t 2, 1929 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE. SEVER Man the Moon runners m do not run and CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE MENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND :;fl' -they try to get past nut usually rum. It's a THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. nsiiirca anyway. tlfe earth , ,!. y Ho no rh&ek long Chelr in- V ' I'ICI-. ,flsvt , Mayor of li fln-the-Wdl "s I hat city :t ;are not ,,- wry brink! r there just' nil! they ere iing betlr ati a t'ity. You can get a goodi l 'i ri ...... 1 (ic ; Oi Tier ;u iKeenjt tit; to- about cent.; and a few ; 1- ;s tftn rn in. ' i . gjj-den flowers are get-niiciisy at the long wait for to arrive and give them u outing. nays what he like about . ,, wetttjier is lO Kee tru marks hacks of the ladies stoc- i.,'t I., drops of water ttlu pooka of alaa) 0 the rtockinffa- laek like y u'd be n In a rush, ' is the tlmt .Mnn the of thai ruin hajyuf to do duty at what the ancients ''spring cleaning." biirger the djamMtd. the it looks like Woolworth. , Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert . April Z. 1919 I I ... nt y five thousand dollars 1 -iimMTioeti yesterday in mei . , f.,r . Iin.. Uniurl . '.''.l il ll'l Lilt f 11V tlUWl . Ming fuhfl. TM i one-nil. of the objective. '' h legislature tiaa- decided uiilfs thr lHAy 'Varden i" ( o. pays all habor claims " motion with trw buildinir lailway, wittiiw tMfty days. ! n.u-rtjr at 'AHMTArm will nut i.rthp compaliyV hands ' :) (. 'of the Tnylor Engin- h legislature Mai4 pawed n tending the doWer Tight to n as Well as Btaii'''" 1. r.'i I'ltlNCE lUIPHRT TIDES TucMday, April 2 ( :;ty a.m. 16.1 ft 21 :2K p.Di. 14.6 ft. 0:12 a.m. 11.8 ft 14:01 p.m. 8.4 ft Wctlnewfay, April 3 ..... 8:28 aao. 15.8 ft. 22::i3 p.'m. 18J5 ft 2:07 ,isl 12.4 ft. 15:28 $JQ. 8.0 ft. W-fClfclM It .1 ;09 p.m. 1G.G ft. 1:08 a.m. 11.6 ft. 1C4 p,m. 7.1 ft. Friday. April 5 .... 10:46 a.m. 17.4 ft. 23:38 p.m. 17.G ft .... 4 :67 ajn. 10.1 ft 17:22 p.m. C.l ft Saturday, April 6 Miirh 11:32 a.m. 18.5 ft llii'h 5:42 a.m. 8.5 ft 18:01 p.m. 5.2 ft. roitMHUTIOS OI" TUB TITV OF I'ltlMI) lUTDUT 'I KE NOTICE THAT: 1 The council of the Corporation ot 1 city ! Prince Rupert Intends to I'rurt ft piiveineut sixteen feet wide Ami...... Avenue beglnalBC tt a point n. the rentre lose Of U Avenue In-- 1 in- tfntre line of Ambrose Avenue, "' "long the ceriWiTtlhe of Ambrose uyewii-nt, antW intends iq apkUIly -(. in srirWWse lt lwvdl abutting My an" ThV ofart-Ht eueh por- '" i. .r the cost as Is Incurred at street 1 ;'eelinna. , "I he estimated cost of the work Is " ,-, in".) 14. Cf which .Sfl.21 U to be I ' 'l by the Corporation, and the estl- II '"''I annual speelal rae per foot 11 " !:,,. !, I.49H. The special assess-" ' i ts to be paid in 10 annual lnttal iiii'iiU, , ' Persons dealrtng to petition against undertaking the work must do so on or before the fl)) djy of May. 1029. K F. JONES. City Clerk. Dated this tad day of April, 1029, PllOA WAND ROOM UdAltl) Aid room. Phone Green i ?AC- 93 nd Hoard. Central tlon. Steam , Phone , ue 15.'; tf, 1 1 1 I .VATF.lt NOTICE J itrrslnn and Use I j TAKE NOTICE that Alfred H. BryaBt, whose adUraas li 008 Bank of Nov Scotia Bulletin, Vancouver, B.C.. will arrolr for t licence to Uk and um one thousand miners Inch or 28 o. f. (. of water out of Buck tHilch Greek, which flows northerly and drain Into TVtasc Creek about eight mite from Dease