A-i April 2, 1929 Radio RADIO SOON Nothern British Col-m rtffc the big country '. id residents would t 'one in and enjoy : I, ;;r the IMW8. EW LICENSES APPURGHASED n-iti-T of licenses offi- i i - --.ii i m me omciai numuer Il ll'loltt'S : i- -rl . . .-. lge ... Iiuvnv ir ni imnun ruuua n rL'uiiiinu 7 70 ix-mg formulated with irming a radio associa- B roadcasting mil in LiMy fo Kecommend Saturday and Sunday Niirhts y inn an found in Euro pean Countries li.nt'U that radio GOOD RECEPTION RADIO PROGRAM AT WEEK-END FOR THE WEEK Proved Exceptionally Good But Trior to That Poor Saturday and Sunday night Yin rrn 1 tn I In tiniil. . i "V ' ' ISS fe09t i" specially Sunday. Tnlkwiiil up by local m m several European Cup hockey match wag heferd from Winnipeg, n.n-nt official who was Outside districts renort that PROBLEMS OF RADIO FANS A radio fan writes : "Dear sir My set suffered with w utc aim nuisance w nit; uvikii- .ars omy small rem- ttlira . . ,,,., ... ,,h ... number of rec riving ' out iUcceiB( until j was advid to ' My in operation. iperatio lho , ... . : licenses last yeiir will t6 do so this year ( now their netghbors get a license. At first I was' skeptical. Then I saw a policeman down our 'back lane, count ing aerials. 1 determined to in- 94 ceased . There were no more bni-11 sings or Wooping. My set became 4 the Silent Six. . . .P.S. The tubes don't light any more. Would this account tor it?" KD10 ASSOCIATION FIGHTING IN MEXICO STILL CONTINUING MEXICO. AdHI 2 Two en- . says the Alice Arm ammniM wr rennrfjul Utaan It is felt that a radio in- fen, troops and Insurgents. In 1 r northern British Co- onp of , the ute of ch. a growing neceaaity. huahua a number of rebels were " i d fee of $1 in fact is iud. -r ' he purpose of paying in Senora sUtt rebels used aero- t inspection. A visit was planM to bombard federal ti-oopa ! tiy by an inspector from but wIth rffect. Mr. A. L. Gray, who luaMf advice and suggaa- STOPPKI) AT BOItDBH i iwners are re quisled U RL PASO, April 2: Col. Llnd- 1 an announcement of a burgh stopped yesterday at Rl . . . -tt-A. ..till I L . ill V. I t iMi t-i;ng. Aniiiiui win i ao imoiv ronunuism . ir , 1 1 1 1 'u in, I Mil wmm m m r.ai. tb h nuin ' ' nmans of iis'stance to City. He left Santa Itartatft early in the flay. The Significance of a Name In every field there is ONIi MAMK that stands apart. In music for the home . THAT NAME IS VICTOR The renxons are High (Jualily of, Material, Minuteness of " l ail and Beauty of Tone. Thc.aniQ,.. Attracts You The Performance Holds You . Tlie new Orthophonic Victor Radio new eMaeMvs.d STATION KOMO 7:00 Clicquot CJub, Eskimos, 8:0.0 Popular orchestra "Joy Boys." 0:00 Correct time. 9:00 Concert orchestra vocal solos and duets. 9:30 Symphonic Orchestra )",7nT th. W i fJl- Ume UP t0 the k,t Week-end- At, Portland NWT Broadcast, . iremi" mere was noise and also ; . j . .u i t 10:30 Concert orchestra with hZ17Z . at Flewin and Brown' 8UtIon on male quartet. MHther of the stations -Hon. Warke Cama g0 thgt ,t wou,d, 11:00Uadio ' I BU"t?- . " 1 seem as if the disturbance was . took Ue t over system genera, good. Tuesday, April 2 BONE DRY MEASURE IS DISCUSSED AT with with Keith Orpheum program. 12:00 Late news flashes, 12U& Comic readings. ; Wednesday, April 3 ' CtftO Palmollve hb'tfr. 4 7:30 Gold Strand program. 8:00 Roads to" Romance. 8:80 Concert orchestra with contralto. 915 Male quartet with con cert orchestra. 10:00 Fisher's Blend Flour aching joints, rattles squawks, X- hour, KOMO; KGW, Portland ray blues, bui-zings in the eara, 11:00 News flashes. iransiormer nums and blooping. liris Concert orehtr with h Ar lAII fit I Asia ntAmns am? mm annnu . a rt.d in northern British . .T.T . 7. T.u ma,e 1U8n- Thursday, April 4 7:00 Halsey-Stuart program. 7:80 Standard symphony hour, 8:80 Correct time. 8-80 Crescent Old Time Band n vf tbe.r dollar. lh VMt ,n4Ulc8nM and wnat singer from KHQ, Sjpokane IftiTed: would do. Purchasing one for. a dollar, 1 pasted it inside the lid of ray set. It acted like a Plaster. 9:30 Novelty trio. 9:15 Studio program. 10:00 Associated Oil The effect was musical, lmmedl- nany's "Associated Brass ft7 atfly'the tubes got all lit up. The KOMO. KGW, Portlatnd KHQ n rattles disappeared. The squawks Spokane. I 11:00 Alttska SchsMl nrocram. 11:13 Late new& flashes. 11 :8ft Gyratora wi'BoSf-nd hU banjo." n Friday, ipril "5 . 7:00 Hudson, Besex nClAllen Jfers. ; v 7:80 Half hour with the Sn tie. 4.Si 8:00 H.C.. h9,ur. 9:00 Correct tfme. 9 :00 Bordfif Dairy frogra 9:80 FootllghU. 