i iotv ‘ THE DAILY NEws. QOTBALLGAME NIFTY NINE FALL THIS EVENING BEFORE DANCERS | rail Club Will Try sae Tims Win Out at Market i To the Ratepayers of the City of Prince Rupert: Re Proposed New School the attention of We, the Scnool undersigned members Prince of Rupert Board the the Prince ratepayers to our reasons for recommending that a per Trustees desire to draw With Scotsmen on Acropolis Piace With Score of , Hill Grounds. 6 to 6. Supe i bined manent public school building, costing approximately $135,000, ht atthe Acropolis Hill} ba evenil al the be erected on Acropolis Hill. ds the third game of th | Place oung he ‘Tiny oi \ \s to the site, our reasons for choosing Acropolis Hill league will be played be-|played the Nifty Nine and wor are he St Andrew 8 omey | ( ‘ rot The yo | 1 reat! Club, ‘The Sons of }boy howe: t gho ae wo-thirds of the school children now attending schoo! ire «now ading the |whol ime that th knew thei j ts e to the south of McBride Street, according to figures supplied points and the ‘Tra | Pla and at once won the m.|by the public* school pr incipal. | th 4 The Galli are |patl tt l Vhve fly; The one-third living north of|@reat deal of careful thought and he next game in order jone it lead, ho er, in the|MeBride already have the King }consideration, : up and they inten jeartier rf ept th »|Edward School Should be Permanent. ’ ng A d run { he ntl | tl le lie For Section 2. B As to the erection of a , to Then the inves 2. It is necessary to have ajPermanent buiiding, our reasons lub showed up ve ame to bat and Jae Kelly got) public school building which will|#?é st game and with}a hit and round the bases to 3rd) accommodate the school children We should have a permanent nization i very bney player him but the|from the southerly parts of Sec.|S!ucture erected out of brick ey will tleld a ver ‘ basematr I sed the na tion One and any from Section 2 hollow tile, stone, conerete ot The Scotehm li hi iltzed by th atehe | and Acropolis Hill will be centra|/C®™>Pination of these, for th their line-up some-|had pport when he ha for years to come until it is neces. | "C850" that the city can obtair h the forward line fle he home p Then Tiny |sary to build a school in Section|*!'rty to forty years to repay the hould prove fell stole around the bag bend issue whieh will make th: quad “fe professional style and in a Phe only other school-site/P@yments very light upon the tweet ird and heomejat all centrally situated for the|Present ratepayers; lighter in fat by the catchet lhis present school-going children is{t##n the payments for a frame PASKET BALL ot se ™ me to bat/the Ninth Avenue site, and the|S*tucture, the bends for which U : down and th tied. medical authorities advise against|WOUld have to be redeemed in ten Th owe ‘we ye them-|this site as being unhealthy in|/¥@@?s time A selves hoars He go hit and comparison with Ac ropolis Hill For this and other reasons, Mr was coached i. Acropolis Hill already has a Johnson, the present city treas San ippard got a | bringing $35,000 playground which will be|¥?¢", Whe is an authority on these ay Send Team to Vancouver and | tiv unner eaving scare 6 available for the Acropolis Schoo! | ™@tters, strongly recommends the Victoria if They Show jto 5 House and this asset alone shoul. |P¥ilding of a permanent and not Up Well. Batterie vere Tir limes win universal support for the/® fame building, W. Miteh: and Sam Hibbard; | Acropolis site, as it is impossibk Needed at Once. ve being laid for takin Nifty Nine Geo. hoberts and Cee to make a good playground of | We need a schoolhouse of 12 as an autunn andytitt sufficient size on the Ninth Avenue class-rooms for the reason that There are i site we will be able to fill at least ulmMd ye 7 Ce de eee oe Only Suitable Site. oa i as soon as the do the eraci S B ~ f f .T senool 1s ready for occupant : ie only other available site South Just now / port riers } ie th ' ‘ . : ta and we should have a few rooms s * schoo ‘eserve near ays baseball but _ tt eee ee es es oe Peest but thi ate ’ ' in reserve so that we shall not “<= eek } s is on severa for, oO some he eo ; ess four she : : be compellec ; ) ‘ 7 rward t m | 1 xwainl + Wa* blocks from the King Edward ch : aa ae eel baake nl fore taut iesds eve w ith schoo as s800n as we lave is basketball befor uesday evening witl MWID, | School, and it would be manifest ra : . 