March 16, lDgD ?"HE JJAJJiT NEWS , ,:7.;j , K B Man in ' the ' Moon -t-: j CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND Ko sleep again Inst night wor-r iuy over the condition of China THIS IS THE PAGE )VJHCII MQST PEOPLE REAP BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. :,nd my own finances especially China. .. 4 TIktc are people wmCteP'fiutf? c: the stock market with a good proiit and others who get out r(nd lurid- their peace. Young men who wwh to be thoroughly up to date should go store and aR : ir a dog !;r1).v. Hut some nteji do not wunt to put ; en d'jg. t .(..ko says he's not really mean. ,U just a Liberal. I Spring coming early on the pi. iiiin ibis year, u maws in th, il u.iy v v.nic tinn. ani .n,i rnwo (rueie.s at i niV,r night ;-nd then there ; a blizzard. I t-. uld Uearly UK., to live on the 1 1 1'H'.S until thf. niohuuito sea- i begins. Some men Kive their Wives , . I -t Al . J t . ' 'Mier jrivf mem xmu lasniun jmc-- ur-H and ..tell thlm to enjt then silyeit, This i t"h spring hat, teAson. 1 ! .' Is coming iid-t)e woman A ,r.h(.ut n. new hat. iix Easter1 mn'ht as wen not Ue alive. 1 Wives should not their hu ImikIh for chiinge. The weath- ii- is free. Snme people are ao uaeieM they arc not evan worth collecting life'd insurance on. Sunn' perle have tJilargelS Hto iind others have,bald hel. Ten Igol In Prfhco Rupert March 16, 1919 The-Prime Rupert Dry Dock ' u ld :i tnree storey boarding mv 4" accomodate one hund i .1 men who will be employ! ill Mil construction at the Ifeal (I; dock. Thirty two men were arrested hi i'Ii. .((red with gambling as a1 v. uf a raid lu.nt night on the ' mies of the Skiena Club. The j ..uii a.s carried out by Con-, 1 il.le Adams, Bailey, McGHnchy ..;..! Dul'f. j 'Jen rents and upwards was ; .id for halibut here today. Boats 1 imluded the Polaris, May-ii.wer. Thelma, faygeon, Tide, v "la. Nautilus. STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS r .Vnrimer . '1 1 1 1 1 ,t m . Camosun .3:10 p.m. Prlnc OcoCsS . - . 1.1 . n. c.irirna U midnuini .4 Prlncea Mary .pm. . Til n Prluceaa Mary .1 ti M as Prluctss Alios . . jn. I i m V.iiH'nBir mhkUy as. Camosun 4 PA. Wciik siinv as. Pr OeorfN 10S0 USL ) .i.,v :ir,- HoyaX .... pju Ji.iln m Curdeca pJn. m 11 20 w rrinowis Mary Noon M. r. ii mi u Prlnceas Uary Sloan Ainil id . Prlnceaa AUbe a.m. Ir t'.rt Miiiiiin t.4 : Ulvrr Muiuinv us. Camosun 8 pin. IW l"irt MmpMMi anil Na Khrr . inrwisv as. Camoaun 110 aai. tr irnnit. ITemlft. Anjen and Alice Ann Si'Klay--ss. Canieatto 8 paa- , w. dnuaflny n. (Merae ...10 mm. I Mm sirwurl. rrrwlrr, Apjox and Alue Arm 'riiriui.iv -as. OHMiun U:0 ajn. l iia!4 as. Pr. Oeoraa 9 -m I'll (fii.M'ii I hurloiir loiiiml Mnvh 23 as. Prince John ..40 PrTO. A; hi (i Hi. Prince John 10 p.m. April jo u. Prlnoa John 10 pjn. rnin (Jimtii rrarlolte Island M.iKii ii as. pnnce jonn Am ii 4 ss. Prince John .a.m.j "in i in as. rruioe iiuun I'r AlllKka M;inh ao m. Prlnoaa Man . ...N; M i rh 10- as. PrlncJk to - w. Prlnceas Alice .....JJB. Mm AlMssa- ' Viil ;l Prlnetaa Man .tWW. 