PARE FOUR aroon," whom he U convinced 1a really jea, m iriena, Minin utie, nr. Aisngei Ferryman calls and requests tru Strang happenings at 28S Bank Street, the house next to the one In which he lives, be Investigated. Axelson. a 'watchman employed by Ferryman to iriiarf tha Yum In whtah h lived be promises to help her. INSTALMENT THIRTEEN about All is, ss me vou ' J-1 Hcuuiiureii "You mean you can't more .without violating n say con- flderice;" "It's worse than that, sir." "And you still Insist there Is no 'such person as Doctor Moffett?" "If there is, I've never heard of him or seen him." Dale was at a loss how to proceed. All he had gained was confirmation of the theory suggested by Miss Castle, that Miss Conway and Mrs. Ferryman had Thrilling Mystery Story In 30 chapters SYNOPSIS While Captain Bummer Is meditating on the escapades of Tie Pic been one and the same person. The mystery of her return and the events that led up to her appeared securely locked up within Axelson's grizzly head He knew no more about Doctor Moffett than he had known be- fore. His search for the explana "Dear me! And Miss Castle thinks she met Doctor Moffett here? Most extraordinary! She must be mistaken. It doesn't seem' ipossible. But, wait! Axelson tells me a number of strange things have been going on here tres-! passing, thievery, mysterious j sounds in the night. But you say! j this was in the daytime?" "About 10 o clock yesterday morning. Mr. Ferryman stroked his forehead as if to arrange his thoughts. "I was in Mount Vernon yesterday morning, visiting a sick friend. Some one might have taken "But Axelson was here. He is old, but alert and reliable. I don't understand it. Why such things should be going on in my house is beyond me. You say the interview was of an unpeasant character? "Extremely so." Dale consider ed again. The bereaved man exuded a gentle sympathy that in spired confidence. "Miss Castles father, through no fault of his own, has found himself in a er compromising position. This mysterious Dr. Moffett is taking advantage of it to blackmail him, and he is trying to intimidate the tion of the green light had been father through the daughter fore h moved next door after h! fruitless am telling you (his in wife had deserted him. ha heard foot-1 Ms forehead puckered jD I confidence, of course." atepa and seen an wrle green light. t,nyt AV,Qnfl v, -M... "You can trust me, Mr I strictest Dale. just as Ferrrman is showing th - ' ' This is surprising news, indeed, or the ood I paneling t, at captain a picture of his wife the y on, Virgil Ellsworth Castle a victim of telephone ring, and side of the room Suddenly hi. uiackrnaiiera! Astonishing! I finding a wcmsnis body at 22 Bank , rovm,, eyes raused and contra . dont know Mr Mr. Ca Castle sU personally. Btreet. Summer, and Ferryman hurrv;ted Wfls thcre & ,n Jn fnow "The picaroon." who prey, upon woodwork or could it mean able. Blackmailers a! work in my the rkh and then offer the return ! The opening of the door scat house! It's incredible yet it may of his loot en the payment of io p.tered j,is thoughts. He turned be 80- I fel as J I were In Part cent cn lxs value no cn&rity; s wiik- ten a not to Adele Castle, requesting a meeting In Central Park. Adele has had a terrifying experience. She was taken to a strange house where. through a queer green light, she could glimpse only the outline of a man calling himself Dr. Moffett, who tell, her he hold, evidence -which would convict her father of being connected with a crooked financial deal and send him to prion. Mr. Castle tell. Adele Or. Moffett demand. blackmaU of 100.000. Summers