T3. Waterfront Whiffs J)i,;coloution of Halibut Discussed; Power Cruiser fcamus Changes Hands; Activity Among , Pleasure Boats A bulletin on discoloration of halibut, giving causes III la.ti ui U"U SUUVdVlullO Vt 11,11 IX VlCW Lll ILK I ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 - oa. na.s oeui prepared Dy ur. r. U. Harrison of McUiL It 'Yvr ,' r , - ity and Prof. Wilfrid Sadler of the University of il.u 'by rhl" moia, w ho spent last summer here invusti , i ht- i iato-T, and published by the biological board uuia. Cpiesre now available at, the local fisheries x..;u:Uui.Mniftf!pe bUufettnasrlifcifiout vu.ar riither thaii a strictly technical way and con- i .ii."- which hould prove 7 :. if not of practical one catch since fishing iiur trutle as welt as to merged. Ninety four of U13 iHj 1 :e.i thejn.vlves. I5ac- ocd American bonts which usually .-ir.-iniams cauajng land their catches at iheort had i (in after the fish is not yet discharged a fare. tin-Own into tho holds Boats landing catches during t.s up to the time it is the past week were as follows: in! .'hipped are described. Cunadian Brant, 1600 pounds; M.rilb.ed water in swab- ('tbson, 4500; Helen II., 5000; !! halibut after they are Helgo II., 4000; Johanna, 10,000; am! in the manufacturing Joe Baker, 3100; Livingstone II., h p m which the fish are 16.000; M. M. Christopher, 5000; an . mong the suggestions Morris H., 4030'; Mlnie V., lOOd; , m-idc; A note of ack'-!Jelviller 180u0' Prosperity A., i'thviu irefced to the bub-1 Vr. Harrison and Prof. --a'!. a:; follows: ' '1 desire to thank the direc: j'ii tee Rupert station, inn atid-hts staff and Mr. - t the international tjimi.t.Mon, for their aaaist- co-operation. ....... ....., . .. . "VYY ! ".sire to place on, reord t. . 1 1 . 1 often hazardous oecupa- Mi l 1 ill HwHnw experts to at tin end of this week for imnlen irip-io the fishing il. with his new 50-foot hal f tie Prince Rupert Row- ciitCiub. Retiutapa Service W. 11. Jennings, who has aiioned at Stewart aa rector ti. na.it winter, la about to iiUMiirk aboard he Allllli- in :'k. . to h'mission boat Northern landings at Prince Rup- ystcrday maintained a 1 1 ' a vi.- landed, as compared with V'" pounds. Canadian land-uirc up .slightly from last .VH.9O0 pounds to 5-15,000 cl while the total of Ameri- it.- was down from 1,064,800 1 ds to i,f 11,000 pounds. There u I been two weeks of excep- liy rouirh weather on the 11,000; Pair of Jacks, 4500; P. Dorreen, 5000; Rose Spit, 5000; Ringleader, 2600; Ruth, 2600; Signal, 21000; Toodie, 3500; Ternen,. 1700; Tramp, 8000; Viking I., 4600; W. T. 3000; Dundag, 2000; Bayview, 3000. . American Anna J., 8000; Ad-dlngton, 24,000; Attu, 22,000; Ced-lic, 7000; Celtic, 17,600; Excel, . r . support Of many hal- nuicaa vmuomu;, ww; f hmnen; the buyers and f-p, 0000; Gloria. 0000; Glacier, , , - f !he fish companies in U- ?; Tdd "- 8000; Len-n RuprU ( apt. Chris Hen- ore 8000; Li ndy, 5000; Middleton, ... of the halibut boat Gib- W0; Majestic, 31.000; Marmot, ...1 ( apt. N. Pedersen of-the Mchinley. 27.000; Onah, i.ut boat Mwricet without 26.000; Sitka, 33.- .M .palhy ' and encouraging TLl0 12,000: Venu"' , , task of pbUintog 23,000; Wave. 4000; Wabash, 600; ,1 and information would have WlMrd' .000; Narrona, 11,000; , difficult. These men have at Sfr' ?; Orient,, ,2090; Alki 3000 Coron' : ,!,,vn their concern - Join Yacht Club . Capt. Alfred . Swunson Is the iatest new member of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club. (is power cruiser, Myfanwy has now lken . up moorage at the floats there. Power rruiMpr K'hnJifn ni.l kv I her new home at the smelter town. W. B. Fisher's power cruiser i Chimo to now at the dry dock. ' ' gl wnral hi. power'1! - Stork brought hoU ,a ,!,am II. on Tud t!" Island, where she had I for the winter, tolhe . ,.. . ., i a 1 (tram 1 iia ilia piottpure cruiser Getajanet on the Suga ways for installation of a false leel and general overhaul work. 