. .irinnan THERE IS ANOTHER SIDE OP PARIS GAIETIES District News BURNS LAKE At the instigation of a number . twH mwivj nw::. dni w 1 uwkud saw iras - w : jmwrr of local citizens, the local provincial police officer is now prohibiting dancing after midnight Saturday here. I The local United Church Ladies' Aid held a successful Easter novelty tea and. sale, last Saturday afternoon. 1 l'l nd ,itli"r mm spent " '.UiUcting !i;,zht life in P;,rS V arm-Mi 'tied .iovn v.lnt, t h- cit. I paid a total of $8483; a shelter-jdeck ship loading 8C17 tons at ' I'rfncs Uunert nuiil SSTTft - A rR AIM QHIPQ ,,infc',, deck loading 7210 UlYliil 01111 U tons grain at Vancouver paid : 12143; and . single deck ahip ... . loaded 7500 tons hulk whut at nrn: vr- i omparn of ... ' " ,UM . . . p. Prince Rupert for $2666. llandiini; iHeNlnl Prince uuperi f '" I l nnce liupert pilotage dues j (are higher than Vancouver's; . huf tlif hnirhnr fins dm .hIu n "'. u t ,k,wn,aet $7. while the Vancouver har- v .., I k thf following of $100 for Mch , ,i lishod In the Vancou-i n--i. . j.a i ill v our vacation starts tho moment your Anchor-Donaldson Mnstcr-at-Arms salutes you at tho ftangplank. This h the front door of ScojUnd ; Jou can already iTclliat vry gracious nimosplicrj! wnicn you will finiTngajn III tllA On., nt.l I.aI? Scotland. And dlgnlned. quiet, yet friendly smf?g. Sail Anchor Donaldson & thrnuih The Cunard Shunt ..V"-' '-"'"'. 6u llaslintt I' -. Vatuouvtr (7W. Seymour i4S-o). or any ileamihip actnl. Weekly filings From Montreal (und qubeo) to Irelrtiicl. Bootlnna England In oon-Junctlon with Ounard tsnd commencing May 3rd DONALDSOM lv- LINE T'iil Third Cabin and Third Hut. "MaMn-nrrir- . laiaiiifc na I T;4. mi ota . i -'ii .-mil' III TOIIVUU I ..a. .. 1 1 1 I ia mm a vn . , . . JM'iaus oi rrince Kuperv coMg 'ii in Vancouver Vancouver in m a a --. .0.n. . uL T. . -j." , '--In ':--w .. nri" derived li thrniigh i ' i - iIiicm, harl ' i is, ton i ,:ih. frt-s! I.'i frrs. froma tWlUi jWBV hire. ru- el l'vii tolBS overtime, i Hnd burlap. steVe,- .Icitric liirhting for . ain fittings. h:k the report the i!m prepared compajr-; with Prince Rupert. Vancouver Hate Lower A iri-di'ck ship, loading "f yrain i.t Vancouver 'W aT ' V . m I I ! i NundrMat4n irk i mariiior uiniini-i rtllipa oilotage. $93 haritor dues Van- pfjta pMaafcor vgHvrr, riWTvnr uues new piiM f.nd re.v rable -uj'i'In with futi. GRAIN MIXING IS DISCUSSED Proposal (o Declare It Illegal Will Arouse Argument In House riTwr it a : i j t.. .l r ii V y . 8Isnd her vacation with vv.wv.awaa av a v'" Lrm a v (7 V political affairs in the capital believe that the big battle in parliament after the Easter recess illegal. The demand has come , of preparing 1 7, t"lrden ' 2? iT S." NFW red credltorr claimed that the wheat growers i TERRACE The Rebekahs held their annual sale of home Cooking and j candy on Saturday afternoon in the Terrace Theatre and as a result their funds were increased j to the extent of about thirty dollars. Mrs. Harry King had charge of the home cooking and Mrs. E. T. Kenney of candy. Mrs. W. E. Smith superintended the tea room and Mrs. McLaren had charge of the kitchen activities. Many other members Were out to assist in making the ale a - success 'and the