.m.s ui ;? S' I I 1 t DAILY NEWS THE PAGE FOUR INSTALMENT XXXVI. The Vanishing Candle Suddenly the stopped. She pressed her ear against the surface. Thrilling ' Mystery Story : W In 30 chapters hand found her arm. "Sh!" a voice whispered as the contact made her start and slip a little. "Not a sound. This way." She was being led forward. She heard a low whine and a patter pf Caesar emitted a low growl andjPaws- pressed closer to her. Her heart; "It's all right, Caesar, old f el-gave a little bound. She strained j low," the man at her side whis-her nerves to atch the faint .pered. sounds which told 'her the search They were moving quickly, sll-was drawing clow. Little by little j ently across the floor, In the op. they grew more audible. There poIte direction .from the point were movements on the stairs out-, where she thought she had enter- slde. She pould hear voJes. People led the room. were passing Apvm the hall. hammered at an agony of suspense. Her hopes and they squeezed through a began to totter. The footsteps and narrow opening. Now the man left voices were moving away. her side and walked ahead of her. heard hor name spoken In a two. He had us fooled for q. whllp.i h'ished vole. Astonishment and Put not lor very long. Careful. a conflict of hone and dread filled mtos- These steps are a bit steep," hr anew. ILthe newcomer were, They were descending a. stalr-a mcmberOT the household or a way. Aden's mind was full1 of ;:;Vrf nf Dx Moffett, why did he Jarring preplexltles. to be known to the others in the even remotely possible that she house? ihad correctly Identified the voice 'Where are you?" came htsjhe had heard In th dark. whisper out of the darkness. "Aw, you know. You had It all "Here" she whlsoered hack, act-) framed up between jtqu, IH say lni on an instant's decision, Bho you're pretty nart, y6u two. Rut rnu'd not make her predicament be didn't get very far, and neither worse by heedhlf? the voice of the did the cops." bi'ity despite Caesar's quick re- started down another sponse to his call, that he had stairs. torno as a friend "As Jf you didn't know! ' 'She heard emit Inns footstenR RUimfortt fcons of course. we fooled them." She listened with a sinking j hear The searchers who had pas- i sed so close to her must hayc been ;the police ,p( Stamford, then, . Axelson opened a door and stood aside to let her enter. She walked into a large room illuminated by a candle on a. table In the centre "Sit down and make yourself comfortable," the old man suggested sneerlngly. "Dr. Moffett will be here directly." With that he closed the door. Dr. Moffett! Her heart skipped a beat as she heard the name again, but she tried to collect her wits for the forthcoming ordeal. The room was sparsely fitted up with old pieces of furniture. The candle's pale sheen fell on a dreary scene that seemed to have been set for some depressing ritual. Reluctantly, she sat down in an old chair with an antlmascassar, spread over the back. As If to fix her mind on the least depressing object in the room, she gazed at the tall candle in its holder of tarnished brass. It was a green candle. She stared at it as If it A niippr KfnMnn wpri !i tlilntr nf weird Rvmhnlism. her brain. That Another scene, with a voice :Doston Iter heart beat tumultously with voice? It had spoken only In whls-1 speaking out of a green light, f 11- hope and anxiety. Would they pers, yet there was something fa. , led her with a morbid fascination, find her? As if her tension had miliar about It. But It couldn't be.; And then the candle flame began A shout trembled on her lips, They appeared to be in a hall so; was dim and shadowy baek there, but in an Instant, before she narrow that she could feel the And now a strange sensation was could make an audible sound, the wall at either side. Caesar was fol-! stealing over her. The atmosphere beast was upon her, his paws lowing behind her. Somehow she clawing at her breast and his Jaws felt the dog was not entirely at worrying at her throat. The shout- ease, but the Impression was died in a feeble groan of horror, quickly dispelled by other things. Her hopes ebbed quickly with She was In a state of trembling the dwindling footfalls. She cquld uncertainty, hopes clashing with hear no sounds