'mil 14 . Prinofa Alice .....JW in ntoiivri: III (ho viiprrme f'onrl of HrllMi Puliim i' In Ihr mnltrf uf the AilmlnMrs J1"" Ail and In the nmttrr of the l.'i.ili' r lnu MrNrlll, ilrreum-d. , I AKE NOTICE that by'fdf of Hie ! ' I MrB. Young. Uio 2let dy of " 'iiiirr. A D.. 1938, I u appointed ' 1 i M r itnr ol the raute of Dan Me-' ! i ..ed. and nil naxtles haviag "- " ' list the said estate are heresy ',' ' "l '.i turnlsh ame, property Verl ; i i nif m or befope the 9th day Of A l).. mis, and nil parties ID-ll ' 'I t fie eitate ure remlred to ty "' nut of thalr ludebteUiiess to me 1 h. JAtta AloNULTY, ,, Prince HUPrt, B.C. ' 1 'h ui it duy ol March. A.D.. 1029. ' -it-. tit : WATEK NOTICE Dlvmlon and I'm; Bootln. Bulldiiur Vaiinivr n f. 1 apply for a licence to take and use one thousand, mlneri Inehes or 28 c. f. f I "fr tl1,1 BSS tiulih c Creole which flow nortlierlv and drains Inii nctuus Creek about eight miles from Dense fab. j I' Tfcp water' will be diverted from the !. cream-at a point about three-ciuartett of a mile from Dease Creek and will bp rfor hydraulic mining purpose upon mine described a Ready Money Ixwae. Sunrise Lease No. 103 and Creek Claims Daisy and Ma) s:oom. Water to be diverted from Buck dutch at a point at lower end of canyon of said Se.nt 'nd "unS' of' uZ. This notice was Doited on the ground on id aisi aay oi uecemoer. 1928. a copy of this notice and an appllcs- K1.0? Puant thereto and to the of the wauT"BSorder it V.Wrapl "TS'.":ii' ... ns to the aDpllcatlon may he i filed with the aald Water Recorder & with the Comntroller of Wtr nishta. FarUajuisnt nunataa. vietnri&. nr. w"" lnv7. ."W" ine urs ai- ,news. Thedste -MMfeui Majcff u. 1929 ALFRED II. BRYANT ,5 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES T t Saturday, March 16 High 4:34 a.m. 20.9 ft. 17:30 p.m. 17.4 ft. Iw 11:16 a.m. 4 A ft. 28:15 p.m. 7.6 ft. Sunday, March 17 High 5:26 a.m. 20.2 ft 18:42 p.m. 16.3 ft Low 12:21 p.m. 5.1 fL v Atari. I, IV a'(?tv , jrrr,T mm. 13:38 p.m. 5.5 ft. Tuesday, March 19 Uijjh , 7:68 a.m. 19.0 ft. 2MJ.ra. 116 .ft, IO w 1:88 a.m. 9.9 ft. 15:01 p.m. 5.3 ft , f WeilnesdnjV March 20. IHgh jL.ji.' 9:la.m. 19 ft. 22:39 p.m. 17.6 ft Ijow 3:09 a.m. 9.8 ft. 16:09 p.m. 4.6 ft. RED'S Transfer Fifteen years experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We jell 3 Ind of Goal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measurca are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 204. Night Phone: Red 317. T Try a Daily News want-ad. It will bring ' results. BRINGING UP FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING Rooms for rent. $Vpf'y Myssullem i. . r grnished flat, tour jQonjn and 'bath, i hone; 01. OK UKNTAutomohilea. pianos phonogiarihs and sewing mach ines. Walker Music Store. j'OR RENT -r lurntfhed house kaeriing rooms by the day, week, or month. PhpneRed G07. tf FOR RENT Modern four roomed flat with bath. Bank Block. Apply Westenhaver Broj. tf. JOfi NT-Seven worn house with bath, near Auditorium $20.09 a month. Phone 70 or ML- L tf. FOR RENT-l'urnlSheil jiodern house. HarXor vtew,,', Jlifnarfli rage, $25.qtt! Apply glji Fftyrth Avenue East. jFmtITJLIRE 1 - SPECIAL PRICES ' on LINOLEUM & BEDDING All This Week A. MACKENZIE. FURNITURE PHONE 775 PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or ex change any )dnd or furniture or household goods, musical in struments, machinery, etc. Gen eral repairs, crating, packinv J. iJaWES, Tederal Block. NOTICE NOTICE 13 HEREBT GIVEN that en I. iKS04UaarlIl w inad to the" LkU- Uave Assembly ol th Prortnce of "Brit-1 leh Columbia at Its present session Byi the corporation 01 tne uny 01 mnce Rupert iherejuifter called the City) for mrt Art. .miviurrln nil th tne CltT wiiy CO w se! ku. from all encumbrances ranees upon such ternta It may deem m. to . WI B1IUU VI. VMIMW, I ' ' - srter caiieu tne uomDsnyi. ine enure u- seta of iU