affair was well patronized;,. : Mrs. ;D. D.."JIUnro who has been a mtSe)i feted, .visitor here for the pas tfoo wrcks returned to Smithers on Monday. Miss McRae, school teacher at Giscome arrived Sunday to McKenney. tended Iks) 'Sunday. Mrs. Misses Norma and Beth Mc- Cubbin of Pacific are holidaying ,ut w, proteof Inter- Vancoow mm 1 iV' .e home of Rev. and Mrs j j I I1" " w,,r iiiiciiucu lur "ln um Allan .... ..iKrt Slishe? h rh'f' ' 4S!V?f- t4rl!MrH it at the TPRft APE II P ! IlRUAIL U. L , sinking conJaalS DIMlUrM . a i 'k. ior ,Mpy of the ! in actual aspens? I T . 7 . ,' -''i""" n """IJ handled h ue .and auodriea, 10; electric iiibken in parliament on thUjL ma filnl. HO; telephone jo- Wion are determfcd the ttTWlRACE. April 4:The Bat Un. Un stallaUon; 1; agency fciNrM fitfl of-mixing of irrades ri&W tgk of. Knox United '.''i the mount of n"1 ' t- Walhould be aUmped'out. 'urcjb,' Tirract; wre welt, at Krain - o u: D:ii. i. U grrnnaiitJs evidently in- nurimr tbA lAnnnn confirms. .,7liito Vive lvttntiv(i mriU linn urri!. ii.nf n.w protest from the prairies. DM-ntbert wa observed -when 12 qMM. J !: . n 'i ii r.? ...... IUUCS, atj m inilion iV IsQ stfm-fBflniqlsk,v I . . saia lion. new .memoeoji "a a were " , naaea to a,v me , , ' rf Ma tliirMfa t ii . .. i iwHflaoB-Jiel-! "r Mra a tuppejtJ was inepanaKen a . 'fcjs kbi 10 wnere me 0f, Jamen McConnell and Thomas CDP,,WIT' I!iiV' CWw.l of waatern Csnada will Lake ti !, . f enV i5jiifcalae in the markets of churth. . f ... llfc'fHfr1 If'yW'ML?1''-11 bulldlna y&s taxed to ftj f.t of lnmhpr ifTTiSnw'., N. " ' " "J0 neat capacity' un tftis oeca- booae and ' New Westmiaater Diaaariafaction is found io the aion Easter musk was featured ovttt hndag of the 1988 as follows: ' paid $8652; pilotage totalled 138; harbor dues were 94 at rain "OP-0' '"Hfest in the Solo. "0 Dry Those Tears." Vancouver and $7 at New West- hi8torytl of C"ad',,n e'' M- ,AJ'n: Ich1oraS'Vi"IverThat minsur, Vancouver stevedoring "TJn ? t" f?; Pf,K1now' ,ledJ' (Pe Can,a-, 'mnt .,, v.ilo Oou bushels. u, While there is dif- dian Girl in Training; solo, w tiorV uL Siffww fereLe' of P!n,on mon the "father In Heaven," Rev. W. Al- 1. ii i ji I members of parliament from the Ian; quartet, "I Am He That, j wheat growing district aa to the Liveth." Mrs. McKenney and Mrs.1 irwi wt uinunr i ..iiwuvrr, j. 4L. . IW.nn r...r. IW. nnJ Allan r.;... ! m uaninity that discontent exists. lo. "Nearer. My God. to Thee." w. :m mtmm v.an.iHKn wm.u wvw Wliaii i. A 1. .. 1 - v. .... . i.ij 1 j . - . . waaa vi aiir .iiiciuuBrB memUairs ii have wiu " J u , ... , , ,r , ofjuiim iiimi'i iiivbmikcs. ueiiv AW'Jh'Ma f,U? y ,H haVe l"MlOM ott ,,0fc ereii by the rector, Hev. A. W.' money to wot kin lick ye."-ValI cause of the manner in which the RobI Jn. s aI mU!lic b tha Rtrett Journal. vh. at was marketed. children's choir was a feature of WW I i I Jtke .frajrie are on uasi mixing ana skimmina. and the ad "SV. Jimmie, xfhat's a prefer- ministration of the act. Dyson . Jfjf afkatt.-. 41 . a., piptpii pnntnnrd Westminater.M. harbor1- dues .it 2gLtZKTZ?7Z2'. J "l L.I tK DLUVIIW Chemaini... d WTfresent. board of grain com-! ANGLICAN CHURCH shipping matter ft lctoW.jniMioners who administer the ; TPnnirr nnnm in Labor took .'Coar. $7000 in (;a,da Grain Act. the legislation i TERRACE POPULAR handling this ship, the total ex- under which th l enses or which vfero fWU. ercises a certain control over the TV l Jll.. l . ,, , " TPtinAPB!