dar! August 5, 1929 No 1 A Folding Kodaks Fnm $12.25 v0 f . Foldinif Kodaks From ?18.50 Kodak Films, all size in stock. Developing: Ma, printing1 (or amateurs. Daily service. Quality finish. " ' ' : : yw Pioneer THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Malllnc 1 rum rrliirc Knurrt lot VAM'Ul VEIt. VICTORIA, SuiiiiMjii liuy. I'.utrdalu, Alert Hay, etc., Tuesday. 3:30 V iu. n.r VAN ol Kit. VICTORIA. Itulrdalp. Alert llay. rte;; Friday inldnlrht lor UK'K AllM. ANVOX, STKWAKT. Nwl Klver, Port blnipnoii, Sunday 8:00 p.m. Ijr l0KT MMI'MIN AND WALES ISI.AXU. Tnurnl.ir. tt.m l'l 2nd Aifii ie It. M. n.MlTM Agent Prince Rupert. II. C. II ruucli t'rkrt mid to Victoria aiul fcrattto find baoyje checked Ihroudi l destination. cwadian; pACinc; B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES uirii r'fi rniM'K b'i'kkt To Krtrhlkan, Wranrcll. Juneau and Skarwar AU(ut 1. 3, 9. 12. 16, 10. 2S. 26 To Vinrouvrr. VI ''la and nttle Ali(ut 3. 1. II), II. 17. XI. 31, 28. I'HIM'Kxs MARY (- n I'alK Hr . Vnncouter and Victoria etery Friday 10 p.m. Atrntt (or all steamship Lines IV r OKCIIAKI). CKNKUAI. ACIKNV Prince Uuprrt, It C riione 31 3rd Ae Canadian National Ok Largeft Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE H.lllnS"' tr.'tn ritlNri: IIITIKT for VAMOHfR. VirroiOV HK4TTI.K nd Inlrrmedlate point. Morula) ThyrniUji, 4 p.m.; Saturday), 7 p.m. lor ANVOX and HTIAVAKT, Monday, 8 p.m.; rrldaya, 4 p.m. lor MASSKTT INM.T POUTS. Mondayf, 8 p.m. for col Til qi ei;n lllAHI.OTTi: lUNU. fortnlghtl lor Mv.MlUAY. UrdrieMlayi, 4 p.m. PAM.SKMIEK TltAINS I.UVC TKIM E flt'PEICT DAILY EXCEPT SCNIIAY at 11:30 a in fur I'lllXCE fiEOIKJE, tf)MO-10N, UlNMPEIi. all M,iuU UtMtrn (-aiuuU, United glutei. AOIIMIY ALL OCKIN STEAMSHIP HXr.S City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prime Rupert Phone 260 "Caterpillar MEAN HETTEK, QUICKER, Sole Distributors for It. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 1M0 STATION STREET. VANCOUVER II.C. Branches: Prince George, Kclowna, Nelson SPECIAL to clear Cheese Cloth In Packages of 5 yards at'Ppl!B. 25c 10 yards at, per iltg...g(C U Kirkpatrickj SIXTH STREET KODAK TIME Brownies from $2.25 Vest Pocket Kodaks $5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks 7rom $11.25; No. 3 A. Folding Kodaks Prom $34.00 Cine Kodak. (Moviey, f. 3.5. lens $100.00 Druarists TELEPHONES 8?, 200 Tractors" CHEAPER LOGGING SPECIAL THIS WEEK! Surplus Wallp aper 33 1-3 DISCOUNT HHMNANT KPOM LOTS l.CU lt $2.00 ' A. w. Edge Co. Wholesale and Retail Paint Distributors Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dr. J. U. Gosse. Phone 086. f Mrs. R. V. Cameron arrived last evening on the Cardena from Vancouver. JIlss Gwyer, daughter of the aismct engineer, has been engaged as high school teacher at Terrace for thp year. Mrs. Harry Kejinedyfand young son, returned yesterday from Prince George where she has been visiting for a month or more with her relatives. Mrs. W. J. Wakefield of Stew art arrived on the C.N.R. boat Saturday, accompanied by her three daughters to spend a month holidaying with, Ex-Alderman and Mrs. R. F. Perry. Robert Nicol, J.P., secretary of the Provincial Command of the Canadian Legion, expects to be in Prince Itupert, August 22 and willalso visit Stewart, Aug ust 17 to 20 and Terrace, August 24, Smithers, August 26. ,A large number of people were at the -dock Saturday night to see the members of the Fisheries Association off sduthbound. They will hold a dinner at Vancouver and T. II. Johnson, president of the association, went south with them to preside at that event. ATTENTION ELKS! Regular meeting B.P.O.E. i Elks' Home on Tuesday night, August C at 8:30. 