April 4, 19g? THE DAILY NEWS PAQE SEVER Man , Rupert in the has Moon many fishing CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMEN IS FOR SALE, F OR RENT, LOST & FOUND boatH and schooners illinK a single smack. THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE HEAD BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. M'jypnt mm SL... ;i jofkeinist commS a mejrrr' !(f ii i m to jail and rnaltamlm it !at one column 6fftii ki a day. What fearful - some of these moderns do can never be popular. iiig to movie show and ig an Opportunity to rifad ' ' ; .-.In ';; ;t good legal argument ij iI court m domestic i - - whose Scotia represents i-MHfintK a ii mpntnl menial state afnta . , i Kit delirium tremens. 1 thousand miners inches or 26 e. f. ..ronle work ' hard tn rt f lr out or Buck CVukh Cm, which u L -.55: 2251 r'l.fi", 822 1 iirjf nun l nave lu wuijw vl " vi.n. ..wu ,1 : Hid tin"' have to work ' Th water will be diverted from a stream at a Doint about three -quarters th,. fat down. o' , , ... ... ... used 1 .ok I Jik" to take with me the 1 uvimiv ir,,m hniM la ih ' ' ' f t ciauna dmi aiui uas ?-, , Wat . i . rat II... . ... . - -niHiivision raze 1ft bggm-er 111 rrinvi- KuiiarBuftj'jj;;. w,!l the ne,v c. -x, Jl.-ho-p it.tno- a 1.0 i.'i'-itv ; If ;f. - . l1 1"WI on ftfvvy. .te flkid with Ten Years Ago wtthtn In Prince Kupert The April I. 1919 notice I otns' eway, which won trrm (n .the reejrat com- i lon luctd by the Dally I'm- 1 1 ivrh School students, i -hwl today. TAKE I . 1 1. .dors for the excavation i the .-lips ot the dry dock ;on th.' hiit ships are to be i .i" their material on the ' .aid will be sturtinK con-'ii almost immediately. inn of wrjrinir salmon Is irraiai rill swliif and boats of and (U'scriptions are iaz i n juxt citside the har- m mfPIU IMUNCK IHIIHlinVTII)ES avsd Thurwlay, April ,1 9:51 a.m. 16.5 ft Z M p.m. 16.C ft. 1:03 a.m. 11.6 ft. lfi:34 p.m. 7.1 ft I riilay, Airll S 10:46 ajn. 17.4 ft, 23:ft p.m. 17.6 ft. I 4 AT a.m. 10.1 ft! 17:22 p.m. 6.1 ft. I Saturday, April 6 I 11:82 a jii. 18.5 f t. 1 5:42.m. 8.6 ft' 18:01 p.m. 5.2 ft Every time you buy a can of. 73onkt$ ST. CHARLES MELK you help British Columbia and and yourself... because this pure, rich milk comesfr from our ownfcrtlleti Frascr viilley. ,You use milk dally vvliy not Insist on Borden's St. glories your own milk 1 for fn Rntlp Boot WWfijB ' e 7)ckU &mittd VANCOUVER VSS5M 'aff'i. HOARD AND ROOM BOARD And room. 216. Phone Green ROOM And Hoard. Central location. Steam heat Phohe Blue 153. If. WATKIt NOTICE Dlvmlon and Use TAKE NOTICE that Alfred II. Bryant. addfeaa la 609 Bank of Itoi Not .--rr.'S. unuainR, Sir'.