M-;fAGB FOUK r The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMMj Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert City Delivery, by lially News, Limited, Third Avenue. U. FrPULLEN,ki,..Ti-.ManagJn1 Ed m For lesser neriod. Daid in advance ner month Classified Wvcrtisir.g, per insertion rilEK (JOMPIlAINTS Jitor. mall or'Earrler, pearly perloa, paid In adtanc 'Sfi.'Oi .00 By wail to a"fl parttr.of '.Northern ana Central :Brittah Columbia. .60 paid in dvance for yearly period $3.00 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion ...... $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front I'ftgfr pernch ; ..jJBO. Local Readtgs, per Iiiaertion, per i, p?fw6rd ifn..!Jt Ley! Notices, rach infert'on per azate line i6 ; Or four month, fnr ......... $1.00 By mall to all other parts ot British Columbia, the British ;.;'.' Empire and United States, paid in advance per ear .... $G.0u I" By mail to all other couttries, per yeai $7.r0 $ Contract Kates on Application .'Advertising and Circu.'nticn felephont 99 lt' Efllrnr mtH Iipnfirfr, TV.lAithnn,. .. . 5(5 Si f I i-'i'tnter of Audit Buieou of Circulations DAILY ElflTION 1 Ijfot'- Thursday, April 4, 1929 A ri i. -4 r if T7 . r r A gootf maffnipltmts littve been made at the unsea-i sonaDie weather tne past tew days. Those who complain j must remfiriber'that in.the.central states many people lostl iiiuir nvetsHii iiik uiizzarus anu in uniano a minion aonars damage was caused bythe wintry storms.' 'In' Seattle there was snovand noarlvt'everv nlace suffored more or less wintry wither. A letter just received from California! states that for only the last few days has it been warm. ATHLETIC PARK This is , a good time to investigate the question of an athletic park. If there is room for it in McClymont Park, it will be Qseleiss to secure it elsewhere, but if that sito is not suitable, th'en steps should be taken to secure land' fori ; one. While the ground at the Acropolis Hill will doubtless1 : . bo useful, fthere, should also be a piece of land .suitable forj . r rugby, foolball-and, lacrosse. j i I . SAVED JJY GRACE i PrinceftiUpert's financial position was saved by grae'd. Only the fact 'tJhat she was ?.ble to sell the po'w'erant made it possible, t get by withoutaising; thp, tax rate to an inordnrate amount! Aa it. is in usy in to'bp .congratulated on her position. Whereas two or three-years ago, her tax rate s 50 mills on the dollar, since that time the assessment Has been reduced considerably and the tax rate will probacy this year be 45 mills. The-future financing of the cittwill also be improved. I sG.QF1SAraiIMMEUING;-rSv.s Years go the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway obtained concession frqni the ?ty,of Prince Rupqrt-onrthostrtngth of going tp erect a fine hotel. The work of excavation proceeded and a large sum was spent getting out the rock in . readiness for an immense hotel building. That was as far as it got. TJhe railway obtained the concessions, but Prince Rupert did not obtain the hotel. Now it is announced that the site is to be subdivided and sold. So goes the last hope for a big railway hotel. There may possibly be a hotel, but not the bigrbtf Cv It was a dream. A DANGEROUS FIND - The Daily Chr.initle, Lun.inn. mokesiirmin!jSliillWrSlill ins j . ia ' QUITS MINISTRY JEIiEASTj M prij; il-le Reitfiia' .Ca'lhhas eigned; her pastorate in the village of Searsmont to. enter .the Krqw County Hospital ' nurses training school. THE; DAILI EW3 JHsa Cash, who is 25 -ears old, lma lippn tho vonnirpst nreacher TO LEARN NURSING1 in the Eastern Maine confer- lence. Uuring her pastorate in ding, many to ..the . attendance. Miss 1 Cash is a ; 'Vivacious bru nette witlti a pleasing personality. JAIL A REAL "COOLER" KINGSTON, Mass., April 4: TMa frm-n Vina n lull thnt Vprv Searsmont she was successful in' rnnt.rv mPrits the nonular des- Miss Cash Who is the Youngest building up the church and ad- innnn ignation nf "cooler" The local ii t. f . :'lf lockup is situated in the base ment of the town hall and it is SCHOONER SOLI) FOR $500 NEW LONDON, Conn., April 4: After a trying experience on Block Island, where she went ashore heavily loaded with fish, the fish iiur schooner Emily II. so cold and damp that even lnnttemptel Thursday, April 4, 1029 has bfeeii Hold lot $600.. Tugajtf; iifii 'ikV unsuccessfully, to Hauir iJr-f DUBIOUS. the the ! 'the the summer summer a a fire must be the Vessel off after she str; she -wan prflduAtpri frnm to again go aground two miles down the beach. A hole was stove in her bow, but her new owner says expenditure of $8000 will make the schooner, which was valued at $30,000 as sound as ever. ande&f i$jfih ... tne he ei-, ef-i . i mr VrfJlf.jn. ftew; CiA w i . . ..I ... . . i i.i i- !IV. ill Moodv B ble School In Chicairo maintained to make the place; and nnauy abanuoneu uo maiuj : missus three; years ago and for three 1 habitable. Whenever possible fort. Then came a high tide ' says I can have three days off a years attended the Gordon The-! the police take prisoners to the! and off floated the unmanned week. Is that a compliment or ological School in Boston. more modern jail at Plymouth. I.Emily H. Sh drifted miles a hinsult? London Calling. mwm, 1 " 'WW i9 WW: fit J ' ' At Lastj the . 'y King is I Satisfied'! x ? I ' CHOCOLATE BAR to and coated with milk choco-please the royal taste has late, form this choice confection 1 been producedl King And everyone delights in it 1 Snicksnack is happyl His people rejoice 1 Refreshing, satisfying, delicious I Moirs "King's Choice" Choco-Fresh cocoanut and fresh pine- late Bars are now on sale "appledipped in butterscotch everywhere., " . KIi Choice 21 ocolafeBar WWmSKt S.'2B' vr