1 evth, Kine and MeMillan row one completed, which will be our | ; ly unfair to erect another public wedicaqent if we build a tem “i : ne t * suggested that there ‘ > é ; : date Or a titable hall} ia h b school so near the King Edward | : : | to be solwed.fé weoon Lal Day between th and for childrer feos tl ary six or eight room frame struec- ' orce ‘shiidren ‘om m erin ' ; es ‘ crew : » selecte ture as some have sugg¢este At agricultural hall|b loca and lected | southerly limits of the ettyto gol ; : a ugsest - A purpose, in|motor boat s . , he present time we have all the so far. Moreover, the Hays Creek]... : should be litth ° * ° available room taken in the Bor i in 4 site-is a very central one for th: . : tir the game gi n tn iseball game on ‘Tues inematie on & whee wd tor tant den Street High Sehool, and we J ; “o Ss * as fi One t ( or ha bet ' the Cadets id be a ra ro will, in September, have at least : reason 8 u » pets ad > that he thinks 1 N Nine at the Market : . roan. an or he three class-rooms rented outside Liat i illLA ! : ; site of o futi High Scho vol. : » f m hers lace grounds the former wer , ; ef our schools and scattered , . 6. If we look at a map of the ‘ ‘ : : as f io tl ‘ ‘ ' uo} + alm the cjty, with the conse al owns ite t will > see that ' The game was a litth : it , . a: 4°) quent injury to the health of the ‘ et schools built. one in Set one on wi ‘ ‘ tarting and on account of th ; Hil tl pupils caused by inadequate ties al larkne the game was cabled al K rs es toate a - P : on lighting and ventilation of these _ ie awat ; 5 i ( . ave nnings Umpire Louis " ; _ em 2 ene On places Without a twelve-room nee hupe where the present Seal Cove : \ ached very apably and schoolhouse we will be unable to ; School is, will divide the townsit: : mD ; ca i were promptly 4 th ; th cope with any reasonable increast fre sou t< r 1 0 > } y the players. a opsherlienten-ewerds | Tk population of the city. ND) MURPHY WILL a Se ; mately equal distances, and loek Cost of Wood i ; et ; r to ‘ i e s is as it We°STLE KENNEDY wa wtice of the St./ ime ° the futur this is as i The architects have advices! us y! A Andre f thallers or luesday should be, Chi that a twelve-room frame school TWO OUT OF THREE ” S sunderstanding Protect Children. house will cost approximately \ : see have existed among the Answering the objection that|g1490.000. as against $135,000 for — of the team as all d \cropolis Hill is difficult for little}, permanent school building, and Satur August 30, a | However, those Who/children to climb in rough weath-|the city treasurer has shown us n wil : piece p fiied very greatly we propose erecting a hand that the annual payments to be ; ea a about the grounds ail from the bottom of the hill.) made for this frame building will mtestants «are : - which will assist the children in}pe considerably greater than for e champion o Phe practi teams turning |windy weather, and in any event/the permanent building, for the who takes on/up lat zames can be easily|the climb is only several hundred|;eason above stated. Mr. John- Alice Arm Phe viated and it ertainly would/yards further than they have aticson states that the carrying ie Dest two out « be good for the gan it were.;present to go on Borden Street.|>oharges for this permanent schoo! itch as cate@k car Wh warn scheduled to 8. Answering the objection that} (peckoned at $150,000) will only start al a certam time and the/|there will not be good water pres-|amount to an added three-quar- determime the players tur up fifleer and/sure in case of fire, il is our pur-|ters of a mill to our tax rate shampionship o f | twenty-tive minuies after thejpose to install an electric pump} while a frame structure at $100 Columbia Aw cheduled time, it gels the spe to. give this pressure, thrs pump|990 would mean an added 1% ld hands at the sore and the result is thatjonly to be used in case of fire. A|miiis to the tax rate. he match ought|perhaps they stay away in the!tank under the roof will provid In a permanent building we ad « f Phe quality of football)suflieient force for water supply|will have greater security from Ph | bring the wdjin the sehool rhe city engineer|fire, and much less cost for fire a quar uit and th milvy thing neeessary}and our architect have both de-|jneuranee repairs and general ind many are ex-'to see is that the players turn outjclared this to be feasible upkeep, and we think the time