--T. - mile from Dae creek and win be for hydraulic mining purpose upon, mine deacribed a Ready Moae W umm no. uw ana ure; LJ310MUIU , rted irom nuok OaWn ir end 01 canyon 01 sesn nana beswhea to point ot tue. nouce ltd on Mbet. 11 eofir of llili r< ana in amiiea mix to th AWm Ittptrfe Obiectuma to toe apptleatkm mar be with the aald Water Recorder or the Comptroller of Water Right. Parliament Bulldlnw. Victoria. B.C. thrrtT dr after the firm appearance ot this notice In a local date of th tint nublloatlon Of thi la March 11. IMS. ALFRED H BRYANT. roitroitATioN nr the riT' or l ltlNCi: Hl l'KKT NOTICE THAT: The Council of the Corporation ol cm at rant Hubert intends w paveSeQ itateeq. feet wlo Ammm a Avenue wnniuat a l poun drfitc line of 6th AjTHWe tn- 1 centre Hbc of Ambraae Avcmi plon thealiue UatAmbrme iu lnwwrrufja m wnc wie of 8Ui Avtidie. tXM. tsmm nt. and mtelamle lrpeclalle coat f land abuttrna on the vottWiimvl iiuch. er- the coat m HJHprred at affect The Ml united osH at the tk la t.1tm 14. of which f&Vi&Sl lo be b the Corpora txnagmalil the eaU d annual apectal 3Mt per root la I 4au . TbeTOfC'' U to be PH 10 aNiual tnatal Panona dealrlnc to pStUton agalnat IwrttiHaHliw the work mttaf Wo on or ibVroMKthe 8th dr of May. ltW X F. JftNBS City Clerk shas'Snd day ot Aprtt. l?9. S D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Hepreiientatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston Colli 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert R.C. Try a classified ad. in the News get RESULTS I I BRINGING UP V MAGClG. WINT TO FOR RENT HOUSES Fo'r rent. F. W. Hart. I 94 SUITES For rent. Summit , Ap- FOR RENT Five room furnished flat. Mussallem XJrocery. tf. FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnithed. Phone 517. tf. FOR RENT Antomohlles. nianos' nhonOKrauhs and sewine maeh- inn Walker Walm Music Store ii MU,'C St: Iron rent - rumfthed house kieping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red G07. II FOR RENT Modern four roomed flat with bath. Bank Block. Apply Wfenhaver Bros. tf. - rr FOR RENT -furnished modern house. Harbor vir. Monarch range, $25,00. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue K4nt. FOR TtENT Building containing large workshop on ground lioor with 7 rtwrn modern flat above at 177 Third Avenue East Apply Hyde Transfer. ' tf WANTED WANTED Olrl for general housework. Apply Mrs. S. Fris-lell's Store. tf. GRADING, Excavating, Concrete foundations. Nels Rokkjar, Room 9, G23 Third Avenue. Phone Red C25 or Black 700. 81 AGENTS .WANTED THE GENUINE EVINUUDE Dealer Write for 1929 Franchise. II0PFA1MIEECIIING SHIP YARDS LTD, 1927' Georgia St., W, Vanc6uy(?ri B. C, . - DISTRIBUTORS FOR WESTERN CANADA 78 FURNITURE MnLn-rtA Vnrnidlrp Pfinnp 775 EVERYTHING FOR THE HOMEj Chesterfield Suites, Dinii.g ' Suites, walnut and oak Beds, i Springs and Mattresses, Curtain Rods and Blinds. PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. W buy, sell or exchange any kind or furniture or household goods, musical in-uttAjments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Jut phone, Black 120 and wo will call. GEORGE J. DAWES, Federal Block LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal. Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano ana Furniture Moving, FATHER t tz i.i. -rrzr;,- ImCUUO bLsismii I-, ITALY FOR SALE FOR SALE Dalton Cash Regis-! ter and adding machine; in use! monthi. M cagh ped era, News Company. t '; rn C t.ti TlUll..