PAGE EIGIIT THE DAILY NEW3 '1 r When friends drop in for Sunday night tea The late afternoon on Sunday, when so many people like to eet out after the day's Inactivity, la a pleasant time for the exercise of an informal hospitality ths Sunday night tea. No one vanti a heavy meal at that time. Thin sandwiches, creamed chicken, a souffle or a salad 0 separate small mounds of vegetables, each on a criso bit of let tuce, with Carnationnaise heaped in the center, makesanamplysatisfytngmeaL If you haven't the recipe for Camation- naise, I will be glad to send it to you. It is a particularly delicious mayonnaise made with Carnation Milk. To finish the meal a sweet and a small cup of coffee may be served. A new cake made with Carnation Milk For the Sunday evening tea I think you will like this Carnation Caramel Nut Cake. It is different enough to be a real treat I make it with Carnation Milk, because I have found that it gives an exceptionally smooth, fine texture, and that the cake keeps better. The texture is fine and fragile, due ,to the "homogenization" of the milk, by which the cream is broken up into . tiniest particles. Carnation is doubly rich in cream, so it saves butter and cream. It makes the smoothest of sauces, soups, candies and ice creams, the creamiest of custards, the most delicate puddings. I find it more economical, convenient and dependable, too, because it is always uniform in quality, always sweet and pure and can be kept on hand all the time, ready for use. If you want to know what a great new held of cooking success awaits you in the use of Carnation Milk, send for free Cook Book. Address Carnation Milk Products Co..Limited, 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B.C. Carnation Caramel Nut Cake y cups pastry flour, 2 tsp. baking powder, yi tsp. salt. cup Carnation Milk diluted with yi cup water, i cup shortening, 1 cup brown sugar, 2 eggs, K cup chopped nuts, yi tsp. vanilla. Sift flour, measure, resift with baking powder and salt Cream shortening and sugar thoroughly ; add well beaten eggs; beat until creamy. Dredge nuts with part of flour; add flour and milk alternately to creamed mixture, beginning and ending with flour; add nuts and vanilla. Bake in moderate (375F.) oven. Ice with Carnation Caramel Icing. Carnation Caramel Icing 2 cups light brown sugar, M cup Carnation Milk, i cup water, 1 tbsp. butter, X tsp. vanilla. Mix sugar. Carnation and water ; cook until soft ball is formed in cold water; add butter, cool. add vanilla, beat until creamy. For Fine-Textured Cakes If 8 s 1 ' Cauda Zaaaoa l Produced ia Srd . I'rlmr Iurt. II. C. There Is a fragile delicacy about a cake made with Carnation Milk. This is because its double cream content is broken up into finest particles. Carnation makes smoother sauces, creamier puddings, richer soups, finer-textured ice creams and candies. Try it I (See recipes above) "from Contented Cows UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hailing From ITIiur Kuiwrt I'M VAM'OI VElt. YICTOKl.l, XwanMMi Hay. BotcOU. Alert liar. tU.. Tun-ta, S:SU p.m. It V.IM Ol VfilL VICTOR!!. Ilutrdale. Alrrt liar, rtc . IThto) midnight IVr ALICE AltM. ANVOX. MTKWAKT, NAAH, Sunday, R.-fM p.m. rfer I-OIIT MMI-M1N AND WILKK IM.ANO. TburwUv. p.m. IIS tnd Atenue It ftt. SMITH .tint Prlnrr Kuprrt II C Tlrouph tlrkrt told to Victoria and Prattle .and batgace leckJ through to ltlitatkiu. iCWiADI AN? w . s B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Krtt'lilkin. Wrangrll. Junrau and Mkaiwa) March 180. 