r D News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Disappointment at Delay in Telkwa Coal Project; Annual Report of Premier; Bear -River-Gdttinr Capital British Columbia legislature in postponing action with re--.. gard to the granting of a charter for the proposed railway $11 m fmm Ames'& Co". ntal report for 1928 of H. A. to interest capital and thus fjranadian Northern, guaranteed iiueas, vice-presiaeni ana man- cure wiuisjHriuuu uuu ueveiuii-aglng director of the company. It ment facilities. Thus ia found a is stated that Premier's original large number of claims in this sec- property has failed to find ore at tion consolidated and known as that diamond drilling was stopped in silver, copper and lead ore now 1928, this action being taken a under bond and being developed , an apparent abandonment of hope by the Consolidated Mining & of finding further commercial ore Smelting Co. A number of other bodies within the main ore zone holdings adjoining George Copper of the property. It Is also stated cast their lot together and formed that the estimate of broken and what Is now known as the Rufus-unbroken ore reserves is down Argenta Mines Ltd. Then they steeply, being 456,203 tons, as enlisted the financial support of Compared with 034,587 tons at De-the well known mine operators and cember 81, 1927, and that Porter capitalists, J. F. Duthie and as-Idaftft and Prosperity groups, now ociates. Likewise owners of under Premier control, show some- various other groups on both sides what erratic mineralization with of this valley have followed a values falling -otf with depth in! similar course. Thus co-operation the use of the Porter Idaho. On the other hand, to these less cheerful features of tbe reoort must iifotHanifiii jU fact that Pre-Vfl'nWi'fc4Artibg coats save been reduced SlAW a ton to a total of &(Uz&jUTlstaUarBinrs for 1928 were &&4t82.57. or $141,-676.88 over 1927, despite tbe fact that tbe err nveraged appros-roajely $2. W a ton toper in gross "Hslfce fttt&nf&lbe aHvaoce in earnings being attributable to the inyfrtffjljfttput of the; mill and mrneVC fWerea operating costs. It migbt aleo be kept in nind that Premier may endeavor to make arrangements with other properties of the district not in a position to has solved the problem for the prospector. Capital has been interested, and secured; a market is created for skilled and unskilled labor; . the country's natural re-lurces are being developed, and the prospector will in due time reap his Just and richly deserved reward. DOUGHTY WELSHMAN MAN FOR EMERGENCY AFTER UNEMPLOYMENT (Winnipeg Free Press) Lloyd George has various repil- b"t hls for be" mill teir own ores and thereby !atioM; rePutation may either maintain its mill in operation profitably as a custom -'STL Upper Bear River section of the Portland Cannl minlrtg district is rapidly being, transformed from an Isolated dlatrict of perilous zigzag mount'n trails and haunts of lonely prospectors to a favored ing a good man in an emergency. which has survived the posUwar nlant am, time fpr it. mm -i Political disasters which have be. serves of ore are exhausted, may ,allen him now Promises to yield other m ha"dfonite nds Unem-rlght acquire nearby ground out-j or may sell mill ad tram-' p,oyment. ta.tthe og,re rhi,ch wajr on. a basia which would give "f wf8ie l"f, 01 cn" :-bef.vre iU forbidding coun-able.te return not avail- the average mining com-' te"a.nce the, "PP01"1 champions Pm after It has finished "mop-!?f th? ope. nav bIenched- lJut nmIfiUiM.Llt 1 Mlrisxanai is thought. howiav,u,' ine KU,er- surveying Whlng drastic tK.r 'TuZl f"? by the managemenWC" vr..in..'.ftJS.W R 8Wt)rd I shall i. n eliminate i l this ti t flirt,-, w.,wnm- ... aragon; it win iKe me Ing of dividends. Ift any case, it I stated that tliere are ore re- just 12 running at preaent production for ",c Ul"' almost three years. Mr. Guess months tMo it; and. there will be no charge." Whereupon the other champions who have been tllstapce cry oat that the man is a rert glf e full details . of the a rt ,V t,Pr , , h' TrZ work carr!e?on ff the results thereof both on the f" 17 ,,m "" ' , original Premier be !-kllIfr br property and on J the RII -rado. Prosneritv ami ferhuse he knows that it will rwtpr TiiaKn fB. i not be' token up; that he can af- lotu io promise ,muen pecause ne ktioW he will not be asked to deliver. All. of which may conceivably be true; yet it seems to be that many rccpU that in days gone by, this ' doughty little warrior from ihe Welsh marches did take f - - - ' .,. u , --W ' ---- A Professional Strong Man: "N ow, that's the way to press a pair of trousers I" London Passing Show. Province of Ontario 15,000 6 Province of Ontario 15,000 G Total $205,500.00. on some job of great magnitude, which in due time he discharged, earning tberdby great largesse of public favor; and it makes them disposed to think that perhaps lie was not Just talking at random and with, nothing more in his mind than picking up a few additional votes. LIQUOR VOTE NOVA SCOTIA HALIFAX, N.S., April 4: In view of the announcement in the Speech from the Throne at the opening of the present ses-l sion of the House of Assembly, that the. people of Nova Sotfa; would be given an opportfinfty; to register their opinion regar ding the retention or repudiation of the Prohibition Act, the lesults of the plebiscite held on October 25, 1920, are interests 'ng. The vote, "for and against the prohibition of the importa-, tion and bringing of intoxicating I liquors Into such Province," was! heJd under Dominion authority and by Dominion electoral lis-trictfe. The result was a follows, the first column being for prohibition and the last against : Antlgonish and Guysboroutfh .. ,.1.G2G 1,808! Cape Dreton North and Victoria ... 