Come in for Local ,000 Prize Picture .Contest:.'-:- 'Let you ow easily you can qualify for a major Itfisd in this big Eastman Contest the greatest in the history of photography. Entry blanks and complete contest information arc available at the Kodak counter now. Come to our ntore to fill any photographic need. We have aywimplele stock of cameras and dependable Kodak film. And wr. trust wormy nouak i unhung f film. THIl?D AVE. fr SIXTH ST DEMAND upert "Tllli DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOUIV". Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold fritter Itttert. ILU JLTJL" JXl " - A-JL' U.. JaVA.1 IlkU 11 " 'as. PHONE .NBW SHIPMENT JUST AKKIVEI) Mine Head Alberta Lump . . . .$18.50 Mine Head Alberta Sootlcss liarjie Egg ,S12J)0 Mine Head Sootlesu I5ag S12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Also ail other classes of coul. DRY niRCH, JACKPINE AND CEDAK . Single load ,t.$W0 Double load $650 Lurxe sack . - Box wood cuttings, brgyJoajJ.A. -. i.l i' in no urrd Furaltare Nnvi Day rtitd NirH Service :r O U 1 C QUAKER CooKs in 2lz or8busy tCBS,orning hours VIM'S SIMONDS SAW! The most economical saws to use Slmonda Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Heml St. and Acorn Ave. Vancouvtr, B.C. .m w.. ' .. . 9XrW 'Hll tit;' Details of the makes the most of every roll TFlfPimNrA ',. ?or Bran to Sprjft Co', lift! i . . I i ! I 580 ; . (txjapM MRilaggiW 139 Second Avenue to 5 minutes ; MONTREAL at,4ann,n.o. . iUIUl! and 4 a Tax Phone 4, IJIg-4 Taxi, tf Boys' Hand at the Rink tonight at 7:30. Skating until 10. Don't forget' the Variety Concert in Presbyterian Cburch Friday, April 5 at 8 p.m. Tickets, 35c. S. S7 "SaiW' has arrived wSth full cargo of Nanaffho Wellington Lump Coal for Albert & McCfcf - fery Ltd. Phone llO & 111. tf Mrs. Irwyn Ufuyn and family arrived in the city recently frotai Ocean Falla to Aid Mr Bruyn who is now conducting the Edge paint business here. C.P.R. g tea mar Princess Mary. Capt C. C. Sttinley, arrived in port at 7:30 this morning from Skagway and. other Alaala points I and sail&r at 9 am. for Van- C0Uver I,' Defective 'ellectrl ' wiring out ?Ide the 'buildrnf' caused a fire which did minor damage at the Edge parat slbop at 6:15 last eve- Lii -i . a,A .! : . . Ws was soon on nana to extinguish the i blaze. C.N.H. steamer Prince John, Capt. E. Mabbs, arrived in port at 2 o'clock this morninc from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and will lay here until 10 o'clock Saturday night when she will return south over the same route. The & pageant, "Garden Galnee which made such an Hriprejisun af evening service in First , flptist ; Church last, Suit-day, was repeated by retiiftst las,, pigkf ...Tbera was a large ; audience whiah eapresaaCi teen daflgbt' at "I'lf! Uts! excellent '.kil 'feWfor lviainc in whiah some fifty per UsW (ooKpart IW . I A N N O UiN'CKM ENTS Anglican A. faster Sale, April s, United Church Bialtar Baiaar. April 4. Umm Whirt Drir. I Dance, Apru n. .C.W.L Spring .HaU la Catbolk Hall.- Thursday. AarR 4. AfW- noon from 3 to 6. Satial in eve-jnlng aUrting at 8:St. Premier OrchaHtta in An. jar ril ft .Moose Halt. ick taJaable at McCutc n Druir Store or from me reJ X yoora now. j'. .3 :f W-. Vajls vvv.