1 DAILY EDITION Tuesday, April 2, 1929 The ci1MpWfron'vWioh,oA' lfierinhi'ofritiUi& "Snow In April."- - - ADVERTISING BIIADIO It is suggested that it would be a wonderful advertisement for Canada if the federal government' woiild install half a dozen powerful radio broadcasting stations aRvari-bus centres in Canada which would send but all-Canadian fc; programs and would not only supply the people of the ' sidered countrv wirn rno nnws nr rho i nv hut tmn r o ian lot thai .7 1 ..vrv.iv. cov II. ,nmnnreH th. tuhnl. hnr,.. people of the United States know that we are here and Norman Senior Say He Vtonv-inatwj the Whole lloux and Was an Outstnnlin Personality Norman C. Senior, a hov.mi man of experience, who n.s. i. r many ytjars reported the pr.vifM- lnirs oi tne legislature .r.n vno, duriHg ifie past session has nd every crahce to note the -r' vv! ing'on at Victoria, writes his paper, the ancouver !un, in re gard to the work of T. D. Pat- tullo, member for Prince Kujvr; and. leader of ts opposition. He says : One man comes out of tne 19(29 i luuiuuij uvuijruiiu-wm ow n u ruauving SCI. 00 If VV111, apostles, with be m the United States. If thelstnte fails .to take OVer .friction. He tne broadcasting it will have to Insist that Anyone using 'tne sitting the air shall da'so ill such a mariner a.vtri mvp. thp hpstj0"'- Tc possible ser'i6e to tlie listeners- "sW IMPROVEMENT IN BRITAIN In the Uniteu States there ara huniborof big firms doing business from ocean to ocean arid tfr6rn Canada to Mexico. Thev dan afford to nut money into the hiV Rt.i- His tactics were politically H-und and he proved himself h true leader of l.ilxralism in tions which we Canada hear. The objection to them is S,, ee that the entertainments are accompanied "By 'advertising' He was mas mat ouiucuiiiea iJrovesvuujecuonaDie. ai any rate, it is not Canadian. If Canada led the way by installing few! large powerfitrstationsequal or superior to anythingon sense of the word. slcrof the situation at all times and he did not wait to find openings for attack. He made them. trip nthor s!71p -Wa- nlciWa rW fl,a A x' Jli the third day of the Ll i" "r.tlva" pcuic, ,ion, when he exposed the .h, govern- seemg the h adrantafio of eliminating advertising a from the ment's secret contract with is- air, would follow Canada s example and instal state-owned cai agency to hand over the bond stations on the other side to replace those which now sles of tne province to one group . .. . , 1 i 1 - A. 1 1 i? 1 1. 1 i t uuiruue ineir auvertisemenis on an ann sunrirv. u,ie ceni commission, ne ".Merry Christmas" wns the popular greeting on the street this morning as citizens plowed their way through four inches of "the beautiful." THE PREMIER'S HEALTH F.von'nn viU regret that Premier Tolmie is. in such poor health that it has been found necessary for him to go away for a quiet holiday where no cares of state will worry him. He was absent from the legislature during a good deal of the session and many of his supporters have bee'h worrying about him a great deal. Prince Rupert people will all wish to hear of an improvement in his health and to see his genial face once more when he finds time to visit this city. We hope to hear that he is. back at his post before long, but we also sufro-est it is better to have a nrolontred rant nnw than tn rose steadily in the esteem of the -nembers and the public. Always Attacked One of the keys to the success of his strategy was that he employed none. It had bean customary for party leaders to have their lieutenants feel out MfsfAemy and make openiifflraa.'amtt' leader should esSwvtottn tae breach. Duff Pattullo adopted no such cautious tattles. In all the big fames of the seIen, he led cff.with ajMrect frent-i t lack that saetlered tbe gov-ernment's reals and taen left it to hi MBperteni to complete the raat. He was forceful, trenchant aad scathing in bis erIUe sm. aat im nad He wai , 1 . . . 2 - -" Illut- no nv CUTMJCm enemies. . f. 111(1 u nnpnaon im- lafn in Imn -.,. 