10:00 Evensong. 10:80 QJmplc Hotel with tenor. 'llHO Vocal ensemble. 12:00 Late news flashes. 12:16 Piano and tenor solo. Saturday, April 6 7:00 Lucky Strike Dance program, wK. ... aw nuxiMiivy.i . 9;woirtetitimij' . . 9'00--Nof1ty' orchestra with vocal. 10:00 Puget Sound Tower & Light Co.s Big Show. 12:00 Late news flashes. 12:l6-Piann und tenr solos. 4 EVIDENCE GIYEN BY MRS. MINNIE KENNEDY SEATTLE, April 2. Mrs. Mln nle Kennedy yesterday gave evi dence behind closed doors in n THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT New Stewart Company Is Ambitious Project; Much Activity Planned At Georgia Itiver; Bush Makes Statement Regarding Salmon River Properties The American Creek Mining Co., Ltd., of Stewart, which was recently granted provincial incorporation, owns 39 claims on American Creek, bounded on the west and south by the-well known Mountain Boy group, and gives promiseof being a, mining project of some magni-tiirlp. If the hiPrworade silver and cornier shnwintrs on the 7:30 Freshman:' Orchestra-hvfA,;u TJU' v,'AV.fir.M -tA nAfl, ,J11 'American' 'Creek' Co.'s ground. Several groups are in-j eluded in the new company's holdings, the original owners jeing August Pasco, A. Moreau, ' Harry Hooton and D. D. Kimball, east and that the big high grade who have consolidated their hoi- gold and silver ore zone of the dings and received the assistance Big Missouri runs directly of local Stewart people. Directors through this group for a distance of the company are Oren F. Hill j of approximately 3500 feet. Nat-and W. C. Arnold of Hyder and ional Silver also owns a group of R. W. Kennedy, P. S. Jack and seven mineral claims adjoining August Pasco of Stewart. The the Bush Consolidated on the ( company has been capitalized at north. The Sebakwe and Dis-$1,000,000 and the first issue oftrict Mines Ltd., consisting of 24 60,000 shares has been placed on claims and fractions adjoining the market for tbe purpose of the B. C. Silver on the north, con- raising funds to survey the prop- tains more quartz-porphyry ore erty and do preliminary explora-j zones than the B. C. Silver and Uon work on ahftwlngs already Premier combined, Mr, Bush exposed. A considerable amount, claims. The vein on the Premier of money has already been subscribed at Stewart. ore sone has been followed for a cpnsiderable distance and . a number of crosscuts put in prov- The Crawford Transfer Co. of d a large body of commercial Stewart has been fllven a contract surface work and diamond La pack large quantities of sup- drilling have resulted in the Io- lies from the beach on Portland cation or very high grade gold 'anal to the Georgia River Gold aid "ver ore. "Some of this ore Mining Co.'s property, a distance n hundreds of dollars to the hf some twelve miles. The con- ton," Mr. Bush declares, "and it tract, it is expected, will keep the is on'y a question of time when company busy until Dcember. R. property will prove to be a G. Mellln, recently appointed gen- "ival ' the famous Premier eral manager for the Georgia mine." All the ore zones of the River Gold Mines Ltd., has been 1 remier, a. c. silver and bebakr on the job for aflpte time and is, we declared to run through now Minerintendlna construction sroups of claims owned of the necessary buildings and a tb nh CoHsolidated Gold float. Samnies of ore from the Mines. extensive development fate of the drift being driven on worK as well as aurtace showtnga , nortaM' UNgMl iTsTSSWiirwa mam it encouraging. est vein of property nave "ea attended with such fav-m $70.81 to $210.10, orable results that Mr. Bush de- all in Bold, it is re- Clares the property looks like a The tunnel on the main "hlpper within a short time as iifcw been driven seven- Important showings are only 1000 ond the place where Ieei J-om "e mam true road. ted the cross-vein ! " ow been proven to be' "The British Empire's largest vein. At this point copper producer is situated on ed values from $50 the Granby Consolidated property in gold. Driving on at Anyox while that of the Howe O. a Bush is confident that the National Silver, Sebakwe and Bush Consolidated properties on Salmon Itiver will develop into important producers according co a statement which he recently suec Ue points out that one of. 4he National Silver groups COhaists of five clainuftadjoinlng ta Itig Misaeliri on te south and The Letter Box ' 4 THAT RADIO COUGH fcditor, Daily News, Prince Rupert, B.C. I would request space to correct the erroneous impression arising from an item entitled "Scientists