'Jack Lindsay's power cruiser Irene L. is to go on the grid of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club tomorrow for painting and minor hull work. Thus Shef wh en has been tied upt nmn inaugurates his spring ust lall. A visit will -be 1 painting and caulking program .UhJe Arm at the end of wnicn promises to be an extensive one, iBKing in me majority or the Yacht Club boats before it is over. This will all be in preparation for the opening of the 1929 yaohtlng l wer those for the IMS picnicking seawhkh glve at animilar date. There ,v" year total of 2,187.000 jWcause 01 tne open ana mua. spring. io say me least 01 it, busy days are in the offing at the Yarht Club and it will be hard to get a word in edgeways with the popular caretaker, who has never yet complained of being Capt. Tom Watts has assumed which hampered fishing op- J nuew tIutieB, " W of the us is to to a a great great extent . TheChathf!" ,Sou"J V"5k,J U:f i' mntr week, it is expected, will i much heavier arrivals and 1 p the landings to a consider-' "v higher point, during the week of March 9-15, ' u ivo. landings totalled 572,100 "'(!. of which 147,500 iwunds from Canadian boats and 424,-pounds from American. ' "ii' io the scarcity of fish, 'i re at a consistently satis-y level throughout tho Thel high bid of the week ' Indian fish was 17c and 7c 1 1 J by the Rose Spit for 5000" . while tho top American 1 ' was 18.9c and 8t paid the '"If! on for lR.OOrt nnnnri I.nw ' iv 13.1c and 6c for Cana-n.-h and 10.8c and 8c for ' " !in. The expiry of the first 1ti of tho all but 27 of the 90 odd Cana-J ,! boats making Prince Rupert Wir ba.se, having landed at least iery tender Carlyle S., which Is ittachcd to thg poipi)y' new cannery at Humpback Ray, Porch-cr Island. Dr. T. Ingvaldson of the Prince Rupert fisheries experimental station staff, who went to Vancouver recently to consult with specialists following his recent illness, has now gone to Winnipeg, where he will receive further treatment. The date of his return to Prljtice Rupert is uncertain, although his many friends will wish him a speedy restoration to health and hope to see him back again soon. Completing Cannery The Union Steamship Co.'s freighter Chilliwack brought up a large uuantity of equipment this week for the Chatham Sound Packing Co.'s new salmon cannery nt Humpback Hay, Porcher Island, the consignment includ- piling is also here for the 300 Ing oil tanks, retorts, lumber, foot dock, having been brought machine shop outfit, etc. With uj) from North Vancouver this some twenty-five or thirty men week by the freighter Chilliwack. .mployed in construction work,! the cannery" buildings are now Long Herring Run nract!callv comnlcte and machin-t The herring run off Port ery wUl soon be arriving from ! Simpson, near Prince Rupert, this j tjie south. ' "Thd ' 'plant will bo enon'lhas' been of considerably j ready n plenty of time -f'dr th'ei'-iongOr 1 durations than usual. opening of the f6rthe6mlng fish- Seineboats have been taking! ing and canning season. ' i large quantities. of the fish from1 Held up at Bull Harbor on the, ilshing is still in full swing. other side of Queen Charlotte Sound for more than a week through stress of weather, J'acl-fic Salvage Co.'s local power tuiL' fcalvaire Princess, " Captt IVanili Tyleri was able to make However, Capt. Tyler ha ruled that it is petter to be safe than sorry and,1 taking it by ' and: large, such usually proves the soundest policy In nautleitl as well as other affairs. ' A number of the larger Amer lean halibut boats are