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ; Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, stance." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Will Astonish, Ypu 1. Better muelc than you evlr : 'larJrotalc&y $COO.O0 instru ment pi tnlott to the IntftjffMlion of tl: . Orlhophonic. 2. Winds very easy. ' i S. Playa for 10 minutes at oiVtndlng. 1. Not neceaaary to sit on the instrument when winding. 5. Beautiful appearance. C. Automatic stop same as more expensive Orthophonies. 7. Inside carrier holds 10 records. Take our word it is the biggest value ever offered in a gramophone. Better still come in and hear it. When you do vou will say with us "AND ONLY $48.50. IT IS TRULY WONDERFUL." eMftoMw.Jdd Rubber Boots AT BARGAIN PRICES Ames Holden & MacCready "Nootka" Brand 8-4 length for p" pir $6.95 'Northern Robber Coy's Redsole for- pr pair 5.95 Boys' 3-4 Lentfth Rubber Boots for. por pair 4,75 OUU PRICES ARB BARGAINS. WHY PAY MORE? Montreal Importers mum AVENUE