4,417.1,281; Cape Breton South I and Richmond Colchester . H .... Dlgby and Annapolis ... Hallux 9,802 .war am': Invenrness 8,981 Kings 6.082 Lunenburg 8,880 Plctou 8.060 Shelburne and Queens 5,4 1G Yarmouth-Clare . . 4,961 1,101 1,780 ! -77- W- 84 1,076 1,911 1,929 aifi 1,315 Totals 83.42 2S.87I Awful Pimples On Face and Neck For Four Years Mrs. Mry ItaiL EgiuiTille, Ont.. writes: "1 am writine to tell you thai 1 sunereu terribly with awful pimples, all over my 'ace and neck, for tout 1 had tried evci-ythinr, but tot no relief until one day a fnend told nit l.out and advised me to use it. I used four bottles and my face is now completely clear of pimples." Manufactured only by Tbe T. MS-born Co., Ltd, Toionto, Ont. THfc DAILY jHijya FINANCE COMMITTEE OF CITY COUNCIL MAKES PURCHASE OF NUMBER OF BONDS FROM VARIOUS yielding from 5.25 to 5. yielding 5V4 per cent. the matter was considered too im- Canada in general and British Co- Dominion of Canada $10,000 portant to deal with without the lumbia in particular by opening wo.'.i. detailed information which the doors of nature's vaults of was not then available. vast mineral deposits, says the Vancouver Province. Co-opera-Some frank statements in re- tion and consolidation of proper-gard to the Premier Gold Mining ties and interests was found neces- ?om!nlon of Canada 10,000 Dominion of Canada 10,000 Royal Financial Corporation P. G. E.. guarnntee by Province of British Columbia ...$48,000 Co.'a holdings are made in the an- ary by the prospectors in order, Ames & Ce Mate 5 5Vj 5 '4H by Dominion of Canada $07,500 7 This issue callea&le In 1935 at $102.50. Pemberton & Son Tt i r Aaa r greater depth than about 80 feet the George Copper group with aML "- "f Dominion of Canada f. u xt- r u.4 .ii mot nii!o fn,. f i j 15,000 5 above its No. 5 level and all most unlimited tonnage of gold, 40 per cent and . ,rK,' . i The total purchases made-on behalf of the trust fund under the . , thence ,. to fi, tidewater !,.. at f Kitimaat. i , , , , , a , , mecca for industrial capitalists' ui.,. hr-eIectrlc 8aIe werp were as fo,Iows-ffed fnflowi- While the government was .satis- seeklng to enhance their own; with the bona fides and finan- wealth and at the same time con-' Canadian Bank of Commerce cial ability of the coal company, ferring a benefit to the people of Issue Amount Priee Maturity Yield 100.35 101.40 101.05 1932 1913 1931 5.30 5.00 6.20 94.48 1942 5.10 112 H 1940 5.20 lOl.O'O 1930 5. MO 100. 11 1931 5.00 105.25 1935 5.10 105.50 193G 5.12 CO-ORDINATION "Sa the two dentists out your waSC nave combined." "Yes, they finally decided to pull together." Montreal Star. 1 ALIENS DEPORTED I PROVIDENCE, Itel., April 4: The first group of aliens depor-tfi (fhm Boston under a cleanup FINANCIAL CONCERNS AT EXCELLENT PRICES, now m force w. Placed ion board the Fabre Line steamer : ,. AleJa. .at'..this. port .and ..senUout Tof the country. There were eight The finance committee of the city council at iU meeting yesterday Spaniards In the group, dese'r-considered the offers made for debentures which the city wished to : Cdnsitlel'able disappointment has been expressed in the purchase in order to invest portion of the money received from the touched at American portB. district at the probability of the development of the Telk- M'e "f the power plant. They were considered very satisfactory and About thirty otheP aVwM are wa coal fields being delayed for one year, although there, a th "c"r'Ve" Pu"hwd. yiilen c'ty r 5 i' " The now awaiting deportation from invested the difference between that ;D UU Unt un T.;,i nt amount actually was $205,310, t.rt4nn i is still a o possibility that preliminaries be carried out Loton. may ((mount aml the total noI(lback of $,28j000 beinf UJIed t0 redeem bondH una season to get tne nuge unuertaning unuer way. ine maturing this year. ! disappointment arises through the recent action of the rru ... , . , .OA . , T.fe Did you n'un a 1 uu vuiiuiiutrc .,,!? uiou 1 4'ui kiiciscu uovvf limit? iiu'rit, uuuua i t vnt ( cyvtV J good Hub I have hope of one. She asked time to look up my standing In Bradstrect. Humor. 1 HI ii il i si' 1 1 WW" I I II I t 1 1 More Sleep for Mother SataAitntt: Huold F..Ritchie Co. Ltd., Toronto M" OT"lS"BfTfTni Ail II 1 ' , Wur Hi ii mrm m' w BflH k aunwi When youa are tasked a up o2 hot is wondesrSully stimulating AND GIVES YOU FRESH ENERGY . a. Saves time because us rcaay-Dakci Warm in oven and serve with hot mill 'Healthful protection for the whole famil ifatto hv Tlif PntmHInti Shredded Whcnf (?nmnnm,i goes a long wag hem WOU never need pay a cent more to A get smart, stylish clothes made to your individual order from fabrics of your own selection. The largest one-price tailors in the world offer you this amazing value in tailored-to-measure clothes. The price is even less than you'd have to pay elsewhere for a ready-made garment. This spring get the advantages of tailored-to-measure clothes. See the magnificent rangeof new woolens displayed here now and make your selection. They're all one price. FOURTH STREET P. CRAVETTO PRINCE RUPERT.