OJSSIFB IUBF ' Boston Grill frtrjon read tl Cliulrtai Ad, jf jou lot. MlrertlM tor t. It jou ttnd. locU tb owner. Wbtterer jou need, tdrertlM tor It (JET THE CLASSIFIED HABIT. ;0l XX No. 75. LARGE HAUL NARCOTICS San Francisco Police Made Seizure in an Exclusive Residential District .N FRANCISCO. April 2. Ono i.f the Unrest narcotic haul s made here yesterday when t'n ee men were captured with ap ri' Ximatelv half a million dollar? rth (lf drugs. The police claim lie seizure will Involve a notorious ta-tr-rn gang of narcotic oper ators. The police swooped down upon ''I FIERCE V STORM SWEPT 13 STATES Number of Death Reported and , Property Damage Runs j Into .Millions WINTER RETURNS THERE Ullzrard Felt In Wisconsin and Terrific Blow In Other States CHICAGO,- April Winter returned during the Easter week 'hrir victims In a house In an ox-' nj lo tne central states, and the 1 tu.Mvi: reaiucnuai imirict. FINAL RITES FOR SIR LOMER GOUIN MONTREAL, April 2. Eight fc'iurn after the services com- tllrni'Pfl In nimlmn tnr Sir T.nmir ouin the last rites were carried; out ni're at the Uouin family vault n the Cotes des Nelges cemetery 0I the slopes of Mount Royal QUICK WORK OF AN ADVERTISEMENT IN CLASSIFIED COLUMN "Please take IIVC my IllJ advertise- AUUltlflC snow and rain is followed by a flood menace In the Mississippi valley. The storm struck hardest in Wisconsin where a blissard swept the state, wires being down In many places and the people weatherbound. Many people lost their lives or were injured as a result of the storm. At Poplar Uluff a score of people" are in the hospital and eight of these are expected not to live. Two were killed at l'oin-ter, from Columbus, says a despatch Ohio, two lives were lost at Buffalo and a good many other places report lives lost, people injured or damage suffered. The gale blew at about fifty miles an hour. Property damage Is mounting Into 1IIIU millions, Uiiaivssot the damage " m y,..i- " 1 went out. I advertised a cago alone being eatlmaiea ai a- . flit .1.11.. aaa rord Tudor yesterday and it about a minion uohuid worked quick. : nt once, so pie I sold the car lean take the advertlpmint nut." That NEW YORK, April 2. A death toll of eight with the num . -ber of ,njured more man vu Was n early telephone call ,i u,M,.rread property we received this morning. , damaee u the result of the furious storm thai swept MILL RATE THIS YEAR Will he 41 or 45 Mills as Against lf Levy Iat Year RiMinesH at the regular fortnightly meeting of the city council tonight will include the bringing down of the mill rate for the year. The rate thin year will be 41 or 45 mill, depending on the final petting of school board estimate. Last year the rate was If. so n slight reduction is shown. The bylaw setting the. 1929 mill rate will be given its initial readings tonight. BOMBSFELL " ON U.S. SIDE OF BOUNDARY Woman Killed and Roy Reported to He Injured NACO. Ariz., April 2. Fairy Raker, aged 35, was wounded in the head by flying fragments of one of the rebel bombs which fell on the Uni ted ted State State tilde nldc of or the the interna interna twite PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Centra British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT. B. C, TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1929 MISS NIAGARA-WHY NOT ? LARGE CABARET Speoltf Dinner Thursday! and Saturday Dancing titrj Saturday nljht from 9 to 12. Dane Hall lor Hire . Accommodation! tor PrlTat Partt Phone 437 IN U. S. AND CAN A PRICE FIVE CENTS FISHING SCHOONER DORIC PILED ON ROCKS THIS MORNING Terrific Storm Sweeps Ontario Damage Amounting to Million Dollars in Value is Reported TORONTO, April 2. The restoration of the crippled lines of communication last night brought report after report of damage done by a terrific windstorm Sunday. Indications are that the stormwas one of the most vicious and widespread of many years. Estimates of the damage compiled from fragmentary reports indicate that it may total a million dollars. Scarcely a town or city in the storm area escaped the severe damage to property, either through the flood of waters or the wind which approached a hurricane in force. Rain, snow and sleet accompanied the storm and temperatures fell j rapidly to freezing point. Though many persons received, minor injuries, no deaths have been reported. The damage at Niagara Falls is estimated at $100,000. ST. CATHERINES, April 2. The storm in Simco county is reported to have been the worst in memory of the inhabitants. Damage to the extent of $50,000 was done at Port Dover harbor, the fishing docks valued at $76,000 j w as also swept away and the dancing pier costing $60,000 with all the concessions along the board walk were destroyed. All sections of the province told-a 6tory of-widespread. destruction and crippled communications. Early reports indicated the most havoc was in the.'Niagara peninsula. Trees were uprooted, roofs torn loff and fencesTevellSi a., over the fruit belt Today the weather is fair and higher teniperatures prevail. . - . y Many beauty queens entered the world's beauty contest. One the greatest of all- wai overlooked. She Is shown here "Miss Niagara." 