-. r I run Ort Wti tiuiiuu lanuu, aole model, TMtteryless nix tube set. Snap for cash. Will consider term!. Prince Rupert Auction Mart. tf. NOW Is the time to order garden i manure. 1'lrtt orders win De; first delivered. While it lasts,; $3 a load. Phone 303. Casey Cartage & Fuel Lo. 'J.5 ' ' , DECORATE Your place with "Ve,.l !"d, S o t uy niu nswMcn, oiivw out.. Farm, Terrace. For prices of maples, birches, red spirea and red barked dogwood phone T. Ross Mackay. 81 FOR SALE One line shaft 18 feet Jgn.and 1 inches. thick. One ?6 inch Hanger; Four 11; inch, hangers. Two Inrge Iron' Pulleys, speed 15 to 12 inch, Zf Inch belt Two line shafts ; 8 feet long. inch thick. 1 Three Iron Pulleys, three speeds 12 Inch to 8 inch. Two ; Wnrtilan l'iillVB At;1iIv rhl v : CHIROPRACTIC RELIEVE HEADACHItSY CERTAINLY This distressing malady Is very prevalent at this, time of the year, ami as a rule Ii. a symptom of a deeper such as affections of liver, kidneys, stomacli. etc. it mny be also due t the after ef - fecU of Infloenta. Consult the Chiropractoc in ! eases. Relief guaranteed. - - Consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL ' 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green: 211 Phones Black: Open Evenings I . Experienced operator, hwdf-n!For vnnoum- - method, in all 1,, of Uuty 3g.:,:g 2: Make appointment by phoning ' d 339. SALVAGE ANIi TOWING If it on or under the water we 10 it." PACIFIC SALVACE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and (, neral Salvage Work. Ro:its and Scows of all descrpl fof charter How Boats and Canoes for hire. Rarajns in Ga8 KnKineP. AGENTS FOR Van Blerck, Eastkope, Hicks & Ballantyne Engines. Northern B., C. Distributors Coolidge. Propellers Phone, Day oi Night, 54 P. 0. Box 1561 PETS We are importers of canaries, parrots. ioveign oiras, goiuiisii, m,tuvc l.v.ra nuts and rohlilli write us and we will ship on approval. Money refunded if not satisfied. PET SHOP Largest Store of its kind in Canada ncouver ULTS COUNT Pais Tif tne side, Indigestion, r.as m stomach. Headaches. Ner j vousnes-s. Insomnia', CaUrrh adj , , 'isi.Apia. a sm st. ........ Rheumatism are completely re- eta AM- & wton si. .... .., lieved by our new lOisn Of ditrtet- i th Are. & Thompson St. .. ii ' and spinal treatwent. itead our N.tuna, -Ad's." th; Mlierty JXairaiine every then tonsylt ' 1 ! DR. EYOLFSON I 'i Phone Blue 85, or Red 389 Open Evenings 1 r nsiii-iwiiN KI'RCIAL n.I2t:i Double lilt I CHCSf 43 JACKETS ply sod reeaay HADf. rMati. U CAKA0 nil WATERPRO BEAUTY OPERATOR . MISS MARY M.'.CJli A Fisherman's Suit To Suit The Fishermen uwsr breast piece with fly (root ramsves any pessibity of nets or Fines ettthin. Pants dosed side psttarn, raj roomy and double ply. Both sarsmiU re made in ysBow and have a very tough wsarwtf surface. Made by Canada's foremost waterproof dotKinf manufsctaren, in siaes 38 to 46. On 5a fy Fhktrmtn SupfJj mmhantt Insist upon getting a genuine Tower's Waterproof TOWER CANADIAN LIMITED Toronto Vancouver Winnipeg montreal . ; -' .. .. ... v .s HALIFAX n STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS -rt,, ........... u nnra 19 n hi