Shocked," which an- gurd to the alleged bribe of $2500! nMm, ,, uaimlna, tuv An nt made to hush up the facts in re-lc,a,m that t, ag lmnvldua,8i -gard to the kidnapping affair of h overcome all human prob-her daughter, Aimee Semple Mc-, I'herson excluded Newspapermen were; artimiii n i.OTiinnKN. Try n Dally News. WANTED. Christian Science Committee on PublleaWen for British Colum- c- i r . . t 1 1 e'sootliwast vein is now in counu uo. ai uriiannia is see- ptNreaa. ;The drift advanced nd. The greatest gold silver tweftt Mauri feet from the Inter- tiviaena payer on the continent veins gave-a depth ' situated at Premier in the Port-tely 120 feet from land Canal district. With these e All In all, the pros- cu as arguments, B. C. should pecta Jor the property are very nave no mnicuity in securing capital to develop its great min ing fields," Commerce, Spokane. KETURNS TO ENGLAND Sir Hueh Hirst, as he was WASHINGTON, D.C.. April 2. peered in your columns on March caueht bv the nress Rhotoaraoher -Senator Jones of Washington;. . ' " on his arrival at Southampton state yesterday discussed the bone christian Scientists are not from Australia, where he has dry prohibition bill, of which he shocked at hearing another Chris- been on a Government Commis-is the author. Two dry congress-jtilin Scientist or anyone else ;,, 8tudying trade conditions in men, Jones undStocker. explained i COUKhi j ,ier80nally heard the 'that part of the British Empire. 'grwmen and to .lhe pldent of , and , grateful to notice. the United States. with other Christian Scientists, that us the Christian Sciente ser-j vice proce(Kletl the coughing subsided. From all appeai-anccs, the writer of tliat article, rather than BEHIND CLOSED DOORS1 was tko one shocked at hearing . ia Christian Scientist cough over the radio. Although Christian I Scientists are grateful for the: progress they have made in ac quiring a high standard nf health, WAV iff 1 Acil Ilk a Jfath- All Testify tc Its Quick Action A tXttir tmm of volunUry tMUmoBUl UUa th mum (lerr Buckby't MUtar U(raIlyeU life Huh In rII'in( Coldi, Cough. naarn, L Grlppt, "Flu" and BronchltU. Wen, wo. mm nd chUdrca find "Buck. Iri'i" a vlrutnL f. urw to throat and chat Iwallh. Sold under a monr-ffaouVd guaran. to br drugfUU aeorxwntra, MTwhtra. T17 T17 It today. W. K. BacVler, lit Ualaal BL, , I . Ua.lld, mTtf Terente i W ( s ilnglc tip prove It KOLSTE RADIO All Kolster Electric sets can be used in connection with your phonograph to give electrical reproduction of phonograph records. Connection is made to the pick up unit by means of jack, which is standard equipment in each model, and is-readily accessible at the back of the cabinet. KOLSTER-TABLE MODEL WITH TUBES. 8225.25 KOLSTER CABINET MODEL WITH TUBES AND SPEAKER :$2I.25 sets. i. Also other models in both 6 and 7-tube sets and battery Kolster Must Be Tried to Be Appreciated S. E. PARKER, Ltd. KOLSTER DEALERS tfaHeto i$fPlug itl Victor EIGHTY per cent of the present Victor Lowboy owners rought principally because of Victor tone quality. As a tribute to this overwhelming demand for tone, Victor goes farther along the line of popular favor by equipping the Lowboy with the Victor Electro 'Dynamic Speaker. Adding tone to tone a Victor achievement. From the moment that Victor entered the radio field, tone has become a recogniabk factor in radio. And since the instantaneous and ever-growing success of the New Victor Radio, tone has impressed itself as the great essential in radio today. Truly Victor Radio has made the world 2 Victor Radio j. Victor Voncl Drrmlallon'. I tone-conscious. Featured here is the Lowboy, the finest moderate-priced set for quality reproduction in the Dominion of Canada. Specially designed for Victor Radio Dealers and ottered to you, equipped with the New Victor Radio, Victor. ElectroDynamic Speaker, complete A with seven tubes, one rectifying tube k- and plug-in cord, for only $310 Or with Regular Victor Speaker, $285. Vtor Talk trig Machine Couipny iir ii Utmii anin ftrnts tf Ikt FtJto Frrqtmy LAfkwtioriu nc aBBrjMeeKeBMHaeeeaejeeeaeeMOBWKOMMaMBeepaeaMeaieKMaeaaBl ORTHOPHONIC IIW H TJ) VICTOR VKTKOLAS AND V PKP ilVHQ UAI)1 RECORDS lllvlluC il lOe RlXElVpRS Crescent Ground Cross-Cut Saw, No. 325 ThU U one the moel popular Mwt on the market lor culling pulpwooi It It luej hf the Urgeet pulp wood fobbert and manufacturer!. It It made with Lane Tooth, It narrow, and with itt hollow back it tpeciall SIMOSDSUlMDt S1W CO .tIMITID deeigned tor lelting purpoect. monipul. vancouvi. a?l-,"