17P ANNOUNCEMENTS Leif Erikson picnic August 11 Catholic Bazaar. October 2 and 3. 158 Mussallem MEAT MARKET PHONES 81 AND 18 WEEK-END SPECIALS ROUND STEAK ROAST Per lb 28c GOOD SHOULDER ROAST Per lb 18c, 26c IrBEF; MINCEI) While you wait. itr io vc BEEF CUTTINGS Per lb. . .20c Cooked Meats and Fowl for Picnics Order Early and Catch First Delivery FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES PEAS 3 lbs. for 25c TOMATOES Per lb 25c BEANS Per lb 15c RASPBERRIES 15c PLUMS Basket 90c BANANAS 3 lbs. for COe Also Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Grapes at Low Prices Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-123 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&81 P. O. Box 575. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone- 657. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Football tonight, 6:45. Thistle vs. impress,. J. Walklns of Stewart is visit ing Jn the city. . ' I "Mrs. J..Bflig, Arthur Berg and ,Werrte&AMe visitors in the ity today 'frrjmUassiar cannery. Among those visiting in the, ity from Stewart today are Frances Burke and W. A. Math eson George S. Mayer of Port Cle-!iK meMs,.has been appointed coro- nsr Ity ann tpr ine rrovince oi British Columbia, Mrs. F. G. Dawson, accompan ied by her mother, Mrs. Ingram, sailed ori the Prince George Sat urday night for the south. Mrs. A. Ross and daughter, Mist Oral Ros, will sail this evening on the Prince Charles to make the round trip to the Islands. The Canadian Pacific steamer Princess Louise arrived in port this morning from the south at C:30 and sailed for, the north at 8 o'clock. Among. ren't incorporations is that of the Prince Rupert Drug Store Ltd. with capital of $10,000 and head office at Prince Rupert Canadian National steamship Prince Rupert arrived in port this morning at 9:15 from Al aska and. tailed at 4 p.m. this afternoon on her return south. The Canadian National steamer Frince Charles arrived in port this morning at 10:30 and will sail at 8 p.m. for Stewart, Anyox and Queen Charlotte Islands. B. C. Keeley, manager of the Canadian National Coast Steam shim is viaitlnc in the citv. lie wll tail ths afternoon on the) Prnce Rupert on his return south. Mis L. Halliwell, local school teacher, arrived 1n the city by train from Terraee Saturday afternoon and sailed the same evening on the Price George for a holiday trip in the south. R. Beaumont assistant mana r of the Canadian National. naot Steamships, arrived in the ity by train Saturday afternoon from the interior and sailed south on the Prince George the same evening. Pete De Jong, accompanied by Mrs. De Jong, who recently returned from Holland, where they were visiting their people, left on this mornings train for Smithers. where Pete will loin the staff of Soaly and Doodson. Before coming back to 'rrince Rupert. Pete had a look'.around the wthern nart of tlte iirovlnce 'vith Jk Gavigan. fate of the Uufr'rt Table Supnly. with wtym he hs1 to work hfre, but it did: not look eood tn him. He hied ! hlrnJf back 'north aritin, .'than which he says thorn.;! no place ' better, not evpn Holland".' I The Desire of a Boy's-Heart is io own a watch one of his very own. --v . ; Vhy 'deny him whtmKls ' ambition can be gratified for a few dollars. We have a guaranteed timepiece for $7.60. It is seven-jewelled, mado by an old reliable I" screw back and fronUioekel case. Good and string.. . i I (Jevvgllehs THE STORE WITH THE CLOCN Three carloads of lumber arrived fn the city from Juneau today and will be shipped east. For being intoxicated, Albert Woodcock was fined $25 or 30 dayMln'the police court!i'tnis mbrhln)?.'' ( ' Tf- ,v, jihe irnotprship Dellingham