reported ! to have been held up recently around Kodiak Island on account of cold weather, rrosty con ditions, it is aaid, have made it practically impossible to use the gear. The big local halibut boat Takla, Capt. Chris Parkvold, left on Monday night for the fishing grounds. The vessel had spent about two weeks In port receiving repairs to damage which was done 'when she" was 'struck bv a roller on her Initial trip this season, ' dnd' of the1 member.1 of her crew Mvf ng been Swept overboard and 'lost at the tfnle. :' ! ... ' Tried Tpna Fishlnjr ' Capt. Fred Ostrom of the Am-ericari halibut ridhooner Wizard, which was In port this week, haB past close season for hilibtit. Conditions in the tuna fishi:iK arc altogether different froi.i the halibut business and the southern .ndustry plied on usually flat and warm seas has not nearly the rigors that are encountered 111 seeking the wily hilibut. In other words it is the more northerly fishing, to put it like the shipwrecked Swede w uM. that "a man's a man for a' tt.at." It would greatly relieve Doc Clapperton. to say nothing ot en lightening young lady who doe's not dwell a thousand miles from ths Government Wharf r f some one would tell the secret of who was the man who made the hole In the ocean and then went and fellnto it. Henry Derby has sold t bor boat '.vWcinW last May. to P.-Armotfr, manager of the Pacific SalfngS Qa The vessel which origfnally plied on the Yukon River, is about 25 j feat Inner and la Anillnned with . v- . ' -- ... a 32-87 h.p. Eastern-Standard gas engine. It Ib understood that Mr. Derby, who has been recently Identified with the dry dock staff, plane to leave Prjncc Rupert. The well known power cruiser 1 Eamu9 har been sold by H. A. Rosstn- "Jr JrMeAtileyr locomotive foreman for the Canadian National Railways, and has been moved from the Prince Rupert Rowing &.Yficl)t Gjub"'. floats to the C.N.R.' Yjeht (Club. The Eamus is Vessel Sbf J?l teit length and is etlulppetfNvlth a 8 h.p. Clifton engine. As the Donnie M,ac, she belonged for manyj-ears to JoJuuCurrie, from whom'Mf. Rossrpurhased her. Concrete piers have been put down by the contractors, Mitchell & Currie, for the buildings of the new 'fuel station that is to be established on the local waterfront by the Home Oil Distributors Ltd. Lumber Is all on the ground nnd construction of the buildlnifs is to be proceeded with immediately. . ..vGreosoted Capt. Ole Skog, with his Azur- ita; has filled the year's require-1 ments of the Canadian Fish &' ..old Storage Co. and is now fishing fresh bait for the halibut' fleet: After having run foul of the crossing, on Tuesday and isjn fisheries officer and being expected to arrive in port by the charged with seining inside the ( end of this week. The vessel is j rear! Harbor spawning ground, bringing up a scowload of ,ma,ch-j the charge againsl Skog was nery for the National Airplane withdrawn by the department Lumber Co.'s new sawmill at : and he has been returned to Porpoise Harbor, the scow to be j;ood standing and ''enabled to added to the company's local ', fish again. fleet. Stormy weather has caus-j Gammon & Watt's seineboat ed the round trip to Vancouver to Zenardi has been providing a be of more than three weeks' large supply of herring to the juration whereas it was expected 1 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. for that the vessel would be absent j reduction purpose and the Isl-little mora than a single week. land Packing Co.'i Faith of Sech- MlUilcteU np t tne IN . Jl. , . .. ,,i.t, which he V. maAa made a trin trip ftnrimr during tho the 1 iioit yard at Seal Cove a i r.il tribute to the skilled u.si)i of her builder. H has been fishing-bait. There 'ere no signs yell of d'dlmunitlon of the run. . Nj