electric light and power Ct- partment ss a going concern, and to grant to the Company the sole and ex- cluslfe right, power, licence and prlvl- leg to carry on In the City of Prince Rupert the business of a light, beat aod 1 T power company, and for such purposes , to InsUl, eitend. operate, repair and I maintain In the said City's streets, lanes sruf nthor nuhlle nlsees Doles, conduits.' lurfsce and underground wires, cables: and all other eiuipment and appliance I f. ilia .n.mli,fnfi Hl.ttlhnt lnr, snrt . isle ol ; eletrTclowei Ur HghV heat and j Dower power DUTDOses. purposes, ana ana emooairlnc ttei City to enter Into an agreement wii itn toe Company tor supplying to the City ajd Its citizens electric light, heat and power upon such terms snd conditions aa thai City may deem fit, and further empow- erlns the city to hcresfter purchase or, take over the whole or any part of the 1 Company' electric Hunt heat and power system upon such terms a may be agreed upon, and to validate a bylaw (II si-sented to by the electors, to whom It tf to be submitted) empowering the City to enter Into an agreement with the Com- oany auuwrisLng mo wuy vu ruber unv Company all the powers, privileges aid ngms inert oy conierrea. DATED at Prince Rupen. B.C., this Sth day of February. A.D.. 1039. a. r. JONE3. Bolleltor far the Corporation of the Olty of Prince Rupert 87-6. FLU-GRIP Check before it start. Rub bn inhale vapors VICKS rll jHMfivit Jon vmm rwmi FATHER FOR SALE ,-T FOR SALE Four roomed house an.d Iwo lots. Apply 1010, 10th Avenue E. r tf. FOR SALE Sjnail general store.. ! Interior. PdstjOffice. Apply Box 184, Dally, Hews Office. 07 FOR SALE Kitchen stove, ma-j hogany bureau and bed and j other household Articles. Phone Black -377 02 FOR SALE One line shaft 18 feet lonjr and lM lm inch inches thick jfne 20 inch HaTiger: Four lj Inch hanirera.' Cwo lnr Iron I Pulleys, srMd ' 6 to 12 ineh, : 3V inch belt. Two line shufts 8 feet long, 1 inch thick. BEAUTY OPERATOR Three Iron i '."Tolleya, thre;"'Kafri!' in f n?n (Speeds 12 Ijieh f 8 ineh. Two WpAlden PuueylV, Apply Daijy News. T?f tf tax trrr- WANTED LWANTED Yotlngi. man for v'-livery car. Phone 88. f C2 r- n WANTED Kitchip range, ci Apply pox 18gL Daily Nftws Office. 61 GRADING, Excavating, Concrete foundations, tfels Rokkjar, Room 9, 623 Third Avenue. Phone Red C25ior Black 700. WANTED Contracts for making lawns, terraces, balconies, rockery, paths and drives; landscape gardening also beautifying, and gen&al garden! pg. A. Baxendalei'TZji Seventh Ave. Wet,.Ute'iiwltJf C.N.R. 166 ?WiiyjpJi exchange, for ' 120 awes' Improved Und th buildings in Burns Lake 1 is-trict. Clear title. Owner! in Rupert Write W. Funnel), jn- erai ueuv ery, I "ce Kuperttjoz 'MA II rHFlillf Kl : ,Lai Mondays. WeJnesdsrs. Baturdays. 1 ii. lie jt . II .-.4; iuedays Xnu" Tbursda. . v- du 1... .........30 "sa0hjn Sin 1 . Vancouirr J) Via train Wednesday and Satur- : ,uediy il p-n Frldivs 8:15 am. TkuV llpffl c ... RM.r Mar. 24 i, APT. A or a 3. 4 IJn. nm "S.J' 4 tJt. j iuuj7 . .lajo bjii ! Fridays p ! C.P.R. Mar. 20. 