-. - - .2 Personal News in Brief Ragles Whist Drive :a41iUMeJ .ud hiaa?liaa..been repriced at Falls; Mr. andIra. E. W. Mar-Thursday, April 11. .1 K..t, :i very lo' level, offering an op- entette ami Hut C. Oliver, city; --.--I 1 Gyro Hoedown. Audltorram. April it. . . i Y u are Not Old at Forty Improperly fitted glasses; use of two pairs of glasses when uie is botter;Vihslglitly "old appearing" basted bi-f m:i kiHes; "ducTtinp" and "jM i riii" over the edges of your "reading glasses"; trying to do without glaseea 1 all make you look old and I prove that YOlf NEED ' CLASSES. i The kind of glib that o rare owe these eaffnarka of ',- age aft our it KRYPTOK LENSES They vHll do all that two pairs can do and do it bettw; They are really two pairs in one. John Bulger, Ltd. TllE JEWELLERS Dentist. .Dr. J. It. Cosse. Phone C86. Mrs. C. Edgar ii sailing tonight on the Prince! George for Vancouver. For Alberta Beacon Hard Soot-less cqal, phqne Albert, & McCaf-fery Ltd., 116 and 117. tf Ah Organ Recital wIU be giv- e by Ewart Lyne in St. An- ;drew;a Pro-Cathedral on Sunday next, at the close of the evening serv 79 ill. M Mrs. G. A. Woodland; ate- expected to return to the cny vj me ena or this wee - from Vancouver where they have , oeen on a holiday trip. , . ' . ,. . t. o. iuuKei narris. ita2ei- ton mlping man, is. making the jroond trip to Anax and. Stew- fcrt "l,rd l'rlnc Ge0g6to- toml WOlfaun tiiT7"i ' Blackstock,. construe- tfon.aiiperintendent for the Gov-' eminent Telegrahs with head- . . .. ... quanfra ar iiazeiion, arrived in. we city on the t'rlneess Mary this morning after a trip to Nor-lA. taero British Columbia and Yu i . . . i a 7.V y . V dut,e8 Blackstock reports that there - ...... was no snow at Ketchikan yes- a.i.iouKn mere was a joi.and Mrs. W. Millar on me grouno nere. ROTARY CLUB WAS ENTERTAINED BY ! W . At the -i tegdlaT Tfiursday lunch-' efl of ; the -Prince Rupert Rottnr . . at-? M Ultra lom Wilson s orchestra ' 6f JiDOflT 20 p4ec played a nm A'li:1myyc.M,.!nhrJoell fish ixcnaaai thiimarnina. Mtfoffnical ability on the, pert u r iii j. .-i- i '"e Bnu reiui trarnmir oh the part of the con- , , Most or .t the members t of the or- ehesrra are members of the bays' band, bufcilt fs reinforced by se., ralgirl vjnits. i B. J. Mellish, manager of the n Baak of . Commerce, was a new member at the luncheon. John'. Dore presided. : R. W. CAMERON GIVING UP lChCI I CDV D11C1MCCC JtWtLLtKl DUjlnLOJ With the intention of devoting all his time to the repair end f his bualMss, R. W. Cameron is closing out his retail store o;tfcIrd in. rvfcAt. stoeK baft goffered; for sale at' sreattv rauueed unces. Drtta dsAfwhlctii : should "dlka)M . of every - article quicklyV'frfery piec of f.i'verware. Jiawellorv. cut itIam pornnity for yoa to ' secure a real bargain. i . . lou are invited to call in and .'inapwt the stock offered and thi- nrice- and to make your sel ection riht away as at the sale price aski-d, every thing should go quickly advt. FELT MISERABLE ALL THE TIME HeaJaches and Tiredness Ended - by "FRUIT-A-TIYES ' Rom nuoolo suffer for years with lit hJik'Iim. Titbut ever try ins to find out what is the CAUSE- of the pain. Thrv get all run-down, and arem to tkink this weak, drprcasnl feeling is the mult of the headaches. As S natter of ftet, thronia IieAxUrhes are