1 1 i 1. ... ' " j vu vivi uuv rtiiu iiunu ins worK over personal ana. if the gnmg W ailOiner. jthirk. it was asaalljr Uuff Pattaito j who, with a twiakte ia aia ayej If the Silver Cup operations are succeaiful every child in Haa ' th passfaiiitjr af a clton should be born wllh a silver spoon in its moulh. ptnomMl eHui. . wm riirnmtiwn i not easaeo. ikis friends aad alilwto (marvel was that he showed a kwa mmnmt, nf haw 111. .1.11 I TV arTeopTe Trl Caiiada from Great Brftain mbJZJt g ad to low that, there is a decided improvement in eon- tn other (jualitr. it proved in-ditinns fl that country. The unemj)loyment situation is valuable, much lei 3 aoute, especially in the shipbuilding centres.! VafuiWo wit This apr) les particularly to England and Scotland. On ' a witty retort is one of the mem previous Treensrons we have heart! of some improvement in weapons in the locker of the coal fields; So close are becoming the relationships parHamenUrian. The .most between different parts of the British Emnire that if 'r"nin 'oic is.,nften destroyed iu ni' tc19.jjn, inn iieajuiyTJonuuioirnnn a mue cooperation will sometimes attain tliat end. ftact never sat in tSe'legisIatiire Urn one day in his life as an oppositionist until this session, but he A mine I xometlilnc on which In 1mi. Kimni!mw utn .....i acted aa if he had bean bom for sometimes you low, but the chanccu are In your favor if you are that IarUcu,lir Nobody en-enref ul. Joyed the session more than he did, The birds (lint came north expecting spring weather here have bat! to le returned on account of bejn rather out of date. It's n! twlggjilnl that knows when to fir north. ' Premier Tolmie said the op. position had all the fun, but the government had its re spcnlblllttes to think of. "Why don't jcu resign nnd i ; .! . it i ; In vuluc, Fisher Body superiority can be incnsurcd iu actual dollars and cents. For instance, the upholstery cloth in any Fisher Body in a given prire class is finer, more beautiful and rhorc durable than the upholstery cloth in other bodies in that price class and costs much more per yard, J Fisher uses finer carpets, genuine plate gluss, more substantial roof construction and roof mate C.UML.IC M..I S.tl.i.R 1 W E a r rials, sturdier frame construction, smoother steel paneling, richer, more beautiful finish, both inside ami outside. In Mtjlc, Fisher Body cars lead definitely iu every price field. Fisher Body designs are fresh, authentic. Fisher designers are leaders iu their profession for Fisher, thes world's laruesl inq j)cl talcjil in t lie body industry. I You can obtain Mrl..m;ill.l.ittH K . Tuesday, April 2, 1923 cordial that none was needed. LU-GRIP PATTULLO IS So effectlvo wns their work that Check be I ore it lUrti. The Daily News the disparity in numbers between Rub on Inhale vapor the 12 and the 35 was only In evi PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBU EULOGIZED BY dence when the irovcrnment cjrack-ed yicKS . its party whip and counted Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. NEWSPAPERMAN noses on division. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. City Dehv For lessen By mail SUItCrmT10N jfllATES jfy ".Jl b. by mail or carrier, yearl'perloa, paid in advance $5.00 period, paid ip advance per month : . ' .. ..',,.. J0 ill part of Northern and Central British Columbia, nafd irt advance for vearlv Deriod i Transient ifaispjav Advertising, per inch, per insertion ... Transient jhdvertising on Front PKe. per Inch Local Rearttrs; per Insertion, per line . . Classified j Advertising, per insertion, per word .......... LefI Notices, -ac! Insertion per estate line Or fq4rrhbrrth' for 8; mail to all other parts ot British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per ear .... 8j mail to all other countries, per yeai ... Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 bdUor and Reporters Telephone - . 