ui?' . . ... . The water will be diverted from the atream at a point about three-quartan or a mile from Deaae Creek and will be used for hydraulic mining purpose upon the mine described a Heady Money Lease. Buntlae Leaae No. 109 and Creek Claim Daisy and Ma? stssevnu water to a diverted tram Buok Ctaiah at a pom t as lower en.i oi canyon canyon 01 laid and oVrrled by dlfch nd fMralS .bencbet to point of nae. la notice warn noatedion the ilk 21st day of Decern!?.1 WH copy of :nls notice and an applies pursuant thereto and to the; ter Aet'i will be riled In the office the Water Recorder at Telegraph 1 t. B.C. 1 I i bleouonk to the aoollcatlon mar be i with ' wc MHiimuiin vi naw mum, Parlltmen t 'Building.. Victoria. B.C. witam thirty days after the first so- Petri (I nee of this notice In a local newl- pastr. t. 1. The date of the first DuMiaaUon of this noOoe la March 11. int. ALFftSD H. BRYANT. PETS We are . importers of canaries, iparrota, foreign birds, goldfish, nMinkrjra, dogs, cats and rabbits. If you want a pet of any kind. . U . ... 1 .... .1M m.l n w-4' ii mi ne win snip on ap- it. P"T"r' Money refunded if not satisfied. PET SHOP Inrgest -Store of its kind In Canada 5 m. Ilroad way West. .Vancouver THE CENTRAL HOTEL , PRlicE RUPERT For Sale VJ Haa 100 rooms, modern. Beer parlor doing good business Ground 100' x 100'. corner 1st Av. and 7th St. 3-atory frame Lbuilding, ateam-heated, oil-burner. ' Ground, building, furniture and beer license all included. A CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME ILlG. IlfeLCE RS0N, LTD. 21616th Sti Princ nee Rufiert. n:C. ? J LINDSAY'S ; Gktae and Storage 1 Phone 63 Cartige, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. BRINGING UP I , I l. WI ftsurt arw. Isej FOR RENT I I u H0URE8 For rent, F. W. Hart, j 01 u : lo-,F0R HUNT Five room furnlsh- ed flat Mussallem Grocer, tf. IFOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished, . Phono, ' . ift?. tf. FOR It EST- - Automobiles. piniioV bonoKH.4m mid sewing mach ines. Walker Music Store. I'OR RENT rurnlfthed house keeping rooms try the day, week, or month. Phone Red GU7. tf FOR RENT Modern four roomed flat with bath. Bank Block. Apply Westenhaver Bros, tf. FOR RENT Seven room houso . with bath, near Auditorium. 120.00 a month. Phone 76 or 206. . tf. FOR RENT Furnlihed modern houae. Harbor vlfew. Monarch range, $25.00. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. PK. IiKNT-Ikjl!din containing , , , , , . , wun 1 rom mooem nai aunve; : at 177 Third Avenue' Baat.i Apply Hyde Transfer. tf! I AGENTS WANTED j THE GENUINE EVINRUDE 1 Dealers Write for 1929 Franchise. , l IIOFFAR-REECHING SHIP YARDS LTD., ! 1927 Georgia St.. W.. Vaheouver, B C ' DISTRIBUTORS FOR WESTERN j CANADA 78 FURNITURE Mackenzie Furniture) Phone 775 EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Chesterfield Suites, Dlnli.g Suites, walnut and oak Beds, Springs and Mattresses, Curtain Rods and Blinds. PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or ex-chantre any kind oV furniture .. or household goods, jirusleal. instruments, machinery, etc. Gen-'ej-al repairs, crating, packing ' and shipping. Workmanship gtraianteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES. Federal Block. MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon Closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on bur stock-list board dally. We can give Instant service In buying and