aSaflO Fridays . enncess D TTULuia- u. nardena ,!v:w . mldnl'St- amhi a at Pitswa uanr njn Aprll 14 as. PrlneeM Alice p.m. April 24 as. Princess Alice p.m. tor the East Mondays. Wedneed)r. Saturdays, mall etoeea . .10:30 am. rtvni me riv . W TT VM -ThuTada,,. MkU.oe .330 p p.m. to o varu-ouver- vaiu-ouver Via Via train train Wednesdays Wednesdays and and Saturdaj Saturdays. Sundays Fridays a.m. Saturdays .loao a.m. c.P.ft April 10 and 20 a m. Sunday es. oataia 4 p.m. v Wamesday as. Pr. Oeorge 100 ajn. : ' ' ' 11 ? m-fMt.ay- Hnnmwo tv . . . . 4 C.P.R. AfriJ 3. 14 ad 24 p.m. Friday as. Gardens a.m. irnm Vancouver SaWrday sa. Prince Rupert 10:30 pin. Sundays ,4 p.m. Aprtl 10 as. Princess tee a.m. Wednesdays 1030 a.m. April 20-hss. Princess Alice ja.m. Kil Sunday as. "ctda Catala 8 p.m. I'or Port Slrapnon and Saas River Tuesday on . catala 11:30 a.m. For Stewart. Premfer. Ahywx and Alice y . ct-a s p.. ednesday-ss Pr. Oeorge ...4 p.m. . . iMVUiuaj mm. a siaaw nwv Fnu, tfUurt, 1'rri.iirr, Ana apU Ante Rtrpert 70 p.m. . .ilioy a.pi. . Prince" 70 p.m. t or ilii APrti 50-ii. Prince John . . . : .10 pift. I from jueen Wia'rloite Islands j S-5i . fpr?Me',J?n ..... . a'in. ' for Alaska From Alaska fnr Ktewart. Il-emler, Anjox and Alice Arm Sundays t pja !w.;-:-:.:;:;;;;;::;:.Vp.S: naBJ s.ewt pjtmUn, Anyox and Alice f rr Sundays -70 p.m. . Awmwfw r . . To Naasltlver Points ltom aas River roinis TtMsamys ' To Hneen Cnanoti-. mQueeCarloiteV--' ' April 14 and 18 Princes Alice a.m. To Alaska Points Princess Alice a.m. : Apr! 10 and ?0 .j I From Alaska Points-April 3. 14 and 24 April . rrmrasw v.- To MmpM.n and Wales Island-April 14 as. Princess Alice p.m. Fridays . .a.m. April 24 as. mneees Alice .....p.m. , f eT s)mpwn nn,i Wales Island Frldas sa. Oardelia a.m Fridays as. QjflfSena p.m. CUR. TRAINS For the East Msndus. Wednesdays and Saturdays at ll$o aja. Fruiu the Kt . i - Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at SSO'pjn. . LETTt.K W) roUECTIONS Ail. PJ - Ornhsm A Atlln A- i 8.00 7.30. 9.0 j i'st S.id ii 7.44 Uith at- shemrooke .... 8.30 1M) 3S' 7 I-flCMm 00 8.00 eK.yjur - Avr f mjjjCy Circle 9M 8 :48th' AV. it elttrb st '.;... 800 7UX1 StbAv. Oreen Ift.TCHsotli 040 81f stn Ao. & Mcuna. si. 9 43 8.19 Pror. Oor. ulldln 9-50 850 Pro. U:n Wharf 0-5J 8.23 O.TJ Wharf 10.00 8 O.TJ Station...... ., I0J03 " ............... il.23 2nd Are. A 2nd Si. 10.10 8.40 3rd Are. ft Tultfn St 10.15 8.43 3rd Are. & flth St 10 30 8 i" - A II I rrTTTfMJii By IT. 1 OH tm LTA MAIL SCHEDULE '-.fa., . f ASS- ' .iT: f . ; i . a. if " . . i. . -. I, t .j,. ... ii t j i V ' 7 ' .' tieirZ " 1 JiCiG ( ' WHAT TX lOKS" . W W1B1 " I DlK4XV J I AN'COTO Hl J XT 'f G ' J SlTK iillPrWv- "t ootv- ( I . TV 7?' 4 ii ... 1 pa 1130 am .9 p.m. ...a.m. . . .rJoon . . .p.m. Yrrm ,,rt Smrwo and vyales Mand Fridays p.m. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily, EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. AS Garden Field 05,1 Seeds 1 FERTILIZER BULKLEY VALLEY HAY JO ' AND GRAIN I I Prince Rupert Feed Co. 1 PHONE 58 ' JO 'alp my v?. vets an -'frrjicrc George MciManus