PAGE EIGHT sasans9GEHQ Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 7 AND 9 P. 31. SATmu5KYfJlATlJIBE, 2?30 P. M. ; . M THE SCREEN'S GREATEST MYSTERY SENSATION 'THE URDE IsaWaVtflaT! R CASE' STIRRING! GRIPPING! BAFFLING! BREATH-TAKING! NOTABLE CAST William Powell, Louise Brooks, James Hall, Jean Arthur and Many Others. An S. S. Van Dine story. Come and soke the mystery The Masked Menace EPISODE NO. 5, "CHECKMATE." AESOP'S FILM FABLES VAUDEVILLE! VAUDEVILLE! BETWEEN SHOWS AT 8:45 P . 31 . The Prince Rupert Premier Orchestra in Specialty Jazz Numbers. Special Synchronized Music and Sound Effects. Admission, 50c and 15c; Matinee, 35c and 10c Child's Lucky Ticket will be sold at the Saturday Matinee. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED SaUliigs From Prtfcr Kaaft rm v VNtonER. vinoRlT Snkn raw. natiSaii. wrrt mr Saj. I.M a m. Vm V4MOI SILK. If TOM A. BatnUlr lrrt Rat. ctr . DUlt MMlrizM Tmr MM l tKW. OV MEH UT L.- lLAM. roil! SIMMON. Rl ER. anai K p in lt3 tad Aitnar R M SMITH .Itnrt Mr Haptt, B.C. Tftmuffc lC mm) I Victoria aa iHwtllr .aad Ibroaa la ar(tmakm. ilcAKAOlR'l J 4 Ar rrl B. C COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT T kf-trbltaa. Wtaa(rlf. Jaraaa aa4 kilaj Marrfc . 3S. Apm IS; to Vawaaw. triurlB a4 -Wle. Jaw. 13. t4. rantrrsH botau-wm rain. .. vaasW .sea via torla nrrj irMa) la p a AraU Ih all ttnanWa liar. W r HU H tHH. (.CNKK.IL l.tT ir Rakn. R f" foa SI Canadian National QTjc Largcfl 'Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE toUla fraca f K1X t Rl KRT far VtM OtUa. UCTOSM.I. atATlU", aaa Mamtdtatc aviate, each 1H1U4V. I am rm Si SW4ST aa AXhOX. earl. HEDKtf.Y. low pj. IK MMC11I AMI MH1H tN OURLOTrC MLAMM. fafUMfMi) rA(c;rft tbux uuve mwi MreT MDMMV. HtUUIt a4 ftWlStlAl at II J aja. lar FKlStX GMHiOE, llMO.IOS. WI.NMIrEO. all AtlEM-V AlX OCEAN IIICAMftMIF UNM City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave, Printe Rupert Phone 2tti Spring Opening Sale at Jabour Bros. Mew goods arriving daily and saeas is open fer your inspectisn. We are offering Si. per ceat off everything in dry good inettHtine Iadies' and?Uirk' Millinery and Indies' Spring CeaU, alee 15 per cent diaceunt off Ladles' and Children's Shoes. Friday and Saturday Only the 15th and 16th Jabour Bros. Ltd. Pi I rilB- DAILY NEWS Saturday, M , IS MVCTCDTATIC ALT AID AM OMn AVE iTRAWLk HI M 1111 JILUIUUl) Uillll Ull &IW niJj. uiiirinuijiiLii.i POLICE IN THE CASE ARE BAFFLED! AT CAPITOL Quite a sensation has been caused in town by the my- Grange Case of Capt. Hamper" isterious affair which took place on Secomi Avenue last- U;.U8U' -- night The tragic murder of a pretty chorus girl caiiea. . "The Canary" on the screen at Prince Rupert's popular; A MnMtiOB wherever ahown, pioneer playhouse has aroused much animated discussion j B international hit, 'The and many theories have been advanced as to the identity strange Case of Capuin Ramper" I of the perpetrator of the crime. n-ur caste cooes to A big crowd was present to see the acnening of lne 1p" wroay aiiernoon nd awv only. Owing U .the Canary Murder Case" and fol- v.woH tk U4.ii. f th. .hn pniurr rrnnrr mp of the big picture "Sub- i with rapt attention. As there are seven or eight persons who might easily be suspected of the -FRINGE GEORGE LOG QniF HfliniiVi: IIP; "ble drama. "Capt Ramper" u,nuu itv, w Ml run today