ar- rived In port orl Saturday with 25,000 cases of canned salmon from Kdtchjkan, ,Iri the jjollce court this morn- I'ODert uooper ana wuitam GRsnejj.lrialyes, were both fihed iPxicatio. r - Mrs. John Joyce received her commission as leader of the corps cadet brigade at the Sal vation Army meeting last night. Miss Harrison, matron of the hospital, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning from a holiday trip in the south. Mist Dorothy Creech who has been making the round trip to Skagway will continue south on the Prince Rupert this afternoon on a holiday trip. J. C. Gavlgan, who recently went Into business in Penticton, after being there three weeks, had a good chance to sell and took it. He is now In Vancouver. Major North of the B. C. Silver Mine, arrived in the city this morning from the north and will tall this afternoon for a trip to Vancouver on the Prince Rupert. Dr. Nichols of Edmonton arrived in the city this morning on the Prince Charles and left on the trai at 11:30 to visit with Judge Robertson at his summer camp at Fraeer Lake. W. E. Bailley, Marine Superintendent for the Canadian Na- tional Steamships, arrived in the city this morning on the Prince Charles and will spend a few days visiting here. V. Levington Comfort, who writes for the Saturday Evening Post and other magazines, was a passenger aboard . the Prince Charles this morning and wiP make the round trip to the Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Gould and Miss M. Gould arrived in the city from the south this morning on the Prince Charles. Mr. Gould is freitfht traffic manager for the Chicago Northwest Railway. They will return south on the Prince Rupert this afternoon. NO DECISION ON HIGHWAY District Engineer Says Invest! gallons Are Still Being Mads The following letter refers to a story published Saturday, when an article from the Omineca Herald was quoted: Editor. Dafly News: I wish to correct the impression conveyed to the public in an article appearing in your is- - if the third instant, headed "Aerial Survey Completed." to the best of my knowledge, no decision has yet been arrived at. It is true that Qutlook was not very promising on the first flight, but other possibilities would have to be looked into before any definite conclusion could be arrived at Tt is also true that investigations are being made on the south side of the Skeena, and I may lso say, in other directions, as pointed out in a recent stato-njcni issued from Victoria. Personally, I have made no defSoite statements of the Intention or the policy of the Department in t,hls connection. This is the prerogative only of the Honorable, tht Minister. The object of this la to advise your many readers that only, statements issuedi from, the, proper Source, t.e., from the heao of lie Department, should b taken serio.usly. I shall be very pleased to giv any information to the press any time that is. of interest to the public, in so far as my authority extends. ' Yours truly. W. K. GWYER. District Engineer. Daily News Want Ads" bring quick results. ficefvom Woiwyd f " i .rfSSKV - CABLE CORD TIRES A Tire of New Construction. The Supreme Product of the Master Tire Builder Maken alio of Belting, Hoae, Flooring, Dunlop Mazfll Golf Dalli Every worth-while feature claimed by automobile tire engineers today Is incorporated in the construction of Dunlop Tires Robert Thompson charged with supplying liquor to an Indian and Susan. Lcighton, charged with being intoxicated, were both remanded in the police court this, morning. Mrs. Ensign Yarlett, field matron of the Salvation Army at Glen Vowell, was in the city over L k ..!,. i n, hue nctA'uiu twiu aoaioicu ill wc