freih herring bait is available at Alaska friij and there is a constant movement of American halibut schooners to Prince Rupert to load fresh bait before departing for the fishing grounds. The. schooner Wizard was among the American boats calling here for bait this week. The Massett Csnners fish packer Jedway, in contmfnd of Capt iohnny Hartlin and- 'With John Dybhavn, head of the Massett Gartners, on board, arrived at Prince Rupert on Tuesday mora wig after having; apont some two months I t.t 1 Vancouver where she H-q fitted with a new 120 h.p. UpMcder diteej attglnekM The new motpr .functioned perfectly) on the trin tfteiwjast, Gapt Hurt- Cant. William Marshall, who wits mtt year tm the 'Cape Spear, is t-.kinp ont the Prirtce' Rupert somr'tnttrPstlng' gypeTrcncer -to hal tent-boat--N. -and -fi. in the 1 he har-n I I l.-OM HAIN'T JOHN TO I.IXKItl-OOL March 39 vDucImmAK rochrnpod April 5 Oucneu ot T"rk April 10 Montrow 'CaiHlUSt OUtcow. TO fiLsooTv-iLrsT-i.ivi:Kino!. ADTll 19 Durheas ot Bedtord To IlflfaH-Olnow April 4 UlnrM-iu AprU IB M1IU TO (.IIKltll'H KO-MII TIIAMI'lOS- iV.NTHtltr isreh 98 j. UantraJm PT1I S ..A KIODtClU Dtll 17 l1 . .rrw. IMWHmwl k TO C!IKIUJfSiOl'TI ..- iiji iiii vi TlltMrTOV ifmi mv vokk to 1 ( lirrlMiir-Miu(lnitoii April 17 Km pram of Auatnllt AddIt to Asenta ajvarvwfcfft or J. J. FOHSTBR. S. S Ooneral Pw Aunt C.P.R. SUtlon. VKiicoufff Telenhor.r Seyiruur Z830 CANADIAN a-StlWICt FROM HALIFAX TO rLVMQrTII-llAVitK-J.OMiO.N Uejtoia. Aoril 1: . 10 t,ri:Krowx ,xr livuuntoi. Anwaia. Atirfl 16. FROM NEW YORK TO riA'MOlTIMItVKC-I.OMiON Cfttonl. March 93; Ascanln. March SO. 1 TO ()l't:i:HTOWM AMI UVKKI'OOL LkncMtrla, Mar. 33; Andaan. Mar. 30. , TO l.ONHONDKIIUV AX II (ILXSOOW j Calwlonla, Msr. S3: CrJilomM. Mar, 30 TO C'llCldlOl'ltO AMI SOl'TIIAMPTOX Arrultanls. Mar. 93. Anrll 17. Mv P . BtrengMlt, March 39. April 34, May IS. ' Mauritania, April 10, May 1. 33, June 13. FROM I10STON I TO WKKXSTOWX I.IVDItl'OOI. ! Lancaabrta. March 34: 'Athrnla, April 6.' Mcnay Ordrra. Drarta and Travellara' Cher.iw at lowat ratea Full Information lruni local asciun tttw-Qsmpsny'a OflUwi, 8ii Haatlum St. u.c. A CAN'T LOSE '''Has putting in that lunch ounter helped yoar business?" sked Brown of the druggist. "Well, it has about tripled the sale of indigestion tablets." , SWEARING IN THE NEW PRESIDENT f 1 USE CAM PAGE FIVE 4 President Hoover taking the oath of office administered by Chief Justice William Howard Taft in the stand at the capitol building. This phot : was sent over the telephone wires to New York from W .?hington. ?apaclty of skipper this season. before departing frr the grounds, hi N. and S. is at the McLean j ard for installation of a new keel and general overhaul. j Crescent Ground Cross-Cut Saw, No. 325 TkU it on I'm mod popular un oa tK mwket (or cutting pu!pwoo It b ukJ by th Urgut pulp wood Jobbers and manuiacturen. tl it mad with Lane Tooth, b narrow, and with ill hollow back it tpeciaily 3K0't5 rD SfFCO 11MITED designed lor lellittg purpotet. ft.CN ntL. VANCOUVER. If you do not want to buy a new car, buy a wed ear that ha been reconditioned, and that h guarnnleed to le an rejirwen-til. Fallowing arc some we now have for (sale: .: DODGE Sedan, good condition, good tire, leallicr upholstery , SSHMlO 1M6 ESSEX Coach, fair condition, goo'd tires $100.00 irm DODGE Covered delivery, good condition .......... $308.00 1527 FORD Sedan, good condition, good equipment ...... $125.00 l!MtG FORI) Covered delivery, Just overhauled $27S.OO , Ym I'ORD Covered delivery, just ovcrhauletl $275.00 1WI FORD Delivery, good condition-,'.' $10iM)0 FORD Ton Iruck chassis, good molortf&.Ti X$$Urs,4j$ MM S. E. PARKER LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOAIINION TIRES Phone 83 IH-'