jelling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange.1 We alio have facilities for accepting Wfceat order" on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Llds 617 2nd Arvnue Prince Rupert U.C. FATHER BOARPVI Crest Brksls HiMs FMma i FOR SALE, FOR SALE Four roomed house and two lots. Apply 1040, 10th Avenue E. i. HOUSEHOLD .Furniture tor sale. K W. Prlrigley W6 FtroTth Ave. East, .;Phtae Green 0.; FOR SALE--PWlco raelio. Console modal, batteryless six lube set. Snap for cash. Will con- alder terrfla. Prince Rupert Auction Mart tf BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY 5IACFI2 . Experienced operator, modern methods in all lines of beauty culture and hair dressing. ; Make appointment t by phoning Had 3.19. . . . ,. NOW Is the ttrtie to order Wrden.Fllllv EjnipiK;d for Dlvln antf manure. First orders will be icn'i . , ,. . .... ,, .. . . cner.ii Silvaire alvaJre Work worK. 1 1 rat ueuvtreu. wniie 11 lasts, load. Phone 303. Casey Cartage & Fuel Co. 93 FOR SALE On line shaft 18 feet long and.l -''i Inches thick. One 20 inch Hanger; f'oui 11 Inch hangera. Two ltrj'o Iror Palleye, speed 1 R to 12 inch, Inch belt. Two line ahaffts 8 feet long, l' inch thick. Three Iron Puljeya, three speeds 12 inch to 8 inch. Two Wooden ITullays. Apply Daily . News. K tf WANTED WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Apply Mrs. IC. H. Orme. tf WANTED Girl for general houseworks Apply Mrs. S. Frii-tf. zell's Store. GRADING, Excavating, Concrete foundations . N'els Rokkjar, Room 9, CSSk l Third Avenue. Phone Red 66 or Black 700. 81! PRACTICALLY THAT The first time he saw a kangaroo, a motorist's little son exclaimed: "Oh, look, Daiddy, he's got a rumble seat." Service 1 of industry Fairbanks-Morse Steam Pumps The hijh degree of serviceability and dependability of Fairbanks-Morse Duple Piston Pattern Steam Pumps is result of nomerout refinements in design and construction. , These pumps are adapted to many clanes of general pumping and have a wide range of application. Maaufacturtflg and srifjajg a complete line c ("pomps, we are able tq supply the; right pump for any service. , Carrying in ateck a large supply of parti, we are able to give exceptional service. One CANADIAN FairbanlLS -Morse COM PANY-XVnU a.G7-fAeM4cJM'-)fab t, SALVAGE AND TOWING . j "If it'i on or under the water we i do it" I ; PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. I LIMITED 1 i....,, nnfi ,.0.ws of all descrpl- ;,,, enr rhirtr l.ov Poats and Canoes for hire. B;!!fiins in Oas Engine?. AGENTS FOR , Van Blerck. Easthope. 1 licks It ill.mtyne Engines. Northem U. C. Disttibutors Coolidge PropeRera Phone. Day 01 Night, 5C4 P. O. Rx 156 J CHIUOrltACTIO RELIEVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY This distressing malady it very prevalent at this time of the year, and as a rule is a -ymptom .f a deeper trouble, -('ich as affections of the eyes, liver, kidneys, stomach, etc. It may be also due to the after effects of influenza. Consult the Chiropractor in all cases. Relief guaranteed. Consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green: 241 Phone Blark: 21 Open ETenings RESULTS COUNT t i , 8tlvAT, & ThompMn 8t .. t.is on stomach. Headaches, Ner- llth A & Snerbrook ... tvousneso Insomnia, Catarrh a"d ;ijth Av oontta . ..,.. Rheumatism are completely re:sth Ave. Hsjs jove av.v lieved bv our new form of dletet- " Av- C?rie "' ic and spinal treatment , .... ;Sth Ave. Oreea St. IHstli Read