continue his Investigations and finds a band from a Verona, the special sort of cigar Msrtln Dale smokes. The -' captain and - Dale meet " In quickly away from the object of responsible. hia rnntimn1t?rtn Tn h A.yrrr.1 . un , . ... ... way stood a tall, white-faced man with a stricken look In his eyes hand. have suddenly lost all its elas ticity. For a little he stood thPro no, .Mr. rerryman. no could possibly attach to Dale rose and extended his "Pnrcrivp mp for wnrrvlnflT His dignified garb hung loosely ivou with such a matter at ihis aoom a ugure that appeared to time They shook hands. "If I can do anything to assist gazing about him In a weary and JI88 Castle, please command .me," somewhat near-sighted manner, ine "'T, , , Lm?lc' . m with a more or less questioning ,0mont "r.L nicrVit. Mr. expression. i m-i. "Who is this gentleman?" he in-l 1 1 1 UtllC lUi 1 1 v. I Olio. v a restaurant and save that Dale seems quirea 01 Axelson. mlnf hs, PVe rested on the to know something about a green light' I .don it know, Mr. Ferryman. 'waln8coting at one side of the and admit, thar there are ft Ver- He hasn't told me his name. He Something appeared to en-u the country. Summer, learn, has been Inquiring about a Doctor 'ge room. hi. attention for a moment. He tell. and then he ook,hi8 departure, Adele and Dale meet; he w pmtnt during her strange " tUn ,nJ ,ack Zv Inl MoffettT" wuL. ,ifleS8 7 Th nnmo The moment he stepped out in interview with Dr. Moffett. hieh and, trom the clear, crisp autumnal eve- took place place at at 362 Bank Street, and "1,B shook nintra load of depression seemea ma neaa. "iou mnv irn. A-rUrm m " i irA Conway. Don't tel. the visitor with lu,terIeSs eyes. ?a no an uyTumber The didn't know that Miss The g inspection seemed to satisfy f t door opened a taII figure f!nnwnv nnH Mrs Ferrvman were him. knocked you down with a er." feath- niKiiaitu a jucssaKB lu ...ill no nnH in n shfldowv door- I Axelson Explains lDaIe- A slight nod was the re- . . . i . . sponse. Dale dropped the subject. With a drntnrinir len Mr For. "Well, let's hear what you know yyman came forward and surveyed . , with Willi U' "I "am sorry to time like re intrude at a way opposite No. 2C2 Bank street, where he waited. Soon the light in the library went out. The house seemed 1o bowed head and dragging the same person, because when I ,Xt t you were in- ,t walked down the 8tepg pro. first mentioned her name you "luiw. hK fl .hde .tiJ eded few paces on the side- were so startled l couia have Vft.- voice. waiK, tuen iurneu into tne aujom- ' fnni Vi riar Dale L,J,C waited w"ilcu only a " few moments I his Mr K-rrvnn ! Was that. The police haven't got an y. inai n " n ue ,h,s house- He inkllne inkling or of the the fact tact. Mr air. f Ferrv- erry- sighed heavily, inquiring for?" man hasn't either. I don t see . A. .Vi. V, how you got hold of the secret", "Moffett Moffett?" Mr Ferry-' RJ'n' Arms Cup'Is Up for Com". 'Never, mind that. How long man shook Ws finely 'shaped petition Next Week had 'Miss Conway, or Mrs. Fer- head. "No. I never heard the! ryman. Been back in town?" 'name before. What led you to' "Only a few months, sir. think you would f nd him here?' "How did it happen Mr. Fer- 'Dale Considered for -a moment ryman never saw those months?" "Because she kep Sight. You see, there were rea sons" "Well, go on." pleasant interview with thU liop- L otml.rVif'onol nT tinnf fltruro and she has r en mm tn tielleva hftt . P01"1 s- and fixed his interlocutor with the interview took place In this a look of feeble defiance. "I've house. " said enough too much, maybe,. Wainscoting I've) nothing more to tell. R. W. Cameron won the spoon t vesterdav at the weekly shoot ati , , , j u jjj l . . i . umu anu . urass uciuk uuuui- i ner . rhr,rnVTxl! v?ererTnnaPd int!oneatCoh . nine iu miiiti umer ieuiie a ir.u- ;,t out of -.