the rnult of poisonod blood, due to faulU action of the bowels, kidneys aadrfdn. '"Fruit-a-tirea" stops brad-aebes liecaUiw it regulate the bowils. kkbeys and akin the body of watt matter which poisons the blood ; and thus keeps the blood pure and ' At Mrs. Michael Coulis of Killaloe, Ont., write "I used to feel tired out and run-down sad had never Headaches. After u&ing 'Fruit-a-tives' the lieattaehes and tiredneM quickly dit awwaml and for two years now ! have been in the beat of health." And yttuf Do you lufferf Mrs. Count iUvi you tbe way to get well lata I "ftuit-a-tivSt," Mc. and fiOo. a box at dealers awywhere. ANGLICAN SALE WAS SUCCESS YESTERDAY, MANY TAKING PART In spite of the increment weather yesterday the Anglican" W. A. held a very successful sale in the Cathedral Hall ar a result of which $100 was added to the funds of that organlxa-tion. The decorations of iillies and daffodils were very pretty, j Mrs. T. Andrew, the president, and Mrs. J. B. Gibson received the visitors. Tea was poured by Mrs. G. A. Rix, Mrs. Morte Craig, Mrs. J. II. Pillsbury and Mrs. J. C. McLennan. The tea tables were in chargi . t r T) i. : . i jv ur. parking wun Mrs. aaz-'ett-Jones 'ett - Jones cashier. cashier. Assistants m La pine, Mrs. J. W. Greer, Mrs. Aspinall Mrs Cade Mi Tucker Mrs ' S V Cox! Mrs. CreW Mis. Lennox'. Mrs. , IHIiUltlUi Witt Mrs. Stamp-Vincent and Mrs. W. A. McLean, Apron Stall: Mrs. Rorie and Mrs Pvie H0me Cooking: Mrs. C. C Mill. Mr Holthv nA Mr. r West. Panrlv Mn .. Ruli l; j .iica Creech and Mra. J. W. Nicholla. u-i.... r. . ....j .... ..v. iiunci ui jam (jio.vcu violin and piano JIrg ABder8bn sang and piano selections were given by Parkin and Miss uai iriit Rfilt hoi h ' till trA rwr'x -t w i's ( ii t. . . , thmtr i-trh r h.iiK,. - o-it " aaI-iVA. .mhHw .. eiwosing to hold over until tomor- row in tn hope that'tlfere wooi be a betterment in" prices. Arrivals t ere as follows' American McKinley, S8.G0Q pounds. Cana- diatn Fish & Cold Storage Co., . a - Uw.r- snflAn nunH- h.v. m .rv i. . j :i . 2300 nound.. holding over. n-nflrfli. Verna, 4000 pounds. Booth Fish- Takla. 20,000 pounds; Fanny, 5600 pounds; H. and R., 6000 pounds; and White Lily, 2500 pounds, holding over. UfiTCI ADDI'JAIC uuiL,ii nmuinu . rnnce uuom ' MIm F. C Barker, Ocean Palla; A; C. Garlow, Vancouver; Mr. and Mm (V S Thorn Orpun W. It. Oajtrtfth, BaJmoral Can- nnr: J. A. firtwn. Port Essing - . ji.... ..... ton; William Blackstock, Hazel- ton. Hoyal J. O. HaWffcr. Vancouver; Lars Soveren and Ady Gavin, city; D. Rodman. Hftlland Rock; E. Pearee, Jefca Sella, A. J. Eng- lund dnd N. R. Madton. Oceanic: Mr. and Mrs. A. Ward, Port Clements Savoy Charles Lee, Alice Arm; R. 'Sd1 iSSmaffSm rint-e Greafe Kup- lert. .Central R. McLeW, city. ' Tho Pacific Salvage Co. is 4J..t M Ameriean halibttt aehooner Doric which, la on tbersAM on Kuvuub Island. Un to noon no word had been received as to the success of operations with this end in view. WHOOPING COUGH No "cur" but htlpa to r. due paroirnis of coughing. VI VapoRud GKB And its flavour is the finest in the world. "SAUBA" T 'Fresh r DISCUSSION ON CHILD WELFARE IMhop Itix and J. C. Brady M. P. Interesting Speakers Before Me Lodge Lajrt Night Highly instructive and Inter-eating address on the subject of "Child