our Nat-onal Ad a. in , ,th A 1()Brtd. 8t .... tne jiDeny Magazine every weeK, then conault- DR. EYOLFSON Phone Blue 86, or Red .89 Open Evenings IY ansrer Fifteen years' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wnod In any quantity .CEMENT SAND GRAVKI. Our price, veighta and measures are right So Is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 204. Night Phono: Red 317. ' .li- -HI. -i ': Mi ::lL I - . qoKi' nrri'S t 4tr arrive in) ' rTS STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS fnr Vancouver Sunday es. Prlnoe Rupert ...10 p.m. iwaaays as. cataia 330 p.m. Thursdays ss. Prince Oeorre 10 :tn. Fridays as. Princes Royal' 10 p.m. Frldays-r-e. Garden 12 midnight AjKru J as. Princess Mary pju April 14 m. Princess Alice p.m. April 24 aa. Princess Alice p.m. I'rwn Vancouver Sjly Catala 4 p.m. Wudneatlay aa . Pr. OeorKe 10:30 ajn. V iay- i Hayai pjru. Friday ss. Cardena a.m. Saturday m. Frlnce Rupert 10:30 pjn. April 10 at. Princess "ce a.m. A mtl 20 a. Prineeas Alice a.m. BuH. V-?"' , : S p.m. (or Khninnn and J Xaa Rlver- Tuesday as. Catala 1140 a.m. For Stewart. Premier, nywx and Alice Aru 8vndy ss. Catala 8 p.m. Wednesday wi. Pr. Oeors ...4 p.m. Saturday m. Prince Rupert. . . 4 p.m. From Wtewnrt. Preftiler, Anym una aiu Arm ' Buaday ea. Prince Rupert 7 SO p.m. i TeiB-ta. CatauV .1130 a m i Tnundays as. Prince Oaorfe 7M p.m. 1 Fe !!' flmefnft" NmiMl 1 ABtU 8 as. Prince Jnhn 10 n I Apra 2-i, Prthce John 10 n o.m. il'rwn (jueen Tliarlo.lle Island April 4 as. Prince John ia 1 April IB as. Prince John a.m. I.Tur 'ka ... . . . April 10 as. as Alice April 20 cs. Ance . From Alusks- April 3. PrMKes Mary p.m. AtrU 14 as. Princess Alice p.m. April U- Prlncew Alice p.m l or lmrt Mmiwin and Vialen Island Fnaays as. Gardens a.m. From ltt filmpn and Wales Island-Fridays as. Cardena pjn. C.N.R. lflAINS For the East Msndaya, Wednesdays and Saturday at 11:30 ajn. From the bast Sundays, Tuesdays and-Thursdays at 330 pjn. " i.e tti.k mix 'roij.r.rnnNS0 Graham' St AUlV Ars. ..' B OO 7JC 1st e. tt Sth St. m.m v -1108 7JJ1 6th Ave. it Fulton SR. 9.10 7.40! 9.15 9J10 t2S Proy. n , . HuHtfmi . .. iPret. U;(Tt Wharf. VV I O.T.P .Wharf Q.TJ" ,8'stion 2nd Are. & ind St. 3rd Are. At Fulton St 10.13 .rf Ave. At Oth St 16 20 MARKET DAY, 1910; OR By Tn rrrt simeen and nam island Prldavs i a.m. '.'"tn frt SlmptKin and Wales Island 1 Fridays p.m. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout '(lie City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East: v Mondsys. Wednesday Saturdays, mall closes , 10:30 tin, I run the ljt . , Bttmlaya, Tittcdavs M Thursdays. Mall lue 3:30 p.m. To Vnacouter , Va run Wnesdafand Saturdays. Bundnya .L 9 pjn. Tuesdays 2:30 p.m. 'itUiiouays 9 p.m. Fridays . . n p.m. C.l-.H. A ril S, 14 ad 24 p.m. Fmra V.meenver 8-ndya 4 p.m. Wcdnisdcy.i . 10:SO a.m. Fridays a.m. Saturday 10:80 a.m. CPU -April 10 saa 20 a.m. Pnr Stewart. I'lemter, Auynx and Alice trai !Pflr.-.s 7 P '.Ver.,nclay 3 p. m. Betumays . . ' 3 p.m. From 8;ewart, Premier, An yox and Alico Arm Sundays . . . ...7:SO p.m. Tue-davn . . :t 1 1 Ju a ja Thuridsys . .740 p.m. T 1 'a.i)i lllver l"olnl- 7 pm : nm Sm Itlter Polrlts I lui-snnyi : 1150 am. j rjuren Cliiriotirs-Ji April 8 and bo ....!.. ...9 p.m. From (ueen liarloite 'April 14 and IS a.m. To Alaska I'olmt - . , April 10 and 20 ..J.. Noon From Alas prims, I April 3. 14 and 24 ..i.. .p.m. PROVING THAT PIGS CAN FLY The Humorist. George McManus