only. ! Charles Courtier, who has been deed the plot becomes very involved and keeps the spectator j January TM Year Was. Behind guessing. When it is mentioned j 128 Bwt FVIiruaiy Cmmm that William Powell, Loaisel Up Again Brooks, James Hall nod Jean Arthur sustain the leading parts, The log 8ftle for Prince George movie fans will at once know forestry dfatrict for the first that the play is put over in first- two months of the current year class style. It will be repeated amounting to 12.859.992 feet is tonight and as many clues are 4own eonsJdera'jiy from the re- em, Jack Mussallem, Norman iumn of the -Vancouver Province Wilson, Ronald Bartlett, Bob j on Tuesday mailed that "Dr. H. Reid. Bert Cameron aad Walter IE. Tresnara. formerly chief iHowarth. Excellent synchronised music with sound effects accompanied i was appointed .ne pictures. SPRING SCHEDULE CANADIAN NATIONAL COAST STEAMSHIPS i The last sailing from Prince Rupert on the Winter Schedule will be Friday. March 22. Effective the following week, double weekly service will be in-1 augurated, Canadian National 1 . t a t sieanssrs men arriving irom van-; trying Here Is Sound Value IIUREN A WATCH OF ATTESTED ACCURACY AT A .MODERATE PRICE I1SJ0 The movement is 15 jewelled, made by the new system so that every part is interchangable. if a part is broken, a new piece will fit Latest wrist styles suitable for ladies who want service. White or green gold filled, same movement in solid 14K gold case J 22.50 John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. medical officer of the Mountain couvef arb Wtdmdrt and. Sat-1 a dm t ordgf 100 AJiI. Sailings for Vancouver will be each Thursday and Sunday 10.00 P.M. Both hosts will call at Anyox and Stewart, sailing northbound from Prince Rupert each Wednesday and Saturday 4.00 P.M. Que-n ''harlotte Islands service remain fortnifrhtly as at present. Full particulars from City Ticket Office. Phone 260. r," Eczema For Years Mrs. Geom Aambler, 1 19 Crrixfaton St, HaBrax. SA, writes - "AfMrbente tortured with aneina, for roara, ana everything from doiof to tak' a (.hi rK-.mmmded I arnt my h .- avi to get me Uttle, and atpr I h4 rUt, it I nti'd tlte coofoiic rf ny bioud. w he advised rie to rontuxM. aad after taking avrral bottle I ran truly aay it is a wonderful Maniikr i:nd only by The T. MB-burs iUt., Ltd., Tomato, Oct FRUIT SPEC ALS CANNED FRUITS ARE HANDY TO HAVE. WHY NOT STOCK UP NOW AT THESE REDUCED PRICES. RASPBERRIES 3 tins ....$148 RTRAWBEaiBB tins . MM FRUIT For Salada Una . .11.10 LOGANBKKlAjav S tins ..M PEARS 3 tras, Ut PEACHES 3 ttaa Me APRICOTS 8 Una 8Sc , 1 Tin Pineapple, 1 Tin Grape Fruit. 1 Tin Cherries, 3 tins Mc Peac hen, P. are, Apricots, 1 2',.-, :i tins HM iMussallem Grocery Co. LimUed 617-423 5th Ave. Phone CIS Third Ave. and Seventh St. VALENTIN DAIRY P. O. Telephone 657. jtiuirine." three nights this re- "riot" all week at the Capitol ill offer an entirely new act thi Afternoon and promises aev- Fal wonderful surprises. CCMMIT1 EES NAMED FOR HOEDOWN DANCE . rovided throughout to enable cord for the - orreapoading two' ,,-.,,. , ,. , visitors to solve the mystery, nat- months in a. the dlatricf. A,f",r to '. "eW 19 B ions may count on an entertain banner jeaK The January scale , ing and interesting time. the eWNct totalled 4,635,484 Gyro Club in Aid of Play Episode No. 6 of The Masked