has the mini i m ind that the game starts Finally, it is impossible to s€-|leome when, as a city, we should lay ym tin Now halt the days areicure a silt which has no objec ommence to get away from so gretting shortet! gan starting |tionable features, and in eriticis much temporary, make-shift eree- people have ad- at 7:15 just finish when it is be ing the Acropolis Hill site the)tions, and thus avoid the neces- : for sale in this ‘ginning to get dark above reasons must all be con-|sity of having te be continually have had dozens . ve idered, and though the majority |penovating and rebuilding as the is a result Some Choose ve wh materials and|of this Board were at first against)ojd temporary structures become seep their furni ty when vou have corsets made|the Acropolis site, tt is now UN-| Gejapidated. not advertise. by M Direetor. Phone Blue 92 mous in its favor after a Defeat Detrimental. Finally, we desire to impress upon the Primce Rupert rate- payers, in the most forcible man- ner, that the defeat of the present iRylaw will result in a delay detri- | mental to the best interests of } ryuabolic school edueation in the | ‘ The at livul ply Dit im ic ai eady complaining about the ef the temp child- rary and as the i population is steadily fast ects upon the eves of the rented now in el of premises schac nere use, ’ ; ‘ . +? tsibie tlhe sibuation ilk baik standpoint of schoo! room accom nodation, will be desperate be ore the new building can be itilized We urge the ratepayers, there fore, to give this Bylaw their i loyal support and thus show the rest of the province Prinee Rupert's attitude towards facilities. KIRKPATRICK SHAW, education ELIZABETH PREDERIOCK lL. W. PARMORE W. 'T. KERGIN When you have read the news look through the elassified column on Page 6. Theatre Tonight “Th cl . © Doctor and the Woman” showing at the Empress Page 8 SATURDAY --- FOR CASH ONLY ON SALE AT ~ Fuller's Special : 60c. TEA 58 @ een PER POUND ONE DAY ONLY Limit Two Pounds, and delivered only with “ other goods Watch Next Week’s Notice for PRESERVING PEACHES FULLERS, LD. Two Stores. fas 44, 45 and 534 ==), BIC BEB LF tt A. ( BD. W. MORRISSEY Phone 673 WILFRID KELLY P. O. Box 1664. Prince Rupert (rocery | Company 9 Having more stock on hand than money in bank, takes this " method in giving the public high grade value for their cold e cash. The prices set forth below will be maintaned until > this advertisement is changed, when a further list of good od values will follow. These prices are absolutely for cash ' over the counter. No C.0O.D. or charging to account will command these prices. Delivery will be made by auto on ye the day suceseding purchase. * Coffee, Malcolm's Best, is . -60c. -$1.16 5s . .$2.86 he See Veber) Ser Di. «.ntttndssedsenemaneemuee 65c. SID 0.21.0 4: pntndnp, apnedis-aeiceidiies tena a a a 2 for 36c. Clarkes Pork and Beans, tomato sauce ........ 2 for 26c. GES AUN RII 5.4 nik nih 0,2. 6 a eee 5 ibs. for 50c. ViemeOe. DOP GOI 6. nt nic ins ch bcbesks cli, .60c - Fancy Biscuits, all varieties, per Ib. ..............05 30c. ,, Jam, Strawberry, 4s $1.25. Black Currant, 4s, $1.00. Red i © + Currant, $1.00. Kaspberry, 4s, $1.20. Strawberry and F apple $4.00. Green gage, 4s, $1.00. % Tomatoes, 24s, per case $4.50, per dozen $2.40, per can, 2 for 45c. Tomatoes, 2s, per case $3.75, per doz., $2, per can 2 for 360. Molasses is a £ os Prince Rupert Grocery Co. ee > I ; , Domolco, 28,..... SOe;. 3e,..... 4 40c. 5s..... 60c. woljet pager, gper-velhy ic... 5 so cae Read bh oe Bo. Piloharte, per-e6a;. «As owie is Chk. 64 dai ic en ee 20c. Post . Tonehhee@eriiiiiia 600 ge eee eee eee 1c. Ot WOO... 6:5. 60k. OE eck ind ss ee ee 35c. a Re eee oe ee San 2 for 26c. 2 — =) Ormes Limited “Joxall Jonadiag While our stock lasts we will GIVE AWAY FREE—A BATHING GAP with every purchase of Rexall Preparations value One Dollar or over. Mie. 5 vile -atertinnsn tan .—_ - wb « Come early and take your choice Phones 82 and 200 Store P.O. Box 1680 3rd Avenue and 6th Stree? 9 Yes - - Irs BETTER Domestic Rread Made by Machinery PASTRY &| 717 Third Ave. | WEDDING PIES CAKES A Pound Cake Phone 190 SPECIALTY Section om Lots for Sale Lot 13, Bioeck 6 #476. Assessed si.eae (a ih 3 a {308 Lut Bleck 7 485 Assessed at 2,600 i Block 7 425 Assessed at 1,700 mud 17, Block 26 $2,750 Assessed 7,800 THEO. COLLART REAL ESTATE NOTARY PUBLIC MIRE iS. ANCL . WESTHOLME THEATRE GLOOK at .