now. The silence Iears that the chance of rescue was gripped her arm. The touch teje- gtone. No one would find her now. graphed a sense of danger to her She tried Iwavely. but it was hard bra,n- A quiver of uneasy pre-to shake off a sense of chill des-; monition ran through her. Her pondency, and Caesar's nearness We was holding his breath. IJis kept her in a CQQftfcant state of clutch on her arm tightened.' dread. Then, as she stood trembling As she stood bfllng HelectedlJ Tth a tension that seemed to against the wall "M sharp quiver have communicated Itself even to. ron through her. She:stared Into the d(5. a commotion broke the darkness toward the opposite sharply on the stillness. The walL She stood rigiiji, scarcely sounds of running feet came from breathing. A startled movement the front and from behind. A on Caesar's part told her that he mutter of chagrin fell from her also had heard something. The guide's Jlps. Caesar growled loud-slight sound was follewed by an fr- Interval of nerve-tesring sUUness., Then a Jlght flashed sharply In Hot and cold pulsations shot her eyes, momentarily blinding rough her body. Then a little her. She was pushed roughly r came, n squeak like that of an aside. Shouts dinned In her ears, unotted hinge, and then there ap- Through the hubbub cut Caesar's Beared to be a pause, a period of thunderous barks. Another violent uneasy waiting. A whisper floated Ph sent her reeling to the floor, out of the stillness: A thud sounded sickenlngly In "Caesar!" ' I her ears. For a few moments her A rasping breath on the silence senses swam in billowing confuted then Caesar appeared to be slon, and then a light shone in all attention. Again a muffled her eyes. Some one reached out a voice trailed through the darkness, hand to assist her to her feet. "Good boy, Caesar! Come here!", 'The excitement Is over," said A scraping of paws a short, low, Axelson in a tone of grim satis-: friendly bark signified that the faction. dy recognised the voice. j She rose dazedly. On the floor, "Come here, old fellow I" Just beyond the range of Axel- She listened In acute bewilder-'son's flashlight, she saw a dark, nvnt. A fresh hope had sprung up' motionless form. The face was within her when she heard the'" turned downward one arm flung furtive sound at the other side o( wide. The others ihc felt cer- the room. Now. as she heard Oae I tain from the violence of the brief sor bounding lightly toward the commotion that there had been speaker, the hope began to waver ,otheT were gone. She shuddered; The voice continued to address ', as her trembling gaze fixed on the the dog in an undertone, and still figure sprawled out on the Caesar responded with a series of ) floor. low, friendly growls. Consequently Axelson pushed her forward the n&eomer must be either a "Step lively, miss. You're pretty member 9! the household or a fre- j cute, but you've only made more qi'ent victor. Otherwise Oaesar trouble for yourself." . would rot have responded sol She cast a glance over her readily. In either case, she feared . shoulder. "Who is. that?" she, the person at the other side pf the room had not come with fWendly intentions. .could not resist asking. Axelson chuckled maliciously, "No ned of telling you. Yqu AEalnshe stared sharply. She Know, yqu re a smooth pair, yqu seemed to change. The dim cor ners of the room were brightening, She sprang up with a little gasp, A green illumination, rich and soft as velvet, was falling ov er the room, transfiguring the de-; told her with stinging emphasis Suddenly the man stopped andicrcpit furnishings, touching the lapeq draperies with a caressing apd rejuvenating film of verdant but what she now saw was stran ger than all the rest. She clasped her hands to her cheeks. She shuddered with a sense of the in explicable. The flame was still there, although now It seemed to burn less brightly than a few moments ago. She could plainly see the tarnished brass candlestick, 1 streaked with tallow at the sides. But the candle Itself was gonel She swallowed, opened her eyes wjde. Was she going mad? No, the thing was actually as she saw It. There was the flame, a lumlnou? wraith In the air. glowing In empty space. And six or eight Inches lower down was the tarnished brass holder, but nothing absolutely nothing between the holder and the flame. ! YANKEES LOSE TO ATHLETICS . - . . . miii.nr nt U'nrM riianininns fted with them, out we otner one; " v- i .1 1.1. v uj .!