7NC0UYEROTANCIAL PAPER SEES 4 - JUSIIOEiIN PRINCE RUPERT'S DEMAND I FOR OPENING UP COUNTRY BY ROADS Financial Journal Does Not Want to Sec Province Divided but Thinks Should Be Greater Appreciation of Value of North , (Financial News) There is published in Prince Rupert a statement to the effect that when the annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia is held in I T.. n nvmincil mnv hn mnrlo tr irinvo fnr trip fnrmnt.inn jjune a proposiu muy uv iiuiuc iu muis iui uic iuihio tionai line early today during of a separate provinccf or northern British Columbia. rebel i. i air .i raid i.i .... federal rJo.al -. ii ti British ...'i I, o Cohimhia .. 1 . . V. : . . . feel rl i.v.n. that a. n fortifications across the border in Naco, Sonora. It was reported that a boy also was injured. Every window of the business section of Naco, Ariz., was shattered, sending the terror-stricken population in a scramble from the danger tone. Alnnv in ennthprn mav this i 111 uwmmvhi - . . " - y illlltlj agitation, not new, is a natural phenomenon in the north, like the starting of sap up the tree each spring. ine impaiieiice ui uui uvuuciu, ... II.. I itliens anouid be sympauMucaiiy and considerstely dealt with for it is akin to the impatience that Vancouver people felt just a few years ago when they hammered Schooner Doric Piled on Rocks at Kinahan Island Early Today Inbound from the halibut banks with a load of fish, the Seattle halibut schooner Doric, Capt. O. B. Han-ncy, piled up on the rocks on Kinahan Island,, near the entrance of Prince Rupert Harbor, in the blinding snow at 3 o'clock this morning. Early reports stated that the vessel was badly holed. The Pacific Salvage Co.'s power tug Salvage Princess was sent out at 8 o'clock this morning to take the crew off the Doric find look into the possibilities of salvagfe. It was oi a half flood tide that the Doris 'went up, so therp is hope of the vessel being saved if she is not too badly damaged. The Doric is one of the larger Seattle halibut schoonors and was built only last year. She is a voseel of 47 net tonnage and carries a crew of 10 men. The holds of the Doric contain a catch of 30,000 pounds of halibut. . , . , , their fists against the barrier of high freight rates preventing ready trade communication with the natural hinterland of the Pacific Coast, the Western prairies. In Northern Rritish Columbia the issue is not freight rates, it is primary transportation. Rightly or wrongly and in our opinion, rightly the North feels that it is being neglected in the expenditure' of funds for new roads in Rritish Columbia. The past session of the Provincial Legislature proved a disappointment to the North when it failed to produce (Continued on page three.) PREMIER TOL.MIE OFF FOR HOLIDAY TO RECUPERATE VICTORIA. April 2: Pre- micr Tolmle has taken the advice of his physician and friends and left yesterday for a holiday which Is to ex- tend for three or four weeks in order to recuperate his health. Ills destination is not known. Search is Being Made for Kingsford Smith in Australian Bush RYDMP.Y. Now South Wales. Anril 2. Search is beimr made today bv air and water in the Australian bush for the missing plane boutnern uross and tapiain nanes Kingsford Smith, Charles T. Ulm and their two companions. They radioed Sunday that they were coming down in a rainstorm 100 miles east of Wyndham, Western Australia, while en route irom uyciney to ungiana. The country in which it is believed they landed is in-Hnhitpd larirelv bv natives, manv of whom are unfriendly and reputedly cannibalistic. The terrain is such that it is not believed the plane couiu taKe on again. STOCK MARKET STAGES RALLY NEW YORK, April 2: Stock prices rallied today In brisk fashion under the stimulus of fresh buying in oil, public utility and steel shares. A few high priced issues advanced $10 to $34 per share and a long list of popular industrials climbed $1 to $5. Call money was renewed at 12 per cent. TORONTO STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Falcon Bridge, 10.00. Hudson Bay, 19.00, ....... ,, , Intl". Wekel, 49.25. Mandy, 1.20. Mining Corpn., 4.C5. Noranda, 53.50. Pend Oreille, 13.50. Sudbury Basin, 9.70. Sherritt-Gordon, 8,65; Teck Hughes, 8.65, Ventures, 1Q.G0, . FIRE AT ATLIN DESTRUCTIVE Number of Stores Hotel and Masonic Lodge Go Up In Flames Yesterday JUNEAU, April 2: Fire early yesterday destroyed the Government liquor store, the Masonic Lodge, the Kirkland Hotel and three stores at Atlin, B.C. It was believed that the blaze started from a chimney fire. The loss Is large but no estimate has been set on it yet. SiottishvHumoit Imported direct from the Aberdeen Joke Factory THE FREE PRESS The Free Press of Aberdeen changed its name because the inhabitants took it at its word. They brought their trousers to bo pressed.