30. April 10 a.m. for htcwurt. Identic, Ani nd AlUe 1 ' - awiiitfij ? mn Wednesdays ...,9:U njn From Btfr'ifrt. premier. Anyos: aad Ante Arm Tueaja 11 SO m Fridays ajn Tn aa Rher I'olnt r i RUIioayi ... ...7 pan roesdsys 1130 To iueea Charlotics March 33. AprU 8 and 20 0 p.m from (Jutrn Cluirloite i : March 21. April 14 nd 18 son. To Alaska IMInts March 20 and so, April 10 Noon from Alaska Points-March 24, April 3 and 4 p.m. C.N.R. TOAiNS lor the Kant-Mondays, Wednesdays and Baturdays at 11:30 ajn. itom the Cast-Sundays. Tuesdays and Thursdays at aiap pan. MISS MARY MACHL Experienced operator, rnoitci methods In all lines of bcuj culture and hair dremunsj. Make appointment by phonn. Red 389. SALVAGE ANIJ TOWNG j,f T n vn,jer thf, walcr ,V do IL" PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED fully Equipped tor i Diving and General Salvage Work BoilU anfl Scows of u'8'r,l fo- Charter. 1" Boats nA noii for hire AGENTS FOR Van- iHerck. Eaatiiope, Hicks & Haljantyflc Engines'. Northern B. C. Distributors CooliJgeTriiJwllers CIIIROrRAGTIC RELIEVE HEADACIIES7 CERTAINLY This distressing malady Is i very prevalent at thia time of! the year, and as a rule is a symptom of a deeper trouble,! such as affections of the eyes, 1 liver, kidneys, stomacli, etc. It may be also due to the after ef- fects of influenza. ' Consult the Chiropractor in all cases. Relief; Wranjteed. ' Consult DR?f. c: ASPINALL , r 6 and ti '.Rhange RIock ; Green: 241 jonc nigck: 2 Open Jpen Evenings 'lu::J .hit RBSlIIiTS .COUNT! ii ! Pain in the, side. JridiirpetviRi.!: ,088 on stnisac Hedaces, er - , lheumafi rtj--fplely rW ilii ved bv our new form of diclet ic and spinal treattrent. Read tor-8ntoJwt-"Atil9f ioT I the LibejMagalnei pery w,i ' " then tjonauli : Dlf. UVOLFHONl! u: ( 1 Phoneniup, R;5? ..Open Evenings Try a classified ad. in the News : apd get RESULTS! . MINING Stocks Noon and, afternoon closing prices bn ' Vancouver Stook Exchange on our stpck-lls board dally, We can give instant service In buy i rig and soiling Mining Shocks qn. Vncouver, Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order" on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Milier, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Colli 61? 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert. ILC. I ' EMBARR ASfilNf? ifpMEWTS ' ' 1 1 1 V ' ft; (fjt. Ring - -. : rr il ' -l!t --- - HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 NEW SHIPMENT 3Iino.IIead Albcrta.Lump Mine, Head Alberta Sootlcs iMinc.licatt bootless hgg . uricsb rjji; in) 11. .7'iiK(u.iu loi 'riiftt 'iyisn lOi. . bingie ..loari,, ,r .,... v.1 '.'.Vt-' ; . Double loajl . .,, ,.., 11 I i i.iJ J. a J .. .4 is - i arp;e sacK ? of Pi;ino and Furniture Moving. Express and Baggage .; )MVyi4ii(Wibte?.Wce''' ru!r. oni'iqfr, lay Second Arcoue Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert DRYPOCK ill Operailng G.Tli;. 2o.6orf'tori Healing Dry D-.c Engineers,. iriachinUts. Boilermakers, UlackMnilrm. I'mier makers; Founders,-WodWorkcrs Pc Ij 0 ' f,: ELECTlilC AND' ACETYLENE WELDING ii ' Our plant is equipped to handle all kind ol MAKINE AND COMMERCIAL VO"K. PHONES 43 and 385 Advertise in "The Daily News" itll)l ! l! , r-i-ooMwoRuAov'.S H LOOT? ir E. 1 111 WW lf I T eA ??zzz??z Ei wwiv? ls rsm rj i atthtaf JLiehrgO : r , .J-,. IEL-Mft III VOO- Waf' P-m & IF AT8st i . . -L. r- J GSai4 J . . A P iTaB ' VWl'nM ttl ! .Of uiifs- -Ziyv KitTit mm wri -a r : n. i . ' s W-l ILfiWIIIIHJiTnHlH I '7- " - w ry' 11 I I -w" s -V I , r- 7 I I VflATT VWM-bK ta I II II Ml I liHIiPiii I . . a , s.A B I "l mWWSLJj OrtslBrkstorlihUrftnvsi. J$ff 3 S fraluri. U. in. . Lr. i fculam risrMs rtt4 J " V JUST ARRIVE!) . , ..... v .$13.50 Large, Egg . .$12.(fij ..S12.i)fl i .1iU. il SHIPYAR By George McManus.l THlh;i si.- ' WHfUsI I'M pcaWrsJTtj-I'LL. iCJOD imu1Anc - uvc li JjL. 1 i 4 !.Jft