meetings of the local corps yesterday. She returned on this morning's train. At the Salvation Army meeting in the Citadel last evening, Corps Cadet Edward Harmon and Coma Cadet Dolly Smith. Corns' Cat Evelyn Pierce received certlM cates for advance studies during the past six months in Scripture and Salvation Army work. The M. J. Hobin tour party, (who have been making the round trip to Skagway, arrived in the ..i a tu p,j', n, the north and left on the train 12urnerJ g7'000 Cld Strage' Gtcn?6 7SSi.T. Cooth Fish- their homes in Jackson, Mich. "d7& Booth Flsh. . . , , , .'eries. 12.7c and 8c. Brigadier Carter, principal of. IIel(ra H lli500i AtUn Flsh. the Salvation Army training gar- erJes i2.5C and'8c. rison accompanied by Mrs. Car- Tramp'f 13i0oo, Cold Storage, ter, is scheduled to conduct the i2c and 8c ' B. C. Native Congress at Port, ' Essington, August 17, 18 and 19, assisted by Staff .Captain Acton and Adjutant Kerr, both of Prince Rupert. The Brigadier will also hold two nuttings in the Prince Rupnrt citadel, August 16 and August 20. Citizens: We need your assis-; tance. A membership ticket only costs you $1.00. This does not mean anything to you and much to the Fair Board. When the1 solicitors ask you to purchase 'one of these tickets, do not, hesitate, for it is a grand and! glorious feeling to know that you have done your duty. Besides, you .may win the lot for which there is a cash offer of $750. 'BUILD B. C A Milk For if Babies "It Is So Pure" Mrs. Alice Mills of Victoria sends ' a lengthy letter to Pacific Milkj which we are extremely glad to ac-1 knowledge. We take but a single observation from it. -, "Pacific Milk is so. pure, ,l so absolutely pure, it is the milk for babies," writes Mrs. Mills. The great value of the letters we receive is the splendid source from which I hey come practical experience. The writers use Pacific Milk and know it. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abhotsford, B.C. r:- imsi American Celtin. 50,000, Pacific Fish. eries, 12.3c and 8c. Zenith, 35,000, Royal Fish Co., 12.5c and 8c. Havana. 35,000, Cold Storage, j'o 10- 12.5c and 8c Brisk, 31,000, Cold Storage, 12.7c and 8c. Sentinel, 26,000, Booth Fisheries 12,8c and 8c ' Estip.' 14,500, Cold' Storage, 13c and 8c, uNorona, 12,000, Atlin Fisheries, and 8c Eureka, 8,500, Booth Fisheries, li2c and 8c. Eastern Point, 6,500, Pacific Fisheries, 14c and 9c Senator, '26,000, Atlin Fisheries, 6c and 8c. Canadian Johanna, 14,000, Atlin Fish- eries, 8c and 8c, STOCK QUOTATIONS Bayviev, 2Vi, Nil. Big Missouri, 1.57, 1.60. Cork Province, 10. Nil. Cotton Belt Nil, 50. Dunwell, Nil, 18. Duthie, Nil, 57. George Copper, 7.10, 7.30. Georgia River, 34, 35. Golconda, 1.02, 1.03. Graridview, 43, 434. Independence, Nil, 10H. Kootenay Florence, 15, 15. Kootenay King, 40, 40'.' L. & L., 2, 3. Lucky Jim", 9, 11. Mohawk 3, 4. Morton Woolsey, 44, 5. Marmot River Gold, Nil, 5. Marmot Metals, 3. 4. National Silver, 13, 15. Noble Five, 60, 60V. Oregon Copper, 20, 25.' Pend Oreille, C.35, 6.50. Premier. 1.86, 1.88. Porter Idaho, 49, 52. Reeves Macdonald, 1.88, 1.90. Rufus Argenta, 30, 30Vi. Ruth Hope) 37. 40. Silver Crest, 54. 6. Silverado, 90, 1.00. Slocan King, 4, 6. Snowflake, 47, 48. Sunloch, 2.05, 2.20. Terminus, Nil, 5. Topley Richfield, 25, 27. Torlc, 70, Nil. Whitewater, 61, 65. 'Woodbine. 4, 6. Bluebird, 10, 114. Oils'"' Advance, 14.00 Nil. A. T. Consolidated, 4.17, 4.18. Cnlmont. 4.90, 4.95. Dalhousie, 3.80, 3.85. Devenlsh, 60, 68. Fabyan Pete, UM, 12. Home, 28.75, 24.00. Hargal, 1.67, 1.70. Dallas. 2.80, 2.85. Freehold, 1.67, 1.70. Sterling Pacific. 2.09. 2.10. Mercury, ,L27, 1.30. ' United, '1.14. 1.15. Turner Valley, 1.05, 1.10. .