-..i.. -hoot the Royal ulat Mr. I've Mr. Ferryman opened his sor-,L. H. Howarth...2G sunk pretty low, I guess, but rowful eyes Inuiringly. "She there's a limit. I've got a few thinks it took pTace here. I don't shreds of honor left, and I am understand." hanging on to them. You can do1 "Strange as it may seem, she ' your , damndest, sir, but I won't .interview "5?"" in a Ji1 manner ff that if, 0' made S! say any more. 'u impo88ibe for her to discover Dale viewed him with amaze- the address. She Is almost posl-ment. Again the question came tlve ihat this is the house, how-back was Axelson a man with ever." a dual .nifture, a blend' of good; "Very strange. There Is no Doc-nmi wUipitns. nr n rnnaummnte tor Moffett here. There never has been, as lar as i am aware, wno is the young lady. If I may ask?" Dale hesitated briefly. He had not been entirely frank so far. He knew positively that this was the house in which Adele Castle had met Doctor Moffett, but to say so would involve endless explanations. He could see no harm, however, in replying with candor to the last question. "Her name is Miss Adele Castle." Mr. Ferryman was surprised. "Not a relative tl VJrgil Ellsworth Castle t" - 1 "His daughter." R. McLennan.... 22 H. B. Eastman. .22 A. II. Young ....24 Macdonald. 30 34 28 29 24 2fi 22 Sport Chat The team representing the Thistles in the football this v?nlnir aorainst Empress There was great disappointment among many yesterday at the weather conditions which In terfered with the sports at the ' " THE DAILY NEWS Mondayr-AuKUH; j, CLEVELAND WON; MADE NINE RUNS ! IN NINTH INNING NEW YORK. Aug. 5. The Yankees won the opener from Cleveland behind Tom Zachary's fine pitching yesterday, but Herb Pennock and others cracked up in ( the second, which Cleveland won , by scoring nine runs in the ninth1 inning. Chicago increased the lead of that club to six and a half games by beating Brooklyn. Scores follow: National League Philadelphia 1, Cincinnati 7. Brooklyn 4, Chicago 6. Boston 0, St. Louis. 5. American League Chicago 0, Boston 8. Cleveland 8-14, New York, 12-6. Detroit 10-13, Washington 5-11. Saturday National League Philadelphia 1, Cincinnati 2. Brooklyn 2, Chicago 12. Boston 5, St. Louis 7. American League Chicago 15, Boston 14. St. Louis 8, Philadelphia 8, rain in eighth. Other games, rain. GOLFGAMEAT ACROPOLISWAS NOVELEVENT The final evdnl in the entertainment of the members of the Canadian Fisheries Association was one of the most enjoyable of the convention. It was a golf game arranged and conducted by Lieut, hC1, J W. Nicholls. The players, uxed sticks cut in the woods and the balls used were large water polo balls. There was lots of fun and the boys' barid provided excellent music Prizes were won by Messrs.. Joliicoeur for the first I'll attend to the ginUeman." pIvT. he walked 'to the . O-ld the booby prize Axelson departed, but at the the'bfock, crossed over to' cnd of mnrn m ,vrnp nr PJ5U"?fJ0ram0ment'aiid the other side, and walked back INJURED PLAYERS ARE BACK IN THE GAME him. He, recently played brilliant ly for the Shelburne four, finalist In the competition for a Long Island club championship. George Simpson, sent to the sidelines in the 1928 Olympic trials with a badly strained knee, was better than ever this year and climaxed a splendid season of sprinting with a new record for the century. POOR WEATHER FOR MOOSE PICNIC BUT