- v rrnvp inriirciuai, r,aui3iianr uie one wi(oe wimbci iuu jwu-i rz' - led jaer after the searchers hadl . .Wins Hi. Twentieth Game passed? The sight pf a black, still j form haunted her Imagination. NEW YORK, Sept- f Washing ton Senators stopped two late postoh Red Sox ra)lles yesterday and finished the series one game ahead. New York Yankees lost In spite of hard hitting led' by Lou Gehrig, who slammed put his twenty-ninth homer of the season. Qeorge Earnshaw got his twentieth victory pf the season for the Philadelphia Athletics In the encounter. Yesterday's scores: American League "'" Washington 10, Boston 5. New 'York 2, Philadelphia No pther games. St. Louis - 60 A small, hoarse cry. an expres- ver In a score slon of sheer uncanniness. sprang. have now won from her lips. In the back of the room, bathed In a green sheen ,a. voice sounded: "Blow It oyt: We shan't need It at all, and it seems only to dis tress you very much." he continued to stare at the wralthy flame. A flame without a candle! It smed ever stranger than th$ footsteps whi-h were op proachng her without the accom panlment of a human form. As Jt to smother something gruesome, she blew it out. The spectral flame vanlslied. Only the tarnish ed .xnndUiilck. showed, jiow, .And then, Utile by Utile, the candle appeared to return. There was a thin, elongated shadow, a blurred shape of green al) but submerged in a brighter and richer green. From theer exhaustion she sank back into jlhe ciuMr. Her nunUs were beglnnjng to respond to the strange . illumination. She . cpidd 1 &AWQteh her with such stealth, "Who are you talking about?", see the candle quite PtofolS.il as if he did not wish his actions she aked, wondering If It were, but its outljnes were still h now. fog- Wd by the surrounding emerald radiance. A chair creaked As op the for mer occasion Dr. Moffett ew had naa sat Mfii down about half a 11 known and there was a nossl-. "The cops?" she echoed as they i hjajjiad eluslvely Into the verdant L. 41 52 59 63 60 70 74 77 L. 42 53 59 67 09 70 85 01 IP. 11IG LEAGUE STANDINGS National League W. Chicago 8$. Pittsburgh -..-..;.,...-..7J. New York . 67 St, Louis 61 Brooklyn 58 Phtfadelnhlas 57 Cincinnati . ....LI .53 :..l....-...:49 - American League W. Philadelphia ,..:...9 been communlsated to Caesar, he Not here ; to flutter. She became aware that . New York . 75 atonned hi intermittent arowls "Careful," her guide whispered, la door had been opened some- Cleveland 67 and pressed closer. She stood In- a smau creaxing souna came,;nere, mat a currem oi air was i Detroit 60 sweeping lazily through the mus (Washington. 59 ty atmosphere. She gazed Into the Chicago 51 far corners of the room, but it Boston 45 Pet. .677 .584 .532 .492 .468 .449 .425 .389 Pet, ,58.9 .532 .472 .481 .402 .620 General Motor Team Was Best Outclassed Tired Salmon Bellies in Last Quarter of Mann Cup, Lacrosse Match new" Westminster. seDt. 4. ( color. Her pulses were racing; she m thfcoelririe4 itame of the Minn squad when they rammed In three figures: goals in the last quarter, chiefly Sunshine, because, the tired Salmon Bellies could not hold their checks any longer Fraser Mills Win B, C. Baseball Defeat fienerals by Seore of 9-0; Standing Now Two Games to One NEW WESTMINSTER, Sept, 4. The Traser Mills won the third game of the provincial oaseoaii championship scries yesterday by blanking the Generals of Vancou- Mills one. 01 7-0. Generals two games- and Toronto Wins Cricket Title Defeated McGlll University by an Innings and 213 Runs . Yesterday MONTREAL. Sept. Nottinghamshire lu-vaii linrnicr 118.7 hours. Total rainfall, seven inches. Greatest daily rainfall, IM ches on August 21. Maximum temperature, 84 August 2. Minimum temperature, 40 August 1. Mean' temperature, 57.5. Highest barometer reading sea level, 30.30 on August 0. Lowest barometer' reading sea level. 