30, April 10; to Vannouier. Wrtorla and Matllr. Mar. IS, SI. I'KIM'EM KOVAt. (Moan lalK rtc. Vanwuvrr and Victoria rirrjr triday 10 p.m. Agt-nta lor all Ktramililp Linn. W. V. OltrMAHl). tiENKKAL AtiGNT 1'lHine 31 Ran ad ian National CThc Largcfl Kailway SyAcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailing- IMtIM K IUTEHT for VAMOLVKK. VK TOKIA. KKATTLK, ajul InUrmnluUr mIoU. ntrli Tburad)' and KnndH), p.m. AN VOX and bIXWAKT. ruvli UmIimmUjt aud Saturday, :vu p.m. J'W NOKTll AM) POLT1I (JlKtN CIIAKLOUK ' ISLAM.K. lorlnllitJ). ....... J'ASSCNREK TItAINS LEAVE I'KINTE KlTEItT bath MONDAY, WKKNEMIAY and HATUXIIAY at ll:U ajn. for I'ltlSCE (HOIUiK. EDMONTON, IVl.NMI'EU, all poiutr- ttiktrrn Canada, Lulled Btatei. AOENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Itupert Phone 2G0 Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results. vS?SYrv'COLLEEN MOORE ASCENDSTO at public library NEW HEIGHTS IN "LILAC TIME" Among the books on travel and biography added to the public llbrary; recently are, the follow- inK: I "Lake T. M. Lonjjstreth. "Across Asia's Snows and Des erU," by W. Jlorden. Letters" by M. Phillips. "Foreshrtre of England" by II. M. Tomllnson. Biography "More (Jnndid Chroniclea" Hector Charlesworth. "Stalky's neminiscences" L. C. Dunsterville. "A Search for America" by P. Grove. "Elizabeth and Essex" by L. Strachey. "My Autobiography" by Heni- to Mussolini.- r OLD-TIMERS WERE ON SKATES LIST NIGHT G. 'Darling rHL lii Lilt in iirrninivH. - The boys' band will be in at tendance at the rink tonight. We Have'.Just UeceTTeda,-Inrge 'hipmen ofc 4 MEN'S AND HOYS' JVJ ft taster Mechanic Shirts and Overalls Union Made These will be sold at my reasonable prices. Also, remember, there is u 30'-4 drop in all lines of rubber goods. We sell Ames-IIolden and McCready and Northern rubbers, and will give you the benefit of this 30 per cent drop. Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE i STRAWBERRY JAM Is 70c RASPBERRY JAM is 66c CHERRY JAM is 70c ! BLACKBERRY JAM ii 60c GREENGAGE JAM 4s 60c ASSORTED JAMSls, glsss SOe CLIMAX ASSORTED JAMS 4s - Each 50c m BRAID'S BEST COFFEE 2 lbs. $1.25 1 Teapot Free. HEINZ CREAM TOMAJO SOUP 9 tins $1.00 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 7 tins $1.00 SWEET MIXED PICKLES Qts G6c SOUR MIXED PICKLES Qts 60c All Thcc Goods of the Het Quality and Brand. Get Your . Requirements Early. Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 617-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. 0. Box 575. . A. of Millions" in Great Dramatic Triumph; Capitol Crowded Last Night "Heroes of Modern Adventure" . .. . ; A1 . , ,;livl by t. c. Bridges. : Aeciaimed everywnere as one 01 me giuuwot, "The Near nc North" bv Lou is rn rR nvpr niwlurw ."1,1 ac Time. V ITSl iNailOnai 8 uuneuu Freeman. Moore-George Fitzmaurice social production, based on! tiiun uy iuaiuii ouiineuu. tun fn(, ,.!,, u,, inno mv nnrl . nnp llinin. OUeilUU 1UBL Superior Country by ... Xttni ufna , nnrlipnpp. lllllV, Uk, tliC VlJJll.Ui vujiuv..; I T rn:.n ic Uyr oil nAAa n rrroor oer!nl nnfl t.hft lTlOSL JLllltfV X. 1 11 IV IS UJ till uuuj c .y. x..v. .w nretentious in which Colleen Moore has appeared to date. "English Women m Life and Already known as the screen's foremost comedienne, her by by role in this production establishes her en the topmost pin- WEATHER CLEAR AND COLD AFIER RATHER HEAVY FALL OF SNOW winu, ou. t a Terrace Clear, calm, 29. P.osswood Clear, north wind, iJUfMnib f ear,, dy,, 25. Uw.m-lart ojoudf, north wfnd,' A 1 SO. Anyox Cwar, north wind. 30. I i i Haeiton I'art cloudy, wind, 27- Smithers Cloudy, calm, 26. Burns Hake Clear, calm, f rosty. Vnnf'iirhriif f et A nnlrfl 1ft I USHi Grocerteria FRASER VALLEY PURE STRAWBERRY JAM 4-lb. Una 70c 40-ot. sealer 60c EMPRESS PUKE MARMALADE 40-ot. sesjst 60c PRIDE OF ONTARIO HONEY 2 l-2s, tin 50c 5-lb. tin 5e CHATEAU CHHSfflt 1-2-lb. pkts. 25c 1-lb. pkts. 45c ALYMER CORN S tias 60c NO. 4 PEAS 8 tias ...50c NABOB TOMATOES 2r., 3 tins 40c 2 l-2, 3 tins .,50ci CREAMOLA CUSTARD POW DER 1-lb. tins 40c WHOLE WHSAT FIG BAR BIS CUITS lb 26c B. C. FRESH PULLET EXTRA i EOGB 3 do. 85c ; B. C. FRESH FIRST EGGS I 8 dot 11.00 SWEET. JUICY ORANGES 4 dot 76c Bush's Grocerteria 1'IIOM 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER Dr Alexander rilONE 87S UK8NEK