86 $,'- Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 13.00 $1.40 .25 j $1.00 $c.oc $7.60 session of the B. C. legislature with an enhanced reputation. That is Thomas Dufferin Pattullo. It comes as a shock to realise" that he is only the acting and ia- der of the Liberal party. earned himself with the au thority of one thoroughly en-4 trorcHed in his position. Some day, perhaps seen, there Mill have to be a invention to name the permanent leader. It is inconceivable nfter the manner in which Mr. Pattullo carried out his duties in the recent session that anybody else will be con- 1 1 a urn a tha nnn rkiitjarrktiliaa naaa- I urifiR I criticism wnicn ne levelled at tne The d radio over the country has made it so SSiiT that practically everybody in the country hears the, broadcasts occasionally and manv thousands retrularlv. Friction Absent Within the next few years the number of fans will be1 ,le 8Pke n one having aataortty. doubled and then doubl again and redoutfed. once mire. I," "SUTSTS! out a symptom of had no rivals among members for the kad-i a man they welcomed his confident, clever, aggreastae leadership with enthusiasm. TO ll II V THKOMXIU VI COU.WIE Rev, R. P. U wI.n Toronto ileftV nd T opening of cmpaif r. r P . Oh necl'.ov of Victoria University, : k Candier rigrht who announce the among United Church ministers for the first $100,000 of a fr.a to boiM Emmanuel College, Toronto. wrte ever Were to fau,- retorted Mr. PattwaV. -We are readyta a. warn t Ike He ref aaed to be inverted ttm aa anrumenl ay iatampttoau Brew Manj- latns "My fries nwkl tike to rw a red aernajt act I Ui trait," he would sometime any, Kt I Dooed of tfcat oasation tin day to aty owa ceapiete satiatac- Uon. ' A laogfl wsertd ffatK-ir sad k would maw has ajaniB . He was Wy mftpfie4. too. The main arwrt f tae aapl- tell them Occasionally something about What We have sonality of the assembly. When tieo work feM tfce taree e- here. It would cost a good deal of money, but it would be he rose to speak there was untver-; I?jfi4eTS T-JV little compared with what we spend on a good many lux-i' attention and the trenchant I . , cLsl"1 Dc W. II . SuAerland sat between the leader and Capt. .Midenie, Arlhoagh himself net a fhieni aV4a)er, he had a fund of experience and wis-dean aad it was at the disposal af Ms rot leagues all the time to gwad effect. Me loaded many a gun tJhat was find by one of tat tkrae musket- Kergin Helpful Bert Kergia of AUin whose ta-teats were somewhat aabeMrxod &s a private member af the government side, proved an able lUd on many occasions, while behind taeae front benchers Dr. II. C. Written, (i, Pearson and L. A. Haaaa, tha tint on agricultural aad social welfare matters, the second on finance and the third on labor questions, gave evidence of developing into prominent figures in the public life of the province. It was Mr. Pattullo' boast that the Liberals never had a caucus. The team play and understanding anions his croup was so instinctive and QIJIiiLES Unsweetened cm Tift DORDSN CO. LIMITED 1 lower AitiuM MWuuvcr, Dept. , ADDS ESS... MILK Dearly a hundred recipes far appetizing, nourishing dishes from soups to desserts challenge your skill in this illustrated cook book, sent on request. You will find them easy to follow and the results will be a revelation to you, as they are to every woman uslig this doublynch St. Charles Milk "for every milk need". Mail coupon today. iiiH 3 IH!l IH!l Hi;U Hi;U S II mamamma if sVaV LiW'l VI . , 1 Mm.- Fisher Body 8 STYLE AND VALUE STANDARD OF THE WORLD Fisher Body stylo and value, of course, only in those cars included iu the Fisher Body group listed below. When tho lime comes for you to buy your next car, he sure to inspect, first, the Fisher Body euro selling al the price you' desire to pay. Use the Fisher Body cars ii nun iincu finHU nu vnm huilderof automobile bodies, k Standard of Stylo and Value able to attract and does attract and you will .1 ... .. . . . - -v better body, a better car, nnd mulct motor car investment. IK -I n; i ! 1 1 . .INf..l.V . Ol.ltSHomi.K rO.VTMf . lllKVIlOLlit -i:m:jiai. aioto iis FISHER OP A..I.Y m.miti; 1 SI t