Welfare" were delivered before members of the Moose Lodge last night after the regular meeting by Rt. Rev. G. A. Rix, Bishop of Caledonia, and J. ter more or less theoretical re- marks both speakers stressed the necessity for so mebetter means for youths in Prince Rupert to spend their time than on the streets as at present Work of the Moose L'jijfe along these tine Was alluded to and both speakers lauded the project for the formation of a junior Moose order in the city and the estab lishment of a gymnasium in the basement of the lod'gl bail. D. t. bchubert, dictator of the lodge, piesided over the 'meeting whteh W3' ""ended. An. 'ttjoyable .mualcal brogram in-. ... ., , . . uma voe "' Bimon A- Swanson, Miaa Bessie Derry nd Walter Howarth. who were accompanied by Al Small, and there were selections by the El- veath Avenue Orchestra under th leadership of W. H. Derry. Tkon , Hoiioina Inuhun rnrd. r.rrLnments for which i ,..i.i k..i. f u Lamb. t ! Bishop E. L Bunoc 0. M. I. , :uJed yesterday -fternoon by the Prince Oorjrr on a trip to Anyox oh ecciesiastical datles. r: ' SasffaRPfqiT flftl " iRANSES! NEW SHIPMENT OF NAVEW HAS AUUIVHI) Small aixe, swea and julcj; 3 - dozen t50c . Larger fixe, 3 doten RASPBERRY JAM Is, Malkln's'- Beet. Per tin .60 HONEY 6s, Pride of Ontario. Per tin We FLORIDA GRAPBFRUIT -2-s,: -, Np ro UrnrPYV "C"1"0 folk's Finest, t tins .M;. UIULWJ SEEDLESS RAISINS 4 lbs SSc OtIAKP.n rOK'2 S tins 4Se SINI'.APORK P1NKAPPLK-- .1 tins S6c CLARK'S CATSUP ! ' NONSUCH 8TOVB POLISH 2 bottles 35c PALMOLIVE SOAP 0 bars 45e J ... . - LAUNDRY STARCH WWlei Gloss. Per pkg 10 1 MINUTE TAIMOCA-Sa time. 2 DkffH M APRICOTS 8a, Roaedale Brad.l5un sfAii CLEANED AND aims PEAS Roynl City. Per tin 45c EVERYTHIXn IN FRESH VEGETABLES IN SEASON Watts' Grocery Quality Richt-P1IONE -Prices Right 33 PHONE 56 A the gardens ill Thi.s afternoon's t rain, due :im the east at :)::5.), was repor-d this morning to be on time. Heart Palpitated Nerves Bothered Her Sleep Was Broken Mn. Fred A. PugIey, East Southampton, N.S7 write: "I was bothered very murk with mv nerves and palpitation of the heart, and my sleep was broken at. night. I decided to try and after I had taken six boxes I found that they had done me so much pood 1 will gladly recommend them to all those who are troubled with sleeplessness caused by their heart and nerves.' , ;Price 60c. per box at all druggists and dealers, or mailed direvt on receipt of price by The T. Milbum Co., Ltd, Toronto. OnL Aims 8 ft V ECIALS C HBAL QUAUTY CEYLON TEA Rosabedde O. P. very tippy. b- 90f Regular. ir lb., $1.00. EVAP. PRUNES Large size 2s. Per pkt 30c , Market Day, 4s. Per pkt. 45c EAISINS Market Day. 2s. 2 pkta 45c SwICBD PEACHES Del Monte. 2 l-2s. . tins 85c ( IIEEF Lrbby's. Is. ' 2 ting 45c s KJ"rLOi K- Mm Mor. Per'flt 25c "USTUn POWDER Creamola. 6 ., 2 pkis 35c ;K per tin 36c LtfS pkts 35c f'hUNL . SOAP LAKES Per pkt 20c ' JMNLTK OAT gilvie's . 2 kts 55c pllANliES- .1 doz Si. 00 doa 95c n n in Third Avenue PHONES 4.'. AND 574 w , SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER .Cutting. Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed PKRSSED Ve Dilivtr to Any Part of the Ctty. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 Dally News "Classified" adver- Using brfaga reshlU.