29.54 on August 25. ln- on on Wrk il rirrord ! rinunrt.it MiimmI at at! POEMS WRITTEN ! BY A CONVICT LONDON, Sept. 4: The literary - wrjd of Loadon has been Interested) In a bowk of poems jut publUhed ht by Mosrs Durlc-fcorth uixlr, the title ft "Hum Mid Ap." The author 18 Omrd ! Bvn. A lte oer aev-n yi-nra W' ih wtltcr. ot thrp pomn whs a man., mighty. In Uie financial ltr,' of th city a nrnittiagr who roi sidemd' the wy Ptlrn of prtbitv anj pro-; prlety.- Then wa urent miiatlun 1 l-n-nrniili Nw on of the prlnsipal ro:upanle ...I a oar. .In ,,! pralrn Jk . -KIM, ..UI V. h- am ra Cricket Club wort the John Ross enp,,. ni to the contm- RobertfiOn Cup, emblematic Of Ca ent, and tor nm time rv:idd arrr' nadlan cricket championship, yes- y n Hato?rat diajruin On . betno; iciay Xri)m-lU-Uiuvidtyj3y.'. A1J!?- "ZT": : an innings and 213 runs. The t?nUnoe lhe , wlthj scores wcro: Toronto, 320; McGiU, ( excyon at nuch period a va. GO and 47- mlttt on aocount of hl good con- I duct. Part of hla Invprinomwnt win1 , cerved In Ubo aame penitentiary on ithat whkh held Horatio nMt.vnly. i There are 83 poem in t.h work now v 9 m Ufa puuuHn. ioej Denny mi a4iy wiin 1 lc I mirtx WlftTIPI' whcfonsiUnk. ,hc n8R Wrd. 15 VllvtVCl I! lllllVl a, i.fMtliiWhlle son ol tlitm are )gjlH t ibvtovy ."? fnilt c hl pnnlrtment ! ... A ui re n dq louoa . traces oi niw t Capture!!, Ijnglish County , Title Vcsterday Voir First Time in Twenty-two Years , a u it porinn are well worth hi mo attention . I the first 4.-For LONDON, Sept,. reMler wm time in twenty-two years, Nottlng onlv a itrecnhh smudge that .h tniri her that he did not maJ nMn41 .. Stl.l.4 n 1 i ..... i ... iiiHUb vi . nBni. ..Ym , VCrv strange. Yet it only "Queer about that candle, was- seemed; natural. The same ttdmr. n't n't It?" It?" IieArfliirmurcd. IiaArflurmurcd. He He spoke spoke hannert happens wheri wheri you you drop drop a ruby in The iiuwun ine same ueep, preaxant -voice n i.,, 0f red wine. . coming In hor direction, and she. you got word to them is more", she haU heard the :otrW tlrne, but , moved forward quietly. A fumbling, than I can figure out. Anyhow, ' again she perceived a slight twang thcMghU In regard f hlx yudden collapse and exile. Mr Devan ertlnly display a romantic fertility in the! ehokyj of words and aeiiU-ma. The1 thlctfly to a aenae of pity for this man I hamsnrc yesterday won the county ho in the iminiK of what mmnt dozen feet . . . -mnionshln. I have been a fine career find. art n, frpro Bhc felt ho was looking at her. but she could sec no face. " 1 1 atit, rMiln 'ilnm To Be Continued Tomorrow Wednesuay ALFONSO OF SPAIN KEEPS FIT IN HIS SPEEDY CKAFT, TIJC TO.ip King Alfonso of Spain, ardent yacht mn t thn fit by yachting, but has won a m The Letter Box FROM OCEAN FALLS Editor, Daily News: On behalf of the Ocean Tails baseball team, I wish to thank the Prince Rupert team, also the pub- tic for the kindness and clean j sportsmanship shown towards us on our recent visit. "RHD" APPLBBY. RANGERS WINNERS , OLASOAW, Sept. 4: The Rangers defeated Queen's Park one to nil In Scottish First Division football yesterday. AUGUST WAS DAMP MONTH Had Total of Seven Inches of Rain With 116.7 Hours of Sunshine During the morlth of August, felt a tightness at the throat, cup latrosse series here on Monday, Prince Rupert had 116.7 hours of Footsteps werecoming toward her there was no doubt but that Osha- sunshine and seven inches of but she strained her eyes in valn. wa General Motors were the better rain. The rainfall was very heavy She could see no human form. And then she stared in stupc- team, although the 9 to 5 score for August and much greater than could hardly be taken as a criterion the 3.37 Inches in Aufust last faction at the candle flame. Ev. ; of play. The visitors displayed their year. ery thing about her was strange, (superiority by outclassing the home Following were August weather ttl'cr of hi-; yacht, Ton in. mber of trophies a"s well. Hie Old Guides Warning Tr-fe'oWIg8i know that ctrdss hunti c cm many fon: firs resulting In the destrue;: r excellent h'unUng grounde ste well as ; : tirnber. Th good hunter i careful uuh ue in the wooc& i.i Immi by authority of HonouroUt Charle; Minister' ' 4,1 jbhc Gin of Quality jmf a world wide 1 zZZ. , popularity for, 180 JZ ipf ll,tilHfa t JOSEPH b JOHN VICKERS V CO lii. invoon 1 7 50 tsciANO i ThisinUvtrHscment ta not published or displ ; Liquor Cintrol Board or by the Governs British Columbia