RACES CARRIED OUT The annual Moose picnic was !, carried through yesterday after postponements Arms Arms several several previous previous pusiyu ons on you, Ferryman, .gf", andwwdTd in , drizzling rain whic men but it is a rather pressing matter. h mak the bes, tered deaJ wilh th the A,"in,..U"Lr . ment. The following we The following are yesterday's winner8 0f the races W. W. Lamb.... 28 W. Brass 20 R. W. Cameron.. nt .. i' Pi winners follow: u i.. cm, tr,i Tool- Mitpfiolt hlpffv WriofT. A. Blaln inier enjoy ere the mRa Children up to 4 years: Georgie 32 8G Welr J- Rbbie- B- Loni?-2584 Roys, 4 to G years: J. McLean, 2580 Louis Dutton, Roi Judge, 2571 : Girls, 4 to G years: Annie Pos-1967 tulo. Helen Clarke, Betty Barber. 20 C6( Girls, 6 to 8 years: Marln Erickson, Annie rostulo, o. Kjuno. Boys, 6 to 8 years: Alx Boil-He. Helge Holluston, J. Grlnson. Boyg. 8 to 10 years: W. Roma, matcjii.1. Johnson, H. Anderson, ress hi Girls. 6 ttf 10 years: J. Gomez. Hadden, Wood, Harrison Budn-' Boys? 10 to 12 .veas: DPomez, Ich, Baptie, Mitchell, Campbell. :S. Domlnato. A. McPhee. Thn smrea are Campbell and' t-ls. 12 to 14 years: G. Welle, Mlckev Casey. T. rostulo. Boys, ji to 1G: S. D6mInato, J. Glllis. AUen Hale. Girls, 14 to 16: T. Postulo, D. PrUehard, Francis Yager. Bovs. over 16 years: J. Gillls, BRITAIN'S NEW THREAT FOR SPEEDBOAT HONORS Above Is the "world's fastest speedboat" which Miss M. B. I'arntairs, the writ kn motor boat racer, has had built it Cowes, Jsle of Wight, and with which she hopes t. 1 i; to England the British Internat'onal Motor Boat Trophy, which is at preaent held ly t h. States. This boat, shown below, !s called "Estelle IV," and is of 3,000 h p. Above v M stairs, centre, with J. Harris, le t, and Captain Campbell Marsha'l. right, who will pil. t boat. U AT Ef DAD fiM n ii p i niir ii n Iinifl VrllVl lll jcept on ngnter lands, . rut re THE PRAIRIES Peace River Bright Spot In Al berta Situation - - rred Itoe, the lexas polo star, rain. Other areas near near death two years ago suffered neraistentlv ntly son, appear now to be able to more accurately appraise their losses and to determine which crops shall be ploughed down and which shall be left for threshing. . The remarkable thing this year, is that crops are as good asthey are. Cutting of rye and barley has I commenced in Manitoba and will j be general for the latter part of' the week. A few caes $f wheat j cutting are noted in Manitoba,! which hits been hot and dry ! through the province and wheat is not filling normally except at; Swan RiVer. where an average1 crop is still possible and at Russell where a three-quarter crop is anticipated. The general outlook is for a alf crop. Summerfallow wheat Is holding its own fairly well, this factor contributing to the patchv conditions frequently reported on In all sections where some, good, many bad and a few indifferent stands are obvious. Northern Saskatchewan hasl suffered somewhat from the heat. during the week. Yorkton, As-quith, Dodsland, Brookeby and Tisdale subdivisions would welcome rain and relief from the hot weather. Many central and, southern points, having long since despaired of securing crops are now concerned over the feed outlook. Rosetown subdivision H. Pritchard. Dorothy Prltchard; Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown. 1 Married Women's Race (first prize only, donated by Messrs. Malklns Ltd., hamper): Mrs. R. Long, Mrs. Yager, Mrs. Brown, i Men's walking race: C. Lemon, J. Judge, R. Long. Moose picnic. Had it been a fine:D. Gomez,' Allen Hale. Women's blindfold race: Mrs. day, there would have been a re- Girls, over 