- A,l slS-SpecIa'l T I Vw I j" crop, Mioaiu urn p8ter rvices were conducted Hhipa i of 4ui this laiae show that . the w dism.-sed j Other merwbers did in the A can chureh. both coat of loading ships at British not go as.ar a. that, but suggest- morninK and even, on Sund Co nmbia ports compares favor- ed that a few changes In the act , congregations being in a -,by.w.th the cos of similar would meet the situation. at both services'. The nhipa at foreign ports. The complaints the farmer mem- -hre.h w. ntimrivK. I uvra nave nmue rrier to graaing, ate! with ferns and daffodils. IIolv mm mun inn u-n rplphrntwl They il. mornlnir iwrvire nnd In. 'k " " both services. At the morning ! 1 'hi i aA .-. service, a' quartette was rendered I by Messrs. Dyson, Attree. Dover ami Ohalk, and at the evening ( avrvtce, . Ilev. A. W. l.oblnjjon wbb aoioist. DUUK IN JAiip-1 SUJUmm-.LIllasflBAprl 4TRbnas Mcdrgfcor. C5, toll tKQ dlCTict courBBEere that h remain! intoxlcntw throughou a six months tarn he served at r the Hampden. CSmmty jail. Mr-' Gregor said he Crank alcohol usotl In 'the prison work shop; to shellack chairs. One of the' jail officers told the court that the iail did not want McGregor, who was picked up there for I di unki'iiness and sent back to WHICH KND TO Ulil.lKVH? the jail. lje was ri'leafced on Doyle fnihe rhiladelphi-rT.tnl. .conation thM he luvcthe city. t - I f Friday 1 9 to 1 oXlock Once again Richmond's Louvre is making the customary monthly Clock Sale offering to their customers of high class quality goods at fractional prices. Below are listed only a few of the barg sins which may be picked up by those who care ta make their purchases between 9 and 1 o'clock tomorrow. Customers and friends of the Louvre have appreciated these Clock Sales during the past many months and the prices quot ?d bebw should permit them to appreciate the Clock Sale still more. Rcmem'jer From 9 to 1 o'clock tomorrow. 21 RAINCOATS -All sizes and colors. Regular value $10.00. Clock Sale price $l.i- 24 NEW HATS SlJWa, felts and straws. All colon;. Rfigulur value to $6.00. Clock Sale price !." 1 t ' ; r : 17 DRESSBS CItKPE BACK SATIN. GEORGETTE AND PRINTED SILK Regular ralue up to $5 . 00 . Clock Sale Special-.'. - $10.00 m 9 ONLY, LADIES' TAILORED TWEED COATS Sires up to 38. Clock Sale Special $5.!.1 9 ONLY. SILK AND JERSEY DRESSES .Values up to $24.50. Clock Sale Special !!:J.5 12 ONLY. SILK AND GEORGETTE DRKSSES Regular value ?29. 50. Clock Sale Special JjW.OO 3 ONLY, COATS Regular value up to J24.00. Clock Sale price .i ; $i.ir. Special Reduction of 20 Per Cent on Our Entire Stock During Week-End NO DEALERS NO C. 0. D. NO PHONE ORDERS Richmond's Louvre 71 THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Trasses CASH ONLY EvERY office of the Bank of Montreal has a Savings Department where small accounts are welcome and every depositor is encouraged to avc regular!. ij TOTAL ASSETS Established l8l7 IN BXCBSS j timet." j"" ANK OF MONTREAL OP 870,0 00,000 Prince Rupert Branch: A. H. CARSON, Manager.