ft M; cop'-ed with January ( Menace" is full of excitement and when t.442,121 feet was re-j CoaunUtees have been named there is an excellent fable. i corded. The February scale, follows for the spring hoe Betweesr ahews The Prince ', Umw, wffnvMm 8MMt ch will be held Rupert PreeaVw (hcheatra re- feet was sihead of FebraarrinSj0' the Gyro Club in the Audl-ceived an ovation for their fine, when the total was 6,147,118 feet j to""" on April 19: vndering of tuneful jaxa nam- Fir, spruce, ce lar and balsam j Executive R. V. G. LePine, L. bes. The orobattra. which con- i are the principal species of thn- " waugn and u. A. Klrkendall. siats of local young people, pretty her produced girls and smart bora, presented district a natty appearance in becoming costumes. The members of the orchestra are Misses Molly and in Prince George TWENTY YEARS AGO Nelly Lawrence, Wadea Mosul- The "TweaaV Years Age" col ground Fund Musk and Stunts A. A Eas-son, L. W. Waegh aad M. H. Blott Refreshments Joseph Greer, ! Dr. L. W. Kergin, W. M. Watt,1 A. L Holtby and P. E. Robertson. 1 Raffles N. W. Pringle. M. J.; Dougherty, Dr. Joseph Gosse and I Aid. Prank Dibb. ! ' Decorations M. at MeLachlan DUHaim n th C P Railwav !Ba - A- E. Phones 18484 III ' Barbank. LH,minion qaaran-i wotr-c u Mills and w. J. tine sffieer witb hesx1Sreet c'n Prhu tamsv;here aHiratafae lJ" '- S"". staW wfll aV ereeaati.Mgby;'ou'U8 NelOB C. E. SUrr. Island." Dr. Tremayne is now i Printing aad Advertising R. ttchH to the qor-rantine station McNaughton, Douglas Stork, at William out of Victoria. Md ' Cruickahank. . Master of Ceremonies W. H. -. : Tobey. Was Toriurcd With pi Announcement Tonight, 7-9 p m 50c anil ! , WITH AN ALL-STAK CAST "The Strange Case of Captain Ramper" STRANGE! MVSTEKIOUS! UNISia!1 VAUMEVII.IX Chas. Comi:kr "The Versatile Vaudevillian" in an Cntlrely New , f "TA1JZAN." EpiMKie No. 9. MOV-TLKS. JOHN KARKY.MORE IN "THE 'll.Mi ; LOGGING AT HALF TIM COST 01 HOUSts IiiijKcr Prodnrf r Economical OrK',ii CATERPILLAR 1 R ACTORS Make Bigger I'rofils Sole DUtributori for II C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. I i 40 STATION STIIEET. VANCOUVER, li BratKhes: Kelowna, L.C.; Nelson, II C; Prince f.c J. , To the Patrons of the Caiptol Theatre: ' Yw bQ had the opportunity offifmrKlinj; this theatre and no deulrt realize that it is a firStjdas hoiue, well managed and ahowiriK the newest antl'1Wt pictures to th theatre-jfer of I'rince ltupert. The Uoyal Financial Corporation of Vancouver ha purcliaex?d the entire issue of First Mortgage Seven Percent. Itonds of this property amounting to $55,000.00 and is now offering these securities to the investing public. This theatre has been constructed at a cost 'of $120,-OOflJK), including; the property and building and is under the management of H. C. Paramount Theatres subsidiary of Famous Players Canadian Corporation, who have leased the house for a period of fifteen years at an annual rental af eight thousand dollars, which is in excess of the amount calculated to pay interest requirements and retire the bonds in full at maturity. . s The undersigned is now at the Prince Kupert Hotel and will be pleased to supply further information to thpsc intcrotted in purchase uf this security without obligation. H; J. BIRD, ROYAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION, LTDr Box 575. JJ