16 years: M. Mus- R. Long, Bessy Derry. Mrs. cord attendance. As it was, many gallem, D. Pritchard, Theodore Brown, who Intended to do so, did not PoRtulo. " I Tne Moo,e wish .to thank Geo. go, and others who went to Mixed, three-legged race: Joe Bushby for the loan of a scoxf Digby Island, soon returned. iRatchford, Marie Mussallem; boat. auires rain for,,filling. Summer-fallow wheat from Tichf ieW , to Eatonia ts likewise promising but oats are. verji. paof.i Seme farmers have had to haul" Water for their stock. WINNIPEG. Aug.5:-With 'the Z. A'berta rapid approach of harvest " hJ ? . r? , . , itlver r country. Here: crops , cort- throughout the Western provln- , a. favorable coiditlon lL. L A J a I r A 1 FOREST-FIRES i V has fair prospects for ,wha Ax- Farmers on Hanna mkI, are reported to bi- reilu ng th- livestock holdings on tti: count. NUMBER 101 VICTORIA. Aug "V ' ,,ry "ie with harvest about threeweeka number of forest ij. past week has not Improved the Athabaska aubdlvMon Columbia this year Z v Jl : c : . r i should fiia NEW YpiiK, Aug. a: iney cording to the fourteenth week-.17:;- -- - a ?r normal The weather v always come back lor more. y crop report of the C.N.R. sec- VArfrAifll I a I "l , , declared to be xtn n . t hs9 frmataat nm 1 ' "-7" . n 1 1 ,,.1-1. vi'iiuit " Tommy Thevenow, with a tions which had previwidy re- the weatt-r lu ua,c jihmucu nuHiewnai ana are still remaining ).. ened with permanent disability plain of a too rapid ripening of ?Te wheat W,U be har- fnvorable to fire figl.r, In Anril. He is now plavinir irood ,ni. . --f .i ited- i amouver reports , rVZ-sk- filiVii-. I . 5 .Vi ! , . . i In n Central Central Alberta. AlUrin Wr.M, howev, C Kupert upe" 123. l Prin. relieved bv f rom!-rfe'd T' very low and the lhe interf0'V1 otlier M Axelson appeared acutely dls- Dale answered him. "I have heard Vi " ' 4ha miirht have I "er hU pony had fallen upon 'drought during the growing sea-!!11 Rituatin ' already assum- bcr loss is particulai tressed. He fidgeted, shifted his of your bereavement. I had no rVK "la""," Ll" "V. weight from one foot to nUher intention of disturbing you In jW and mopped the perspiration (acp here- 1 tdfidn 1 Pet to find you M f the library. Bui the from his forehead. Gradually he pression that ,cgtrug,e waa brief grew calmer. A semblance of his A" u"!u ,"Crl.,u. My me Dy "No. not tonight," was his de- former dignity came back. ..Sit down. r)ni. con lalnn Said the Thnn fno ovnntntr hpinir hefiuti Y-ou did surprise me, sir," he older man gently. "You need not" fuI wit'h an invigorating tang in nfeseed. I thought I was the apologize. As a matter of fact, this lhe ajr he walked home ly - man alive who knew about the .1 first . . I time in i . ncary a , four; I . J . onlv RIFLE SHOOTING ing ratho rserious proportions, but there is no uffi 2nd of a Srict Judltt of food liquor In many laruli havtnhoed the opinion of this oU tnfliih Merchant. Far will you trtnl to find th equal of thli etctllinl Cln. "Brother John who doth travel the road hath writ mc that a Merchant in the service of Mr. Josiah Billings, Ship's Chandler of great renowne in Liverpool, hath bestowed high firaise upon the quality, lavour and strength of Vickers' London Dry Gin Many cases have been contracted for, to be billed to agents abroad good tidings." VICKERS FINEST KONDON DRV GIN SS5SsB3il wuuim it JOSEPH It JOI1N VICKERS CO. LJ. IOHDOH jySQ INCUNO iifr f This udvortiscmant is, not published or displayed bJ - - Liijunr Control1 Board qr by tho Qovernraent of British Columbia I j' - M fazrl i.,ir i. Pr.t ,.iyf ' had . .iu tl EXTRACTS FROM VICKERS" DIARY--17S2