ItLOCK DENTIST acle as a aramaiic actress, ine tenderness, pathos and realism of her characterization of the little French girl makes "Lilac Time" one of the most discussed pictures of the year and the Capitol is indeed fortunate in obtaining such an early booking. There was a rather sharp touch of frdst last night for this time of De Jauswrand Pleases the year, the thermometer regis- As an added attraction be-tering 27 above zero during the tween shows, the popular con-night. With several inches of ductor of the Capitolians gave a snow lying on the ground, proa- Spendid performance on the vio-peets this rnorning were for a con- in hig olo number being tinuation for a day or so at least Tna,B. meditatioB and Beetho-of cool weather which has pre-!ven.fl Menuet vailed since yesterday afternoon. I TKp'a a wnHprf..i tim uri- Tho mmotaftf win af AfiHv wlfh a i . ... ..... . AT-THE AUDITORIUM"" up-. - . -.SrOI-" i was in the northeast. ' rnt. Some old-timers who had not Bright sunshine yesterday and , been on skates for 20 years were today has boon melting the snow ; on wheels last night at the local rapidly and some of the streets are auditorium. There were a few clear in spit of th fact that nine j casualties, but no damage of im- inches fell since the first of the portance resulted. It was a very week, . I jolly skating party and the few . u. r,., ut j forced landings as the old-timers V" ' V tried to navigate the turns added """ ' ' . t .u Port Simpson Clear, north Week-End Specials KELLOGG'S COKN FLAKES Pkg 10c CLARK'S PORK AND BEANS 2s. 3 tins 40c ROYAL CITY STRAWBERRIES ,2s. 2 tias NABOB TOMATOES Large ais aUns 50c CLARK'S ROAST MUTTON Is. Tin Sc HOLD CROSS PUMPKIN 2s. 2 tins X5c I1UKUCK S HAtiTbil M1L.K Dollar site 90c HEINZ CATCHUP 3 Urge bottles , 85c LEEKIST HONEY Mb. tin 85c B. & K. PASTRY FLOUR. 10-lb. sack 60c FRESH PULLET EGGS 3 dot ....85c LARGE EGGS Extras. a dot 81.10 NO. 1 JAP RICE lbs 45c N. Z. BUTTER 34b. brick $1.40 CHATEAU CHEESE DoHar box 90c NABOB RED PLUM JAM 4-lb. tin 45c BLUB MOUNTAIN PINEAPPLES 2s. 2 tins 85c GOOD 81ZE ORANGES 6 dot 9 6c AYLMER CRUSHED PINEAPPLES 2 1-Ss. 2 tins . .55c SWEDISH BRIT-BREAD 1-lb. pkg 35o FELS NAPTHA SOAP 10 bars 75c Alberta Market P. GAMILA, Pioprietor . iftii Street Phone 2dh Smart Hand-Tailored CIotliBs Made hh you want them from your choice of fabric mid f;o.rtion-t.iilorod to your body lint s. Wear Art-Kraft Clothes Samuel Wood, Tailor SIXTH STREET Phone 38 P. 0. Box 265 If, Thursday, Api,i 4 A colossal hjii i woven arouml beautiful and i in ., tic love MtciA lac i line STARMNG COLLEEN - 1W00KE KXTRA Jack de Jaunserand, Violrti Vlrtwoio. (a) Mi'ditut'on i Thais) (b) Beethoven's Menuet, by request. TWO DE LUXE SHOWS. 7-9 P. M. 50- i.n,! Canadian National Ste mships Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD tptn I..T.I'. 2(1.000 Ton lloatlng Dr) IWk Miinr ;r.acbiaitt. Boilet toakens BUckKmltliis l aiwtn makers. Foundern. Woodworkers, l'c BLRITUIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant i e(uiped to handle nil kind ol YlAltlNR AND COMMKItCIAI. t)UK. I'll ON US 43 and 385 HAND FINISHED LOGGING AT HALF TiU: COST 01 HOUSES HiKRcr Protljc n Economical Opera; to CATERPILLAR TRACTORS Make Nigger I'rofits Sole Distributors for It. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO IW 910 STATION Sl'ItEET, VANCOUVHH, II C. Itntnrhe: Kelowna, L.C.; NeNon, II C; Prince (ieorRc. It ' Silk & Wool Knitted Ensembles Pleated Skirt,. Sleeveless Pullovers, Single and l oi breasted Coats. Two-Piece Silk und Wool KniU. d Suits, Pleated Skirts u lancy striped Pullovers. Your wardrobe is not complete without a knitted en- -m '' All ihades desirable. S18.50ands27.00 The Home of Corllcelll Hoxlery SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET 3rd Avenue Phone 765 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETAHLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality.